Medieval Fireplace Recolors
1 original fireplace.jpg - width=1298 height=700
2 victorian neo gothic.jpg - width=1461 height=750
3 medieval 1.jpg - width=1417 height=750
4 renaissance 1.jpg - width=1445 height=750
5 medieval 2.jpg - width=1415 height=750
6 renaissance 2.jpg - width=1367 height=750
Because I am always on the lookout for all things Medieval, I couldn't help but snatch up this beautiful fireplace from Raynuss' blog page "Imagine That!".
It goes without saying that it is my nature to take those coveted items and give them a multiple personality disorder, if I possibly can....

Raynuss' original fireplace can be found here:
Additional Credits:
All credit and thanks for this project goes to the REAL creator.... Raynuss
A HUGE Thank You to all of the developers of SimPE, we would have no way to create for Sims2.
Thank You, Delphy, for MTS, and our devoted simmers who make this open showcase of creativity possible and sustainable.
Column Fireplace recolors.rar
Uploaded: 19th May 2016, 2.85 MB.
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#medieval, #renaissance, #victorian, #neo-gothic, #fireplace
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