Edgar Benard

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This is Edgar Benard and he is struggeling to become a writer but has not yet reached sucess ,He is not a person that gives up easily and he will never stop trying.
Will Edgar fefill his dream only time will tell!

Hope you all like him.
The rest of the clothing is already in the the base game.
He is not packaged with non-default skin or with a default skin. and he is not package with a custom hair because his har comes with sims 3 pets.

Additional Credits:
Shoes/tights By Jasumi:http://sim-uploads.blogspot.com/201...ghts-shoes.html

Shirt by Myos:http://blog.naver.com/a980324

skin by ephemera sunny v.1:http://ephemera1969.blogbus.com/logs/121670108.html

Earring Lemonleaf:http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63e832e00100iy1v.html


Eyebaggage By Kittyklan:http://www.kittyklan.com/content/eye-baggage

Eyeliner By Shyne:http://shyneinnocence.wordpress.com...makeup/eyebags/

Eyes ohmyeyecontacts by escand:http://modthesims.info/download.php?t=397231

Eyebrows by Shyne:

Facecontour Blush By Arisuka:http://www.modthesims.info/download.php?t=416152


Chin to neck slider by Heiret:http://blog.naver.com/ginami97/107402943

Obs: in order to find the shirt look at the sims 3 section then click "clothes top" after that on the first page click on "long sleeve shirt for teens and adult males"
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