Job options mod set
choose-career-type.png - width=552 height=414
ask-before-promotion.png - width=657 height=493
Some of this stuff may have been done before, like uni jobs in Inteen, as I've heard. But I love job related mods and couldn't help making them. Some of them still may be useful. Pick and choose. Separate packages should make it easier.
Mods in this set:
- Choose part-time or full-time career type
- Ask before promotion
- Jobs in University 'hood
- YA's work wants and fears
- Part & full time jobs mutually satisfy wants

10 Oct 2021: YA-work-wants-fears-Better - fixed a recent mistake that might have prevented YAs from wanting to get a non-specific job
17 Sep 2021: Added career-types-mutually-satisfy-wants and updated 3 other mods
05 July 2021: One more want for YA-work-wants-fears (reach certain career level)
05.04.2019: Fixed YA-work-wants-fears to liberate wants to join specific careers
28 July 2018: Added choose-career-type+teens version and updated cheat-only version
25 June 2018: Choose-career-type: combined versions Pets-AL and added Cheat-only version
17 Feb. 2018: YA-work-wants-fears updated with new lifted want restrictions (enter career track).

Choose part-time or full-time career type
Features & Versions (choose one):
- choose-career-type
- Adults, young adults and elders can choose between part-time and full-time jobs. A dialog pops up when your sim is about to use computer or paper to find a job.
- Teens are still limited to part-time jobs.
- Debug interaction on a newspaper provides choice as well (by Shift-click with cheats enabled). Young adults, adults and elders see both part-time and full-time menu options.
- choose-career-type+teens
- Sims, including teens, can choose between part-time and full-time jobs. A dialog pops up when your sim is about to use computer or paper to find a job.
- Debug interaction on a newspaper provides choice as well (Shift-click with cheats enabled). Teens, young adults, adults and elders see both part-time and full-time menu options.
- choose-career-type-CheatOnly
- Normal job-seeking interaction is not modded at all.
- Debug interaction on a newspaper (Shift-click with cheats enabled) provides both part-time and full-time options for teens, young adults, adults and elders.

- Tested on UC (AL/M&G game version).
- If your latest EP is Pets or later, it might work for you too (test in testing 'hood first just in case).
- CheatOnly version might work on even lower game versions, but I can't test and confirm.
- All versions should be compatible with Pescado's Harder jobs and Cyjon's Job Stopinator.
- All versions conflict with Pescado's no-age-discrimination. (Though, my mod seems to offer more options in this regard.)
- CheatOnly version shouldn't conflict with InTeen. Other versions probably do.
- Should be compatible with Midge's More Computer Options, if you make Midge's mod load after mine.
- This mod may conflict with mods that override the same resources:
CheatOnly version:- DEBUG - Get Any Job TEST | 0x42484156 0x7F08E23C 0x00001025
- Function - Get My Job Category | 0x42484156 0x7F441294 0x00002022
- DEBUG - Get Any Job TEST | 0x42484156 0x7F08E23C 0x00001025
- Dialog prim string set | 0x53545223 0x7F441294 0x0000012D
Ask before promoting
- Promotions are mostly offered instead of being pushed on sims and pets. A dialog pops up for player to accept or decline new position.
- Regular promotion offer for job performance:
- By default, the chance of getting it is 100%, provided sims qualify for the next level, but it can be altered with lower promotion chance mod.
- Promotions on special occasions:
- When a random boss's cousin promises promotion (networking bonus), after the next work day, sims are presented with an offer.
- When a colleague pulls some strings (good relationships or love?), sims get an offer.
- Better promotion deal:
- Sims have a 40% chance of getting second offer, after they decline the first one, provided they qualify and have good job performance.
- Better promotion deal takes sims to even higher position (skip level), but never to the top.
- Goes without offering:
- all kinds of penalties, demotions, firings;
- promotions caused by chance cards.
- This mod applies to full-time, part-time and pet career tracks.
- ask-before-promotion
- ask-before-promotion-NoDeal - this one doesn't have a better promotion deal, in case you don't want it.

- Requires Apartment Life or Mansions and Gardens
- Should be compatible with Pescado's Harder jobs and Cyjon's Job Stopinator.
- May conflict with Pescado's jobfixes. Looks like it's for OFB jobs. Haven't played them much, so don't know what is wrong with them and what jobfixes fix.
- This mod may conflict with mods that use the same resources:
Overriden:- Sub - Get Paid | 0x42484156 0x7F8F4EB6 0x00002004
- Sub - Secret Networking Promotion/Demotion | 0x42484156 0x7F8F4EB6 0x0000209F
- Sub - Ask before promoting | 0x42484156 0x7F8F4EB6 0x00002188
- Tuning - Promotion Deal | 0x42434F4E 0x7F8F4EB6 0x00002018
Jobs in University 'hood
- Sims and pets can work while being in university 'hood.
- Sims from teen to elder, including young adults, can find a job on computer and newspaper.
- Sims can find a job for their cats and dogs living with them on campus.
- The game processes jobs properly on University lots (for example, checks for being late) and shows you job-related notifications.
- Working sims and/or pets get carpool to work.
- 2021 update: sims may look for jobs on non-livable lots. Example: go to a community work center and use a computer to find a job you wouldn't find at home - the list of available jobs would be different.
- jobs-in-uni-for-all - for sims and pets
- jobs-in-uni-only-sims - for people only
- jobs-in-uni-only-pets - for animals only

- Requires Apartment Life or Mansions and Gardens
- Probably conflicts with InTeen.
- This mod may conflict with mods that use the same resources:
For all:- Functional - Main | 0x42484156 0x7F8F4EB6 0x00002001
- Interaction - Find A Job - TEST | 0x42484156 0x7F441294 0x0000200C
- Interaction - Find Job TEST | 0x42484156 0x7F08E23C 0x00001002
- Interaction - Find Pet Job TEST | 0x42484156 0x7F08E23C 0x00001049
- Interaction - Find Pet Job TEST | 0x42484156 0x7F441294 0x00002089
- Functional - Main | 0x42484156 0x7F8F4EB6 0x00002001
- Interaction - Find A Job - TEST | 0x42484156 0x7F441294 0x0000200C
- Interaction - Find Job TEST | 0x42484156 0x7F08E23C 0x00001002
- Functional - Main | 0x42484156 0x7F8F4EB6 0x00002001
- Interaction - Find Pet Job TEST | 0x42484156 0x7F08E23C 0x00001049
- Interaction - Find Pet Job TEST | 0x42484156 0x7F441294 0x00002089
Young adults want and fear work
- Young adults can have wishes and fears about work: find a job, go to work, get a promotion, etc.
- YA-work-wants-fears
- Basic old version, I leave it here just in case.
- YA-work-wants-fears-Better
- Young adults may want to find a job only if their interest in work is higher then in school and entertainment, OR if they have less then §100 in funds. Thus, fewer students want to get a job, and it makes more sense now.
- Working sims may want to find another career, if their job performance is poor (not only young adults). Makes for a better story: sometimes people want to change careers, and that's fine.

- Requires any EP from Nightlife or higher (but I only tested on UC).
- Conflicts with a couple of parts of Pescado's wfsanity, which may be resolved by load order (post #83)
- This mod may conflict with mods that use the same resources:
- CT - Test - Work Fear | 0x42484156 0x7F739728 0x00001144
- CT - Test - Work Good | 0x42484156 0x7F739728 0x0000114C
- CT - Test - Get a Promotion | 0x42484156 0x7F739728 0x00001063
- CT - Test - Get a Job | 0x42484156 0x7F739728 0x0000105F
- CT - Test - Enter Career Track | 0x42484156 0x7F739728 0x00001061
- CT - Test - Enter Career Exclusive | 0x42484156 0x7F739728 0x0000111C
- Job - Can Have? | 0x42484156 0x7F739728 0x00001078
Part & full time careers mutually satisfy wants
Features & Versions:
- career-types-mutually-satisfy-wants
- Getting a part-time job satisfies a want to get a full-time job in a corresponding career and vice versa - getting a full-time job satisfies a want to get a part-time job in a corresponding career. Only works for maxis careers, because I had to go by individual IDs.
- To complement this feature, get choose-career-type from above so that everybody can choose between part-time and full-time jobs.

- Requires Apartment Life or Mansions & Gardens
- Doesn't conflict with Lazy Duchess' job reject anymore
- This mod may conflict with other mods that override the same resources:
- Wants Satisfy - Reach Career Level | 0x42484156 0x7F8F4EB6 0x0000204F
See also: related mods
- Lowered promotion chance - less often promotions by random chance
- YA's Job Panel Revealer - for students who combine work and classes
Additional Credits:
The Sims 2 team, SimPE team, MTS & Wiki, and also lientebollemeis and LilSister for testing and feedback.
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
YA-work-wants-fears-Better-lamare.package | package | 1990 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
career-types-mutually-satisfy-wants-lamare.package | package | 1251 |
Note from the Creator:
| any job type - for young adults, adults, elders (Pets-AL)
Uploaded: 25th Jun 2018, 45.1 KB.
| any job type - for all including teens (Pets-AL)
Uploaded: 28th Jul 2018, 45.0 KB.
| any job type - only cheat interaction
Uploaded: 28th Jul 2018, 378 Bytes.
| promotions are offered + a chance of a better deal
Uploaded: 18th Jan 2018, 1.6 KB.
| promotions are offered, but no skip deal
Uploaded: 17th Sep 2021, 1.6 KB.
| jobs on campus - for sims and pets
Uploaded: 17th Sep 2021, 605 Bytes.
| jobs on campus - for people only
Uploaded: 17th Sep 2021, 547 Bytes.
| jobs on campus - for animals only
Uploaded: 17th Sep 2021, 551 Bytes.
| students may have job related wants and fears, but BETTER
Uploaded: 15th Apr 2024, 1.2 KB.
| old version, consider another one
Uploaded: 5th Jul 2021, 913 Bytes.
| full time jobs satisfy part time wants and vice versa
Uploaded: 27th Jul 2022, 1.1 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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About Me
- Move-in Assets - French translation
- YA-move-out-of-college - French translation
- Upgrade to Full Time Job - fixed for pre-BV game versions
- Hobby Lot Visitors Fix - new version with more visitors