Young adults can enjoy maternity (and all that)

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Another one for theme Maternity & Beyond.

This is a set of global mods that make having kids possible and comfortable for young adults and sims living on campus.

19 July 2023: added French translation for "YA-move-out-of-college"
9 Sept 2022: separated want/fear edits from ya-pregnancy and uni-adoption and uploaded them all as their own separate (renamed!) files with a few versions to choose from
28 Sept 2021: updated text strings in "YA-move-out-of-college" and added "Uni-school-bus+privateschoolbillfix"
19 August 2020: fixed Uni-aging for pets
10 June 2018: updated "move out of college" [3]
25 May 2018: added "join greek fix"
22 Apr. 2018: added "alien pregnancy for YA's of any gender"
17 Feb. 2018: improved "move out of college" [2]
4 Feb. 2018: added "teens stay teens"
17 oct. 2017: improved "move out of college" and added new mod "uni dorm rooms"
14 Feb 2022: Meduza's edits of Uni-aging and Uni-dorm-rooms, links in the descriptions
Plan of attack:
  1. Pick and choose the files you want by reading their descriptions down below. (Options!)
  2. Run Hack Conflict Detection Utility to make sure these hacks don't clash with anything you have in your Downloads folder.
  3. Get some clothing fixes (I'll explain it). And you're set!

Here goes...

  • Requires Apartment Life or M&G
  • Choose only one version
  • No overrides.
  • Conflicts:
    - Probably InTeenimater. Maybe not directly, but InTeen already covers aging at university, so it has a potential to cause some weirdness, like sims aging twice a day or something.
    - Meduza's edit of my Uni-aging mod that makes it compatible with the Bigfoot mod, the Child & Teen Plantsims mod and the Parenthood mod. Remove my file to use Meduza's version.
Versions: Uni-aging-each-[N]-day
  • Playable sims and pets age and grow up while living on campus (all except young adults).
    • Depending on your chosen version, they age each N day.
    • This allows you to adjust aging to your college time scale and play style.
    • Example: if you want sims to age everyday at 18 pm, choose Uni-aging-each-1-day.
    • If you'd like an 'N' I haven't provided, ask me or change it yourself in BCON #1009 (Age each N day).
  • This is custom controller that operates only in Uni 'hoods on livable lots. It does its thing quietly, no actions needed from you.
  • It is also needed for pregnancies to advance in uni 'hoods.
  • If so happens that you have other custom aging controller that works on campus lots, you can stick to that one, if you like it better. You don't want to have more than one.
  • Note that teens on campus don't stay teens for very long - they get instantly "fixed" into young adults, usually on lot load. You'll find a mod to prevent that down below.


  • Requires Apartment Life or M&G
  • Choose only one of the two versions
  • This mod was previously included in YA-pregnancy-AL and YA-pregnancy-AL-anyplayable, where want/fear check was merged with pregnancy check. Before using separated files, please remove the old file and download new file for "have a child" want.
  • Conflicts with any mod that overrides "Pregnancy - Can We Get Pregnant?" (From Globals, 0x42484156 0x7FD46CD0 0x00000139)
  • Known conflicts:
    - Sims2Living Teen Pregnancy Mod\S2LTeenFemalePregnancyEnabler.package (explaining in post #24)
    - Twojeffs_Preg_For_All_Genders (reported in post #39)
    - InTeenimater
    - AncientHighway's ah_lotfullofsims (see posts #67-68)
  • Compatible with Wild Child v4 - Darkwolf Jr. updated the mod so it can be used with mine.
Version pregnancy-YA-female-currentHouse
  • When the game checks if two sims can get pregnant, this mod affects the answer. This version only removes the restriction for young adults, other conditions remain the same, including the requirement for the female to be a part of the current/active household.
  • Try for baby interactions become available to young adults, whether on campus or not. This mod does NOT affect autonomy of the actions.
  • In uni, for pregnancy to advance, you'll need Uni-aging-each-N-day. OR other custom aging controller that supports pregnancies on campus lots.
Version pregnancy-YA-female-anyPlayable
  • When the game checks if two sims can get pregnant, this mod affects the answer.
  • Try for baby interactions become available to young adults, whether on campus or not. This mod does NOT affect autonomy of the actions.
  • Also, it is not necessary for a mother to be a member of currently controlled household.
    • Example: it's possible to impregnate Nina while she's a guest at Don's.
    • Mother still must be a playable, have room in her household for another sim, and other usual rules apply.
  • In uni, for pregnancy to advance, you'll need Uni-aging-each-N-day. OR other custom aging controller that supports pregnancies on campus lots.


  • Requires any pack from Open For Business to Mansions
  • Choose only one version
  • This mod was previously included in YA-pregnancy-AL and YA-pregnancy-AL-anyplayable, where want/fear check was merged with pregnancy check. Before using separated files, please remove the old file and download new pregnancy file as well.
  • Conflicts with any mod that overrides "CT - Test - Have Child" (From: Wants - Check Trees, 0x42484156 0x7F739728 0x0000113A)
  • Known conflicts:
    - Pescado's wfsanity - whichever mod loads last gets to make the final decision on whether sims can roll wants to have a baby. If Pescado's mod excludes young adults, make my mod load last.
    - Havechildnotadopt
Version want-HaveChild-anyYA-oppositeGenderPref
  • Any young adults may roll wants and fears to have a child. If you feel that it leads to way too many babies in your universities, try another version.
  • Only straight sims or those that prefer opposite sex more than same sex may roll wants to have a child. This applies not only to young adults.
Version want-HaveChild-familyOrExpectingYA-oppositeGenderPref
  • Some young adults may roll wants to have a child -- if they have Family aspiration, are already pregnant, or have a pregnant partner (married, engaged, going steady). This is so that most students won't want to have kids before they finished their studies. Fear to have a child is available to all young adults.
  • Only straight sims or those that prefer opposite sex more than same sex may roll wants to have a child. This applies not only to young adults.
Version want-HaveChild-anyYA-anyGenderPref
  • Any young adults may roll wants and fears to have a child.
  • Sims with any gender preference may roll wants to have a child. This applies not only to young adults. Note that even though I removed the restriction, it may be harder or even impossible for gay sims to roll these wants due to logic of want trees. Although, if your gay couples get married instead of "joining", they will probably roll this want instead of adoption, even without meddling in want trees.
Version want-HaveChild-familyOrExpectingYA-anyGendrPref
  • Some young adults may roll wants to have a child -- if they have Family aspiration, are already pregnant, or have a pregnant partner (married, engaged, going steady). This is so that most students won't want to have kids before they finished their studies. Fear to have a child is available to all young adults.
  • Sims with any gender preference may roll wants to have a child. This applies not only to young adults. Note that even though I removed the restriction, it may be harder or even impossible for gay sims to roll these wants due to logic of want trees. Although, if your gay couples get married instead of "joining", they will probably roll this want instead of adoption, even without meddling in want trees.


  • Young adults may get pregnant after alien abduction.
  • Requires Free Time or later EP/SP
  • Choose only one version
  • Conflicts with any mod that overrides "Get Out - Make Pregnant" (From: Car - Spaceship, 0x42484156 0x7FB1E9C7 0x0000100B)
  • Known conflicts:
    - BO's alien experiments
    - alienpregnancyforfemales (by Kestrellyn or Faiuwle) - see post #103
  • Compatible with Wild Child v4 - Darkwolf Jr. updated the mod so it can be used with mine.
  • YA-male-alien-pregnancy-FT - only males can get pregnant (as usual)
  • YA-anygender-alien-pregnancy-FT - males and females can get pregnant


YA-move-out-of-college [3]
  • Requires Apartment Life or M&G
  • Sims have more choices for when and how they move out of college. They can decide not to move out right away. They can do that any time, even as adults or elders. And when and if they move out, they can take other sims and pets with them and manage funds with maximum precision. Details of the process:
    • Dropping out, getting expelled, or using up the time after graduation.
      • Available for students in college, unless you use some mod that pulls this procedure in main 'hood.
      • Normally, the game prompts young adults to age up to adults and move out. This mod lets them choose - to move out or to stay. They still age up.
      • Normally, they move out alone. This mod lets them take other sims with them, except for young adults that haven't graduated yet. They can choose who to take along and even move out the whole household. They can not leave kids or pets without a guardian.
      • Normally, the budget is decided automatically by the game. This mod allows to specify it precisely. Sims can take any part of current funds from nothing to everything. If they take at least $1, that's what they end up in 'hood bin. If they take nothing - they receive $20.000 "government aid".
      • After moving out sims can be found in main 'hood family bin.
    • Phone call option to move back to primary neighborhood.
      • Normally, it's available to graduated young adults on college lots before they used up their remaining time. This mod opens the phone call to adults and elders that happen to live at university.
      • Young adults are forced to age up to adults as usual. Adults and elders, of course, aren't.
      • Sims can take other sims with them, except for young adults that haven't graduated yet. They can choose who to take along and even move out the whole household. They can not leave kids or pets without a guardian. They can take any part of current funds from nothing to everything. If they take at least $1, that's what they end up in 'hood bin. If they take nothing - they receive $20.000 "government aid". After moving out sims can be found in main 'hood family bin.
  • Conflicts with any mod that overrides the same resources
  • Known conflicts:
    - saricoya's teens can move out, but they work fine if my mods load after saricoya's (according to Meduza).
    - InTeenimater
    - my old YA-moveout-of-college and upcoming moving mod for all (in testing now)


  • Adoption service is available in Uni 'hoods. Young adults and older sims can apply.
  • Requires Bon Voyage or later EP/SP
  • This mod was previously included in Uni-adoption, where want/fear check was merged with phone call check. Before using separated files, please remove the old file and download new file for "adopt a child" want.
  • Conflicts with any mod that overrides "Service - Adoption - TEST" (From: Phone Call - Service - Adoption, 0x42484156 0x7F835FD6 0x0000101E)


  • Choose only one version
  • This mod was previously included in Uni-adoption, where want/fear check was merged with phone call check. Before using separated files, please remove the old file and download new file for "adopt a child" want.
  • Doesn't require any particular pack.
  • Conflicts with any mod that overrides "CT - Test - Adopt Child" (From: Wants - Check Trees, 0x42484156 0x7F739728 0x0000103B)
  • Known conflict: Havechildnotadopt
Version want-AdoptChild-anyYA-sameSexPref
  • Young adults may roll wants to adopt a child. If you feel that it leads to way too many babies in your universities, try another version.
  • As per maxis design, sims must have same sex preference to roll this want. This rule applies not only to YAs.
Version want-AdoptChild-familyYA-sameSexPref
  • Young adults may roll wants to adopt a child ONLY if they have Family aspiration. This is so that most students won't want to have kids before they finished their studies.
  • As per maxis design, sims must have same sex preference to roll this want. This rule applies not only to YAs.
Version want-AdoptChild-anyYA-anyGenderPref
  • Young adults may roll wants to adopt a child.
  • Sims of any gender preference may roll the want. This rule applies not only to YAs. Note that even though I removed the restriction, straight sims might be less likely (if ever) to roll this want due to logic of want trees.
Version want-AdoptChild-familyYA-anyGenderPref
  • Young adults may roll wants to adopt a child ONLY if they have Family aspiration. This is so that most students won't want to have kids before they finished their studies.
  • Sims of any gender preference may roll the want. This rule applies not only to YAs. Note that even though I removed the restriction, straight sims might be less likely (if ever) to roll this want due to logic of want trees.


  • School bus picks up kids living on campus and delivers them to school (public or private) and back home.
  • Also, the game processes school properly in uni (for example, checks if a kid missed school) and shows you school-related notifications.
  • Requires University or later EP/SP
  • Conflicts with any mod that overrides the same resources
  • Known conflicts:
    - saricoya's teens can move out, but they work fine if my mods load after saricoya's (according to Meduza).
    - Pescado’s private school bill Fix (I combined this mod with mine in a separate version)
    - InTeenimater
  • Uni-school-bus-UNI - basic
  • Uni-school-bus+privateschoolbillfix - combined with Private School Bill Fix that enables §200 daily payment for attending private school


  • Requires University (since I'm on UC and have no way to test only Uni environment, be careful and test)
  • In dorms, the game reserves rooms only for specific ages of sims.
    • Example: if your sims have a baby in a dorm, the game won't think that it needs a room, and it won't push a dormie to move out.
    • Playable sims kid to elder still can claim doors - the interaction is there, if a door is free. If a wrong sim claimed a door, he or she won't be pushed out of the room, but you might be notified. If the sim has unclaimed the room and the game doesn't think he or she needs one, it will fill it with a townie soon.
    • The mod only applies to dorms as a lot type located in uni hood (unless you have some kind of hack that makes dorm controller work in other subhoods or lots).
  • Choose only one version
  • Conflicts with any mod that overrides the same resources (From Dorm Controller):
    • Sub - Check for New Players [UNI] 0x42484156 0x7F175BF9 0x0000102E
    • Sub - All Selectable Sims Have Dorms? [UNI] 0x42484156 0x7F175BF9 0x0000100A
    • Sub - Count Open Dorms in Temp 0 [UNI] 0x42484156 0x7F175BF9 0x00001020
  • Known conflicts:
    - MidgeTheTree's dormie move out fix. Meduza's edit of my Uni-dorm-rooms mod makes it compatible with dormie move out fix. Follow the instructions on Meduza's page to find out how to make it work.
Version Uni-dorm-rooms-only-for-YA
  • Dorm room will not be reserved for anyone except young adults. Only students will be counted as sims, who need their own dorm room.
Version Uni-dorm-rooms-only-for-YA-A-E
  • Dorm room will not be reserved for underage sims and pets. But the grown-ups will be expected to have their own dorm rooms.


  • Prevents the game from turning teens into young adults on university lots, other than dorms.
  • This mod doesn't change aging process (6 pm thing). Normally sims wouldn't age on campus at all. If you'd like teens to age while living on campus, grab "Uni aging" mod.
  • For teens to age up to young adults and become students, they have to move in to dorm. You can use phone option to enroll. Other types of lots leave teens be teens.
  • Requires University AND later EP/SP (I have Ultimate Collection and can't test lower game versions; if you don't have UC/M&G/AL, try it in a testing 'hood first)
  • May conflict with any mod that overrides the same resources:
    • Interaction - Enter College - Main Kid | 0x42484156 0x7F1250CD 0x00001002
    • Age Me To Young Adult | 0x42484156 0x7F1250CD 0x00001018
    • Move In - College - Age All Teens | 0x42484156 0x7FE50A0E 0x0000100F
  • Known conflicts:
    - InTeenimater (It actually helped me find the resources needed to be changed for teens to stay teens. I thought the dorm rule was clever, so I followed this approach. I thank InTeenimakers!)


  • When your sim tries to join a Greek house that has under-aged residents, the game will only use teens or older sims in the scenario. Children, toddlers and babies will be ignored. If the Greek household only has kids (unlikely, but still), your sim will not be able to join it.
  • Requires University AND any later EP/SP (I have Ultimate Collection and can't test lower game versions; if you don't have UC/M&G/AL, try it in a testing 'hood first)
  • May conflict with any mod that overrides the same resource (College - Join Greek | 0x42484156 0x7F3FDB15 0x00001017)


Stuff to download elsewhere:

Questions & answers:
  • What teen pregnancy mods would be compatible with these young adult mods?
    I haven't tried it myself, but I've been told that "Wild Child" by Darkwolf was updated to be compatible with mine (version 4). Simbology site seems to be down, but I've found the mod here: On that page, it says you should put the mod in the same sub-folder as mine and do not change the file names. If you know of other compatible mods, feel free to let me know in the comments, and I'll add them here.
  • Do these mods support dorms as well a private housing? What about Greek Houses?
    I tested different situations and made sure you should have no problems playing in dorms, private or greek houses. Giving multiple births, moving in and out with kids, splitting family between houses and dorms, moving back home as a drop-out, claiming dorm rooms by kids and then moving out, etc -- no problems. Of course, if you notice something odd, let me know.
  • If I was playing with just a male sim, and he tries for a baby with someone who lives in the dorm (but still an NPC), will the child be born even though it's not controllable?
    A mother must be a playable, not an NPC or townie, otherwise there's no trying for a baby with her.
  • Can YA's off the campus get pregnant?
    Yes. Bear in mind that being young adult and living in university are two separate things, technically.
  • Does ACR work in conjunction with this mod?
    ACR and my mod won't clash, so you can use them together. Although, they will not always combine their functions in a way you might expect. As far as I know, ACR provides custom interactions, completely separate from vanilla ones. So, with my mod, 'try for baby' interaction will not be autonomous for YAs, it's just a vanilla 'try for baby' made available for YA sims. If you to click 'try for baby' on the menu, your sims may get pregnant with a certain % chance, as it happens in vanilla game. Although, there might be other ways for YAs to get pregnant semi-autonomously. For example, if you take a male adult sim and his young adult wife to a community lot downtown and have them woohoo in the photo booth with ACR, they may get pregnant. As for birth control function, I don't know how it works and I don't use ACR, so it's hard to tell without testing whether it prevents pregnancy in this case.
  • Are the no20khandouts the Uni moveout compatible?
    Yes they are. YA-move-out-of-college takes priority when it comes to moving out of college, but no20khandouts still works in other moving out occasions. Load order doesn't matter, by the way.

Features already available in game, by the way:
  • To hire a nanny in Uni.
  • To lose children to social worker.
    • You'll get no more than a warning for going to class while a kid stays alone. But try not to accumulate too many warnings and beware of the exams!
  • To walk to school for kids in Uni.
  • To live with non-YAs on campus and move between houses with them, once those sims are moved in or born.
  • Some YAs' outfits already have pregnant morphs.

What else?
Check out my profile for news. You can see what I'm up to, download new stuff early on and share your thoughts.
Thank you for stopping by. Feel free to ask questions. Hope you enjoy simming

Additional Credits:
Nostural - French translation
Creators of The Sims 2, SimPE, MTS & Wiki, Photoscape
Wonderful people around MTS, creator feedback forum and community in general - for inspiration and support
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