Mini Fixes - Part 2
MiniFixesPart2.png - width=550 height=404
Fixed a serious bug that occurred when a gardener couldn't get out of a car. The game will no longer create an infinite number of gardeners who will invade your house and bloating your game files. Keep in mind that this mod will not delete character files that have already been created.
This is how the game works without a fix: link

In the unmodified game, when the Gypsy Matchmaker delivers the genie's lamp, the sack she pulls out doesn't disappear, but is attached to her body. The same bug occurs when a Sim brings a reward after a date. This is fixed.

In the unmodified game, when Sim steals a newspaper, the newspaper immediately becomes invisible. This has been fixed.

Fight interaction is no longer available on ghosts.
In the unmodified game, if the headmaster is a member of an active family, the Invite Headmaster option on the phone is unavailable, making it impossible for children to get into private school. This is fixed.
In the unmodified game, when Sim uses the Be Personal Trainer option on an exercise machine and trains another Sim in the family, they gets money literally out of nowhere. Additionally, if your Sim is trained by an unplayable Sim, you receive the money the trainer should earn, which shouldn't happen. I wanted this mod to subtract money from the trainee's account, but it didn't seem to work and I have no idea why. So this fix just makes it so you don't get money if the trainer is an unplayable Sim or if both the trainee and trainer are in an active family.
When Sim has a Plead for Job aspiration benefit and gets fired as a result of chance card, the game will trigger an error, the Sim will be reset and instead of being fired, they will be moved back to the 1 level of the career with no option to plead for job. This mod fixes this issue.
This mod makes it so that when Sim gets a new job while they already has another job, they first gets a memory about quitting previous job and then memory about getting a new one.
In the unmodified game, pets that have been trained the Stays off Furniture behavior still jump onto modular sofas. This is because modular sofas use different code than regular sofas and lack the check for learned behavior, which has been fixed.
Puddles that are under other objects (such as a toilet) can now be mopped up.
In the unmodified game, the buffet from the base game can be placed in the inventory if the food isn't spoiled, but the buffet from Celebration is not. This is fixed.
Clothing racks from AL can be placed in the inventory, like other closets.
Fixed a bug where the Great! A member of the household has brought home some new clothes... notification was displayed even if the Sim had a clothing rack from AL.
Fixed an issue when the wants to get a puppy or a kitten was not fulfilled when the pet is born.
Sims who already have a hired butler will no longer roll wants about hiring maid, handyman, nanny, gardener and exterminator.
Resurrect a Zombie Want Fix (Wants.package)
Sims can no longer roll a want about resurrecting a zombie pet, because pets can't be zombies.
Sims can no longer roll a want or fear about another Sim being a zombie if that Sim is already a zombie.
Talk to a Relative want can be fulfilled by talking on the phone.
Inviting family fulfills Invite Someone Over want.
This mod fixes a weird bug with shadows of shrubs that only occurs if you have shadows disabled in settings. In the unmodified game, when some of the shrub are trimmed, texture of the shrub itself appears underneath them. Unfortunately, the only way I was able to fix it was to just remove the shadows of the shrubs (which look weird anyway, even without the bug). You don't need this mod if you have enabled shadows.

This mod stops the useless, broken operation of constantly adding and removing the Pregnancy Modifier Token every hour. You can learn more about it in this Marticore's video: link
This mod is a tool that allows you to destroy all PMT tokens in the hood. This operation is not necessary, but you can do it if you want a cleaner neighborhood. It looks like a flower, which you can find in the General/Miscellaneous section.
Veg Out is a hidden, unfinished interaction that originally intended to be available when a Sim is sitting. There is also two sub-interactions: Find a Snack and Nod Off. Return of The Veg Out Interaction mod fixes and restores all these interactions. However, there are actually two versions of these interactions: the ones when you click on the sofa/chair, and the ones when you click on the Sim that trigger the ones from the sofas. The mod mentioned earlier fixes only those on sofas and doesn't touch those from Sim.
So even with this mod, there is a bug in the game. When a Sim is sitting on a modular sofa (and only on that) and you click on this Sim, you will see the Find a Snack interaction, even though the rest of the related interactions are not available. But when you click on it, what your Sim actually will be doing is taking a nap.
This is because the sofas and chairs in the game have a different interactions order. For this reason, the code of the interaction on a Sim calls an interaction from seating object with a different number, depending on whether the Sim is sitting on a sofa or a chair. But modular sofas have a sofa category, but the interactions order like chairs, so the interaction that is actually called on them is Nap. I fixed it for all modular sofas from the game, unfortunately the custom ones will not be fixed.
Find a Snack is the only visible interaction, as the rest has been hidden. For some reason, the developers must have forgotten about this one. I unlocked the rest of the interactions and fixed.
Use this mod only if you also have a mod Return of The Veg Out Interaction, otherwise it's useless.
Cubic Television Floor Fix
Originally, this TV from the Store lacks interactions from Free Time (Watch Movie and Tinker). I added them. You just need to replace original TV file.
AL or M&G required.
Conflict | Resolve | |
Lenna-ClothingNotificationFix | Lot Transition Dump Shopping Stuff Mod | Download Lenna-ClothingNotificationFix-LotTransitionDumpShoppingStuffMod instead and remove this simler90's mod. |
Lenna-FightFix | Mean Interactions to any age | Download Lenna-FightFix-meanInteractionsToAnyAge instead and remove HB_meanInteractionsToAnyAge_attack. |
Lenna-FightFix | Less autonomous fighting | Download Lenna-FightFix-LessAutonomousFighting instead and load after Less autonomous fighting mod. |
Lenna-PersonalTrainerFix | Personal Trainer Fix | I've incorporated edits of that mod into my mod. You can remove Lamare's mod. If you are using personalTrainerFix_money download Lenna-PersonalTrainerFix+Money instead. |
Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix | Find Pet Job For Fix | I've incorporated this mod into my mod. Remove this simler90's mod. |
Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix | Job Reject Mod | Download Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix-JobReject instead and load after Job Reject Mod. |
Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix | Harder Jobs | Download Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix-harderjobs instead and load after harderjobs mod. |
Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix | Sims Salary Bonus Scheme | Download Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix-SimsSalaryBonusScheme instead and load after Sims Salary Bonus Scheme mod. |
Lenna-VegOutFix | Lenna-HowlAndPillowFightFix Child Lycantrophy Child & Teen Plantsims | I've incorporated all the edits of these mods into this mod. Remove Lenna-HowlAndPillowFightFix or load after Lenna-MiniFixes. You need to load this mod also after Child Lycantrophy and Child & Teen Plantsims |
Lenna-VegOutFix | Visit Other Sims | Download Lenna-VegOutFix-VisitOtherSims instead and load after Visit Other Sims mod. |
Lenna-PregnancyModifierTokenFix | Twins fixes and serve meal fix | These mods fix the same issue. Use my mod only if you don't want to using this dickhurt's mod. |
Lenna-SackFix | Gypsy - Free Time Genie Delivery Fix | I combined these mods together. Remove this twojeffs mod. |
Lenna-SackFix | No Date Gifts | Load No Date Gifts mod after Lenna-SackFix. |
Lenna-SackFix | Date Gift Fixes | Download Lenna-SackFix-DateGiftFixes instead and remove this Cyjon's mod. |
Lenna-HireAServiceWantsFix Lenna-SimIsAZombieWantFix | wfsanity | wfsanity includes these fixes. You don't need my mods if you have wfsanity. |
Lenna-SimIsAZombieWantFix | Traits Project (Part 3-20) - Wants/Fears Supernaturals Change | You don't need my fix if you have this mod. |
Lenna-FamilyTalkWantFix Lenna-InviteHeadmasterFix | Phone Hack | Load Lenna-FamilyTalkWantFix after Phone Hack. You don't need Lenna-InviteHeadmasterFix if you have this Pescado's mod. |
Lenna-FamilyTalkWantFix | Fun Gain While Chatting on the phone | Download Lenna-FamilyTalkWantFix-CallChatFun and load after this Squinge's mod. |
Lenna-PetBehaviorFix | CJ-GetOffYourAss communitylotnapping | Download Lenna-PetBehaviorFix-GetOffYourAss; Lenna-PetBehaviorFix-communitylotnapping and/or Lenna-PetBehaviorFix-communitylotnappingnoautonomous (depending on your mod configuration) and make it load after both core mod (Lenna-PetBehaviorFix) and these Cyjon's and Sguinge's mods. |
Lenna-InviteOverWantFix | Phone Invite Household Want Fix | These mods fix the same bug due to my oversight. |
Lenna-InviteOverWantFix | Invite Entire Household | Download Lenna-InviteOverWantFix-InviteEntireHousehold instead and remove this Simwardrobe's mod. |
Lenna-InvisibleNewspaperFix | Story Progression | Download Lenna-InvisibleNewspaperFix-StoryProgression instead and load after Story Progression. |
Place in Downloads folder. Don't rename the Wants.package file.
Overriden resources
Resource name | Type name | Type | Group | Instance | Instance (high) |
Function - Main | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F75BE33 | 0x00001003 | 0x00000000 |
Interaction - Deliver Genie | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F706EA2 | 0x00001008 | 0x00000000 |
Interaction - Anti Burgle | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F75BE33 | 0x00001003 | 0x00000000 |
Interaction - Steal | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F08E23C | 0x00001042 | 0x00000000 |
Social - Fight - Attack - TEST | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F01EC29 | 0x000020BF | 0x00000000 |
CT - Phone Call Available? | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F7DE484 | 0x00001003 | 0x00000000 |
Find - NPC ID | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7FA47049 | 0x00001002 | 0x00000000 |
Interaction - Personal Trainer | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F9AB517 | 0x00002018 | 0x00000000 |
Sub - Create Plead For Job | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F8F4EB6 | 0x0000208F | 0x00000000 |
CT - Offer Job | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F8F4EB6 | 0x00002006 | 0x00000000 |
Function - Sit - TEST | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F0B61F3 | 0x00002019 | 0x00000000 |
EP2 - Interaction - Nap - TEST | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F0B61F3 | 0x00002087 | 0x00000000 |
Sub - Can It Be Mopped Up? | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F293E85 | 0x0000201D | 0x00000000 |
Interaction - Dump Shopping Stuff | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F7BD09B | 0x00001008 | 0x00000000 |
Wants Satisfy - Pets | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F1D0F49 | 0x00001033 | 0x00000000 |
CT - Test - Hire - Maid | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F739728 | 0x0000107B | 0x00000000 |
CT - Test - Hire - Gardener | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F739728 | 0x0000107C | 0x00000000 |
CT - Test - Hire - Handyman | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F739728 | 0x0000107D | 0x00000000 |
CT - Test - Hire - Exterminator | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F739728 | 0x0000107E | 0x00000000 |
CT - Test - Hire - Nanny | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F739728 | 0x00001080 | 0x00000000 |
CT - Test - Sim is Zombie | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F739728 | 0x000011CD | 0x00000000 |
Talk - Start Talking | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7FBD3903 | 0x0000200C | 0x00000000 |
Phone - Invite Household Over | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7FE2205A | 0x00001025 | 0x00000000 |
Preg - Check For Pregnant Sims | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F07FBBC | 0x0000101C | 0x00000000 |
Interaction - Lazy - Nod Off | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F01EC29 | 0x00002167 | 0x00000000 |
Interaction - Lazy - Nod Off - TEST | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F01EC29 | 0x00002164 | 0x00000000 |
Interaction - Lazy - Snack | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F01EC29 | 0x0000215E | 0x00000000 |
Interaction - Lazy - Veg Out | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F01EC29 | 0x00002166 | 0x00000000 |
Interaction - Lazy - Veg Out - TEST | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F01EC29 | 0x00002163 | 0x00000000 |
untitled tree table | Pie Menu Functions | 0x54544142 | 0x7F01EC29 | 0x00000081 | 0x00000000 |
shrub4_tslocator_gmdc | Geometric Data Container | 0xAC4F8687 | 0x1C0532FA | 0x29C3A5BB | 0xFFD16B0E |
shrub4Overgrown_tslocator_gmdc | Geometric Data Container | 0xAC4F8687 | 0x1C0532FA | 0xC0D97917 | 0xFFDA2E2E |
shrub4Tall_tslocator_gmdc | Geometric Data Container | 0xAC4F8687 | 0x1C0532FA | 0x427FC247 | 0xFFC08D4C |
shrub4TallOvergrown_tslocator_gmdc | Geometric Data Container | 0xAC4F8687 | 0x1C0532FA | 0x92C3E820 | 0xFFCC39D7 |
shrubCreepingPhlox_tslocator_gmdc | Geometric Data Container | 0xAC4F8687 | 0x1C0532FA | 0xFF8C0CB5 | 0x37CA67A0 |
shrubCreepingPhloxOvergrown_tslocator_gmdc | Geometric Data Container | 0xAC4F8687 | 0x1C0532FA | 0x99FDD7E0 | 0xFFBE6D48 |
shrubHydrangea_tslocator_gmdc | Geometric Data Container | 0xAC4F8687 | 0x1C0532FA | 0x98BCD958 | 0xFFC7F0EF |
shrubHydrangeaOvergrown_tslocator_gmdc | Geometric Data Container | 0xAC4F8687 | 0x1C0532FA | 0xFF3BC53C | 0x06512B86 |
(Sim) EP1Occult / Ressurect a Zombie Bad | Wants XML | 0xED7D7B4D | 0x4DD1CDC1 | 0x0E95577E | 0x00000000 |
Resource name | Type name | Type | Group | Instance | Instance (high) |
CT - Can Be Put In Personal Inventory | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7FAEB37F | 0x00001010 | 0x00000000 |
CT - Can Be Put In Personal Inventory | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F3A9955 | 0x00001008 | 0x00000000 |
CT - Can Be Put In Personal Inventory | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F2178F9 | 0x00001008 | 0x00000000 |
CT - Can Be Put In Personal Inventory | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7F3666C5 | 0x00001010 | 0x00000000 |
CT - Can Be Put In Personal Inventory | Behaviour Function | 0x42484156 | 0x7FD51D9E | 0x00001010 | 0x00000000 |
Cyjon (Debugger)
Creators of SimPE
Filename | Type | Size |
Mini Fixes - Part 2.rar | rar | |
Cubic Television Floor.package | package | 259862 |
Lenna-CelebrationBuffetCanBePlacedInInventory.package | package | 248 |
Lenna-ClothingNotificationFix.package | package | 869 |
Lenna-ClothingRackCanBePlacedInInventory.package | package | 656 |
Lenna-FamilyTalkWantFix.package | package | 627 |
Lenna-FightFix.package | package | 410 |
Lenna-GardenerInvasionFix.package | package | 471 |
Lenna-GetAPuppyKittenWantFix.package | package | 364 |
Lenna-HireAServiceWantsFix.package | package | 845 |
Lenna-InvisibleNewspaperFix.package | package | 739 |
Lenna-InviteHeadmasterFix.package | package | 656 |
Lenna-InviteOverWantFix.package | package | 766 |
Lenna-MopUpFix.package | package | 334 |
Lenna-PersonalTrainerFix.package | package | 974 |
Lenna-PetBehaviorFix.package | package | 969 |
Lenna-PleadForJobFix.package | package | 355 |
Lenna-PregnancyModifierTokenFix.package | package | 346 |
Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix.package | package | 1272 |
Lenna-SackFix.package | package | 1258 |
Lenna-ShrubShadowFix.package | package | 352532 |
Lenna-SimIsAZombieWantFix.package | package | 281 |
Lenna-TokenDestroyer.package | package | 2229 |
Lenna-VegOutFix.package | package | 9782 |
Readme.txt | txt | 8135 |
Wants.package | package | 742 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-ClothingNotificationFix-LotTransitionDumpShoppingStuffMod.rar | rar | |
Lenna-ClothingNotificationFix-LotTransitionDumpShoppingStuffMod.package | package | 867 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-FightFix-meanInteractionsToAnyAge.rar | rar | |
Lenna-FightFix-meanInteractionsToAnyAge.package | package | 438 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-PersonalTrainerFix+Money.rar | rar | |
Lenna-PersonalTrainerFix+Money.package | package | 1009 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-InviteOverWantFix-InviteEntireHousehold.rar | rar | |
Lenna-InviteOverWantFix-InviteEntireHousehold.package | package | 1774 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-PetBehaviorFix-communitylotnapping.rar | rar | |
Lenna-PetBehaviorFix-communitylotnapping.package | package | 511 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-PetBehaviorFix-communitylotnappingnoautonomous.rar | rar | |
Lenna-PetBehaviorFix-communitylotnappingnoautonomous.package | package | 520 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-PetBehaviorFix-GetOffYourAss.rar | rar | |
Lenna-PetBehaviorFix-GetOffYourAss.package | package | 763 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix-JobReject.rar | rar | |
Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix-JobReject.package | package | 1365 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-FamilyTalkWantFix-CallChatFun.rar | rar | |
Lenna-FamilyTalkWantFix-CallChatFun.package | package | 862 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-InvisibleNewspaperFix-StoryProgression.rar | rar | |
Lenna-InvisibleNewspaperFix-StoryProgression.package | package | 765 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-SackFix-DateGiftFixes.rar | rar | |
Lenna-SackFix-DateGiftFixes.package | package | 1282 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-VegOutFix-VisitOtherSims.rar | rar | |
Lenna-VegOutFix-VisitOtherSims.package | package | 9813 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix-harderjobs.rar | rar | |
Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix-harderjobs.package | package | 1491 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix-SimsSalaryBonusScheme.rar | rar | |
Lenna-QuitJobMemoryFix-SimsSalaryBonusScheme.package | package | 1432 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Lenna-FightFix-LessAutonomousFighting.rar | rar | |
Lenna-FightFix-LessAutonomousFighting.package | package | 400 |
Mini Fixes - Part 2.rar
| Main file containing all the fixes
Uploaded: 6th Sep 2023, 417.7 KB.
| Compatible version (see Conflicts)
Uploaded: 6th Sep 2023, 896 Bytes.
| Compatible version (see Conflicts)
Uploaded: 6th Sep 2023, 467 Bytes.
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Uploaded: 7th Sep 2023, 945 Bytes.
| Compatibility patch (see Conflicts)
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2023, 544 Bytes.
| Compatibility patch (see Conflicts)
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2023, 558 Bytes.
| Compatibility patch (see Conflicts)
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2023, 756 Bytes.
| Compatible version (see Conflicts)
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2023, 1.3 KB.
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Uploaded: 8th Sep 2023, 834 Bytes.
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Uploaded: 11th Sep 2023, 787 Bytes.
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Uploaded: 12th Sep 2023, 1.1 KB.
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Uploaded: 16th Oct 2023, 7.8 KB.
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Uploaded: 1st Nov 2023, 1.4 KB.
| Compatible version (see Conflicts)
Uploaded: 21st Mar 2024, 1.4 KB.
| Compatible version (see Conflicts)
Uploaded: 20th Apr 2024, 440 Bytes.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 22nd Nov 2024 at 8:04 AM
by simler90 updated 27th Sep 2022 at 5:49am
18 32k 130
by EvelynnMama 23rd Jun 2021 at 6:50pm
+1 packs
by Lenna9 25th Dec 2022 at 12:32pm
1.9k 3
by Lenna9 updated 14th Nov 2023 at 7:08am
These are 15 different custom CAS screens, all kept in a modern style. more...
+17 packs
Happy Holiday
Family Fun
Glamour Life
Open for Business
H&M Fashion
Teen Style
Kitchen & Bath
Bon Voyage
Free Time
Ikea Home
Apartment Life
Mansion and Garden
Higher Probability of Alien Pregnancy
by Lenna9 3rd Oct 2023 at 1:21pm
In the base game, male Sims who are abducted by aliens always come back pregnant. more...
+1 packs
Free Time
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Apartment Life |
Stuff Pack | |
![]() | Mansion and Garden |