Job options mod set

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This is a set of global mods that change a few things about jobs.
Some of this stuff may have been done before, like uni jobs in Inteen, as I've heard. But I love job related mods and couldn't help making them. Some of them still may be useful. Pick and choose. Separate packages should make it easier.

Mods in this set:
15 Apr 2024: YA-work-wants-fears-Better - when underperforming/unhappy sims want to find a new job while already having one, they no longer can want to start in the same career they're already in
10 Oct 2021: YA-work-wants-fears-Better - fixed a recent mistake that might have prevented YAs from wanting to get a non-specific job
17 Sep 2021: Added career-types-mutually-satisfy-wants and updated 3 other mods
05 July 2021: One more want for YA-work-wants-fears (reach certain career level)
05.04.2019: Fixed YA-work-wants-fears to liberate wants to join specific careers
28 July 2018: Added choose-career-type+teens version and updated cheat-only version
25 June 2018: Choose-career-type: combined versions Pets-AL and added Cheat-only version
17 Feb. 2018: YA-work-wants-fears updated with new lifted want restrictions (enter career track).
Note: If you get "no more offers" message before any offers, try again right away and you'll get job offers. It may happen when you've just installed the mod or just moved in (some stuff needs time/nudge to update).

Choose part-time or full-time career type
Features & Versions (choose one):
  • choose-career-type
    • Adults, young adults and elders can choose between part-time and full-time jobs. A dialog pops up when your sim is about to use computer or paper to find a job.
    • Teens are still limited to part-time jobs.
    • Debug interaction on a newspaper provides choice as well (by Shift-click with cheats enabled). Young adults, adults and elders see both part-time and full-time menu options.
  • choose-career-type+teens
    • Sims, including teens, can choose between part-time and full-time jobs. A dialog pops up when your sim is about to use computer or paper to find a job.
    • Debug interaction on a newspaper provides choice as well (Shift-click with cheats enabled). Teens, young adults, adults and elders see both part-time and full-time menu options.
  • choose-career-type-CheatOnly
    • Normal job-seeking interaction is not modded at all.
    • Debug interaction on a newspaper (Shift-click with cheats enabled) provides both part-time and full-time options for teens, young adults, adults and elders.
  • Tested on UC (AL/M&G game version).
  • If your latest EP is Pets or later, it might work for you too (test in testing 'hood first just in case).
  • CheatOnly version might work on even lower game versions, but I can't test and confirm.
  • All versions should be compatible with Pescado's Harder jobs and Cyjon's Job Stopinator.
  • All versions conflict with Pescado's no-age-discrimination. (Though, my mod seems to offer more options in this regard.)
  • CheatOnly version shouldn't conflict with InTeen. Other versions probably do.
  • Should be compatible with Midge's More Computer Options, if you make Midge's mod load after mine.
  • This mod may conflict with mods that override the same resources:

Ask before promoting
  • Promotions are mostly offered instead of being pushed on sims and pets. A dialog pops up for player to accept or decline new position.
  • Regular promotion offer for job performance:
    • By default, the chance of getting it is 100%, provided sims qualify for the next level, but it can be altered with lower promotion chance mod.
  • Promotions on special occasions:
    • When a random boss's cousin promises promotion (networking bonus), after the next work day, sims are presented with an offer.
    • When a colleague pulls some strings (good relationships or love?), sims get an offer.
  • Better promotion deal:
    • Sims have a 40% chance of getting second offer, after they decline the first one, provided they qualify and have good job performance.
    • Better promotion deal takes sims to even higher position (skip level), but never to the top.
  • Goes without offering:
    • all kinds of penalties, demotions, firings;
    • promotions caused by chance cards.
  • This mod applies to full-time, part-time and pet career tracks.
Versions (choose one):
  • ask-before-promotion
  • ask-before-promotion-NoDeal - this one doesn't have a better promotion deal, in case you don't want it.
  • Requires Apartment Life or Mansions and Gardens
  • Should be compatible with Pescado's Harder jobs and Cyjon's Job Stopinator.
  • May conflict with Pescado's jobfixes. Looks like it's for OFB jobs. Haven't played them much, so don't know what is wrong with them and what jobfixes fix.
  • This mod may conflict with mods that use the same resources:

Jobs in University 'hood
  • Sims and pets can work while being in university 'hood.
    • Sims from teen to elder, including young adults, can find a job on computer and newspaper.
    • Sims can find a job for their cats and dogs living with them on campus.
  • The game processes jobs properly on University lots (for example, checks for being late) and shows you job-related notifications.
  • Working sims and/or pets get carpool to work.
  • 2021 update: sims may look for jobs on non-livable lots. Example: go to a community work center and use a computer to find a job you wouldn't find at home - the list of available jobs would be different.
Versions (choose one):
  • jobs-in-uni-for-all - for sims and pets
  • jobs-in-uni-only-sims - for people only
  • jobs-in-uni-only-pets - for animals only
  • Requires Apartment Life or Mansions and Gardens
  • Probably conflicts with InTeen.
  • This mod may conflict with mods that use the same resources:

Young adults want and fear work
  • Young adults can have wishes and fears about work: find a job, go to work, get a promotion, etc.
Versions (choose one):
  • YA-work-wants-fears
    • Basic old version, I leave it here just in case.
  • YA-work-wants-fears-Better
    • Young adults may want to find a job only if their interest in work is higher then in school and entertainment, OR if they have less then §100 in funds. Thus, fewer students want to get a job, and it makes more sense now.
    • Working sims may want to find another career, if their job performance is poor (not only young adults). Makes for a better story: sometimes people want to change careers, and that's fine.
  • Requires any EP from Nightlife or higher (but I only tested on UC).
  • Conflicts with a couple of parts of Pescado's wfsanity, which may be resolved by load order (post #83)
  • This mod may conflict with mods that use the same resources:

Part & full time careers mutually satisfy wants
Features & Versions:
  • career-types-mutually-satisfy-wants
    • Getting a part-time job satisfies a want to get a full-time job in a corresponding career and vice versa - getting a full-time job satisfies a want to get a part-time job in a corresponding career. Only works for maxis careers, because I had to go by individual IDs.
    • To complement this feature, get choose-career-type from above so that everybody can choose between part-time and full-time jobs.
  • Requires Apartment Life or Mansions & Gardens
  • Doesn't conflict with Lazy Duchess' job reject anymore
  • This mod may conflict with other mods that override the same resources:

See also: related mods

Additional Credits:
The Sims 2 team, SimPE team, MTS & Wiki, and also lientebollemeis and LilSister for testing and feedback.
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