Wailea Kitchen
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Mission counters and islands
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Base game Epikouros counters
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OFB in olive
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Epikouros in greens
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Bright dining area
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Base game black
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OFB black
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Olive dining
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Black and creme
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Bar and dining
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Bar and dining
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Counters and Appliances
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NL bars and barstool
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Base game bars
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Extra bits and decorations
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Lots of plants
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Hide those walls
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Blinds and curtains
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Funky and Loft
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FT Rug
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walls and floors
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walls and floors
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walls and floors
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set thumbnail
So, details! Plenty of base game pieces, as well as options from OFB, BV, and NL. A UNI table and deco from various -- Hopefully there's something here for most game configs. All files Compressorized, and rugs work with HL's Rug Fix. Comes with nine walls and seven floors. Collection file and icon included. Fridges and stoves are posted over here
Base Game
Epikouros Sleek Cuisine Counter (Surfaces / Counters / 325) - base and 3 tops
also recolours Epikouros Sleek Cuisine Island (335)
FLATWÖUD Dining Table by Iseeya (Surfaces / Tables / 450)
Oaktowne East Side Dining Chair (Comfort / Dining / 250) - base and 6 seats
Regulars Only Barstool (Comfort / Misc / 650) - 4 colours
Wishy-Washer from Brandname LX (Appliances / Large / 550)
Shiny Things Inc. Whisp-Aire Dishwasher (Appliances / Large / 900)
Gagmia Simore Trash RefuseNik Compactor (Appliances / Large / 375)
SmokeSentry SmokeSniffer 3000 (Electronics / Small / 50)
Bachman Busbar (Misc / Party / 600) - 2 trim colours
4x4 Designer Chandelier (Lighting / Ceiling / 120) - 3 shades
Torcher Clamshell Wall Sconce (Lighting / Wall / 75) - 3 colours
Rip Co. Little Baker Oven (Misc / Kids / 100)
The Simulated Succulent (Deco / Plants / 160) - 5 colours
Rubber Tree Plant (Deco / Plants / 165) - 3 pots
The Lone Daisy (Deco / Wall / 285) - 2 designs, butterfly and edit of Red Hibiscus Bloom by Andrew Schmidt]
Collage in Black and White (Deco / Wall / 300) - set fabric
Sim City at Night (Deco / Wall / 425) - edit of Palm Tree by Ik Ikrig
Winter Blossoms (Deco / Wall / 650) - flower design drawn along with counter fronts
Aluminium Privacy Blinds by P King Tom (Deco / Curtains / 80) - 5 colours
Antique Lace Curtains (Deco / Curtains / 165) - 3 colours
Ultra Funky Curtain Clothes (Deco / Curtains / 170) - 5 colours
also recolours Loft Curtains by Sparse and Fine (195)
Bowl of Plastic Fruit (Deco / Misc / 150)
AquaBox Five-Gallon Aquarium (Deco / Misc / 300)
EP/SP Items
The More Impossible Mission Counter (Surfaces / Counters / 740 / OFB) - base and 3 tops
also recolours The Impossible Mission Counter (740) and The Impossible Mission Island Counter (750)
AOD Disco Dining Table (Surfaces / Tables / 755 / UNI) - 755 - 3 colours
Customer's First Dining Table (Surfaces / Tables / 340 / BV) - 2 designs
The Schottel Chair (Comfort / Dining / 360 / BV) - base and 5 seats
Contorto Dining Chair by Ernesto Doloroso (Comfort / Dining / 850 / NL) - base and 3 seats
The Sumptuous Brasserie Barstool (Comfort / Misc / 680 / NL)
The Grease Stands Alone Island Bar (Misc / Party / 1780 / NL) - base and 3 tops
Romantic Romance by Elle and Eey (Lighting / Table / 100 / NL)
Softwind Ceiling Lamp (Lighting / Ceiling / 195 / BV) - base and 2 shades
Scientifically Superior Pet Dish (Misc / Pets / 80 / PETS) - 2 colours
The Official Fighting Llama Wall Clock (Electronics / Small / 230 / FT)
BLADET 3 plant pots (Deco / Plants / 23 / IKEA) - 2 colours
Poinsettia Gift Pack (Deco / Plants / 95 / HOL)
Potted Ficus by Nature's Garden (Deco / Plants / 320 / NL) - 4 colours
RIBBA Frame (Deco / Wall / 31 / IKEA) - set fabric
Sizzling Cuisine Mitts (Deco / Wall / 70 / SNS)
Corky Reminder Board (Deco / Wall / 82 / KBS)
Rack-O-Plates (Deco / Wall / 135 / SNS)
Spice Trader Starter Kit (Deco / Wall / 300 / SNS)
Duck in Three Parts (Deco / Wall / 139 / KBS) - set fabric
Collectible Poster by TravelKeeper (Deco / Wall / 149 / BV) - edit of Travel Poster with Simlish Font
Eastern Blossoms by Li Qing (Deco / Wall / 480 / FT) - calendar with pic from The It Poster (TSS) and Simlish Font
Utensil Silo by Pastoral Poultry Designs (Deco / Sculptures / 200 / SNS)
Earthenware Trio by Pastoral Poultry Designs (Deco / Sculptures / 200 / SNS)
More O'This and That (Deco / Misc / 80 / SNS)
Juice On The Wall Sculpture (Deco / Misc / 270 / NL)
SVEJE Rug (Deco / Rugs / 19 / IKEA) - 4 colours
Isotopia Rug by Modulin (Deco / Rugs / 180 / FT) - 4 colours
Royal First Oval Rug (Deco / Rugs / 460 / SNS) - 5 designs
Organically Atomic Rug (Deco / Rugs / 950 / PETS) - 6 colours
Walls and Floors
2 Wood Floors - 6, 9
5 Poured Floors - 8
4 Paint Walls - 6
5 Poured Walls - 7
Additional Credits:
Immeasurable thanks to Numenor, Quaxi, RGiles, and everyone who contributed to CEP and SimPE!
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
| Floral kitchen in black and island greens
Uploaded: 22nd Aug 2018, 5.87 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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