One-Twenty-Five Cafe, Downtown ~ with expanded deck and new aquarium lounge

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Downtown's One-Twenty-Five Cafe
completely renovated and refurbished

Please scroll through all the pictures above to see all that this Restaurant & Lounge has to offer...

The only included CC is the aquarium stuff for the display downstairs. If you don't want all the aquarium stuff, then please chose the 'house' icon on the top right corner of the Sims2Clean Installer - and "select the lot file only" to install. There is no other CC included with this lot file. Maybe instead of 'fishies' you could display sports memorabilia in the tank-displays? Change it up however you want to! I like the fishies!

This is a clean copy if the lot - no Sim has set foot in it. The package has been cleaned with both Mootilda's Clean Installer and Chris Hatch's Lot Compressor and then double checked with SimPE - it's as squeaky as they come!

Necessary, and NOT included - GO get them:
Floor Edger in Dark Wood by HL @ Sims2Artists
L&F: "International" Sectional Booth by Numenor @ MTS2
"Open Me" window/door Completer Set by Windkeeper @ TSR
Lifestyle Build Bundle - It's the second link in the top post - extracted from Lifestyle Stories by Argon @ MATY. I used wallpapers and floors from this set.

Standard mods I use that are not necessary nor included - but were probably used whilst building/photo-ing/prepping this house for upload...
I use Moi's Roof Shader for brighter roofs
Maranatah's White Wall Top texture replacement
Moo's Turn On/Off Lights
Menaceman's Lunatech Lighting Fix
BeosBoxBoy's no-red-pause-mod
I also use FRAPs to take in-game pictures, and PhotoShop to clean/collage said pictures.
And, I highly recommend using gummilutt's Invisible Medicine Cabinet to add features to any mirror - as per her policy, it's not used or included in this lot.

Lot Size: 3x4
Lot Price (furnished): $121,437

Custom Content Included:
- Coral Reef from Island Paradise TS3:EP10 - TS2 conversion Veranka @ Tumbler - YES! I used the whole set of 18 items and their recolors!
- Aquarium 4-piece Mural by ByMichelle @ LeeFish
- Custom Built Aquarium Set by Windkeeper @ TSR - YES! Again, I used the whole set of 24 items!

Additional Credits:
Thank you EAxis for this wonderful game
And, MTS2 for this terrific website!
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