29 Pet-Themed Greeting Cards for MogHughson's Postal System

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Twenty-nine new greeting cards, all pet-themed:

Top left shelf has 2 Engagement and 3 Wedding; middle left shelf has 4 New Birth and 1 New Home; bottom left shelf has 4 Mother's Day and 1 Get Well Soon; top right shelf has 2 Graduation, 1 New Job, and 2 Congratulations; middle right shelf has 2 Congratulations and 2 Fanmail; bottom right shelf has 1 Easter, 1 Thanksgiving, 1 Halloween, and 2 Birthday cards.

In order to use these cards you will of course need Mog's greeting card rack placed on a lot with a working cash register. The rack costs $500 and can be found in Shopping->Miscellaneous in the community lot catalog and Miscellaneous->Miscellaneous in the residential lot catalog. Once you have the rack set up, you'll need to send your sim to that lot and direct them to buy a box of each sort of cards you wish them to be able to send then bring that box home and place it on a surface (the floor does work). Sims also need a desk or table with a chair so they can sit and write. A box of cards cost $30 and each box contains 10 cards, which works out to $3 per card. You can have a sim write several cards at a time and can even leave a pile of cards and add to it later, but keep in mind that whichever sim actually puts the cards in the mailbox will be the sim who's name is on the cards when they arrive at their recipient's home

You can find more information on the cards, how to use them, and even how to make your own (and of course also download the original mod!) in MogHughson's thread.

I edited the backs of the cards this time; I think they're quite fitting to the theme.

I've used the same slightly edited stamps as last time, so the envelopes look like this:

As with most things in this game, if you zoom in close enough these cards start to look weird. You can see what I mean in some of the screenshots, such as this one:
I think they look pretty decent when you're at a reasonable distance, though.

I put all 29 cards in one rar, but they should be labelled well enough that you can pick and choose without too much difficulty. (When in doubt, Clean Installer can be a big help, as it shows both the pics and text for each card.)

Clip Art Credits:

Paw-print clip art image by OpenClipart-Vectors: link
Donkey clip art image by OpenClipart-Vectors: link
Black kitten clip art image by OpenClipart-Vectors: link
Rooster and duck silhouette clip art images by OpenClipart-Vectors: link
Doe with flower crown, wolf with bow-tie, two rabbits, squirrel with acorn, frog with pointy hat, sleeping bird, baby owl, and owl with blue cup clip art images by GraphicMama-team: link
Two horse clip art images by GraphicMama-team: link
Doctor elephant, birthday elephant, ballerina elephant, and suit elephant clip art images GraphicMama-team: link
Elephant with flower, crowned lion, kangaroo boxer, camel with feathered turban, camel with white head-covering, crocodile with book, and baby crocodile clip art images by GraphicMama-team: link
Pink parrot and blue parrot clip art images by GraphicMama-team: link
Owl with book clip art image by GraphicMama-team: link
Multitasking homemaker clip art image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images: link
Round lamb clip art image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images: link
Tadpole clip art image by Stephanie_Curry: link

Additional Credits:
MogHughson for the original postal system mod, the templates, and the helpful instructions!
joninmobile for the 3t2 Ambitions unicorn sculpture for surfaces
The creators of SimPE, IrfanView, and MS Paint.
My husband for helping me and putting up with my whinging.
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