Towel Mod

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UPDATE 20: Plantsims won't switch into towel after a shower/bath any more. If the sim's hygiene is 95 or higher and if the sim is inside, the sim won't switch out of towel, this should prevent sims immediately switching out of towel after a shower/bath. In the Advanced Version, sims will not switch into underwear if their body temperature is -30 or lower, in that case they will switch into pyjamas.

UPDATE 19: Sims will now switch to towel after a bath/shower as long as their body temperature is above 0, as opposed to 30 or higher.

UPDATE 18: Sims are now very likely to switch out of towel if their hygiene/water motive is below 90.

UPDATE 17: Before this update, pregnant sims who switched into underwear after getting out of a shower/bath would switch into naked while going through hotel/apartment doors, this has been fixed.

- The mod doesn't affect hot-tubs any more. This is for the better, because custom hot-tubs have their own code which this mod can't change.
- Sims now have a higher chance of switching out of towel if they are outside.
- Vacation locals will not switch into towel any more.

UPDATE 15: NPCs on duty will always switch into everyday clothes. Sims who are outside will never switch into sleepwear or underwear.

UPDATE 14: Sims will not try to switch out of towel if they are faded in their dorm rooms.

UPDATE 13: If sims have 40 or higher body temperature, they now have a 1% chance to switch out of towel.

UPDATE 12: Sims were unable to switch into their actual underwear from towel, this has been fixed.

UPDATE 11: Sims won't switch out of their towel if their body temperature is 40 or higher, but if their body temperature is between 30 and 40, then they have only a 2% chance to switch out of their towel.
Advanced Version: There is now an advanced version of this mod. The advanced version is the same as the regular version, but has the following feature:
- Whenever a sim gets out of a shower/bath, or switches out of their towel, and if the hour is between 22:00 and 05:00, and there is no active party on the lot, and if the lot is livable and the sim is a family member, or an invited-to-stay visitor or apartment neighbor, or if the lot is a non-campground hotel and if the sim has checked into the hotel, and if the sim has lower than half-green energy motive, then the game will make the sim switch into their sleepwear or underwear when switching out of towel, otherwise if the sim is getting out of a shower/bath, the sim must have 0 or lower body temperature to switch into sleepwear or underwear, as otherwise they will switch into towel. Whether the sim switches into sleepwear or underwear depends on the sim's sleep outfit routine and personality, the code is the same line of code Maxis uses to determine the outfit sims switch into while sleeping.

UPDATE 10: Sims won't sleep in their towel any more.

- Before this update, sims who switched to their towel after getting out of a hot-tub would switch back to naked when it was time to switch out of their towel, and then they would get surprised and the game would make them switch to their everyday outfit. This is now fixed, and sims will switch directly to their everyday outfit when they decide they should switch out of towel.
- I made it so that if the lot is a currently open business lot, sims are much less likely to switch out of towel.

UPDATE 8: Fixed an error with hot-tubs.

- Sims who get out of a hot-tub while naked will switch to towel if their body temperature is 30 or higher. Sims will also remain in their towel if their body temperature is 30 or higher when they get out of a sauna.
- Sims now have a 25% chance to switch out of their towel if their body temperature is 0 or lower, and 15% chance if it is between 0 and 30. However, if the sim is on a business lot as a customer, then they will only switch out of towel if their body temperature is 0 or lower and if they pass a 10% chance.

- The mod does not affect the sauna any more, because the game expects the sim to switch out of towel as the animations of getting out of the sauna depend on it.
- The chance to switch out of towel after the sim's body temperature has normalized has been increased.

- The mod does not cause children to switch to their underwear any more.
- The mod does not affect hot-tubs any more.
- The chance to switch to everyday after the sim's body temperature has normalized is now higher.

- Sims have a chance to remain in their towel outfit after getting out of the sauna.
- Whenever a sim gets out of shower/tub or hot-tub or sauna, the game checks the sim's body temperature. If the sim's body temperature is 30 (hot) or higher, the sim always switches to towel, otherwise they don't. From then on, the game regularly checks the sim's body temperature. If the sim is still in towel, and if the sim's body temperature has dropped to 0 or lower, then the sim has a chance to switch to their everyday outfit depending on their Active personality.
- Every sim now has a personal towel colour.

UPDATE 3: I found out that whenever sims go through special doors like the hotel door or the apartment door, the game checks to see if the sim is in their underwear, if so the game attempts to make the sim switch into their last outfit (the outfit they had before switching to their underwear). The problem is that when sims switch into towel after getting out of shower/bath or hot-tub, the sim's last outfit naturally becomes "naked". So, when the game makes the sim switch into their last outfit as they go through those doors, the game actually makes the sim switch to their naked outfit. This update fixes this, and makes it so that the game sets the sim's last outfit to everyday whenever the sim switches into towel after getting out of shower/bath or hot-tub.

UPDATE 2: Pregnant sims won't switch to towel any more.

UPDATE 1: This update makes it a bit less likely for sims to switch to towel.


Bon Voyage added a towel outfit to the game that sims switch to when they are getting a massage. This outfit is not used in any other place in the game, but it only makes sense that sims would switch to towel after a bath or shower.

This mod makes it so that whenever a sim teen or older leaves a shower or tub, the sim will switch to towel if their body temperature is above 0. From then on, the game will scan the sim whenever the sim idles and roll a chance to see if the sim should switch out of towel. This chance roll depends on the sim's current hygiene motive, body temperature, location and so on.

It is a simple mod, but I think it adds a touch of realism that should've been a part of the game all along.

You may also be interested in downloading my Weather Outfit Mod which makes it so that sims won't switch out of outerwear into underwear while going inside, if they got out of the house while in their towel.

Advanced Version: The advanced version is the same as the regular version, but has the following feature:
- Whenever a sim gets out of a shower/bath, or switches out of their towel, and if the hour is between 22:00 and 05:00, and there is no active party on the lot, and if the lot is livable and the sim is a family member, or an invited-to-stay visitor or apartment neighbor, or if the lot is a non-campground hotel and if the sim has checked into the hotel, and if the sim has lower than half-green energy motive, then the game will make the sim switch into their sleepwear or underwear when switching out of towel, otherwise if the sim is getting out of a shower/bath, the sim must have 0 or lower body temperature to switch into sleepwear or underwear, as otherwise they will switch into towel. Whether the sim switches into sleepwear or underwear depends on the sim's sleep outfit routine and personality, the code is the same line of code Maxis uses to determine the outfit sims switch into while sleeping.

You need the latest version of 7zip or WinRAR to get this mod.

Requirements: Bon Voyage.

Get Dressed/0x7FE69E23/0x0000202F
Sub - Get Out/0x7F628A40/0x00001013
Function - Main - Check For Naked/0x7F01EC29/0x00002155
Sleep - Outfit - Change Clothes/0x7F4437F2/0x0000208C
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