Automail Engineer Career

Trainee - Pay: §100 - M, T, W, Th, F
Being a beginner with little or no skills, you must learn the basics of being an automail engineer. Pay close attention, and you could learn what it really means to be an automail engineer!
Lvl 2:
Gofer - Pay: §250 - M, T, W, Th, F, Sa
As a Gofer, your job is to fetch things and do odd jobs for your boss. Still in training, you're not trusted fully. You've got to earn some trust by doing some simple jobs first! Keep up the good work, and a promotion will be coming your way.
Lvl 3:
Automail Shopkeeper - §357 - M, T, W, Th, F You've earned some trust, and now you can set your goals to bigger and better things. Now that your boss trusts you, you have the opportunity to keep an eye on the shop while your boss is away. Use this opportunity to show your boss what you're made of!
lvl 4:
Part Fetcher - §500 - M, T, W, Th, F
You know the saying "One step forward, and two steps back"? Now your boss has got you fetching parts! Only the best pieces can be used in this line of duty, don't mess up, or it could seriously hurt your career!
Lvl 5:
Beginner - §600 - T, W, Th, F, Sa
You're done with training, but you're still learning. It is best that you still seek advice from your boss, but now you have the oppertunity to show him what you're made of! Messing up now could seriously hurt your future!
Lvl 6:
Junior Engineer - §690 - M, T, W, Th, F
Now that you've got your hands on some tools, you can show your true skill in the line of automail engineering! Do your best, and don't mess up! Use this oppertunity to really show your boss what you're made of!
Lvl 7:
Well-known Automail Engineer - §750 - M, T, W, Th, F, Sa
Now that you've proven that you know what you're doing, there is no stopping you! Your name is starting to be known. Keep up your good work, and you'll be at the top in no time!
Lvl 8:
Trusted Automail Engineer - §840 - M, T, W, Th, F, Sa
People really trust you now. You can use this trust to become even more famous! Keep up your good work, fix some automail, and people will flock to you in no time!
Lvl 9:
Professional Automail Engineer - §970 - M, T, W, Th, F, Sa
Now that you're a professional engineer, your name is among all of the top-name Automail engineers. People flock to you from all ends of the country. Keep it up, and there will be no stopping you!
Lvl 10:
Famous Automail Engineer - §1300 - M, T, W, Th, F, Sa
Finally at the top, you are one of the greatest engineers out there. You're the engineer that absolutely everyone wants to come to. Give yourself a pat on the back, and enjoy your job.
Lvl 3
The boss is out to lunch, so $Me is in charge of keeping the shop while he's out. Little did $Me know, shopkeeping can be very boring! While wandering around, $Me notices that the business receipts are alphabetized backwards. Should $Me alphabetize them correctly, or leave them as is?
Fix them | Leave them
$Me decides to fix the receipts. When his boss returns, he sees what $Me did, and is very happy! $Me gains two logic points for fixing the receipts.
$Me decides to fix the receipts. When his boss returns, he sees what $Me did. It turns out, he wanted them that way! He scolds $Me for quite some time, and then settles on docking his pay.
$Me decides that he will leave the receipts alone, and carry on with shopkeeping. Later he asks his boss about the receipts, and it turns out his boss intended for them to be that way. $Me gains one logic point for his wise choice.
$Me decides that he will leave the receipts alone, and carry on with shopkeeping. His boss returns to realize his mistake of alphabetizing the receipts backwards, and scolds $Me for not fixing them. $Me gets his pay docked!
Lvl 6
A teenage boy comes to the Automail shop, and asks $Me to repair his arm. $Me gladly does so. Later on, he realizes that he forgot to place bolt 'B', which is a potentially vital part. Should $Me call the boy and ask him to come back, or forget about it?
Call the boy | Forget about it
$Me calls the boy and urges him to come back right away. The boy comes right back, and $Me repairs his arm correctly. $Me's boss is happy that he did the right thing, and gives him a bonus of $300!
$Me calls the boy and urges him to come back right away. The boy comes back. $Me inspects his automail, only to realize that the bolt did not belong to the boy's automail. $Me spends the rest of the day tracking down the owner of the bolt, and his boss docks his pay for sloppy work.
$Me decides to leave it be, and not call the boy. Later on, $Me is happy to find out that the bolt did not belong to the boy, and was just an extra piece. $Me gains one charisma point.
$Me decides to leave it be, and not call the boy. Later that week, the boy comes back with his arm in pieces. It turns out that the bolt was vital, and caused his entire arm to fall apart. $Me is fined $1000 for repairs!
Lvl 9
$Me was sitting around, waiting for some customers to show up, when out of no where his boss comes in. $Me is a bit concerned, because the boss doesn't usually show up at this time of day. $Me's boss asks him to repair his automail. Although $Me is honored, he isn't sure that it is in his line of work. Should he accept his boss's offer, or refuse?
Accept | Refuse
$Me is honored to accept his boss's offer, and happily repairs his automail. $Me's boss is so happy with his work, that he gives $Me a promotion!
$Me is honored to accept his boss's offer, and happily repairs his automail. Afterwards, $Me is horrified to find out that he put the wrong parts in his boss's automail! His boss soon finds out, and demotes him back to Well-known Automail Engineer.
Although $Me would really like to repair his boss's automail, he sadly refuses, and explains to his boss that he doesn't feel comfortable repairing such an important piece of automail. His boss respects him for that, and gives him a bonus of $300!
$Me refuses to repair his boss's automail. His boss is very displeased with his decision, and explains to him many times that if he doesn't get comfortable working with anyone's automail, that he will never succeed in this line of duty. He docks $Me's pay for today.
This career should be compatible with all expansions.
P.s. the icon is supposed to be an automail arm(Edward's to be exact) :P
Additional Credits: SimPE
Uploaded: 23rd Nov 2010, 373.6 KB.
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