Craftables made recolourable

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This gives the four mission-style woodwork craftables the same colour options that the regular buyable items have. Because why would a handmade item be less configurable than a store-bought one?

Update 2015-08-16: Attached an additional package that makes the dining chair recolours from here available for the craftable dining chair too. You need to download the recolours, otherwise it won’t work. (See screenshot ‒ I’ve no idea what “1 Left” is supposed to mean on that tooltip .. seems to have been added with 1.10; all of the craftables have that now)

The screenshot is taken using the Mega chair mesh override from here or here (the craftable items are identical with the catalogue ones, so they will use the same overrides). The dining table is also included, my sims only didn’t have one at hand.

This does not make these objects buyable; they will be hidden in the catalogue as before and cannot be copied in Build mode. (Which means if your sims want that end table to radiate decorativeness, they still need to make it themselves.)

Please note that there are aspiration goals like “Craft 2 Barstools” (Mixologist) that will not be fulfilled when you use this mod ‒ this is because they rely on the catalogue sorting tags that I had to remove since I don’t want them to be in the catalogue. See comments for more info; thanks sawdust123 for the heads-up and testing!

Overrides the following resources:

COBJ 0x000000000000A5DF barstool
COBJ 0x000000000000B9BD dining chair
COBJ 0x000000000000A622 end table
COBJ/OBJD 0x000000000000A620 dining table

and adds custom COBJ/OBJDs for all of the other colour variants.

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