Arms Dealing Mod
This mod gives your sims the ability to become an Arms Dealer with consequences such as being arrested, fined and serving a prison sentence
In order for the Arms Dealing mod to work properly you will need to install two other mods Arsil's Custom Trait Manager and Battery's C# Script Utility
Also, because the mod does add custom traits and a custom skill. I recommend making a backup save of your beloved games. As deciding to remove this mod after saving in a save can cause problems to that save.
Additionally, make sure you install each package on the zip file. Every firearms and even the Ski masks.
- Fixed Military Officer and Police officer being unselectable after meeting Arms Dealing Skill Requirement to Bribe Them For Arms
- Arms Dealing Skill
- New Interactions
- New Moodlets
- New Gun Meshes
- Jailing System
- Ski Masks for Males and Females Teens-Elders
Arms Dealing Mod Guide
How To Become a Arms Dealer
- Assign a Arms Dealer NPC
- Locate and Click the Assign Arms Dealer interaction(Guns.../Settings.../Assign Arms Dealer)
- Select a Sim that you would like to be a NPC Arms Dealer.
- Get Permission to Deal Arms
- Locate and Click Inquire About Arms Dealing interaction(Guns.../OtherRequests.../ArmsDealing.../Inquire About Arms Dealing)
- In order to obtain permission successfully you will need to befriend the Arms Dealer.
- Traits & Skills
- Upon Obtaining permission to Deal Arms, the sim will receive the Arms Dealer Skill and Arms Dealer Trait. Which will allow your sim to begin dealing Arms.
- How to get inventory
- Purchase from your Arms Dealer
- With a good relationship you can buy Pistols from the start from your Arms Dealer
- At Level 3 Arms Dealing Skill you will be able to buy shotguns from your Arms Dealer
- At Level 5 Arms Dealing Skill you will be able to buy SMG's from your Arms Dealer
- Bribe a Police Officer for a daily supply
- In order to bribe a Police Officer you will need to have your Arms Dealing Skill at level 4 and the Police Officer must be level 5 in their career
- Upon Bribing a Police Officer, you will receive a daily supply of firearms. In return 10% of your weekly gun sales will be taken out of your household funds.
- To collect your daily supply, the officer will send you a message each day telling you where you can locate your supplies. Once you get the message on where to receive them. Go to the location and click Collect Firearms interaction.
- Police Officers will supply you with 5 guns a day. Can range from Pistols, Shotguns, and SMG's.
- Bribe a Military Officer for a daily supply
- In order to bribe a Military Officer you will need to have your Arms Dealing Skill at level 7 and the Military Officer must be level 3
Upon Bribing a Military Officer, you will receive a daily supply of firearms. In return 10% of your weekly gun sales will be taken out of your household funds. - To collect your daily supply, the officer will send you a message each day telling you where you can locate your supplies. Once you get the message on where to receive them. Go to the location and click Collect Firearms interaction.
- Military Officers will supply you with 5 guns a day. Can range from Shotguns, SMG's, and AR's
- In order to bribe a Military Officer you will need to have your Arms Dealing Skill at level 7 and the Military Officer must be level 3
- Purchase From a Big Shot Arms Dealer
- At Level 8 Arms Dealing Skill you will be able to purchase AR's from a Big Shot Dealer
- Purchase from your Arms Dealer
- How To Get Customers
- Gain a good relationship with sim (15 LTR)
- After gaining 15 LTR with the customer, discuss gun topics such as Talk About Gun Study, Tell Funny Gun Story, Talk About Self Defense, or Talk About The Second Amendment. Location: (Guns.../Selling.../(Gun Topics))
- After discussing gun topics the option to Seal The Deal interaction will pop up. Select Seal The Deal interaction. (Guns.../Selling.../Seal The Deal)
- After Sealing the Deal the potential customer will either purchase the firearm, tell you they are not interested, or call the cops. All dependent whether the sim is For Illegal firearms, neutral, or against Illegal Firearms. Which depends on the sims traits.
- Sales & Transactions
- Upon Selling a firearm funds will be added to your household funds, the Arm Selected to sell will be removed from your inventory, and your Arms Dealer Skill will increase.
- The higher your Arms Dealer skill the higher your MarkUp value will be. Which means you will obtain more cash from dealing arms.
- Smuggling Guns
- After your sim obtains Arms Dealing Skill level 5, they will be able to smuggle arms out of their town by going to the hideout. This has the most payout, but also has the risk of making you lose a good chunk of your supply, money, and time.
- In order to Smuggle Arms you will need 20 of one AR's or SMG's. So for example 20 AK47's, 20 CompactAK47's, 20 Uzi Pistol's, etc. Shotguns and Pistols are not able to get smuggled. As they are not in demand as AR's and SMG's
- Between level 5-8 there is a chance to be busted by Police.
- Level 9 Arms Dealing Skill will completely eliminate this chance.
- When the sim is arrested, the default fine is 2,000 Simoleans.
- The fine is increased by the number and tier of gun that the sim has in their inventory.
- Tier1 - Pistols - 250 per gun
- Tier 2 - Shotgun's & SMG's - 500 per gun
- Tier 3 - AR's - 750 per gun
- The Prison Length Sentence is determined by the value of the fine
- Value of Fine <= 5000 - 1 Day in Prison
- Value of Fines >= 5000 and Value of Fines < 10,000 - 3 Days in Prison
- Value of Fines >= 10,000 - 5 Days in prison
- Heat Level System
- Each time the sim gets arrested, their heat level will increase.
- 1 Day in Prison will increase heat by one
- 3 Days in Prison will increase heat by three
- 5 Days in Prison will increase heat by five
- Other activities may raise heat
- Shooting a sim without a mask will raise heat by ten
- Committing an Armed Robbery without a mask will increase heat depending on the tier of the gun used to commit the crime.
- Tier 3 increases heat by 3
- Tier 2 increases heat by 2
- Tier 1 increases heat by 1
- Being caught during an Armed Robbery will increase heat regardless if you are wearing a mask or not. The heat increase is dependent on the tier of gun used to commit the crime.
- Tier 3 increases heat by 3
- Tier 2 increases heat by 2
- Tier 1 increases heat by 1
- You can lower your heat level by using the Lay Low Interaction (Guns.../Selling.../Lay Low)
- The Laying Low interaction will give you a Laying Low moodlet which will last for a day. While the moodlet is active, your sim will be unable to Deal arms and commit crime. When the moodlet expires your heat will decrease by 3.
- Each time the sim gets arrested, their heat level will increase.
- Death Sentence
- If The Sim's heat level is 50 or above, then they are eligible for a death sentence.
- Upon being served a death sentence, the sim will be locked up for two weeks. Once they are released, they will receive a moodlet explaining that they have been given a shot. Once the moodlet expires, the sim will proceed to die.
- Family Members of Arms Dealer
- When the Arms Dealer sim gets arrested, their family members and romantic partner or partners will receive a negative moodlet. Explaining how saddened they are of the Arms Dealer's arrest and sentencing.
- Visitors
- When the Arms Dealer gets arrested, their family and partner or partners will be able to visit the sim while they are incarcerated. Doing so will give positive moodlets to both the Arms Dealer sim and the family member.
Removing Arms Dealer & Big Shot Arms Dealer NPC's/Ending Deal With Corrupt officials
- Remove Arms Dealer & Big Shot Arms Dealer NPC(Guns.../Settings.../Remove Arms Dealer)
- Remove Deal With Corrupt Police Officer(Guns.../Settings.../Remove Bribe Deal With Corrupt Officer)
- Remove Deal With Corrupt Military Official(Guns.../Settings.../Remove Bribe Deal With Corrupt Military Officer)
Activities to help early on as a Arms Dealer at the bottom
- While Testing my mod, I found it difficult early on as a low level Arms Dealer to get enough funds to obtain a solid supply of firearms. Therefore I added two new minor criminal activities which are solid ways to get funds to get you started as an Arms Dealer. Without resorting to legally obtaining cash.
- Mugging Sims (Mean.../Mug)
- Note: The animation for the mugging interaction is not complete, because I was not able to figure out how to get a prop(gun) to appear during an animation.
- In order to Mug Sims you will need a gun in your inventory and the Arms Dealing skill.
- Allows you to mug sims for cash. If the sim is considered rich, you are able to obtain anywhere from 50-250 Simoleans. Otherwise you will have a chance to obtain 0-100 Simoleans.
- When you mug a sim the relationship will become negative to the point of becoming enemies with the targeted sim. To prevent this have your sim wear the Ski Mask I made for the mod. While wearing the mask the relationship will not go negative.
- If you successfully mug a sim you will receive cash. Otherwise if you the mugging attempt failed, you will not receive cash and you will receive a moodlet urging you to leave the area. If you fail to leave, then the cops will arrest you. Otherwise if you leave the area you will successfully evade the cops.
- Additionally, there is a witness system. If you succesfully mug a sim then any sim that is nearby will call the cops. So make sure no sim is nearby when performing the mugging. Blood related and romantic sims will not call the cops.
- Arm Robberies (Grocery, Bistro, Bookstore, Spa, or Diner)
- In order to commit a Armed Robbery, you will need a gun in your inventory and the Arms Dealing skill.
- Upon robbing a store successfully, your sim will receive anywhere from 500-1000 Simoleans. If unsuccessful, the sim will receive no cash and the cops will come to arrest the sim.
- The higher the tier of the gun the higher the chance that an Armed Robbery will be successful. So AR's are tier 3, SMG's & Shotguns are tier 2, and pistols are tier 1. However, the higher the tier the more heat your sim will gain if caught.
- If the sim is not wearing a mask their heat level will increase regardless of whether or not the sim successfully or unsuccessfully robbed a store.
- to prevent the sim's heat level from rising, make the sim wear the ski mask. Then the Sim's heat level will only increase when they get caught.
- Note: As of the moment the interaction is very basic and doesn't really serve much of a purpose other than to kill a sim. The animation is very basic. As of this moment I could not figure out how to get a prop (Gun) to appear during the animation. I only added this in because I knew people would expect a killing option in a mod that involves guns.
- Your sim will need a firearm in their inventory and need to have obtained the Arms Dealing Skill in order for this interaction to show up.
- The shooting interaction will cause the target sim to die.
- If the sim who committed the murder is not wearing a mask then the sim will be arrested and their heat level will have a big increase.
- If the sim who committed the murder is wearing a mask then the sim will receive a moodlet urging them to leave the area. If they fail to leave the sim will be arrested, otherwise if they successfully leave, then the sim will successfully evade cops.
- For Illegal Firearms
Sims with the trait Evil, Rebellious, MeanSpirited, Kleptomaniac, Insance, Daredevil, BornSalesman, or Inappropriate are all for Illegal Firearms - Against Illegal Firearms
Sims with the trait Good, FamilyOriented, Nurturing, Childish, or Proper are alll against Illegal Firearms - Neutral Sims
Sims that are not For or Against Illegal Firearms are all neutral.
- Glock17 - 522
- Hkp200 - 478
- EnterpriseWideBody1911 - 430
- Hecklar & Koch p7m10 - 474
- Intratec Tec-9 Mini - 818
- Uzi Pistol - 618
- Skorpian61 3 - 678
- Lupara - 626
- Beretta - 768
- Compact AK47 - 702
- Ak47 - 954
- Female Ski Mask - 3,060
- Male Ski Mask - 3,060
Since this is a Script mod there should not be any conflicts
This mod was heavily inspired by a sims 4 mod called Basemental Dr*g's. I loved the idea of having a sim who makes their money by being a dealer and potentially serving a sentence after being caught. Although in my mod the product is focused on Illegal firearms rather than the other type of products. I do want to point out that this mod was an attempt to make something similar to Basemental Dr*g's. As well as provide some more content to criminal sims.
I also want to give credit to mochasims. As the cover photo to my Arms Dealer mod was also heavily inspired by the cover photo of one of their cc props.
Battery's C# Script Utility, Script Mod Template Creator, Arsil's Custom Trait Manager ,Notepad, Notepad++, Visual Studios 2019, PhotoShop, Blender, Milkshape, Marvelous Designer, ILSpy, s3pe.
Thank you
- Twinsimming For Testing and Providing Suggestions
- Lyralei For assisting when I had a coding question and providing me with head morphs used for the Ski masks
- Battery For Assisting when I had a coding question.
- PJSims For Assisting when I had a coding question.
- zoe22 For Assisting when I had a coding question.
- beresimsdreamworld Translating Mod To Spanish
- PieceOfCarambola Translating Mod To Chinese TW
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
MonocoDoll_AK47.package | package | 362425 |
MonocoDoll_Beretta.package | package | 219216 |
MonocoDoll_CAS_Hats_AF_SkiMask.package | package | 670124 |
MonocoDoll_CAS_Hats_AM_SkiMask.package | package | 672991 |
MonocoDoll_CompactAK47.package | package | 356537 |
MonocoDoll_EnterpriseWideBody1911Test.package | package | 356787 |
MonocoDoll_Glock17.package | package | 1580445 |
MonocoDoll_HecklerandKochP7M10.package | package | 394219 |
MonocoDoll_hkp2000.package | package | 2583888 |
MonocoDoll_IntratecTec9Mini.package | package | 731626 |
MonocoDoll_Lupara.package | package | 361660 |
MonocoDoll_Skorpionvz.61_3.package | package | 405186 |
MonocoDoll_UziPistol.package | package | 324955 |
URL of Additional Mods needed.txt | txt | 274 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Arms Dealer Mod STBL's for | zip | |
Arms Dealer Mod.stbl | stbl | 38965 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
MonocoDoll_AK47.package | package | 362398 |
MonocoDoll_Beretta.package | package | 219193 |
MonocoDoll_CAS_Hats_AF_SkiMask.package | package | 670124 |
MonocoDoll_CAS_Hats_AM_SkiMask.package | package | 672991 |
MonocoDoll_CompactAK47.package | package | 356516 |
MonocoDoll_EnterpriseWideBody1911Test.package | package | 356765 |
MonocoDoll_Glock17.package | package | 1612786 |
MonocoDoll_HecklerandKochP7M10.package | package | 394202 |
MonocoDoll_hkp2000.package | package | 2583860 |
MonocoDoll_IntratecTec9Mini.package | package | 731599 |
MonocoDoll_Lupara.package | package | 361630 |
MonocoDoll_Skorpionvz.61_3.package | package | 405159 |
MonocoDoll_UziPistol.package | package | 324931 |
MonocoDoll_AK47.package | package | 362398 |
MonocoDoll_Beretta.package | package | 219193 |
MonocoDoll_CAS_Hats_AF_SkiMask.package | package | 670124 |
MonocoDoll_CAS_Hats_AM_SkiMask.package | package | 672991 |
MonocoDoll_CompactAK47.package | package | 356516 |
MonocoDoll_EnterpriseWideBody1911Test.package | package | 356765 |
MonocoDoll_Glock17.package | package | 1612896 |
MonocoDoll_HecklerandKochP7M10.package | package | 394202 |
MonocoDoll_hkp2000.package | package | 2583860 |
MonocoDoll_IntratecTec9Mini.package | package | 731599 |
MonocoDoll_Lupara.package | package | 361630 |
MonocoDoll_Skorpionvz.61_3.package | package | 405159 |
MonocoDoll_UziPistol.package | package | 324931 |
Uploaded: 21st May 2024, 13.16 MB.
Uploaded: 21st May 2024, 6.58 MB.
Arms Dealer Mod STBL's for
Uploaded: 10th Jun 2023, 9.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 21st May 2024 at 6:45 AM
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