Default Replacements: More "Realistic" Level 10 Positions For Maxis' BaseGame Careers

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Once upon a time, long ago, I was reading a thread in which someone suggested that it would be good to have default replacement careers for the Maxis/EA careers which have "weird" career levels like "Mad Scientist", "Captain Hero" and "Hand of Poseidon" (to name just a few!). "That's a great idea!" I thought - and then promptly forgot all about it - until now!

So here I have default replacements for two Maxis basegame careers - Law Enforcement & Science. In both default replacements only the top level (level 10) has been changed - Law Enforcement sees a change from Captain Hero to Minister of Policing and Science sees a change from Mad Scientist to Scientific Advisor. No other aspects of the career have been altered. Further details can be found below:

Law Enforcement:

Levels 1 - 9: the same as the original Maxis career.

Level 10:

Minister Of Policing

MFSaSu, 10am - 4pm, $1,225

Your experience working for the police is so valuable to the government that they've made you the Minister of Policing! You've gone from supervising one police station to being responsible for policing nationwide! The responsibility has increased, as have the salary and the power - but there's a lot that can go wrong....

This level has a custom chance card, written by me.


Levels 1 - 9: the same as the original Maxis career.

Level 10:

Scientific Advisor

TuWTh, 10am - 4pm - $2,333

With lecture fees and book advances, you're able to purchase the big house on the hill. You have an amazing reputation for scientific knowledge and ability, and you advise a range of people and organisations, from the government to big businesses to celebrities. The hours are good, and so's the pay - and you kind of enjoy the work, too!

This level also has a custom chance card, written by me.

These careers are default replacements! Default replacements overwrite the things that they are designed to replace - in this case the Law Enforcement and Science career tracks. As with all default replacements, there can only be one! You can only have one default replacement for each thing in your game at any one time, otherwise they won't work. As such, these conflict with any other default replacements for the Law Enforcement and Science career tracks.

I hope that you enjoy these default replacement careers! I see them as being especially useful for people who, like me, play a (semi-)realistic game. Please feel free to leave comments or suggestions, and I'd love to know if there are any other careers (basegame or otherwise) that have levels that you would like to see changed to be more "realistic"! I plan to make some more of these careers soon, and it'd be great to know what, if anything , other simmers would like to see :-) What do you all think about "Criminal Mastermind", for example? Too weird/non-realistic, or OK?

Additional Credits:
Thank you to the creators of SimPE and Bidou's Career Editor!

Thank you to the simmer(s) who's name(s) I can't remember who originally suggested that it would be good to have replacements for the weirder maxis/EA career levels. If it was you, please let me know so I can credit you properly!

And yet again thank you to the mods here at Mod The Sims - I'm still enjoying the monthly themes! :-)
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