Instructors with Personality! [TESTERS WANTED]
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Tinkering.jpg - width=1440 height=900
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Nature.jpg - width=1440 height=900
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Film & Literature
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Arts & Crafts
Food.jpg - width=1440 height=900
Music1.jpg - width=1440 height=900
Thea Justin
Music2.jpg - width=1440 height=900
Prokh Nejem
Film1.jpg - width=1440 height=900
Sheri Bene
Film2.jpg - width=1440 height=900
Morey Scott
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Chase Therond
Food2.jpg - width=1440 height=900
Panthera Spilt
Games1.jpg - width=1440 height=900
Coraline Dissembler
Games2.jpg - width=1440 height=900
Alvin Gack
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Althea Calydon
Science2.jpg - width=1440 height=900
Victor Shelley
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Tessa Kai
Arts1.jpg - width=1428 height=850
Abbas Sanaa
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Tosdes Lunar - FreeTime
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Charly Hick
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Tosdes Lunar - Seasons
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Bettie Fichter
Tinkering2.jpg - width=1428 height=850
Richie Mechani
Fitness1.jpg - width=1428 height=850
Keesha Azubua
Fitness2.jpg - width=1428 height=850
Joe Digies
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Millie Kicker
Sports2.jpg - width=1428 height=850
Goliath Unda
FotorCreated.jpg - width=500 height=500
Welcome to Project Zanes Hollow!

What This Is:
This is a default replacement FreeTime stealth hood similar to Jawusa's Clean And Empty Stealth Hood Templates, to give only one example. As such, it contains all of the Maxis Hobby Lots in their original form. The only difference between the stealth hood included in this download and the stealth hood included in the game is that this download has different Iconic Hobbyists (a.k.a. Hobby Instructors).
What This Does:
As with any Townie/NPC pool replacement, it will not affect neighborhoods that already have the FreeTime stealth hood installed. As such, it will only be installed into new neighborhoods or neighborhoods that have not been played with FreeTime installed.
About This Set:
As aforementioned, this set includes four versions! There are two versions that require Seasons in addition to FreeTime, and two that only require FreeTime. Then, each of those have a version with the FreeTime playable premades (Picaso and Cooke families) and a version without the premades.
All four versions, of course, include twenty Hobby Iconists; two for each of the ten hobbies! Every Sim has been given a unique personality. This means that each Sim has a set personality (obviously), Zodiac sign, Aspiration, Lifetime Want, interests, skills, badges, and even a description! They are Instructors with Personality!
Some of the Sims' names are puns of famous TV show characters and their actors (Hint: Sherlock), and famous books (Hint: Frankenstein). Other names have word origins that related to the Sim's personality. Others are simply puns of words, stereotypical names, or just obscure words. The point is, all names have a point; however pointless!
The Sims:
I have placed every detail about every Sim below, inside the spoiler; except for their interests. Obviously, it contains spoilers.

Prokh and Thea | Music
Thea Justin
Aspiring to be world renown, Thea works hard every day to keep her body in tip top shape, all while networking her way to the top.
Aspiration: Popularity (Become a World Class Ballet Dancer)
Personality: Gemini
Sloppy (4), Outgoing (7), Active (8), Serious (1), Nice (5)
Turn-ons: Stink, Fitness
Turn-off: Mechanical
Prokh Nejem
Charismatic, fit, and attractive are all words that people use to describe Prokh; maybe that's why he has such a big head.
Aspiration: Romance (Have 20 Simultaneous Lovers)
Personality: Gemini
Neat (5), Outgoing (7), Active (8), Serious (3), Grouchy (2)
Turn-ons: Formalwear, Jewelry
Turn-off: Glasses
Sheri and Morey | Film & Literature
Morey Scott
Morey is very passionate in everything he does, although this sometimes can translate into being too over-controlling when participating in group activities. He's a nice guy, really, he just likes to make sure everything is perfect.
Aspiration: Knowledge (Graduate 3 Children from College)
Personality: Aries
Neat (5), Outgoing (8), Active (5), Serious (0), Nice (7)
Turn-ons: Full Face Makeup, Glasses
Turn-off: Blonde Hair
Sheri Bene
Sheri is a very independent person but that doesn't mean she doesn't want a family. Will she ever find a person who fits her desires?
Aspiration: Fortune (Become the Education Minister)*
Personality: Aries
Neat (5), Outgoing (9), Active (6), Serious (0), Nice (5)
Turn-ons: Black Hair, Unemployed
Turn-off: Stink
Chase and Panthera | Cuisine
Panthera Spilt
She might have changed her name to look better on TV. She may not have. The world may never know.
Aspiration: Fortune (Become a Celebrity Chef)
Personality: Aries
Neat (5), Outgoing (8), Lazy (3), Serious (2), Nice (7)
Turn-ons: Mechanical, Hats
Turn-off: Plantsimism
Chase Therond
The day that Chase learned that he could make money - not just a mediocre about, but a good living - off cooking is the day he never looked back. What better job could you have than one you get to eat all the while?
Aspiration: Popularity (Become a Celebrity Chef)
Personality: Aries
Neat (6), Outgoing (10), Lazy (4), Serious (0), Nice (5)
Turn-ons: Formalwear, Logical
Turn-off: Black Hair
Alvin and Coraline | Games
Coraline Dissembler
Anyone who has met Coraline will tell you about how easy to talk to and hilarious Coraline is. However, is all this happiness just a front?
Aspiration: Popularity (Become a Game Designer)*
Personality: Leo
Neat (6), Outgoing (9), Lazy (2), Serious (1), Nice (7)
Turn-ons: Black Hair, Logical
Turn-off: Glasses
Alvin Gack
Alvin really doesn't know how to act around Sims. He tries to tell himself he's cool, but he knows that the types of things he likes to do isn't the same as normal Sims.
Aspiration: Knowledge (Max Out 7 Skills)
Personality: Cancer
Neat (7), Outgoing (5), Active (5), Serious (2), Nice (6)
Turn-ons: Underwear, Robots
Turn-off: Plantsimism
Tessa and Abbas | Arts & Crafts
Abbas Sanaa
For Abbas, the paintbrush is the truest muse. Although to the stranger, Abbas has an overpowering personality, but that might just be due to the roar of his deep lion-like voice.
Aspiration: Fortune (Become a City Planner)
Personality: Libra
Sloppy (4), Outgoing (7), Lazy (4), Serious (3), Nice (7)
Turn-ons: Blonde, Creative
Turn-off: Cologne/Perfume
Tessa Kai
Unlike the majority of Sims known for their hobby prowess, Tessa doesn't take herself very seriously. She enjoys what she does, and doesn't care what anyone else thinks! Which is often accredited to why she has become so popular.
Personality: Aquarius
Sloppy (1), Outgoing (5), Lazy (2), Playful (10), Nice (7)
Turn-ons: Hard Worker, Charismatic
Turn-off: Grey Hair
Charly and Tosdes | Nature
Tosdes Lunar
A lot of Sims thinks she is insane, but Tosdes loves spending all her time in nature. The thought of going “indoors” almost terrifies her.
Aspiration: Knowledge (Become Hand of Poseidon)
Personality: Pisces
Neat (7), Outgoing (5), Active (7), Serious (0), Nice (6)
Turn-ons: Good at Cleaning, Plantsimism
Turn-off: Cologne/Perfume
Charly Hick
Charly has a strong dislike for city living, and can't help but dislike those who live in one.
Aspiration: Fortune (Earn $100,000)
Personality: Aries
Sloppy (4), Outgoing (8), Active (7), Serious (0), Nice (6)
Turn-ons: Good at Cleaning, Blonde Hair
Turn-off: Black Hair
Bettie and Richie | Tinkering
Richie Mechani
Got something broken? Richie will fix it for you! You might have to clean up after him, but all he needs for a payment is a warm meal!
Aspiration: Family (Reach Golden Anniversary)
Personality: Gemini
Sloppy (1), Outgoing (8), Active (7), Serious (3), Nice (6)
Turn-ons: Makeup, Geat Cook
Turn-off: Hats
Bettie Fichter
Hot, steamy romance is exactly the type of romance Boris likes.
Aspiration: Romance (WooHoo with 20 Different Sims)
Personality: Aries
Sloppy (4), Outgoing (8), Lazy (4), Serious (3), Nice (6)
Turn-ons: Stink, Fitness
Turn-off: Vampirism
Keesha and Joe | Fitness
Joe Digies
Joe isn't a bad guy, really. Really! He just comes from a long line of military brats, and has a certain set of beliefs about how the world ought to be.
Aspiration: Family (Have 6 Grandchildren)
Personality: Gemini
Neat (5), Outgoing (8), Active (10), Serious (0), Grouchy (2)
Turn-ons: Makeup, Great Cook
Turn-off: Hard Worker
Keesha Azubua
The pursuit of strength and knowledge is what keeps Keesha going. Her biggest fear is the downfall after the pinnnacle, which is old age.
Aspiration: Knowledge (Become Head of SCIA)
Personality: Scorpio
Neat (5), Shy (4), Active (10), Serious (1), Nice (5)
Turn-ons: Black Hair, Fitness
Turn-off: Full Face Makeup
Millie and Goliath | Sports
Goliath Unda
Although he might not be a "giant," Goliath is definitely a force to be reckened with.
Aspiration: Romance (Hall of Famer)
Personality: Gemini
Neat (5), Outgoing (7), Active (10), Serious (0), Grouchy (3)
Turn-ons: Swim Wear, Make Up
Turn-off: Logical
Millie Kicker
It's important for Millie to show that you can enjoy and be good at sports as a woman and can still look "girly." Not that she has any problem with girls who don't want to look "girly!" Fight the stereotypes!
Aspiration: Popularity (Hall of Famer)
Personality: Gemini
Sloppy (3), Outgoing (7), Active (19), Serious (0), Nice (5)
Turn-ons: Fitness, Blonde hair
Turn-off: Fatness
* These Lifetime Wants come with Seasons, so if you download the FreeTime versions, they will have random LTWs because I couldn't find other ones that I liked for them.
** The Pleasure aspiration came with the Nightlife Expansion Pack, so it was left out for this reason. If you'd like to change your Sim's aspiration, you can use the ReNuYuSenso Orb that came with NightLife. Or, of course, use another mod or method.

As for the faces, I tried to make each one unique while also keeping them from being too drastic as to look good with any default skins a Simmer may have. The base of the faces were made by selzi in her Defuglified Maxis faces. Each face was obviously edited, but they may show slight resemblances.
Differences between the FreeTime-only version and the Seasons version:
There are two differences between these two versions:
- Two Sims have Lifetime Wants that are included in Seasons, so they are going to be randomized in the FreeTime-only version if you do not have FreeTime.* They are listed in the above spoiler, so I won't spoil it for you here. The names of the Sims in question are Coraline Dissembler and Sheri Bene if you want to know the names but not their stories.
- One Nature-loving Hobbyist is a PlantSim in the Seasons version and a normal Sim in the FreeTime-only version. So if you're playing a neighborhood that does not include supernaturals, feel free to download the FreeTime-only version!
*The FreeTime-only version was made with Seasons included so the outerwear and LifeTime wishes will be set if you have Seasons and download the FreeTime-only version. This works because Seasons was an earlier EP and so the game works completely fine without it. That being said, obviously I made two versions for a reason, because Plantsims are a different story than the outerwear category and LTWs. This has been comprehensively play-tested with FreeTime only, and checked with Hoodchecker, so there should be no issues. Obviously, I can't promise your hood will not be corrupted, but it shouldn't be because of this download. Always make sure you follow the tips listed here to avoid game corruption!

If you look at the descriptions of the Sims and realize that a certain detail does not match up with what is in your game, aside from the LTW changes mentioned above, please let me know. I tried very hard to make sure that every version of a Sim was the same, but with four different versions, I am bound to have made a mistake somewhere! Obviously, the core of the Sims (as in, the NPCness) should be 100% correct, but the little details like LTWs and such might not be.
The Sims Studio for The Sims 2
Meetme2theriver's Clean Stealth Hood
Jawusa's Clean And Empty Stealth Hood Templates
selzi's Defuglified Maxis faces - All Sim's faces have been edited, of course. However, I used selzi's default replacement templates as a base. SimPE
Custom installation instructions! READ ME!
In addition to the normal installation instructions, this download also has a custom instruction, as follows:
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Make copy of default stealth neighborhood (F002) in your install files located in the paths below, or similar (if you chose custom installation path). Delete the original once copy has been made:
- Normal: C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 FreeTime\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\FreeTime\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
4. Place in Install Folder: Cut and paste the new F002 file into your NeighborhoodTemplate folder where the original was found.
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
| Seasons required, no FreeTime premades.
Uploaded: 24th May 2021, 13.18 MB.
| Seasons required, FreeTime premades included.
Uploaded: 24th May 2021, 13.99 MB.
| Only FreeTime required, no FreeTime premades.
Uploaded: 24th May 2021, 13.18 MB.
| Only FreeTime required, FreeTime premades included.
Uploaded: 24th May 2021, 13.93 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Make copy of default stealth neighborhood (F002) in your install files located in the paths below, or similar (if you chose custom installation path). Delete the original once copy has been made:
- Normal: C:\Program Files (x86)\EA GAMES\The Sims 2 FreeTime\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): C:\Program Files (x86)\Origin Games\The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection\FreeTime\TSData\Res\NeighborhoodTemplate
4. Place in Install Folder: Cut and paste the new F002 file into your NeighborhoodTemplate folder where the original was found.
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 24th May 2021 at 11:06 PM - Error Fix
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Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
by marka93 19th May 2014 at 2:03pm
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by MissNatalie 4th Apr 2023 at 12:23pm
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by Dina_Goth updated 25th Nov 2024 at 1:49pm
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by Dina_Goth updated 28th Aug 2023 at 12:52pm
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Miscellaneous » Neighborhoods & CAS Screens » Neighbourhoods and Worlds
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Free Time |