Choir for your Teen Sims!
Here are the levels:
1. Member
Playing an instrument didn’t suit you, so you tried to go for singing instead. After your auditions, you were assigned to the altos. Your voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard when you try to sing above a high B, but your voice cracks when you go too low. Work on your vocal skills and you may get yourself noticed.
2. Soloist
You’ve been working on your tone and pitch and your director is impressed with your improvements. You are the soloist for your section and sing any and every solo that’s in your section’s piece. Time to belt out that solo in order to impress your peers, director, and the audience. It’s your time to shine!
3. Conductor
Your outstanding performances on your solos have earned you and your school superior ratings at district competitions. Your director was more than happy to ask you a huge favor they don't offer many students. As their co-conductor, you are responsible for warming up the choir before practices and competitions and serving as a lead example for other members.
Uniform: None
Vehicle: The usual mom van

The female chance cards are edited appropriately.
I try to make the chance cards fun
Chance Cards (if you would like to view them)
Level 1:
$Me is at rehearsal preparing for the big concert tonight. When he begins singing the final piece for the concert, he realizes that the soloist is nowhere to be seen. $Me has been looking over the piece and reading along every time the soloist sang their part. He could give it a shot and start singing the solo when it comes up, or just count the measures as rests like he normally does.
Level 2:
It’s time for choir practice to begin, and the director is nowhere to be seen. Everyone is getting bored of waiting and starts to chat and do other things. As one of the soloists, $Me does have some power over the other members and he could try to impress his director by starting warm ups. Though he could sit back and study the new piece while ignoring everything around him.
Level 3:
An underclassman has been following $Me’s every move since he got his new leadership role. The underclassmen is known to be quite competitive and ego filled. It’s the rehearsal before the big concert and they offer $Me his usual pre singing gargle. $Me takes a whiff and notices the smell is slightly of rotten eggs and the color is milky. They tell him it’s a new mixture that even Dexter Freebish swears by. Should he take the gargle and trust this new concoction or pass it back and skip out?
*Kudos to joandsarah77 for coming up with this one!
The rewards and penalties consist of skills, money, and job levels. Have fun!
Like the school uniforms? Find them here:
Teen After School
Uploaded: 21st Dec 2015, 15.8 KB.
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- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
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