UPDATED BEDS - Asian Collection Part 2

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Updated beds
An update has been made to the Dbl and Sgl beds. The issue was that the TS4 beds are lower than the TS3. I made the converted beds lower. There shouldn't be any issues with the beds now. You will need to delete the old files of the dbl and sgl beds and then download the new ones. Thank you ---goldilockssims

About this collection:

This is a part of a series. There are about another 10 parts in this series. For the next two weeks I will be working on some Christmas items; therefore, this series will be on hold momentarily.

All items are from TS3 store - with the exception of the Dbl Asian Bed, it is from TS3 game World Adventures pack. All textures/patterns are EA TS3 and meshes are EA, except some textures and patterns on some of the items - which are explained in the details for that item - they are from a friend on facebook who sells material and allows me to use their photos as well as having patterns from my personal pillow company material - and then there is some painting from myself.

Just a side note: (This goes for Part 1 of this collection and for any creator who uploads on here or anywhere else) Any item that is converted from the store, has a texture map that is greyscale. So all of the work to get the items to look very close to the original that EA had...has to be done all over again. Some items have overlays which helps on the coloring, but most of the time I have to go by the image that the store has or the image of what was in the viewport in TSRW. To convert any item is a daunting task and is not taken lightly. To convert from the store is even more daunting because there are extra steps involved. So, whenever you download something that someone has converted from the TS3 store, appreciate it because it was uploaded to you in hopes of you having a memory of TS3 while playing TS4.

I state in the polygon section about the decimation. Unfortunately, with the way TS4 is handled the polys from TS3 were much higher. Due to this, some items are going to be slightly, or a great deal, higher because decimating it even more, even after getting rid of doubles in blender, will warp the mesh and look really, really bad in game - which means there will be holes in the mesh where edges have pulled away from each other. I try to get the polys down as much as possible because I know some people have a lot of lag while playing. Trust me when I say, I have you in mind whenever I convert (let alone any upload) an item for you to download. If I won't have an item in my game that isn't decent and won't fry my computer, then I am not going to give you something that isn't decent. Okay moving on.

What you get:

Potted Orchids Divine
3 swatches - EA original had a blue transparent glass for the vase. The leaves are the only EA original besides the mesh. I chose to not do a transparent vase (only because I am lazy and don't like dealing with phong alphas if I don't have to). This item took two (2) days to work out the kinks before I could color it because there was not a texture map provided. I had to re-texture the mesh in Blender (even then the texture wasn't all that great) before I could color it in GIMP.

Swatch 1 - Orchid flowers image from my personal plant. Buds hand painted. The stems are from my personal orchid and the dirt from
right outside my front porch.
Swatch 2 - Scroll designs by me. Pattern texture EA pattern - Masonry Clay Distressed Egypt. Flowers and buds are mine.
Swatch 3 - Pattern texture EA Paint Diamonds - France. Flowers and buds mine.

Price: 600 - Location:*Decoration-Plants; Decoration -*Bath Accents -

Lovely Geisha Table Sculpture
4 swatches - 1st swatch is EA original - Swatches 2 - 4 textures are mine from my personal material stock except for the red and white around the neck of the kimono, hair, skin detail, parasol handle, and hair accessories these are EA;
Swatch 2 - has Green jewels in the crown;
Swatch 3 has Blue jewels in the crown;
Swatch 4 - has White jewels in the crown;
All jewels for Swatches 2-4 were hand painted by me. I did the best I could to touch up the red on the sleeves and around the kimono.
Price: 250 - Location: Decoration - Sculpture/Bath Accent/Clutter/Decor-Kids

Stuffed Toy Rabbit
2 swatches - This item was suppose to go with Part 1 because it is part of the Year of the Rabbit Set in the TS3 store.
1st swatch is EA original except for the actual background coloring of the rabbit. Original color was a dingy yellow/brown; I changed it to a Light Grey. 2nd swatch is mine. I made the bunny have a Light Brown background color with Dark Brown spots and repainted the overlay to give it fall colors and*changed the eye color.
Price: 120 - Location: Kids - Toy

Japanese Inspired Artwork
9 swatches - Comes in 4 frame colors -- Red/Gold, White/Gold, Black/Gold, Peach/Gold
Swatch 1 is EA original except for the Gold accents - EA original had those as a silver metal;
Swatch 2 - image is EA original but frame*changed to White;
Swatch 3 - image is EA original but frame changed to black;
Swatches 4 - 9 images (I purchased the images) and frame colors are mine.
Price: 7500 - Location: Decoration - Wall Sculpture

Longevity Wall Hanging
9 swatches - Swatches 1 - 3 EA original except for the rods, rod caps and the piece at the very bottom of the image, I changed those colors; Swatches 4 - 9 I purchased the images; changed the nail, wire attached to the scroll rods that hangs on the nail, and the scroll rods.
Price: 415 - Location: Decoration - Wall Sculpture/Bath Accent

The Sleeker-Sleeper - Sgl Bed
12 swatches - Swatches 1 - 6 are all EA original (Each frame and bedding has a choice between two decal gold overlays)- Swatches 7 - 12 are my textures from my personal pillow company material except for Swatches 9 - 12 the frame textures are TS3 patterns; the scroll work are mine.

TS3 EA patterns used for this item:
Fabric Brushed Cotton Horizontal - Lt Grey - sheets (First 6 swatches);
Fabric Brushed Cotton Horizontal - Gold-Comforter (swatches 3 and 4);
Fabric Solid Colors Sage - panel inserts (swatches 3 and 4);
Fabric Solid Colors Black - Frame (swatches 5 and 6) changed for the download to grey;
Fabric Solid Colors Yellow/Green/Brown - Yellow/Green - panel inserts (swatches 1 and 2/5 and 6 respectively);
Geometric Basic Stripe Ver Lr Black and Red - comforter (swatches 1 and 2/5 and 6 respectively) ;
Wood Pine Knotted Ver - Red and Cherry Wood - Frame (swatches 1 and 2 - changed for the download to a brighter red/3 and 4 respectively) ;
Wood Thick Wavy EP02 Vertical Brown and Lt Brown (my swatches - the last four) - Frame
Price: 560 - Location:*Comfort*- Bed

Great Wall Bed from Dynasty Industries - Dbl bed
12 swatches - Swatches 1 - 6 are all EA original (Each frame and bedding has a choice between two decal gold overlays)- Swatches 7 - 12 are my textures from my personal pillow company material except for Swatches 9 - 12 the frame textures are TS3 patterns; the scroll work are mine.

TS3 EA patterns used for this item:
Fabric Brushed Cotton Horizontal - Lt Grey - sheets (First 6 swatches);
Fabric Brushed Cotton Horizontal - Gold-Comforter (swatches 3 and 4);
Fabric Solid Colors Sage - panel inserts (swatches 3 and 4);
Fabric Solid Colors Black - Frame (swatches 5 and 6) changed for the download to grey;
Fabric Solid Colors Yellow/Green/Brown - Yellow/Green - panel inserts (swatches 1 and 2/5 and 6 respectively);
Geometric Basic Stripe Ver Lr Black and Red - comforter (swatches 1 and 2/5 and 6 respectively) ;
Wood Pine Knotted Ver - Red and Cherry Wood - Frame (swatches 1 and 2 - changed for the download to a brighter red/3 and 4 respectively) ;
Wood Thick Wavy EP02 Vertical Brown and Lt Brown (my swatches - the last four) - Frame

Price: 2400 - Location:*Comfort - Bed (Double)/Bed

Recolor or whatever as you wish due to these items being EA meshes as long as you give me credit for the conversions. Just remember to keep Sims items with Sims games. They are not to be converted to another game; that goes against their Copyright policies. Do NOT use my textures/images/patterns, or any part of the plants. Come up with your own.

Polygon Counts:
Item Name: Polygons: High/Med/Low

Potted Orchids Divine 368/368

Lovely Geisha 490/490

Stuffed Toy Rabbit 496/496

Japanese Artwork 482/482

Longevity Wall Hanging 502/406/329

The Sleeker-Sleeper 2024/1800/943
*Decimating this item on the high poly count would have caused some major warping for the med and low counts. This item will have high polys do to the type of construction it has. The TS4 bed used for this conversion was the Sgl Bed of the Soothing Sleeper.

Great Wall Bed - Dbl 2824/2546
*Decimating this item on the high poly count would have caused some major warping for the med and low counts. This item will have high polys do to the type of construction it has. The TS4 bed used for this conversion was the Dbl Bed of the Soothing Sleeper.

Additional Credits:
EA - for the meshes and having the TS3 store
Blender 2.70 - for the conversion
GIMP 2.10 - for having such great 2d manipulation software
S4S - for having software made easy to incorporate items into TS4
TSRW - for having software that allows us to retrieve the meshes and maps needed for the conversion S3PE - S3RC - S3OC -- All three were used to retrieve the items and maps that could not be retrieved in TSRW, compress the items (only the store items), and to retrieve the description of the items
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