Pastel Lane Apartments

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Once upon a time I saw a 1x1 starter lot here on MTS, and I was impressed by how much fit into such a tiny space, and how stylish it was. The lot was Rookland Lane by TotallySimsCrazy. I wanted to make something similar myself, and when I found myself wanting cheap apartments that idea came back. The end result is Pastel Lane Apartments.

Pastel Lane is a suburban-feel apartment complex, for single Sims who don't have a whole lot of cash. Or just for Sim-players who like tiny lots! There are four apartments, in two slightly different shapes.

I hope you guys like it!

Size: 1x2
Rent: 530-601 simoleons

In case someone wants to make changes before using it, I have included a version that hasn't been converted to apartment lot. So if you think you want to change something, download the residential version and make your changes, then rezone it to apartment.

CC used
Because the idea is to have a tiny lot, I chose to use two pieces of CC that save some space.
- One tile desk by HugeLunatic
- Supa mini fridge by Targa (A version of the uni mini fridge that allows all meals to be cooked)
If you don't want to use these, read below under known issues.

Known issues
While play-testing this I discovered that the bathroom door has a tendency to get stuck in open mode. I've tried to find the cause, but haven't been able to locate it. Replicating situation doesn't always result in stuck doors, so it'll react differently for different people. If the door gets stuck for you, the mod doorjamfix by Pescado will fix it. You can find it here. If you don't want the mod, I suggest downloading the residential version, and changing the bathroom doors to archways.

Not installing the CC has made the lot crash when attempting to rent, for some testers but not for others. So to be on the safe side, if you decide to skip the CC, go in and remove the fridge and desk before you move in any Sims.

Misc info
- Uploaded lot has never been inhabited
- All four apartments have been play-tested, and I've found no issues aside from the bathroom door.
- Lot was shrunk with Lot Adjustor
- The furniture in front of each apartment is considered public, and the gate can't be locked. The front yards are intended to improve the feel of the lot.

A big thank you to joandsarah and iCad for testing this for me. To ScaryRob for looking at the bathroom door issue, and to TotallySimsCrazy for the inspiration for this lot.

Lot Size: 1x2
Lot Price (furnished): 530-601

Custom Content Included:
- SupaFridge -by Targa by Targa
- One-tile desk by Huge Lunatic @ MTS2
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