Glitches fixed:
XML did not read alternative height slider value correctly
Added functionality:
XML: Added tuning option "kUseHeadCorrection". This is a 3 way boolean: true, false, null
Undocumented Cheat Codes: Added ConsortGrowSliders, a nerdy and cryptic command line tool to modify (or fix) slider values of your town population.
20 Jan 2013 - Version 0.5 released
Glitches fixed:8 Dec 2012 - Version 0.4 released
-Recoded the body hair related waxing/unwaxing procedure for teens. In previous versions the hair did not grow back if the game was saved and reloaded.
-Workaround for a rare and inexplicable glitch that caused a hang when a Sim had a certain firstname/lastname. Many thanks to JT and little Marvin for helping resolve this so quickly!
Added Functionality
-Egghead correction
Growing children and teens get their heads scaled back into proportion.
This only triggers for children/teens that are taller than EA standard (I like the slightly squashed heads for the younger ones)
Teens get a full correction, children get only half-corrected (Child eggheads never bothered me so much, they almost look realistic)
-Error Trap should have nothing to complain any more.
25 Nov 2012 - Version 0.3 released
Glitches fixed:
-Probable fix: In rare cases, birthdays triggered by the custom cake could cause Sims to be reset during birthday procedure. Reviewed timing to avoid the issue.
-Silenced debug messages displayed by the cake. Sorry about the chatty pastry.
23 Nov 2012 - Version 0.2 released
Major Bugfix:16 Nov 2012 - Version 0.1 released
-Running the mod without Cmar's penis mod installed caused teens to not grow properly. Detection for sliders fixed.
New Functionality:
- New immigrants in town automatically get scheduled for nightly updates when running in "Enable Mod for all" (AutoActive) mode.
Glitches fixed:
- Bust size can no longer shrink while the teen is growing. Only affected genetically smaller busted female teens.
- ErrorTrap dereferencing warning issue reduced.
Major Bugfix:
-Mod now reads and writes the bust size slider correctly. Previous version caused too big breasts for adult Sims even after switching off.
-Playing a GrowMod enabled savegame, going to main menu, then loading a non-GrowMod enabled savegame could cause a birthday trigger to fire that updated a random Sim. Fixed.
New Functionality:
-Full support for teen pregnancy
Glitches fixed:
-Mod no longer provokes the invisible Sim glitch in the recent patch version. At least I think so.
-"Info" interaction did not always work, fixed.
-"Enable Mod for all Sims in Town" no longer includes service Sims like the paperkid. This is one step to reduce the number of non-found error Sims.
-I did something to the voices but forgot what
-Added kSilenceNotifications switch to silence notifications.
7 Nov 2012 - Version 0.0 released
Bug warning:
Version 0.0 has a bug in reading/writing bust size values.
Female Sims affected by the mod can have too large breasts when the mod restores genetic data.
There could be worse things, I know, but I classify this as a serious gene-affecting bug. A fix is on the way.
Some Info for you brave Testers out there
Thanks to everyone who is helping to test this mod <3
Just play your game and keep an eye open for what the mod is doing or not doing. Report in if you see something that looks unusual.
I don't have the Supernatural EP. I am very keen on knowing how supernatural teens react to the mod.
World Adventures(Travelling)
I have that EP. I have not implemented extra support for travelling yet. I consider it safe though.
My plan was to just lock all mod related interactions while travelling (Sims don't age on vacation, so growing makes no sense) but I postponed that because of Twallan's Traveler mod.
I suggest you don't touch any buttons while on vacation, but if you travel frequently you may want to test my mod's limits. I have not seen problems, just graceful unfound error sims so far.
Currently under investigation: Service Sims like the paperkid and the babysitter
Mod can be activated for them, but I will probaby just disallow that in the next release.
They seem to age and have a potential to grow, but the're not in the game when the nightly updates happen... fixing this might not be worth the effort.
I do not recommend this mod for beginners.
What this mod does
This mod attempts to give the impression of your Sim kids growing up.
This mod updates Children and Teens every night to simulate the physical process of growing up.
They grow in body height and shape and their voices are adjusted accordingly.
When the Sims turn into young adults, all the modifications are reverted as if nothing has ever happened.
Of course you can activate and deactivate the mod for each Sim. Or have the mod auto update everyone.
You also have to activate it manually for each world/savegame you are playing. So having one game with growing Sims and another with standard Sims is absolutely no problem.
How fast they grow depends on the lifespan you have set for Child and Teen in your game.
What values is this mod changing?
This mod changes the following values:
-Sim Height slider by bloom (included)
-Head correction slider (built in)
Same as Children and also:
-Weight and Fitness (both static and temporary)
-Body hair
This mod demands some responsibility from you as a user. Please read the instructions carefully.
This mod keeps the original data about your child/teen. Only the mod itself can restore the data for your sim precisely. This data is stored in your savegame, not in your Sim! Before you separate your Sim from the Mod or the Savegame you have to switch it off manually.
Uninstalling the Mod
You really should use the !CLEAN UP and save your game before uninstalling the mod. Technically you have to do this for every Savegame!
Exporting Sims and Households
The mod must be disabled for all Sims you plan to export in any way! This applies to copying sims to the library, too.
Installing EA Patches
Yes. You should !CLEAN UP and save your game before you install an EA patch. And yes. technically for every savegame you ever plan to reload.
This only applies to games in which you activated the mod. Playing any normal game without switching on the mod can be considered safe.
I really hope I scared you enough, time to tell you about...
The mod is switched on by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C and typing consortgrow and then pressing enter.
You will get a popup message asking you to confirm.
This is a security feature and there is no functionality to undo this.
This just unlocks the mod, it does not alter your sims yet.
The ConsortGrow menu only shows when you click on Teens and younger.
Shows you mod-related information about the Sim.
Sorry, some of the data is a bit cryptic. Important for you:
-Is the mod activated for the sim?
-How many Sims are activated in total?
Enable Mod for $Name
The Mod takes the Sim under it's spell.
Transforms the Sim to his/her new form.
Disable Mod for $Name
Transforms the Sim back to the original values.
Enable Mod for all Sims in Town
Transforms all Children and Teens in your World and takes them under it's spell.
Click this option any time again and it will do a check and only add new found Sims.
!CLEAN UP (Disable Mod for all Sims in Town)
Restores and applies original values on all Sims the Mod has data for.
Errors after playing the game for a while are not unusual. I'm getting them too.
Errors and left over sims mean that the mod holds data for Sims that are no longer in the game. This could have many reasons.
The mod is quite stubborn. It will keep the data of those Sims until they return (most never do) and lists them as errors every time you use this function. See this as a precaution.
More Details about Functionality
Birthday SpinNighly updates
For your household Sims, the mod tries to make the birthday spin look as smooth as possible. It does not alter the original birthday code of the game though.
Instead, it updates your Sim just before the birthday spin and again a while after. This proceducre can glitch and your Sims will have a wrong physique before or after their birthday spin. This is just a visual thing and will usually be fixed after a while or during the nightly updates.
Voice randomization and mutation
The nightly updater fires at 1 A.M. and updates All Sims you switched it on for
If a kid has a standard 0 voice, the mod attempts to inherit voice from same gender parent including a 10% mutation.
If that doesn't work or the parents also have 0 voices, the voice gets randomized.
This only applies to sims affected by the mod.
I should have made this switch on and offable, but if you care about voices you probably have adjusted them already.
The mod sniffs for birthdays and applies changes to those Sims - If you have activated them.
The mod also automatically activates after Toddler to Child birthdays if you are using the "Enable Mod for all Sims" option.
Even more Details about Functionality
This mod automatically detects if CmarNYC's penis mod is installed and adjusts size values for teens.
Reason: I use Cmar's mod and male teens modeled by this mod look really odd with the standard penis settings.
This can be turned off by XML tuning this mod. If you don't have the penis mod installed don't need to worry about it.
Known Glitches (and Bugs that are actually Features)
-Clipping. If you have played with custom body sliders before you will be familiar with the issue: Sleeping Sims might show through the blanket, their limbs appear to be going through a bit of the chair theyre sitting on. I chose Bloom's slider because it has minimal clipping, but its impossible to avoid this completely.
-Triggering birthdays with anything but the modded birthday cake will confuse the mod. Affected sims should recover after a while though.
-The birthday spin transition is not always smooth. There is about a 1/20 chance that you will experience visual glitches (wrong body height). Your Sim should look fine within hours though. There is a 1/200 chance (I'm making up these numbers) of an interrupted birthday which will have your sim run around looking strange until the next nightly update. Sorry for that.. hope i can fix that later.
-Resetting Sims does do anything but resetting the sim. It does not affect this mod or changes it applies to sims. Use the mod's own disable features instead. (feature, not bug)
-Switching the mod on and off makes a Sim lose weight/fitness progress gained from sports or from overeating. Affects weight and fitness, not athletic skill. This is not a bug but a precaution. The good news: The mod supports weight gain/loss and fitness gain as long as you dont play with the switch.
-Using third party tools like MasterController to adjust values which are also changed by this mod will most likely be overwritten by the mod during the next update. If you wish to change (for example) weight,fitness, bust size of a teen, please turn off the mod for that Sim, do your changes, then switch the mod back on.
-The mod is not tested in all thinkable circumstances. I dont have all expansion packs, so if you run into something, please let me know.
This Mod is XML tunable
XML Tuning
The tuning is not thoroughly tested
Basic:Changing these settings is considered relatively safe.
Advanced: Changing these settings while the mod is active in ANY of your savegames can corrupt cached data in the mod, aka "confuse" the mod. It is vital that you use the !CLEAN UP functionality on all relevant savegames first.
string kXMLstring
Name Your tuning mod. The string gets displayed when you click "Info" in game.
bool kCmarPenisModCompatibility
Turn compatibility mode with CmarNYCs Penis mod on/off.
You only need to set it to "false" if you are using Cmar's mod but do not wish this mod to do alterations.
bool kTestingCheatsRequired
(basic) When set to false, all the mod's menus are hidden until you press Ctrl+Shift+C and enter "testingcheatsenabled true" in the game.
bool kAlwaysAssumeZeroHeight
True: Sims always grow to the EA standard height (slider value 0).
False: Sims grow to their genectic height defined by the height slider. (This setting is a glitch magnet and not recommended, but the mod was tested in this mode)
ulong kHeigtSliderResKey = "E9B528D8A39D1885"
This is the resource key of Bloom's SimHeight slider. If you know what this is you can change it to your liking.
bool kAffectVoice
True: The mod models the voices of Sims
False: The mod does not touch the voice settings.
bool kAffectBodyHair
True: The mod attempts to wax teens and let the body hair grow back when they are at about 50% of their lifespan
False: Mod does not touch body hair
float kTeenAgeMin
float kTeenAgeMax
float kChildAgeMin
float kChildAgeMax
Percent values.
Describes the lifespan-offset relative the mod's design.
This relative age affects ALL parameters the mod works with (voice, hair, height, etc)
This is a bit complicated to explain. Let me try:
Let's say your lifespan for a teen is set to 10 days, and you use the default values 0% and 100% for Min and Max.
This means on day 0 (the teen just aged up from child) the teen will be rendered as a 0% lifespan by the mod.
Day 1 will modeled as 10% of the teen lifespan
Day 7 will modeled as 70% of the teen lifespan
Day 10 will be modeled as 100% of the teen lifespan
Lets say you do not like how the mod models young teens with their flappy arms and high voices. You want young teens to look like the EA teens but you like the idea that they grow to adult size. Here's what you do:
You would change the values to kTeenAgeMin = "50" and kTeenAgeMax = "100"
Day 0: (The teen just aged up from child) The teen will be rendered as a 50% lifespan by the mod. The Sim will just look like he/she was a teen after 5 days in the default setting.
Day 1 will be modeled as 55% of the teen lifespan
Day 7 will be modeled as 85% of the teen lifespan
Day 10 will be modeled as 100% of the teen lifespan
Values can be <0 and >100 without crashing but this is not really recommended.
Do not try to put in min>max values. It will not work.
bool kSilenceNotifications
True: Supresses chatty notifications like "GrowMod switching off for $Name", the boot message "ConsortGrow switching on.." is still displayed (considered "important"), all dialogs also still show.
Undocumented Cheat Codes
All cheat codes work even when the mod is installed but not activated for the savegame.
ConsortGrow (since 0.0)
Is documented
If you know whatcha doin:
ConsortGrowAutoActive (since 0.0)
Toggles the switch that auto adds Sims when a birthday occurs. Setting is displayed in "Info" and usually set ON by enable for alll and OFF by !CLEAN UP.
ConsortGrowKillTheDead (since 0.0)
Removes ALL error Sims from the mod's data
Use at your own risk, especially NOT while on vacation.
ConsortGrowSliders (since 0.6)
Iterates on ALL Sims and modifies slider facial slider values (basically all custom sliders are technically facial sliders)
ConsortGrowSliders #slider1 copyto #slider2 [optional arguments]
(copies the value of slider1 to slider2)
ConsortGrowSliders #slider setto value [optional arguments]
(sets the slider to value)
#SliderHas to be a hex value prefixed with #
Has to be the resource key of a valid slider (FBLN instance)
A raw list of EA facial slider values can be found here
Relevant for this mod:
Bloom's height slider (included): #E9B528D8A39D1885
Head correction slider (included) #B070845D2D84BB7A
CmarNYC's height slider (not included) #F9E284139E1F88CF
ValueCan be a floating point numberOPTIONAL ARGUMENTS
examples: 0.2 -1.23 1
Can generate a ranodom number
If prefixed with "r" is a random roll. The format is r, followed by the minimum random value, a semicolon, then the maximum random value.
examples: r0;1 r-0.80;0.1 r-.1;.1
no spaces please
if magicmakes the operation only operate on Sims if magic is true.
magic is a boolean value representing a boolean property of either the Sim-object or the Sim.SimDescription-object in EA code.
!magic is the boolean opposite of magic
you can use as many if thingies as you please.
example: if IsMale if Teen if !IsRich
magic is case-sensitive, so type carefully.
an automatically generated list of valid EA boolean properties can be found in this text file:
skipsetSkips all Sims who already have a set slider value.Real world example:
In other words: Only Sims with a slider value of 0 are affected.
example: this is actually a switch. just type "skipset" or dont type it.
Code:consortgrowsliders #B070845D2D84BB7A setto r0.9;2 if IsMale if IsVegetarian if !IsRich skipset
This sets the HeadCorrection slider to a random value between +0.9 and +2.0 for all male vegetarians who are not rich and who have a zero head correction value..
What are the files in the .zip?
ConsortModGrow.package (required)
This is the actual Code of the mod
Bloom_SimHeight_slider.package (required)
This is Bloom's excellent body height slider. The mod remote-controls it.
The slider shows up in the game in Create-a-Sim in the Looks/Nose section and is labelled "SimHeight"
ConsortModGrowBirthdayCake.package (optional)
This is a script override for the original birthday cake in the game.
Technically this is a scripted object override.
All this does is trigger some code in the main script when the birthday procedure is triggered via birthday cake.
ConsortModGrowTuning.package (optional)
This just contains the XML tuning file you can edit to your liking.
If no XML is found the mod falls back to hardcoded default values.
Switching to CmarNYC Height slider
-Make sure you are running version 0.6 (or later) of this mod
-You have CmarNYC's Sim Height Slider installed (this one
Ok, lets go: (This is the simple brute force version)
-Step 1: Delete the Bloom_SimHeight_slider.package from your mod folder.
-Step 2: Download ConsortModGrowTuning 0.6 CMAR from the files section and put the containing file in your mod folder (overwrite the old file)
-Step 3: Start the game, wait for the next 1 a.m. update to fix your growing Sims.
Or, do it the elegant way. This way you can keep both sliders installed and don't have to wait until the nightly update.
-Step 1: Download ConsortModGrowTuning 0.6 CMAR from the files section and put the containing file in your mod folder (overwrite the old file)
-Step 2: Start the game
-Step 3: Copy and paste the following cheats in the cheat console (Ctrl+Shift+c to open up the console). One cheat at a time please.
consortgrowsliders #E9B528D8A39D1885 copyto #F9E284139E1F88CF if TeenOrBelow
(copy the slider values from blooms height slider to Cmar's height slider for all teens and younger)
consortgrowsliders #E9B528D8A39D1885 setto 0 if TeenOrBelow
(set blooms height slider to 0 for all teens and younger)
consortgrowsliders #B070845D2D84BB7A setto 0 if TeenOrBelow
(do the same for the head correction slider)
Bug reports
Just keep them coming in.
Also report if it works fine for you.
When you report a bug:
-Please know your main game's patch level
-The Sim-Time of your crash is very interesting. A crash about 1 o'clock at night means that the updater fails, evening would mean that something with the birthadays might be wrong. Any other time and it might not be my fault but who knows
-Since you are not a beginner (this mod is not intended for beginners), you will be familiar with error logs. This mod writes them too. They are in your Documents..Sims3 folder and are only relevant if they contain the word "consort". If they do they might be interesting for me.
I am not aware of technical incompatiblilities
You definitely need to have a recent game patch installed. I recommend 1.42 but 1.38 also works, 1.3x is possibly good.
Not tested with all Expansion Packs
Mods or Cheats that change the age of Sims will confuse the mod or possibly break things.
What can I say? Thank you modding community, all of you. Let's work together!
Special Thanks to Bloom for making the height slider and allowing me to use and redistribute it. His site is here:
And of course:
The Buzzler, The Inge, Peter Jones, twallan, MDM, nona, a, cmo and you other folks over at the poop chat at Simlogical and the Modding Discussion forum here at MTS
Additional Credits: S3PE by Peter Jones S3OC by Peter Jones
Master Controller by twallan
CmarNYC's Morphing Penis mod
| Version 0.6 Compiled against 1.57 patch level
Uploaded: 17th Sep 2013, 31.3 KB.
ConsortModGrowTuning 0.6 CMAR
| OPTIONAL: Premade Xml tuning file if you wish to use CmarNYC's height slider instead of blooms. Please read instructions.
Uploaded: 17th Sep 2013, 1.1 KB.
| Version 0.5 Compiled against 1.47 patch level
Uploaded: 20th Jan 2013, 29.2 KB.
| Version 0.4 Compiled against 1.42 patch level
Uploaded: 8th Dec 2012, 29.1 KB.
| Version 0.3 Compiled against 1.42 patch level
Uploaded: 25th Nov 2012, 28.5 KB.
| Version 0.2 Compiled against 1.42 patch level
Uploaded: 23rd Nov 2012, 28.6 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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