Buffyverse :: Fred and Illyria !
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In this post you will find:
- Winifred 'Fred' Burkle as herself, (sim)
- Illyria the Merciless, (sim)
- Fred as a Lornette, (sim)
- Outfit and wigs for Illyria cosplayers (your sims, not you unfortunately!)
- The Fred's Glasses that were here have been moved to a separate post for more visibility! Check my profile to find them, under Bodyshop/Glasses and Other Accessories.

- The outfit was painted on the Maxis swimsuit by me, from pictures of an Illyria toy I got, and the wigs are two variants of my remix of Jour's work (GOS).
The characters have been designed as portrayed by Amy Acker in the TV series Angel. Look at the pictures in the bin for more informations.
WINIFRED 'FRED' BURKLE as portrayed by Amy Acker!
So, now that she's alive again, are they gonna get back together? Angel and that girl with the goofy name?

If you want to win a war, you must serve no master but your own ambition.

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Your You Tube break
Fred the Vampire!

Fred to Illyria!

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Winifred Burkle + Illyria
Winifred Burkle on Wiki
Winifred Burkle on the Buffy Wiki
Illyria on the Buffy Wiki
Winifred Burkle on IMDb
Amy Acker (actress)
Amy Acker on Wiki
Amy Acker on the Buffy Wiki
Amy Acker on IMDb
Amy Acker on Twitter
Amy Acker on Facebook
Amy Acker fan site

Credits - Winifred (Fred), Illyria and Lornette
Textures + Content (included)
Me :: Facesculpt, Glasses' 'Dynamite' recolor
Nichellerj :: Casual Pants texture
Trapping/Lina :: Nosemask
CatOfEvilGenius :: Casual Top texture
Barcelonista :: Eyes
La Exotique :: Brows
Anva :: Eyeliner
Agony @ GOS :: Hair (mesh by Newsea)
Bruno :: Eyeshadow + Lipstick
SimpleLife Chagasi :: Facekit
Corvidophile @ Sironasims :: Skintone (down)
pinketamine (Tamo conversion) :: Glasses MESH
CatOfEvilGenius :: Casual Top MESH
HystericalParoxysm :: Casual Pants MESH
NewSea :: Hair MESH - they were kind enough to allow me to join their pretty mesh to my sim!
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Textures + Content (included)
Me :: Facesculpt, Hair texture (mix n match of Jour's textures), Outfit (painted on the Maxis swimsuit, no mesh needed)
Trapping/Lina :: Nosemask
Aneh :: Eyes
La Exotique :: Brows
-Shady- :: Eyeliner
Corinne @ GOS :: Eyeshadow
AlfredAskew :: Make-up
Simple Life Chagasi :: Make-up
OpiumLullabies :: Illyria skintone
Jour @ GOS :: Original hairstyle colors, on a mesh by Coolsims
Hair mesh by Coolsims, included (from Jour's sets)
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It's not just an outfit!
She has Lorne's skintone.

Unlike for Lorne though, the horns are fake ones made of foam that are simply glued to the face, which is why you don't see the huge scars around them, that Lorne has.
Textures + Content (included)
Me :: Facesculpt, horns + skin color (Lorne's)
Star_gusser :: Gothic Tea Party Dress
Barcelonista :: Eyes
La Exotique :: Brows
SussiSoGoodSims :: Eyeliner
SkyWookiee :: Eyeshadow (recolor of Bruno's)
Nouk :: Hair texture
Bruno :: Lipstick
3 Meshes (NOT INCLUDED) ***Read Below!***
Hair Mesh :: 1600 Baroque Hair Mesh + Recolor Template (used to be pay!)
Dress Mesh :: Sussi's Bodyshape Project: Alpha Ball Gown + Long and Short Sheer Textures
Horns Mesh :: Satyrs project: accessory horns and ears
You need the file inside goathorns_mf.rar

Billie Lith
Additional Credits:
The gorgeous brick wall on Illyria's indoor pictures are by kativip @ GoS
The outdoor deco is my lot, Garden of Time, the version without the house.
Filename | Type | Size |
BillieLith_Sims_Buffyverse_Fred_asWinifredBurkle.zip | zip | |
CMESH_AF_B_SlouchypantsBarefoot_HystericalParoxysm-DemusedSims-MTS2.package | package | 123601 |
MESH_AF_topSnugTee_CatOfEvilGenius_MTS.package | package | 146743 |
NewSea SIMS2 Hair J048f_Lamb_mesh.package | package | 2486537 |
MESH_pinketamine_TamoBasicCatEyes.package | package | 279051 |
Fred.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 9492732 |
Filename | Type | Size |
BillieLith_Sims_Buffyverse_Fred_asIllyria.zip | zip | |
Fred-Illyria.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 11384591 |
www.coolsims.net_fhair94_mesh.package | package | 2608348 |
Uploaded: 16th May 2016, 8.60 MB.
Uploaded: 15th May 2016, 1.74 MB.
Uploaded: 15th May 2016, 3.67 MB.
Uploaded: 15th May 2016, 6.21 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you get an error that says "This content requires expansion pack data that is not installed", please use either Clean Installer to install this sim.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
Sussi's Bodyshape Project: Alpha Ball Gown + Long and Short Sheer Textures by SussisSoGoodSims |
1600 Baroque Hair Mesh + Recolor Template (used to be pay!) by SussisSoGoodSims |
insimenator.org/index.php/topic,10852.0.html (non-MTS link) |
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Updated: 8th May 2019 at 3:54 AM
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About Me
Exception : Sepia (my first upload), no credit or link necessary
If you wish to repost my sims, ask first.
If the sim is a sim of you, or a character owned by you, you can repost it at will, with credit + link.
If you want to use my content for unrelated projects, ask first.
In any doubt, ask me.