17 Northshire Boulevard: The REAL Tiny Tudor

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Hey guys,
This lot is a result of me being bored one day and thinking of ways to challenge myself. I thought for a while, and decided to improve my constant problem of building lots too large by building a 1x1 lot and making it interesting. Normally I wouldn't share a lot like this, but I liked it so much I took it to the Creator Feedback Forum (thanks, guys!) and worked out the kinks. After about five different versions, I present to you 17 Northshire Boulevard: The REAL Tiny Tudor because the Maxis "Tiny" Tudor was too large to be called "Tiny."

It is furnished in what I would describe as an outdated style, where it appears the furnishings haven't been updated in a while. (However, to keep it modern sims in it as well I did manage to fit a TV into the budget). I tried to do it without Custom Content, because, though I love CC, I don't like cramming lots full of a bunch of CC someone may not even want, but in the end I gave in to two pieces: a matching overhead counter for the Seasons country counter and the "Open Me" door centered on two tiles to make the house look better. Thus, it is minimal CC. As far as how furnished it is; I wouldn't call it starter furnished because it is pretty full and has some decorative items but I wouldn't call it finished either, so I checked both boxes, as both are applicable depending on what you consider "finished." I have all EPs and SPs, and I'm not good at keeping up with which items came with what SP, but I unchecked the boxes I know I didn't use, and the ones that are checked I may have used. But, I'm not perfect, so I apologize for any inconvenience.

Also, the Maxis sidewalk clashed badly with the house, so I uploaded a few pictures with tacky Microsoft Paint-ed on instructions on how to fix the sidewalk.(Yeah, yeah, I know, my pics suck, but you guys get the point) It's basically Click-and-Drag with moveObjects on. I have also summarized the instructions in case they are hard to read/broken/eaten by llamas.

Your lot will probably look like this when you first place it.

To fix it, hit CTRL+Shift+C all at once and enter "moveObjects on" without quotation marks into the box.

Use the Dropper tool to select the cobblestone flooring and paint over the Maxis sidewalk and grass bordering the road.

And you're done. Turn the cheat off if you like. The lot will stay like this as long as you save it first unless you reset the road somehow (by putting it in the bin, for example).
(Nota Bene: It is best to do this before moving a family in, as it won't count towards the cost of the house, but it will cost money after the family moves in.)

Made with Mootilda's LotAdjuster

Lot Size: 1x1
Lot Price: $19,977

Custom Content Included:
- Upper Cabinet for Country Counter by CTNutmegger
- Open Me Door1 on 2 tiles by leesester

Additional Credits:
The folks in the Creator Feedback Forum.

Mootilda for the default floor edge replacements and the LotAdjuster, as well as for her work on the AnyGameStarter with collection packs, as it may someday allow me to make a version of this lot that doesn't have all those unnecessary EP and SP tags.

Whoever it was that first told me you could use moveObjects on to floor tile the edges of lots. I forgot who you are, but thanks.
Creator Recommendations:
This lot is pictured using Mootilda's Medium Wood default replacement floor edges found here

Some of the many OMSPs out there will make it easier to decorate on this lot once your sim gets some money, though it can be played without them. Just search "OMSP" and you will get lots of them.

In conjunction with aforementioned OMSPs, one can use the decorative fire and smoke effects found here to make a seemingly forever burning fire for ambiance.

MogHughson's Watch TV From All Chairs mod found here will remove any stupidity in sims trying to watch the TV upstairs.
Other Download Recommendations: