Romantic Standards

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UPDATE 192: Fixed a Maxis oversight that causes a female sim to still have a chance to get pregnant while trying for baby in a closet even if the other sim refuses or doesn't even get to the closet. Thanks to Izenvy for notifying me. I also fixed another Maxis issue which causes sims in other rooms to be able to toast together as long as they are within 4 tiles of the sim who starts the toast. Only sims who are in the same room are now eligible to toast.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE41: The same toasting fix has been added to the AutoSectionalSofaBoothDiningSocials.
UPDATE 191: Increased the chance for sims to get a crush and reroll their wants when they perform an autonomous attraction reaction. I also increased the threshold increase for being married from 50 to 60, and for being engaged from 40 to 45.
UPDATE 190: RomanticStandards-AddOn-AttractionCrush has been incorporated into the main mod. This had to be done, because I wanted to allow sims to have a chance to reroll their wants whenever they perform an autonomous attraction reaction, in addition to having a chance to get a crush. Sims have a higher chance to reroll their wants the higher their one-way attraction is. In an unmodded game, sims reroll their wants if the players makes them perform the Check Sim Out interaction and if the sim has positive attraction. Romantic Standards already prevents this from occurring, because the player should not be given a power like that, as it trivializes the want/fear gameplay. If you still have this add-on and are using UPDATE 190 or later, you should delete the add-on.
UPDATE 189: This update fixes a Maxis oversight which causes ghosts to get jealous. Thanks to Nostural for notifying me.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE38: AutoBedSocials is now compatible with the Leaf Pile Bed Castaway conversion, and won't cause it to throw an error.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE39: InviteToBedMod is also now compatible with the Leaf Pile Bed Castaway conversion, and won't cause it to throw an error.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE40: Serious sims are much less likely to throw food and steal a bite now.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AttractionCrush-UPDATE3: The add-on technically allowed sims to have a chance to get a crush even if they performed repulsion reactions. This is now prevented.
UPDATE 188: The game now also checks sims' NPC woohoo memories while deciding whether to play the cinematic or not.
UPDATE 187: Sims would sometimes abruptly stop cuddling in hot-tubs with wrong animations. This has been fixed.
UPDATE 186: Sims will only have their reputation lowered when being scolded if they are in a committed relationship and if they are interacting with someone other than their committed partner. So, their reputation won't be decreased when one of their family members scolds them for interacting with someone they are furious at or enemies with.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE37: This update combines AutoDiningSocials and AutoSectionalSofaBoothSocials into one mod, because I realized that sims wouldn't initiate dining socials while sitting in a dining booth. Now sims can initiate dining socials while sitting on dining chairs, barstools and dining booths.
UPDATE 185: I found out that when sims are eating something on a food stand, the game allows sims to initiate dining socials towards each other, which causes an error, because Nightlife code doesn't account for the food stand object which was added later. This update prevents dining socials on food stands.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE35: Added the same food stand check to Auto Dining Socials so that sims don't autonomously initiate dining socials while eating on food stands.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE36: Added more checks to AutoHottubSocials.
UPDATE 184: Scolding now also decreases reputation, but only if the severity is 75 or higher.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE34: Added a few more checks to AutoBedSocials.
UPDATE 183: The AutoSocials add-on had a fix for an issue that would sometimes make the game give the clothing booth Woohoo memories to the wrong sims. In this update, I have taken that fix out of that add-on and added it to the main mod.
- Sims who are cuddling on a bed won't initiate any bed interactions if they already have an interaction in their sub-queue other than the Cuddle interaction.
- This update completely redesigns the AutoClosetBoothWoohoo. Before this update, the add-on didn't have an effect on custom clothing booths, now all booths are affected. Sims are also more likely to autonomously try on clothes.
UPDATE 182: Increased the threshold effect of having a crush or love from -35 to -50. In addition, if the sim has both a crush and love, the threshold is decreased by -120.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE32: I found out that Maxis doesn't allow teens to initiate any romantic bed social. This update prevents teens from initiating autonomous romantic interactions on a bed, and also prevents teens from initiating the Invite to Bed interaction.
UPDATE 181: This update allows sims to initiate dancing socials towards each other even if the instrument that is being played in the same room happens to be on a stage.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE31: Sims need a lower STR and LTR in order to be able to autonomously throw a drink at other sims while eating now. Before this update, sims in a hot-tub were not able to initiate autonomous interactions towards each other at certain times depending on which hot-tub seat they were sitting on. This update fixes these issues and allows sims to initiate hot-tub socials regardless of which seat they are on.
- Maxis made some mistakes with the Splash interaction in hot-tubs. They have been fixed.
- When Sim A initiates a Woohoo/TryForBaby interaction towards Sim B, sims in other rooms will now be unable to scold or get jealous if Sim B doesn't accept the interaction.
UPDATE 179: Sims can now once again swoon at Romance sims whose aspiration is upper green or higher just like in an unmodded game, but I've added a check that only allows sims to swoon if their attraction towards the other sim is 35 or higher (medium attraction).
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE30: This update adds a new mod to the Auto Socials Mod called AutoClosetSocials which allows sims to autonomously MakeOut/Woohoo/TryForBaby in Apartment Life closets.
UPDATE 178: Further decreased the threshold for non-touching interactions.
UPDATE 177: When sims woohoo in closets on community lots, the game considers it as public woohoo, that's how Maxis designed it. In this update, the game increases the threshold for closet woohoo by considering it as public woohoo if the lot is community.
- The effect of chemistry/attraction thresholds has been increased a bit.
- I found out that Maxis didn't add jealousy to tent woohoo. This update adds jealousy code to tent woohoo.
- Before this update, there used to be an add-on to Romantic Standards called OPTIONAL DOWNLOAD - No Closet or Sauna Romantic Socials. If you have that mod, you should delete it, because this update fixes the Closet Woohoo/TryForBaby/MakeOut, and adds proper reject states and failure memories and fear satisfaction. It also disables sauna woohoo and its wants.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE29: AutoBedWoohoo has been remade from scratch, and now is called AutoBedSocials. Sims can now initiate any bed social autonomously. These are Cuddle, Kiss, Make Out and Woohoo/TryForBaby.
UPDATE 175: Fixed an issue that sometimes allowed a sim to react to their own Romance emitter.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE28: This update adds a new mod to the Auto Socials Mod called "RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoDiningSocials" which allows sims to autonomously initiate dining socials while sitting on dining chairs and bar stools. These interactions are Toast, Blow Kiss, Feed a Bite, Hold Hands, Steal a Bite, Throw Drink and Throw Food.
- Sims should spend more time intense-cuddling before switching back to normal-cuddling on sofas.
- Improved the code that checks for nearby violin players while determining the chance to get a crush/love, and determining whether to allow sims to dance together.
UPDATE 173: Attraction will only be modified by +10/-10 if the sim has a suntan/sunburn. Having the Seasons hot overlay won't have an effect on attraction any more.
UPDATE 172: Sims can now Dance Together, Classic Dance, Slow Dance and Dance>Kiss if there is a vehicle with a turned-on stereo in the same room.
- Fixed an issue that caused sims to scold others for being on date even if they weren't supposed to scold.
- Streamlined the code that increases the chance to get a crush/love a bit.
UPDATE 170: Fixed an error with cars.
- Sims were unable to scold others for woohoo if they were in a different room. This has been fixed.
- There is a romance emitter in the game, but it is not properly coded. This update adds many features to this emitter which make it so that sims react more properly to romantic interactions around them. They will react negatively if they have a crush/love on one of the sims, or if they are furious at or enemies with one of them and so on.
UPDATE 168: Sims were unable to get jealous if their STR was exactly 0 towards the other sim before this update. This has been fixed.
- Instead of checking for grandparent, parent or child relationships, the game now just checks for any kind of family relationship to allow sims to scold others for romantically interacting with a sim they are furious at or enemies with.
- I fixed a Maxis mistake which prevents the game from giving Sim A the failed engagement memory when Sim A gets rejected by Sim B during the Surprise Engagement dining social.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE27: Sims won't try to initiate sofa socials if at least one of the sims is asleep.
- Grandparents can now scold their grandchildren for romantically interacting with someone they are furious at or enemies with.
- This update once again makes it so that if the sim's STR is lower than -90, they won't get jealous. LTR is not checked any more. However, I am also making it so that the game prevents sims from scolding other sims if their STR is -90 or lower, or if they are enemies with the sim.
- I have added a new check to the scolding feature from the previous update: the scolding sim needs to be Friends/BFs/BFFs with the other parent in order to be allowed to scold.
- Here is another new scolding feature: when the game considers whether Sim A should scold Sim B for romantically interacting with Sim C, the game now checks to see if Sim B is Sim A's child or sibling. If so, then the game checks to see if Sim A has lower than 700 Nice, and is furious at or enemies with Sim C. If so, the game allows Sim A to scold Sim B.
- All the features that have personality checks for 0, 200, 800 and 1000 personality points, now check for 100, 300, 700 and 900 personality points.
- I found out that Maxis' scolding code has a problem in that it can cause errors or performance issues in neighbourhoods which have high populations. This update streamlines the scolding code.
- When the game considers whether Sim A should scold Sim B for romantically interacting with Sim C, the game now also checks to see if Sim B is Sim A's parent. If so, and if Sim A has a second parent Sim D, and if Sim C is not Sim D, then the game checks to see if Sim A has lower than 700 Nice, and is not furious at or enemies with Sim D. If so, the game allows Sim A to scold Sim B, but if Sim D is deceased, then Sim A is required to have 300 or lower Nice.
- When sims are cuddling or snuggling in a sofa or booth, the game now slowly increases the sims' social motive, so that they will have a chance at stopping cuddling/snuggling on their own.
- Fixed an issue which prevented the game from deleting the jealousy broadcaster after the sims stopped cuddling in a hot tub.
- When sims cuddle in a hot tub or sofa, or if they snuggle on a sofa, the game now sets the sims' priority to a lower value so that if the player initiates an interaction towards any of the sims, they will stop cuddling or snuggling.
UPDATE 162: Sims need to have 500 or higher Music and Dance enthusiasm to autonomously initiate the Serenade interaction now, otherwise they need to pass the crush chemistry threshold or have a crush.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE26: When Sim A considers autonomously snuggling Sim B on a sofa, the mod now checks to see if Sim A is in their underwear or is naked, or if Sim B is naked, and if so, prevents Sim A from snuggling Sim B.
- Changed the acceptance code of Hug>Romantic/LeapIntoArms/Squeeze, all Make Out and all Woohoo interactions in the game, so that they make more sense. Sims can now accept Hug>Romantic/LeapIntoArms/Squeeze and all Make Out interactions even if they don't have high STR and LTR at the same time, but as long as they have high STR or LTR, which is how Maxis designed it. However, they forgot to add mood checks to many interactions, and some of the mood requirements didn't make any sense, such as requiring higher mood for Make Out than for Woohoo. These have been fixed.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE25: Fixed an issue with bed woohoo. Sims are less likely to autonomously woohoo in beds if their social need is very high. Sims are a bit more likely to consider autonomously woohooing in clothing booths now.
- When Sim A considers initiating a romantic interaction towards Sim B or accepting a romantic interaction from Sim B, if Sim A and B are not in a committed relationship and Sim A is a female sim whose pregnancy is showing, and if Sim B does not happen to be the father of the baby, the threshold is increased by +50.
- When Sim A considers initiating a romantic interaction towards Sim B, if Sim A has a recent "Got Caught Cheating by Sim C" memory, and if Sim A and Sim C are still in a committed relationship, then the game increases the threshold by +80 if Sim A has 800 and higher Nice, by +40 if 200 to 800 Nice, and by +20 if lower than 200 Nice. If Sim A is considering accepting a romantic interaction from Sim B, then the effect is halved to +40/+20/+10.
- When the game determines if Sim A should get jealous of Sim B, the game prevents Sim A from getting jealous if Sim A's STR is -90 and lower towards Sim B. This update also prevents Sim A from getting jealous of Sim B if Sim A's STR is between -90 and -50 and LTR is -90 and lower.
- If Sim B has 800 and higher Outgoing or 200 and lower Outgoing, that will now not affect the threshold for proposals. Instead, if Sim B has 800 and higher Nice, the proposal threshold is lowered by -20, and if Sim B has 200 and lower Nice, then the proposal threshold is increased by +20.
- The threshold for non-touching interactions has been lowered by another -20.
- Fixed a few issues which allowed sims who have not had their first kiss and Bigfoot to initiate romantic interactions in beds.
- Fixed a few issues with hottub and tent interactions.
- Sims who are in a committed relationship are now much less likely to flirt with each other.
- There is now a cap on the chance to get a crush/love, so you can't guarantee a crush/love just by stacking multiple effects.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AttractionCrush-UPDATE2: The new crush/love cap is now part of the AttractionCrush add-on.
- Sims need to have a crush in order to intense-cuddle, and crush and love to spoon in bed now. If they don't have a crush/love, then they need to pass the chemistry threshold.
- It's more difficult to Squeeze and Leap Into Arms now.
- It's a lot more difficult for committed sims to get a crush/love when they interact with sims other than their committed partner.
UPDATE 154: Increased the attenuation of all woohoo/try for baby interactions to 25, and increased the chance sims have to get jealous/scold if they are in a different room. Don't forget that the further away the sim is, the less likely they are to get jealous/scold.
UPDATE 153: When two sims are skating on a rink, they will only be allowed to kiss each other if they both have kissed each other and if they both pass the checks of the mod. Also, they will only be eligible to get a crush/love towards each other if they kiss each other.
UPDATE 152: In UPDATE 150, I got rid of all the temperature features of this mod, because Maxis made it so that mood is capped if the sim's body temperature is not green. Now I am adding those features back in, because I found how to remove Maxis' temperature mood caps. I have released a mod called TemperatureNoMoodCaps over on my Temperature Mods page, which gets rid of those stupid mood caps. I repeat, temperature mood caps are a ridiculous idea, they do not belong in the game. They are inconsistent with the game's own design anyway, because even though the UI shows your sims mood at platinum, the game still decreases the sim's mood silently, because of the sim's temperature. Also, it doesn't make any sense to me that sims who are on the beach are pretty much bound to have their mood capped as their temperature will naturally increase to hot anyway, or sims who are building snowmen or playing snowball will have their mood capped sooner or later as they will inevitably become cold. There are already many penalties for high/low temperature, such as motive distress, chance of cold/self-combustion, freezing/heatstroke with motive hits and so on. This mod expects the player to have my TemperatureNoMoodCaps in their Downloads folder.
- Play>Tickle is now part of the mod and works like Backrub and Dance Together. However, I have added many new checks to these interactions. If Sim A and B are family-related or BFs, then they don't need to pass the checks of the mod. If they are both teen, or adult and older, and not family-related or BFs, then when Sim A considers initiating or accepting one of these interactions, the game checks to see if Sim A is attraction capable towards Sim B, if so, Sim A needs to pass the checks of the mod, if not they automatically pass. In addition, I have heavily decreased the threshold for these interactions.
- It is more difficult to Goose now.
- Further increased the effect of mood.
- When Sim A initiates a romantic social towards Sim B, the mod tracks Sim A and checks to see if Sim A still passes the checks of the mod right when the interaction commences, but in this update I am making it so that if Sim B happens to be the Diva, then the game does not track Sim A. Also, this update makes it much easier for the Diva to successfully push nearby sims to flirt with them.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE24: The threshold for Kiss>Peck was -5 lower for object-based interactions, now it is the same as the regular Kiss>Peck.
- I found out that Maxis made it so that if the sim's body temperature is not normal (green), then the game puts a cap on the sim's mood, which even overrides platinum mood even though you can't see it. If a sim's body temperature is Cold/Hot, then the cap is 80, and if it is Very Cold/Very Hot, then the cap is 50. In other words, Maxis expects you to keep your sims' body temperature at the normal green level at all times. I don't like this cap, but I haven't found a way to get rid of this feature. So, in this update I am getting rid of all the temperature features of this mod. Higher body temperature won't lower the threshold any more.
- Increased the effect of mood a bit.
- Sims who have lower than 800 but higher than 200 Nice can now also become romantic rivals, but sims who have 200 or lower Nice are more likely to become romantic rivals.
UPDATE 149: The threshold is now also increased if Sim A is a Coach NPC and Sim B a young adult, or Sim A a young adult and Sim B a Coach NPC, just like how UPDATE 60 increased the threshold for young adults and Professor NPCs.
- There was an issue which made it more difficult to ask sims on date via the phone the higher the sims' attraction/chemistry was, this is fixed.
- In UPDATE 26, I made it so that Tropical vacation locals had their threshold reduced, because Maxis boosts the effective STR/LTR/Mood of these sims during romantic interactions. I now realized Maxis also boosts Sim B's effective STR/LTR/Mood if Sim A is a Tropical vacation local, even if Sim B is not a Tropical vacation local. So, the threshold is now reduced in that case, too.
- Freetime allows sims to catch insects and gives them a bug box to fill. The reward of collecting all the insects is that whenever a sim initiates a Talk interaction towards Sim B, if Sim A or B is within 5 tiles of a finished bug box, then the game slightly increases the effective STR/LTR/Mood of Sim B, making it slightly easier for Sim B to accept the Talk interaction. I hope you can see how irrelevant this feature is. Talk interactions are already easy to succeed at, not to mention the Chat interaction is obviously unaffected by STR/LTR/Mood anyway. This update makes it so that whenever Sim A initiates a romantic interaction towards Sim B, and if they are both within 5 tiles of a finished bug box, the sims' chance to get a crush/love towards each other is increased by +10%. It's actually worthwhile to bother to finish the bug box now. Edit: I found out that Maxis actually increases the effective STR/LTR/Mood of the two sims who are near a finished bug box if they are flirting with each other. It looks like they initially intended to apply this effect only if the sims were chatting, but then they decided to turn it into a romantic effect. This is obviously all fine, because Romantic Standards increases the chance to get a crush/love while the sims are near a finished bug box, so it's all consistent.
UPDATE 147: LTR now has a direct effect on the threshold.
- This update reverts a change I made in UPDATE 128 which prevented sims from initiating the Slow Dance interaction if they had not kissed each other as the game ends the interaction with sims kissing each other. Now I have found that the game only ends the interaction with sims kissing if they were close dancing, otherwise they end the interaction without kissing. So, this update makes it so that sims need to have kissed each other to be able to dance close, and they can slow dance (not close) normally. Don't forget that sims need to dance close to be able to perform any sub-queue interaction while slow dancing, meaning that your sim will be rejected if the sims have not kissed each other.
- When sims are cuddling on a sofa or hottub, there are two states of cuddle in these interactions: mild and intense. The game has very low requirements in order to force the sims to switch to intense cuddling, which means that sims always jump on each other's lap while cuddling on the sofa, and they always do the intense cuddle animations while cuddling in the hottub to the point that it is possible many players have never seen the mild cuddle hottub animations. This update requires sims to have kissed each other in order for the game to force them to intense cuddle, otherwise they will do the mild cuddle animations.
UPDATE 145: The threshold is decreased by -20 for sims who have 800 and higher Outgoing, and increased by +20 for sims who have 200 and lower Outgoing.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE23: Added another check for hottubs.
UPDATE 144: Teens can now also get the "Get Caught Cheating by Sim" fear, but only if they are going steady.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE22: Heavily decreased the chance sims have to initiate the Dining-version of Love Talk and Hot Smooch, as they had a very high chance to initiate these interactions. Also, I have made it so that sims won't initiate these interactions if the next interaction in their queue happens to be a food dish, so that they can start eating.
- I found a Maxis mistake which makes it so that whenever Sim A catches Sim B cheating, the game satisfies Sim B's "Catch Sim A Cheating" fear. The game is supposed to only satisfy Sim A's "Catch Sim B Cheating" and Sim B's "Get Caught Cheating by Sim A" fears. This has been fixed.
- This update makes it so that only married and engaged sims can receive the "Get Caught Cheating by Sim" fear, because sims need to be in a committed relationship in order to be able to fulfill these fears. There is another fear called "Catch Sim Cheating", and Maxis made it so that only married sims can receive this fear, and it also looks like the sim needs to be a Family sim to be eligible to receive this fear.
- Sims who have 1000 Nice can now also get jealous and scold, because they are also eligible to receive the Cheating fears. I made it so that they only get jealous/scold for Kiss/Woohoo interactions.
UPDATE 142: Zombies and Servos can now get jealous when they view a date reward.
UPDATE 141: Zombies and Servos can now get jealous and scold again, but sims still won't care about their presence. The reason they should be able to get jealous is because the game has fears such as Catch Sim Cheating which Zombies and Servos can receive. The problem is that they shouldn't be able to receive this fear if they can't get jealous, but it is not possible to modify this particular fear. So, it is better if they can get jealous. I also made it so that Servos are less likely to get a crush or fall in love.
- Fixed a few issues with the game checking to see if it should allow sims to initiate dance interactions towards each other.
- Lower red aspiration makes sims even more likely to become romantic rivals now.
- The reputation decrease for cheating has been changed from -40/-20 to -50/-25.
- When Sim A considers initiating a romantic interaction towards Sim B or accepting a romantic interaction from Sim B, the game decreases the threshold by -10 if Sim A has a recent Left at the Altar memory. This threshold decrease won't be applied if Sim A was left at the altar by Sim B.
- When Sim A considers initiating a romantic interaction towards Sim B or accepting a romantic interaction from Sim B, the game increases the threshold by +10 if Sim B has at least one recent romantic failure memory. These are Got Rejected for Very First Kiss/Make Out/Woohoo/Public Woohoo, Left at the Altar and failed Engagement and Go-Steady memories. This +10 increase is only applied once. Also, it doesn't have to be Sim A that rejected Sim B, it could be anybody.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE20: Sims are less likely to invite to bed during daytime now. I also fixed a few issues with hottub socials.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE21: Fixed an issue with Love Talk and Hot Smooch STR and LTR checks.
UPDATE 138: The game now also checks piano players when determining whether there is still music playing in a room to decide whether dancing sims should stop dancing together.
UPDATE 137: This update adds the break-up memories into the mod. The game decreases Sim A's attraction towards Sim B for each visible break-up memory that Sim A has with Sim B. Marriage break-ups are more powerful than engagement break-ups, and engagement break-ups are more powerful than go-steady break-ups. Whether the memory is positive or negative doesn't matter.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE19: Teens won't try to woohoo in hot tubs any more. Sims are less likely to woohoo and try for baby in beds during daytime.
- Servos don't get jealous or scold any more and sims don't care about the presence of servos.
- The reputation decrease for cheating has been changed from -20/-10 to -40/-20.
- Halved the presence effect.
- The threshold for non-touching interactions has been lowered by -15.
UPDATE 134: Sims whose motives are set to static by the game won't receive a mood bonus any more. These sims are usually NPCs who are currently on the job.
UPDATE 133: Fixed an error from the previous update.
UPDATE 132: UPDATE 128 made it so that sims could initiate dance interactions if there was someone playing an instrument in the same room. However, piano players were excluded, so now the game can also check to see if there is a piano player in the same room, and if so sims can dance in that room.
- Make Out can now cause sims to get a crush/love.
- When a sim successfully wishes for romance from the Gardening Club reward wishing well, the First Kiss interaction that the game pushes on the sims will always succeed.
UPDATE 130: Sims will only be less likely to stop relaxing in double beds if the other sim in the bed is awake, or if they are very lazy.
UPDATE 129: The game regularly checks to see if a turned-on stereo is still in the room when sims are dancing, but obviously does not check instrument players. This update makes the game check instrument players as well so that sims can continue dancing together.
- I made it so that the player or sims can't initiate the Slow Dance interaction if the two sims have not kissed each other at least once. This is because the Slow Dance interaction has one single good ending during which the two sims kiss each other. The only way for this to make sense is to only allow the sims to Slow Dance if they had kissed each other earlier.
- This update adds a feature I've wanted in the game for a while. The player or sims can now only initiate Dance>Classic, Dance Together, Slow Dance, and Kiss>Dance interactions if there is a stereo playing in the same room, or if there is someone playing an instrument in the same room. In an unmodded game, the game allows sims to initiate the Dance Together interaction only if there is a stereo playing, and doesn't check instrument players, and it allows the player or sims to initiate Dance>Classic, Slow Dance and Kiss>Dance interactions at all times even if there is no turned-on stereo in the room, which doesn't make sense.
- This update adds a few additional features that complement the AutoSocials mod. In an unmodded game, the game makes two cuddling sims on the sofa stop cuddling if their social motive is full. Now, there is a chance that they will stop cuddling, otherwise they'll continue cuddling. Also, the game makes the sim stop relaxing if one of their motives is mildly low which is very annoying. This update makes it so that if there is another sim relaxing or if the sim is very lazy, they will relax for a longer period of time. In an unmodded game, sims will constantly try to enter the hot-tub, and will relax/cuddle in the hot-tub for a very long time. This update makes it so that sims will be less likely to enter the hot-tub if their fun motive is high enough. Also, they now have a chance to stop cuddling or get out of the tub if their social and fun motives are high enough, so they won't stay in hot-tubs all day long.
UPDATE 127: I found out that the game has a feature which makes sims randomly initiate Flirt interactions towards the Diva. Now, the sim needs to pass the checks of the mod while determining to initiate such an interaction, but I've set the threshold fairly low.
- Decreased the effect of being near a fireplace, campfire, bonfire and violin.
- Instead of decreasing/increasing the threshold for having 80 or higher, or -80 or lower reputation, the mod now directly increases/decreases attraction by +15/-15.
- Attraction is now modified by +10/-10 for being suntanned/sunburned and for having acne, instead of the earlier +5/-5.
- I found out that Maxis put a timeout on the jealousy emitter (except date jealousy), and the game deletes the emitter after about one sim-hour. There is a problem, though. There are a few interactions which have the potential to last more than one sim-hour, such as spooning in bed or cuddling in the hot-tub. If these interactions last a long time, then sims can't get jealous in an unmodded game. This update makes the game check to see if the emitter is still on the lot, and if it is not, then it creates a new one so that sims can get jealous.
- I also found out that when two sims wake up, the game pushes them to cuddle under the sheets. The problem is that the game deletes the jealousy broadcaster while doing that, which it shouldn't do. This update re-creates the jealousy emitter when the sims cuddle under the sheets.
UPDATE 124: The chance to get a crush/love is now also increased if the sims are near a lit campfire or bonfire, and if the sim has high nature enthusiasm, then the chance is additionally increased.
UPDATE 123: Sims don't care about the presence of sims in other rooms if the interaction is non-touching now.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE18: Before this update, sims who were sitting on a sofa would only be allowed to autonomously initiate the Cuddle interaction if the two sims' current interaction object was the sofa itself (such as the Sit interaction), or they didn't have any action in their queue. This update also allows sims to autonomously cuddle if their current interaction object is a television.
- Before this update, being in a committed relationship increased the threshold by +30/+40/+50 for steady/engaged/married relationships. In this update, I am adding one extra feature to this. If the sim is furious at or enemies with their committed partner, the threshold increase is reduced by -15. If the sim is not furious at or enemies with their committed partner, but is BF or BFFs, then the threshold is increased by a further +15.
- In an unmodded game, whenever Sim A receives the Caught Sim Cheating memory, the game scans all the sims who are in the same room as Sim A at that time and makes them furious at the cheaters if they have a familial relationship with Sim A. This update makes it so that sims won't get furious if they are enemies with or furious at Sim A.
- In an unmodded game, whenever Sim A gets left at the altar by Sim B, the game is supposed to scan all the sims on the lot and decrease their relationship with Sim B if they have a familial relationship with Sim A. However, the feature isn't properly finished. This update makes it so that if the sim has a familial relationship with Sim A and is not furious at or enemies with Sim A, then the game will decrease the sim's relationship with Sim B and make them furious.
- Whenever Sim A initiates a Woohoo/Try for Baby interaction towards Sim B in a bed or hot tub, and if the cinematic camera is enabled, the game is supposed to check to see if Sim A and Sim B both have a regular Woohoo memory with each other, and if so the game is supposed to prevent the cinematic from playing. The game properly checks the sims' memories for bed Woohoo, but the code that checks the sims' memories for hot tub Woohoo is flawed and only checks the sims' very first regular Woohoo memory. This means that if at least one of the sims' had their first regular Woohoo memory with someone else, then the cinematic would play every time even if Sim A and Sim B had Woohoo earlier. This updates fixes this mistake.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE17: Before this update, sims sitting on a dining booth would only initiate the Love Talk and Hot Smooch interactions towards each other, if the sims were NOT engaged in the restaurant Dining interaction. This is how I designed it, because technically there are two version of Love Talk and Hot Smooch, Dining-version and Non-Dining version. This update allows sims to initiate the Dining-version of these two interactions now, meaning that you may now see sims in these interactions on restaurant lots while they are dining. "Dining" refers to when sims have the restaurant menu or a drink in their hands, and they are literally engaged in an interaction called "Dining" which you can see in their interaction queue if they are selectable.
- When Sim A initiates a romantic interaction on Sim B, Sim B won't care about the presence of Sim A's committed partner, family or BF/BFFs of the committed partner if Sim B is a romantic rival.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE15: The threshold for the Invite to Bed interaction is now equal to the Flirt>Suggestion interaction.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE16: Fixed an oversight from the previous update.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AttractionCrush-UPDATE1: Sims will only have a chance to get a crush if they have 70 or higher STR.
UPDATE 119: The game was unable to correctly check the sim's aspiration level to determine whether the threshold for romantic rivalry should be lowered. It's fixed now.
- The chance to get a crush/love has been decreased.
- Being near a fireplace or a skilled violinist does not affect the threshold any more. However, they do have an effect on the chance to get a crush/love and I have increased their effects on the chance to get a crush/love.
- Body temperature now only reduces the threshold and increases the chance to get a crush/love if it is between 30 and 90. Its effect has also been increased.
- The Diva and Slobs do not care about the presence of anyone any more.
- The threshold for all Kiss/Woohoo/Proposals has been increased by +10.
UPDATE 117: The game did not give Sim A the "Got Rejected for Woohoo" memory if Sim A got rejected by Sim B for Woohoo or Try for Baby in a tent. This has been fixed.
UPDATE 116: I found a Maxis mistake which resets Sim A and Sim B, when Sim B rejects Sim A's Woohoo or Try for Baby interaction in the Bon Voyage tent. This has been fixed.
UPDATE 115: When Sim A initiated a romantic interaction towards Sim B, if Sim B did not have gender preference for Sim A, but had gender preference for the other gender, and if the difference between the preferences was high enough, the game would prevent Sim B from accepting before this update. Now, Sim B will be allowed to pass the checks of the mod if they are under the effects of the witch spell Compello Acceptus.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE14: Sims are more likely to woohoo in bed now, especially at night. I also fixed a very rare, but serious issue with hot-tub interactions, in which a sim could be given Kiss and Woohoo memories with the subject being themselves.
UPDATE 114: Before this update, sims who had between 0 and 200 Nice would not care about the presence of anyone at any time just like sims with 0 Nice, which was not supposed to happen. This has been fixed, and sims who have between 0 and 200 Nice will only care about the presence of other sims when the interaction is touching.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE12: Fixed a mistake with hot-tub cuddle that allowed sims who were not attraction capable to initiate this interaction.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE13: Added a few more attraction checks.
UPDATE 113: If time is frozen (from Tempus Interruptus spell), sims will only care about the presence of witches.
- Sims who have 1000 Nice and sims who have 800 or higher Nice during non-touching interactions, would not get jealous or scold, and sims wouldn't consider the presence of these sims. Now, those sims will always get jealous and scold if they are furious at or enemies with the other sim, and sims will consider the presence of these sims in this situation.
- When sims scold, how much the game decreases the scolder's relationship now depends on the severity of the interaction.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE9: If Sim A is a romantic rival, even if Sim A fails the checks of the mod, the game will allow Sim A to initiate object-based romantic interactions towards Sim B.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE10: Before this update, both sims had to have lower than 50 Comfort to be able to invite to bed. Now both sims need to have lower than 90 Comfort. This means that you should see the interaction more often.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE11: I found out that there were a few interactions that sims could initiate towards sims with whom they may be blood-related. This has been fixed.
- Sims won't initiate romantic rivalry kiss interactions if they do not have a crush or do not meet the chemistry threshold for crush.
- Sims find it easier to become romantic rivals if they have a crush or love or both towards the other sim.
- Increased the effect of attraction/chemistry levels on the threshold from +10/-5/-10/-20 to +15/-5/-15/-35.
- Sims who are in red aspiration are more likely to become romantic rivals.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE8: Increased the likelihood of sims inviting to bed.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AttractionCrush: This is a new add-on that makes it so that whenever Sim A performs an autonomous attraction reaction towards Sim B, Sim A has a low chance to get a crush for Sim B.
UPDATE 109: The threshold has been increased by +10 for all Kiss interactions.
UPDATE 108: There was a situation in which the game would not increase the threshold if the other sim was in a committed relationship. This has been fixed.
UPDATE 107: Sims sometimes could still be allowed to initiate regular romantic interactions even when the other sim was on date or in a committed relationship with someone who was on the lot. This update fixes that.
UPDATE 106: Maxis made it so that when Sim A's STR or LTR is above a certain threshold towards Sim B, the game prevents Sim A from initiating low-level flirt interactions towards Sim B. Charm, Suggestion, Sweet Talk and so on are some of the affected interactions. I dislike this. This update makes it so that there is no upper threshold for these interactions any more. The player can initiate these interactions even if the relationship is at 100 STR and 100 LTR. However, I made it so that sims are much less likely to initiate low-level flirt interactions towards their committed partners on their own.
UPDATE 105: Before this update, visible kiss, make-out, woohoo and date memories affected the threshold, but not attraction. In this update, I am making it so that these memories affect attraction directly just like other memories, which also affects the threshold. In other words, memories now directly affect attraction/chemistry.
UPDATE 104: Sims won't become the romantic rival of someone who is currently instantiated, but not currently visible on the lot, such as sims who are invisible in their apartments or dorm rooms.
- In an unmodded game, when Sim A becomes the romantic rival of Sim C, and if Sim C buys off Sim A, influences Sim A to leave, or wins a fight with Sim A (only when Sim A initiates), the game gives a unique token to Sim A which prevents Sim A from initiating romantic rivalry interactions towards Sim C's date/committed-partner (Sim B). This is a nice feature, but the problem is that the game still allows Sim A to initiate regular romantic interactions towards Sim B. This doesn't make any sense. This mod also allowed Sim A to initiate regular romantic interactions towards Sim B as long as Sim A passed the checks of the mod, regardless of the existence of the token. In this update, I am adding a feature that makes romantic rivalry much more relevant. Now, when Sim A considers initiating a regular romantic interaction towards Sim B, as long as Sim C is on the lot, Sim A won't initiate any regular romantic interactions towards Sim B. The only way Sim A can initiate regular romantic interactions towards Sim B is if Sim C is not on the lot, and then Sim A obviously will need to pass the checks of the mod. The only situation in which you will see Sim A initiate romantic interactions towards Sim B while Sim C is on the lot is through romantic rivalry.
- Sims won't become the romantic rival of their BFFs as long as they are not furious at or enemies with their BFF.
UPDATE 102: Sims now need to pass the checks of the mod to initiate the Dance Together interaction, too, but the threshold is very low.
UPDATE 101: Sims do not need to pass the checks of the mod to initiate romantic rivalry interactions now.
- The threshold for Make Out and Woohoo has been increased by +10.
- Sims who are properly suntanned from sunbathing are +5 more attractive.
- Sims who are sunburned either from sunbathing or having a high body temperature are -5 less attractive.
- When a sim asks for a blind date from the Gypsy Matchmaker, the game only checks to see if the customer has gender preference for the potential datee, and does not check to see if the datee has gender preference for the customer. This has been fixed, now both the customer and the datee need to have gender preference for each other.
- The threshold for Grand Vampires to initiate the Bite Neck interaction has been decreased.
- The mod was sometimes unable to properly check a sim's aspiration. This has been fixed. Thanks to Radium for notifying me.
UPDATE 98: The game now requires the sim to be furious at or enemies with the other sim to become their romantic rival. If the sim is not furious at or enemies with the other sim, then the sim needs to have 200 or lower Nice to become their romantic rival.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE7: This update to the AutoSocials mod fixes a potential error on sectional sofas.
UPDATE 97: This mod now affects incoming date calls. The caller needs to pass the checks of the mod to be able to ask your sim on a date. If the caller fails the checks, they will instead ask your sim on an outing. However, I have made it so that if the called-sim has received this incoming call as a reward from an earlier outing/date, then the caller does not need to pass the checks of the mod.
UPDATE 96: I found out that when a sim initiates a romantic rivalry interaction, that interaction is considered to be user-driven, meaning it automatically passes the checks of the mod. This update makes it so that the sim needs to pass the checks of romantic standards in order to be able to initiate romantic rivalry interactions, and the threshold is lower than usual for these interactions.
UPDATE 95: I have made it so that sims need to have lower than 800 Nice to become romantic rivals. Sims also don't need to pass the checks of Romantic Standards to become romantic rivals now, but they still need to pass the checks to initiate any interactions.
UPDATE 94: This update fixes certain issues with Romantic Rivalry, a feature introduced by Nightlife which makes sims initiate romantic interactions towards the committed partner or date of another sim, especially if they are furious at or enemies with the sim. The main problem is that the game allows sims to become rivals even if they are not attraction capable towards the committed partner/date. This allows teens to become rivals with a sim older than teen who is obviously in a committed relationship or on date with another sim older than teen. This entire thing has been fixed. Also, this update makes it so that only sims who have 200 or lower Nice can become romantic rivals.
UPDATE 93: Before this update, the game increased the threshold by +10/+20/+40 if the sim had low/medium/high attraction/chemistry with their highest crush/love. Now, it modifies the threshold by +5/+10/+20.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE4: I have added a new download to my AutoSocials mod called AutoSofaSocials. This add-on allows sims to initiate all sofa socials autonomously. This includes Snuggle (teen/adult/elder towards child), Pet Cat (sim to cat), and the romantic interactions Cuddle, Kiss>Peck/Romantic/Make Out.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE5: Sims won't initiate sofa socials if either sim is engaged in an interaction on the sofa that does not have anything to do with the sofa directly, such as eating or reading.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE6: I have added one more download to my AutoSocials mod called AutoSectionalSofaBoothSocials. This add-on allows sims to autonomously initiate all sectional sofa and booth socials. The interactions available on sectional sofas are the same as normal sofas, and the interactions available on booths are Cuddle, Love Talk and Hot Smooch. Sims won't initiate any interactions if they are currently dining. If you have AutoSofaSocials, you will most likely want to keep this download as well.
UPDATE 92: The game applies the Massive Attraction and Je ne sais quoi benefits after the game increases the sim's attraction to 0 if the sim's attraction was below 0 and if the sims were BF/BFFs. This means that sims with these rewards always end up with high chemistry with every one of their BF/BFFs. This update makes the game apply these effects before the game increases the attraction to 0, meaning that having these rewards does not guarantee high chemistry any more.
UPDATE 91: There are two rewards in the game that increase the sim's attractiveness. These are the Massive Attraction lifetime aspiration reward, and the vacation benefit Je ne sais quoi. Each of these rewards increases the sim's attractiveness by +80. However, the game only applies this bonus if the sim is currently instantiated, which does not make any sense. The bonus should always be applied. This update makes it so that if the sim has any of these rewards, the game will increase the sim's attractiveness at all times, even when the sim is not on the lot.
- Chemistry Version: There are two different versions of Romantic Standards now: Regular version and Chemistry version. Regular version is the one that has been available so far, and the Chemistry version is the new version. In the Regular version, the game sets the threshold to the one-way attraction value between the sim and their crush/love, and then modifies that value depending on the one-way attraction value between the sim and the other sim. In the Chemistry version, the game sets the threshold to the chemistry value between the sim and their crush/love, and then modifies that value depending on the chemistry value between the sim and the other sim. The Chemistry version allows sims to care about the feelings of the other sim in the relationship, rather than just caring about their own feelings. Even if the sim has no attraction towards their crush/love, as long as their crush/love is very attracted to them, and they have high chemistry, they will care more about the relationship.
- The threshold is decreased by -35 for each crush/love now, instead of the earlier -30.
UPDATE 89: In an unmodded game, Check Sim Out, Scope Room and Do You Like What You See? interactions always make the sim reroll their wants. This allows the player to easily get new wants when the player thinks they can't satisfy the sim's current wants. The player should not be given free and easy ways to reroll their sims' wants, they should be encouraged to satisfy their sims' current wants. This update makes it so that these interactions will not cause the sim to reroll their wants.
- The threshold for Public Woohoo is now increased by +20.
- The chance to get a crush/love has been decreased.
- The voodoo doll will now always set the sims' STR to 100 when the sim uses the Friendship or Romance options.
- The threshold for Public Woohoo has been increased by +10. The Auto Socials add-on has also been updated with this feature.
- The witch spell effect has been increased to +10000/-10000.
- Sims who have 1000 Nice can't get jealous or scold, and sims don't care about the presence of sims who have 1000 Nice.
- Sims who have 0 Nice don't care about the presence of anyone. Sims who have 200 or lower Nice don't care about the presence of anyone if the interaction is non-touching.
- I found out that the game does not allow adults and elders to Classic Dance with each other. This has been fixed.
- The chemistry threshold is now decreased by -35 for Downtown slobs.
- Before this update, it was possible that using the romantic option on the voodoo doll might have not caused the sims to get a crush. This update should ensure that if the sim succeeds in using the doll, the sim should get a crush no matter what.
- The threshold is decreased by -30 for each crush and love, instead of the earlier -25.
- The effect of the Had an Affair memory on attraction is now quite a bit higher.
- The threshold is decreased by an additional -20 if the season is summer and the current neighbourhood is tropical. The threshold will now not be decreased if the season is summer and the current neighbourhood is non-tropical.
- Sims who have 800 or higher Nice won't get jealous or scold if the interaction has a severity of lower than 60. These are all non-touching interactions, date jealousy and cuddle-mild.
- Sims are not affected by the presence of sims who have 800 or higher Nice if the interaction has a severity of lower than 60.
- Had an Affair memory will only be given if the severity is 75 or higher.
- The severity needs to be 75 or higher for cheating memories to be given now. The only interactions that have a severity of 75 and higher are Kiss and Woohoo interactions.
- All non-touching interactions are now Category 1, so their attenuation is lower. All touching (non-Kiss/non-Wohoo) interactions are now Category 2, so their attenuation is a bit higher. All Kiss/Woohoo interactions are Category 3, except Kiss>Hand/Up Arm, which are Category 2.
- When jealousy occurs, the game decreases the jealous sim's STR towards the jealousy targets by an amount equal to the severity value. But, it also checks to see if the final STR is higher than -20, and if so it lowers it to -20 which is the maximum STR value. This update changes that. If the severity is 75 or higher, the maximum STR is -25. If the severity is between 60 and 75, the maximum STR is 0. If the severity is lower than that, then the maximum STR is 25. So, if the interaction was mild, it is possible sims won't start poking and shoving each other right away if their STR was very high.
- Dance-Classic had some problems. While sims are dancing, the game has a random chance to push the sims to kiss each other. The game doesn't check to see if the sims had kissed each other previously. It doesn't even check to see if they have a crush or love towards each other, and it doesn't check the chemistry threshold, either. This has now been fixed. Sims will only kiss each other during Classic Dance, if they had previously kissed each other, and if they pass the checks of the mod.
- All Woohoo interactions now have an attenuation value of 15, meaning that sims in other rooms may react depending on their distance and logic skill. Closet and Sauna Woohoo are obviously not affected, because this mod doesn't cover them as they are unfinished interactions.
- I found out that Maxis allows sims who have not had their first kiss to initiate woohoo interactions in hot-tubs. This has been fixed.
- The chemistry threshold is now increased by +15/+20/+25 if the other sim is steady/engaged/married to someone else, instead of the earlier +15.
- The chemistry threshold for love is now +15 higher than the chemistry threshold for crush, instead of the earlier +10.
- The threshold is reduced by -20 for high attraction, instead of the earlier -15.
- I found out that Maxis did not have a proper social interaction test for the Go Steady interaction. Instead, the game only checks to see if Sim A has a crush on and has high enough STR/LTR with Sim B. I had made it so that sims do not need a crush/love to propose in an earlier update, but never knew that Maxis had coded this interaction with so few checks. This update adds a family-check to the interaction, so that sims can't initiate the Go Steady interaction towards sims with whom they have a familial relationship.
- The threshold is now increased by a different amount depending on the sim's committed relationship type. Before this update, the game increased the threshold by +35 if the sim was in a committed relationship with someone else. Now, the game increases the threshold by +30/+40/+50 if the sim is steady/engaged/married to someone else. Then, the game increases the threshold by +15/+20/+25 if the other sim is steady/engaged/married to someone else, too.
- The threshold is now increased by +10 for all touching romantic interactions (except Give Backrub). The threshold is increased by an extra +10 for all Woohoo interactions.
- Sims' highest attraction is now modified by -20/+10/+20/+40 for negative/low/medium/high attraction, instead of the earlier -10/+5/+10/+15. This makes sims much more faithful.
- The proposal threshold is increased by +70 for Downtown slob special townies.
- The chemistry threshold is now increased by +35 for the Diva, instead of being decreased by -35. The proposal chemistry threshold is now increased by +50 for the Diva, instead of the earlier +35.
- The regular threshold is decreased by -250 for Downtown slob special townies.
- The threshold is decreased by -25 for each crush and love, instead of the earlier -35.
- Bite Neck interaction is now a romantic interaction, and sims need to pass the checks of Romantic Standards to accept the interaction. Maxis originally seems to have intended to make the Bite Neck interaction a romantic interaction, that's why there are two grand vampires in the game, one male and one female. Grand vampires will now not autonomously bite the neck of sims if the vampire doesn't have gender preference for the sim, and if the vampire doesn't pass the checks of the mod. This feature makes Romantic Standards incompatible with the regular version of my Be a Vampire Hunter Mod, hence I have now released a Romantic Standards Version of Be a Vampire Hunter Mod, which you should download if you want to use both of the mods together. If you don't want the Bite Neck interaction to be a part of the mod, then open the mod in SimPE and delete the following resources. If you do this, then you can use the regular version of my Be a Vampire Hunter mod, too.
- CT - Signature Behavior/0x7F34A6A4/0x00001003
- Social - Kiss of the Vampire - TEST/0x7F01EC29/0x000022F8
- Set Result/0x7FB098F7/0x00001002
UPDATE 74: The witch spell effect has been increased from +70/-70 to +1000/-1000. In other words, sims automatically pass or fail the checks of Romantic Standards if they are affected by Compello Acceptus or Compello Discrepo. Don't forget that sims don't automatically pass the chemistry threshold check just like in an unmodded game.
- The threshold is decreased by an extra -5, and the chance to get a crush/love is increased by an extra +1% if the sim's mood is 75 or higher.
- I have released an add-on to Romantic Standards called RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials. This add-on comes in a folder with several files, here is what each of them does:
- AutoBedWoohoo: Sims can autonomously woohoo/try for baby in beds.RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE1: Fixed a potential error in hot-tubs.
- AutoClothingBoothWoohoo: Sims can autonomously woohoo/try for baby in clothing booths. Sims can also now perform the Try On interaction autonomously.
- AutoTentWoohoo: Sims can autonomously woohoo/try for baby in tents.
- AutoHottubSocials: Sims can autonomously perform any hot-tub social.
- InviteToBedMod+Controller: Both files are needed for this add-on to work. This add-on adds a hidden interaction that sims can initiate on their own. When Sim A initiates this interaction on Sim B, and if Sim B accepts, the game will send Sim A and B to relax in an available bed. If you have AutoBedWoohoo as well, sims may decide to woohoo or try for baby. Basically, this add-on makes it easier for sims to end up on the same bed on their own. The interaction is a clone of the Flirt>Suggestion interaction.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials-UPDATE2: Sims need to have been kissed at least once before they can initiate kiss or woohoo interactions. Also, sims couldn't try for baby in tents before this update, now they can.
- The +35/-35 witch spell effect has been increased to +70/-70. Also, sims are not affected by this when they consider initiating interactions, they are only affected when they consider accepting an interaction.
- The chemistry threshold has been increased by +10.
- The game now checks the sim's mood, divides the value by 5 and subtracts the value from the threshold. If the sim's mood is 100, then the threshold is decreased by an extra -5.
- The threshold is decreased by -5 if the lot is a vacation lot.
- The threshold is decreased by -35 if the sim is currently affected by the good witch spell Compello Acceptus.
- The threshold is increased by +35 if the sim is currently affected by the evil witch spell Compello Discrepo.
- Cuddle Under Stars is now part of the mod when the sim considers initiating the interaction.
- The chance to get a crush/love is now increased/decreased depending on the type and number of date memories the sim has with the other sim.
- The threshold is increased by +10 if the sim is repulsed by the other sim.
UPDATE 69: Every interaction now has a different threshold when the sim considers initiating an interaction.
- The threshold is modified by -2/-1/+2/+1 for every Dream/Great/Horrible/Bad Date memory the sim has with the other sim. If the final effect is higher than 10, it is set to 10. If it is lower than -10, it is set to -10.
- The threshold is decreased by an additional -15/-10/-5 if the sim's attraction towards the other sim is High/Medium/Low.
- Sim A will now be allowed to get jealous of Sim B, even if Sim A does not have a crush/love towards Sim B, but as long as Sim A is in a committed relationship with and not enemies with Sim B.
- The chance to get a crush/love is now modified by the current date score level if Sim A and B are on date with each other. +9% for Dream, +6% for Great, +3% for Good, no change for Okay, -3% for Lame, -6% for Bad, -9% for Horrible.
- Give Backrub is now part of the mod, but its threshold is very low.
- The chance to get a crush/love is now influenced more by how much the interaction increases STR (for crush) and LTR (for love).
- The presence of sims now increases the threshold rather than directly preventing sims from accepting interactions. The presence of the sim's committed partner increases the threshold by +150, family of the committed partner increases the threshold by +100, and BF/BFF of the committed partner increases the threshold by +50.
UPDATE 65: Every interaction now has a different threshold.
UPDATE 64: Having a crush or love does not automatically allow the sim to pass the checks of the mod now. Having a crush and love each decreases the threshold by -35, so having both a crush and love decreases the threshold by -70.
UPDATE 63: The chance to get a crush or love now directly depends on how much the romantic interaction in question would increase the sim's STR (for crush) and LTR (for love) towards the other sim. This means that if you are finding it difficult to make a sim get a crush or love, you should make sure that you are initiating high-level romantic interactions. For example, Make Out has a higher chance of causing a crush/love than Charm now. Maxis added many different features that modify how much an interaction increases STR/LTR. For example, in spring, romantic interactions increase STR/LTR more, this effectively makes it more likely for sims to get a crush/love in spring. This is in addition to the 5% extra chance of getting a crush/love that this mod adds. The Blue glasses aspiration reward multiplies the STR/LTR effect by 5, making it a great item to use to get a crush/love. Don't forget that the game has diminishing returns. If you repeat an interaction over and over, the STR/LTR effect is greatly reduced, meaning that repeating an interaction is not a good idea if you want the sims to get a crush/love.
UPDATE 62: This update makes sims care about the feelings of their BF/BFFs when they decide whether to accept or reject a romantic interaction. Before this update, sims only cared about their BF/BFFs when they considered initiating a romantic interaction. Now, the threshold is increased by +50 for non-Romance sims, and by +25 for Romance sims when the sim decides to accept or reject a romantic interaction and when one of their BF/BFFs has a crush or love on the other sim. Don't forget that the threshold is increased by +150 for non-Romance sims, and by +75 for Romance sims when the sim considers initiating an interaction.
- The threshold is decreased by -10 in spring, rather than the earlier -15.
- The threshold is decreased by -5 in summer.
- The threshold is decreased by -10 if the current lot is a tropical vacation lot and if the current season is summer.
- If Sim A is a professor and Sim B a young adult, or if Sim A is a young adult and Sim B a professor, the threshold is increased by +50.
- The threshold is reduced by -5 if the sim has a kiss memory with the other sim, by another -5 if the sim has a make out memory with the other sim, and by another -5 if the sim has a woohoo memory with the other sim.
- Fixed an error from the previous update.
- The threshold is now decreased by -5 if the sim's body temperature is 30 and higher, by an extra -2 if 70 or higher, and by another -2 if 90 or higher. The threshold is always decreased by -3 if the sim is near a lit fireplace.
- There is an interaction called "Cuddle Under Stars" which I forgot to include in the mod. Now, the mod affects that interaction, too.
- In UPDATE 20, I made it so that sims had to have a crush or love in order for the game to increase any negative attraction to 0. In this update, I am making it so that the game will increase any negative attraction to 0 if the sims are BF/BFFs, too. So, BFs and BFFs shouldn't have negative chemistry any more.
- Instead of making sims less likely to initiate romantic interactions on those sims on whom the sim's BF/BFF has a crush or love on, which is a feature that was introduced by UPDATE 14, now the mod simply increases the threshold by +75 for Romance sims, and by +150 for other sims. This also fixes a potential error at the end of dates.
- Sims will no longer care about the presence of babies, toddlers and asleep sims who are in a different room.
- The game only checks Sim A's side of the relationship when the game determines if Sim A is allowed to choose the Romantic option in a photo booth. Now, Sim B's side of the relationship is checked as well.
- Sims' body temperature needs to be below 90 in order to get the threshold decrease from being near a lit fireplace now, instead of the earlier 70.
- If the sim's body temperature is between 30 and 90, the threshold is decreased by -5.
- The chance to get a crush/love is now modified by the following:
+1% if near a lit fireplace while having a body temperature below 90.UPDATE 55:
+1% for having a body temperature between 30 and 90.
+1% for 50 and higher mood, extra +1% for 75 and higher mood, extra +1% for 100 mood.
+2% if the other sim has 80 and higher reputation, -2% if -80 and lower reputation.
+1% to 5% for being near a violinist.
+1% for being friends, extra +2% for being BF/BFFs.
+3% if the sims are in a committed relationship.
-10% if the sim is furious at the other sim.
-2% if the sim's parent(s) or committed partner is furious at or enemies with the sim.
-20% if the sim is a Zombie.
+20% if the sim is a Lecher.
- When Sim A loses their love towards Sim B, the game still attempts to give Sim A the "Fell in Love with Sim B" memory. This has been fixed.
- The threshold is increased by +10 if the other sim has -80 or lower reputation. The threshold is decreased by -10 if the other sim has 80 or higher reputation.
- I have reverted the new presence threshold feature I added to the mod in Update 50. It works like it did before Update 50, sims will decline romantic interactions if there is a sim they care about in the same room and within 15 tiles, or in a different room but within 7 tiles.
- The threshold is reduced by -5 if the sim's mood is 75 or higher. This is cumulative with other mood effects. Mood now has the potential to decrease the threshold by up to -15.
- Being on a date has no effect on the threshold any more.
- Lechers (Drama professors) now automatically pass the gender preference check.
UPDATE 53: In UPDATE 10, I made it so that the game no longer destroys the relationship between married sims if one of them dies, and I also made it so that the game properly deletes the relationship flags such as Going Steady. Now, I found that the game has a private line of code just for Cowplant death. This update adds the same fixes from UPDATE 10 to Cowplant death.
- I found out that when the game determines whether Sim A can spoon with Sim B in a bed, the game only checks Sim A's relationship towards Sim B, and does not bother checking Sim B's side of the relationship. This update makes it so that sims will only spoon if they both pass the checks of the mod.
- Maxis does not initiate jealousy on Sim B when Sim A and Sim B are spooning in a bed. So, sims who are supposed to get jealous of Sim B can never get jealous. This is fixed.
- The threshold is reduced by -5 if the sim has 50 or higher mood. The threshold is reduced by an extra -5 if the sim has exactly 100 mood.
UPDATE 51: Fixed an oversight related to the presence feature from the previous update.
- Before this update, the presence of certain sims directly prevented sims from initiating or accepting romantic interactions. This update makes it so that the presence of a sim that Sim A or B cares about increases the threshold. Even if the sim has a crush or love on the other sim, the game won't directly allow the sim to pass the checks of romantic standards as long as there is at least one sim who is present whose presence matters to the sims who are interacting.
- The presence of a sim's committed partner, or a sim who has a familial link to the sim's committed partner increases the threshold by +140 if in the same room, or by +70 if in another room.
- The presence of a sim who is not the sim's committed partner, or a sim who doesn't have a familial link to the sim's committed partner, but who is BF/BFFs with the sim's committed partner, increases the threshold by +70 if in the same room, or by +35 if in another room.
- The chance to fall in love is 10% lower than the chance to get a crush now.
- The chemistry threshold to consider the sim to be in love is +10 higher than the chemistry threshold to consider the sim to have a crush.
- Sims now care about the presence of sims who are in the same room and within 15 tiles, rather than the earlier 12.
- Sims now also care about the presence of sims who are in a different room, but if the sim is in a different room, they need to be within 7 tiles, instead of 15, for sims to care about their presence.
- Lecherous sims (drama professors) don't care about the presence of anyone.
- Zombies won't consider the presence of anyone any more.
- If the sim's body temperature is 70 or higher (very hot), then the sim won't get the -3 threshold decrease for being near a lit fireplace.
- I found out some interesting things about the way jealousy works. Whenever the jealousy emitter is created in the game, it forces all the potentially jealous and scolding sims who are in the same room and within distance of the emitter to become jealous or scold. If the attenuation is greater than 13, it also affects sims who are outside the room, but still within distance of the emitter to become jealous or scold. I mentioned this in the fixes section of the original description of the mod: there are only two interactions that have an attenuation of higher than 13, and those are Bed/HotTub Woohoo/TryForBaby interactions. But, I found that after the emitter first checks all the potentially jealous and scolding sims, which happens when the interaction first starts, the game then only allows sims who are potentially scolding to react to the emitter if they are in a different room. So, the jealous emitter is created when Sim A and B woohoo, and Sim C(jealous) and Sim D(scolding), who are in different rooms than Sim A and B, react, but then Sim E comes into the attenuation distance of the emitter while still being in a different room, and then the game only allows Sim E to react if Sim E is potentially scolding, and prevents Sim E from reacting if Sim E is potentially jealous. It looks like this is yet another oversight by Maxis. Up until this moment, if you were using this mod, you should've never seen this inconsistency, because I set the attenuation number for those Bed/HotTub interactions to 12 when I first made this mod. In this update, I went ahead and set the attenuation number on those two interactions to 15, so they can cause sims who are in different rooms to react. I made it so that potentially jealous sims are also able to react just like scolding sims, if they enter the emitter radius later. But, I also added a much more logical chance-based feature to this. Now, if the potentially jealous or scolding sim is in a different room than Sim A and B, the chance that the sim reacts is calculated with the following formula: Logic/25 + 5 - Distance. So, if Sim C has 800 Logic and is 7 tiles away (and obviously in a different room), then Sim C has a 30% chance to react. Sims have multiple chances to react, though, for as long as the interaction continues. Don't forget that only Bed/HotTub Woohoo/TryForBaby is affected. Other types of Woohoo still have an attenuation value of 12, because they all are concealed (Hammocks are counted as beds).
- Zombies can't get jealous or scold anyone any more, and sims won't consider the presence of zombies.
- Zombies are 20% less likely to get a crush or fall in love.
- If the sim is furious at the other sim, the chance to get a crush/love is decreased by 20%.
- The threshold is decreased by -50 for zombies.
- The chemistry threshold is increased by 15 if the sim is furious at the other sim.
- The chemistry threshold is increased by 15 if the sim is in a committed relationship with someone other than the sim they are interacting with.
- When Sim A receives the memory "Caught Sim B Cheating (with Sim C)", Sim B's reputation will be decreased by -20, and Sim C's reputation will be decreased by -10. Don't forget that the game can only modify a sim's reputation on a community lot.
- If the season is spring, the threshold is decreased by -15, rather than the earlier -10.
- The violin effect has been reduced, but now also depends on the sim's Music and Dance hobby enthusiasm. So, sims who have higher Music and Dance hobby enthusiasm will be affected by a violinist more than other sims.
- Sims need to be in the same room and within 7 tiles of a lit fireplace, instead of 5, to get the -3 threshold decrease.
- If Sim A and B are on date, the threshold is increased/decreased depending on the current date score: -15 if Dream, -10 if Great, -5 if Good, +5 if Lame, +10 if Bad, +15 if Horrible. So, it is possible that you may find your sim not able to succeed in any romantic social if the date score is very low, making it more difficult to get a good date score.
- Being in a hot-tub does not affect the threshold any more.
- If Sim A and B are Friends (blue smiley), the threshold is reduced by -5, rather than the earlier -2. If Sim A and B are BF/BFFs (green or gold smiley), the threshold is reduced by a further -15, rather than the earlier -7.
- If Sim A and B are near a lit fireplace, the threshold is reduced by -3, rather than the earlier -5.
- If Sim A and B are on date, the threshold is reduced by -10, rather than the earlier -15.
- The threshold is reduced by -250 if the sim is a Lecher (Drama professors).
- If Sim A and B are in the same room and within 12 tiles of a sim who is currently playing the violin, and the violinist has at least 600 Creativity skill, the threshold is reduced by an amount relative to the Creativity skill of the violinist. If the violinist has maximum Music and Dance hobby enthusiasm, then the threshold is reduced a bit more. If there are multiple violinists, the game picks the best one. The violin effect can only decrease the threshold up to a maximum of -19.
UPDATE 44: Fixed a few more inconsistencies related to an attraction of -25.
- In UPDATE 29, I added a feature which made it so that sims had to pass the checks of Romantic Standards before they could be successfully influenced to initiate a Flirt or Kiss interaction on a sim. I am getting rid of this feature in this update. Whether Sim A succeeds at influencing Sim B to Flirt or Kiss Sim C is not affected by this mod any more.
- I found out that the game considers an attraction of -25 as no attraction in many areas, including what looks like UI attraction icons, yet it considers an attraction of -25 to be repulsion in certain other interactions. It is very inconsistent. This update makes the game consider an attraction of -25 as no attraction in all cases.
- There is an interaction called "Ask for Blind Date" from the Matchmaker. The game uses a private line of code to calculate the chemistry between the customer and the potential date, in which the game does not apply the -50 repulsion penalty to chemistry. This has been fixed.
- Teens who have acne are -5 less attractive.
- When Sim A initiates a romantic interaction towards Sim B, Sim A walks towards Sim B and starts the interaction. The game only checks to see if Sim A passes the checks of Romantic Standards at the moment when Sim A decides to initiate the interaction. It is totally possible that Sim A passes the checks of the mod at the time that Sim A decides to initiate the interaction, but by the time Sim A is next to Sim B and about to start the interaction, Sim A may not pass the checks any more. For example, Sim A queues up a romantic interaction towards Sim B, and starts walking. Sim B is also walking towards another room at the time, and by the time Sim A is about to start the interaction, Sim A and B are in different rooms than where they were when Sim A first started walking towards Sim B. This update makes it so that the game checks to see if Sim A still passes the checks of the mod right when Sim A is about to start the interaction, and if Sim A fails the checks, then Sim A won't start the interaction. This only applies to autonomous interactions, if the player directs Sim A to perform an interaction, then Sim A will always start the interaction.
- Before this update, certain memories that should have had an effect on attraction did not change attraction at all. They have been fixed. In addition, I made it so that romance-related failure memories affect attraction less. So, memories like Rejected for Make Out/Woohoo, Bad Date, Horrible Date and so on now are calculated separately. For each such memory, this separate sum is decreased by -1, and the total of those memories is then divided by 2, and then added to the rest of the gossip memory effect, and then divided again by a value which depends on the sim's aspiration (2 for Family, 3 for Others, 4 for Pleasure and 5 for Romance). Also, some more important, successful memories such as Make Out and Woohoo, or Lifetime Romance memories and so on, decrease the normal sum by -2.
- The chemistry thresholds I added to the mod in the previous updates are different now. The mod now sets the base chemistry to the normal chemistry between the two sims, modifies this value depending on the sim's personality, aspiration, the current season, if the sim is the Diva or not and so on (all of this is similar to the things the game checks when calculating the normal attraction threshold), and then checks to see if the final value is above 40, and if so, considers the sim to have a crush/love for the purpose of determining the result of certain interactions.
- Maxis made a mistake in the Flirt>Check Sim Out interaction by mixing up the two parameters. This leads to some strange behaviour. When the game determines whether Sim A is able to initiate a romantic social towards Sim B, the game checks to see if Sim A is married to Sim C, and if Sim C and Sim B have a familial link, the game prevents Sim A from initiating any romantic socials. But, because Maxis mixed up the values only in the Check Sim Out interaction, the game checks to see if Sim B is married to Sim C. This oversight has been fixed.
- Sims are able to show attraction reactions towards sims who have the Romance aspiration, even if they don't feel attracted to them. This is a base-game feature which Maxis forgot to disable with Nightlife and later. This has been fixed.
UPDATE 39: I forgot to add the crush/love requirement to the Kiss>Suck Face interaction. This update fixes that.
- This update removes all the crush and love requirements when the game determines if the player can direct Sim A to INITIATE a romantic interaction on Sim B. The following interactions had crush and/or love requirements from Sim A: Make Out, Smooch, Serenade, Woohoo/TryForBaby. So, Sim A can now initiate these interactions as long as Sim A meets the STR and LTR requirements.
- In the previous updates, I went ahead and added these crush and/or love requirements to Sim B when the game determines if Sim B accepts these socials. In this update, I went ahead and added crush and/or love requirements to ALL Kiss interactions (except Kiss>Kiss Hand) including all object-based Kiss interactions, Hug>Squeeze/LeapIntoArms, Flirt>Serenade/Goose, SlowDance>LowerHands/Smooch. If Sim B does not have the required crush and/or love, then the chemistry needs to pass the required threshold.
- I also went ahead and added crush and/or love requirements to ALL proposals when the game determines if Sim B accepts the proposal. The interesting thing is that, the chemistry thresholds I added to the mod in UPDATE 36 obviously wouldn't make sense during a proposal interaction, because the thresholds should be higher for Romance and Pleasure sims for such interactions. So, here are the required chemistry thresholds during proposal interactions if Sim B does not have the required crush and/or love:
Romance: higher than 95.
Pleasure: higher than 85.
Family: higher than 55.
Others: higher than 40.
Don't forget that Sim B still needs to pass the separate proposal checks of this mod. So, it's not just chemistry that matters, but also one-way attraction.
- I fixed an oversight Maxis made in Hot Tub Woohoo code. When Sim A initiates a Woohoo interaction on Sim B, if Sim B rejects the interaction, the stupid game gives the "Rejected for Woohoo with Sim" memory to both Sim A and B, but it should only give the memory to Sim A. So, that is fixed now.
UPDATE 37: In an unmodded game, the game requires Sim A to have a crush and love in order to initiate proposals. But, I found out that this requirement is bypassed if Sim A initiates the Get Married interaction on the Wedding Arch. Not only that, but I think sims should be able to propose even if they don't have crush or love, and as long as they meet the required STR and LTR. So, this update allows sims to initiate proposals as long as they meet the required STR and LTR. Don't forget that Sim B still needs to pass the proposal checks of this mod to accept.
UPDATE 36: In an unmodded game, when the game determines the result of certain interactions, the game checks to see if Sim A has a crush and/or love on Sim B. If Sim A does have a crush/love on Sim B, then it passes the test, but if Sim A does not have a crush or love, then the game considers Sim A to have a crush or love on Sim B if the chemistry is higher than 40, for the purposes of determining the result of romantic interactions. This update makes it so that the required chemistry is different depending on Sim A's aspiration:
Romance: higher than 5.
Pleasure: higher than 15.
Family: higher than 95.
Others: higher than 40.
If you don't know when the game uses this chemistry number, then here are a few situations:
When the game determines if Sim A is able to initiate the Smooch or Make Out interactions, it checks to see if Sim A has a crush on Sim B, if not, requires chemistry to pass the required threshold.
When the game determines if Sim A is able to initiate any Woohoo interaction, it checks to see if Sim A has both a crush and love on Sim B, if not, requires chemistry to pass the threshold.
When the game determines if Sim B is allowed to accept a Smooch or Make Out interaction, it checks to see if Sim B has a crush on Sim A, if not requires the chemistry to pass the threshold.
I had removed the requirement for Sim B to have a crush on Sim A while accepting Smooch or Make Out back when I first made the mod, because Maxis automatically allows Sim B to accept the interaction if Sim B has a crush on Sim A, and also because Maxis does not require Sim B to have a crush or love on Sim A while accepting Woohoo interactions. This update makes it so that the game requires Sim B to have a crush on Sim A while accepting ALL Smooch and Make Out interactions, if not, the game requires the chemistry to be higher than the thresholds above. This update also makes the game require Sim B to have BOTH crush and love on Sim A while accepting ALL Woohoo interactions, if not, the game requires the chemistry to be higher than the thresholds above. This is a feature I have been planning on adding to the game for a while. This update effectively makes ALL Smooch, Make Out and Woohoo interactions more difficult to initiate and accept.
- In an unmodded game, when the game calculates how attractive Sim A finds Sim B, the game checks to see if Sim B has certain attraction-boosting benefits such as the Romance Long-Term Aspiration benefit "Massive Attraction", or the Bon Voyage vacation benefit. These two benefits each increase Sim A's attraction towards Sim B by +80. The thing is that this bonus is only applied if Sim B is currently instantiated on the lot. The problem is that sims who are off-lot (at work/school and so on), are also considered to be instantiated. But, practically, the game should not differentiate between being non-instantiated and being off-lot, because at the end of the day, the sim is not on the lot. This update makes the game check to see if BOTH Sim A and Sim B are instantiated and not off-lot, before applying these benefits.
- In an unmodded game, when the game calculates chemistry, the game decreases the chemistry by -50 if at least one of the sims is repulsed by the other, but only when the chemistry would normally be above 0. However, I found out that the UI does not seem to work like that. Even if the chemistry between the sims is above -25, but below 1 (which means no attraction), if one of the sims is repulsed, then the UI still shows a repulsion icon on the sim's thumbnail. Not only that, but the fact that the game only decreases the chemistry when the chemistry would normally be above 0 does not make sense. It should ALWAYS decrease the chemistry by -50 if one or both of the sims are repulsed. This update fixes that and makes the game decrease the chemistry by -50 if there is repulsion.
- When Sim A considers initiating an autonomous Kiss interaction (except Kiss>Kiss Hand) on Sim B, the game will now only allow Sim A to initiate the interaction if Sim A has a crush on Sim B OR if Sim A had previously kissed Sim B. This means that sims now need to flirt to get a crush, before they can start kissing each other autonomously.
- At the end of dates and when sims greet or say goodbye to each other, the game will now only allow sims to kiss each other if the sims had kissed each other previously and they have a crush on each other.
- If Sim A and B are in a committed relationship, the threshold is reduced by -20.
- If Sim A and B are on date, the threshold is reduced by -15.
- Every sim is now able to show loyalty towards their deceased crushes/loves. Family sims show more loyalty than non-Family sims.
- Fixed a mistake I made in the previous update. The game was sometimes not able to check the relationship between the sim and their parents or spouse.
- The threshold is decreased by -2 if Sim A and B are Friends (blue smiley), the threshold is decreased by a further -5 if Sim A and B are BF/BFFs (green or gold smiley).
- The threshold is increased by +20 if Sim A is furious at or enemies with Sim B.
- The threshold is increased by +15 if Sim A's parents or spouse are currently furious at or enemies with Sim B. If both of Sim A's parents are furious at or enemies with Sim B, then that means +30. If both of Sim A's parents and Sim A's spouse are furious at or enemies with Sim B, then that means +45. Sim A cannot be furious at or enemies with the parent or spouse, otherwise Sim A ignores that sim.
- When the game determines Sim A's most attractive crush/love, if Sim A is furious at their crush/love, the base threshold is decreased by -20. So, if Sim A has a crush and love on Sim C, and finds Sim C as attractive as 25 points, but is also furious at Sim C, then the game considers the base threshold to be 25+35-20=40.
- Sims are not more likely to get a crush or fall in love if they are near a lit fireplace or in a hot tub any more. The game still decreases the threshold, though.
UPDATE 30: Fixed an oversight in the previous update.
- In the previous update, I added all the committed relationship proposal memories into the mod, but forgot about two specific memories, and those are the "Married Rich Sim" and "Joined Rich Sim" memories. They are now part of the mod as well.
- There are two categories of romantic Influence interactions in the game, "Flirt" and "Kiss". The only thing that the game checks to determine whether Sim A succeeds at influencing Sim B to interact with Sim C is Sim B's STR and LTR towards Sim A: If Sim B's STR or LTR is higher than -50, then the interaction succeeds. I dislike the fact that there are no proper checks on the romantic Influence interactions, so now in addition to the STR and LTR check, the game also checks to see if Sim B passes the checks of Romantic Standards towards Sim C. However, when Sim A influences Sim B to perform a Flirt or Kiss interaction on Sim C, the threshold for Sim B is reduced by 50. So, let's say that normally Sim B would require Sim C to meet a threshold of 40 to interact romantically with Sim C, but if Sim A influences Sim B, then the threshold is reduced to -10.
- In order for a gossip memory to change Sim A's attraction towards Sim B, now Sim B needs to be the owner of the memory. If Sim A has heard about Sim C kissing Sim B, Sim A won't be affected by this. Sim A needs to hear about Sim B kissing Sim C for the game to decrease the effect by -1.
- The final sum is now divided like this: by 5 for Romance sims, by 4 for Pleasure, by 2 for Family, and by 3 for other aspirations. It now takes longer for memories to affect attraction.
- I have also added all the committed relationship proposal memories into the mod as well. If Sim A hears about Sim B's marriage to Sim C, then that also means -1.
- In UPDATE 21, I made it so that if a sim has an attraction of lower than -24 towards their most attractive crush/love, they can't show loyalty towards that sim. I am changing it. Sims can now always show loyalty towards their most attractive crush/love. What I do is that if their attraction is lower than -24, then I go ahead and set the threshold to -25 anyway.
- Before this update, the game increased the threshold by +35 if the sim had both a crush and love on their most attractive crush/love. This meant that if a sim got a crush or love, but not both, on someone else that they found slightly more attractive, the threshold would actually be decreased, because the +35 threshold increase for having both crush and love would be lost. This update makes it so that the game considers whether this new crush or love would increase the previous threshold, if so it sets the new crush or love as the most attractive crush/love. So, Sim A finds Sim B as attractive as 20 points and has both a crush and love, so the base threshold would be 55, and Sim A finds Sim C as attractive as 25 points and only has a crush. Before this update, the game would consider Sim C as the most attractive crush/love and set the threshold to 25, but now it sees that the threshold would be higher with Sim B, so it sets Sim B as the most attractive crush/love.
- The chance to get a crush/love is increased slightly if the sim is in a hot tub.
- The chance to get a crush/love is increased slightly if both sims are in the same room and within 5 tiles of a lit fireplace.
Memories directly affect attraction now which also means that they also affect chemistry and the threshold. You may also want to keep in mind that the only way to remove a sim's memories is by using the witch spell Tabula Rasa. Here is how it works: when the game calculates how attractive Sim A finds Sim B:
- Attraction is directly increased by +5 if Sim A had their Very First Kiss with Sim B. Attraction is directly increased by +5 if Sim A had their Very First WooHoo with Sim B.
- After the above two checks, the game checks every single Romance-related memory that Sim A has except committed relationship proposal memories. The game adds up all the attraction effects of these memories and then divides the final sum depending on Sim A's aspiration. The final sum is divided by 5 if Sim A is a Romance sim, by 3 if Pleasure, is not divided if Family, and is divided by 2 if any other aspiration. Family sims are affected by these memories the most, and Romance sims are affected the least. I have also put a cap on this memory effect. If the memory effect on attraction is lower than -45, the game sets the final effect to -45. In other words, memories can only decrease attraction as much as a Turn-Off can:
- The game first checks Sim A's personal, visible memories. If Sim A has ever caught Sim B cheating on Sim A, for every such memory, attraction is decreased by -5. If Sim A has ever been left at the altar by Sim B, for every such memory, attraction is decreased by -5. This is the only committed relationship proposal memory that has an effect on attraction.
- The game then checks all the Romance-related gossip memories that Sim A has heard about Sim B. For every memory that Sim A knows about Sim B, attraction is decreased by -1. This gossip memory cannot involve Sim A, either as the owner or the subject. If a memory does not have a subject, then the owner needs to be Sim B. Here is an example:
- Sim A has heard of Sim B having an affair with Sim C, that's -1. Sim A has also heard about Sim C having an affair with Sim B, that is also -1. Sim A has heard of Sim B having a bad date with Sim C, that's -1. But, Sim A has not heard about Sim C having a bad date with Sim B, yet, so no -1 from that, but Sim A may hear about that some time later. Sim A has heard about Sim B having 10 Simultaneous Loves, that's -1. Sim A has heard that Sim B had their Very First Kiss with Sim C, that's -1. Sim A has also heard of Sim B having their Very First WooHoo with Sim A, no -1 from that, because the gossip memory involves Sim A. After all these memory effects are added up, the final sum is -20 and Sim A is a Family sim. Then, this number is not divided, and is directly applied to Sim A's attraction towards Sim B, meaning Sim A's attraction towards Sim B is decreased by -20. If Sim A were a Pleasure sim, it would be divided by 3, meaning the final effect would be -6.
- The threshold is decreased by -35 for Pleasure sims and Tropical vacation locals. The threshold is increased by +35 for Pleasure sims and Tropical vacation locals during committed relationship proposals. Pleasure sims are a bit similar to Romance sims, so this makes sense. Maxis also made Tropical vacation locals more likely to accept romantic socials.
- The threshold is decreased by -5 if the sim is in a hot tub.
- The threshold is decreased by -5 if BOTH of the sims are in the same room and within 5 tiles of a lit fireplace. There is a reason to light fireplaces in this game now, just be careful because fire may break out from a lit fireplace.
- Before this update, the mod only increased the threshold by +35 if the sim's most attractive crush/love happened to be their committed partner. This update makes it so that the game always increases the threshold by +35 if the sim is in a committed relationship. It doesn't matter if the committed partner is the sim's most attractive crush/love, or if the sim even has a crush or love on their committed partner. If the other sim happens to be the sim's committed partner, then the threshold will obviously not be increased.
- Fixed an oversight that prevented Sim A from initiating romantic interactions on Sim B if the sims were in a committed relationship with each other, but Sim A did not have a crush or love on Sim B and Family/BF/BFF of Sim A or B were in the same room and within 12 tiles of Sim B.
- UPDATE 14 added a new feature which makes Sim A unlikely to initiate romantic interactions on Sim B if any of Sim A's BF/BFFs has a crush or love on Sim B. I am adding a very important check to this feature in this update: if Sim A is in a committed relationship with Sim B, then Sim A won't care about other sims' feelings.
UPDATE 24: The values for the age effect on the threshold were reversed, this fixes that.
- Fixed a potential error if the jealous sim had studied anger management.
- Age has an effect on romance now: the threshold is decreased by -10 for teens, -5 for young adults, and is increased by +5 for elders, no change for adults. The chance to get a crush and fall in love is increased by +10% for teens, +5% for young adults, and is decreased by -5% for elders, no change for adults. The younger the sim, the easier the romance.
- When Sim A considers initiating a romantic interaction on Sim B, Sim A considers the presence of both Sim A's and Sim B's committed partner and Family/BF/BFF of the committed partner. However, before this update, when Sim B decided whether to accept or reject Sim A's romantic social, Sim B only cared about Sim B's committed partner and Family/BF/BFF of the committed partner. This update makes it so that Sim B will also care about the presence of Sim A's committed partner and Family/BF/BFF of the committed partner, of course as long as Sim B has met them, and is not furious at or enemies with them.
This update makes the mod work very differently during committed relationship proposal interactions. These are Propose>Go Steady/Engagement/Marriage(including the Wedding Arch interaction) and Propose>Surprise Engagement(dining social):
- Instead of decreasing the threshold by -70, the game increases the threshold by +70 for Romance sims.
- Instead of decreasing the threshold by -140, the game increases the threshold by +140 for the Diva.
- The threshold is still increased by +35 for Family sims, no change for them.
- Playful/Serious personality has the opposite effect during these interactions: the more Playful the sim the higher the threshold, and the more Serious the sim the lower the threshold.
- Outgoing/Shy personality has no influence during these interactions, instead Nice/Grouchy has an influence. The Nicer the sim the lower the threshold, and the Grouchier the sim the higher the threshold.
Do not forget how the mod works. The threshold is only checked if Sim B does not have a crush or love on Sim A. So, the first thing you should do is to get Sim B to get a crush or love on your sim. If you are proposing to Sim B, and if Sim B has no crush or love on Sim A, you are going to need to go over the threshold to succeed, and the threshold will be pretty high for Romance sims. It may be impossible to get into a committed relationship with the Diva without a beauty wish or love potion, considering the Diva is -50% less likely to get a crush or fall in love.
- The threshold is decreased by -10 in spring. The chance to get a crush/fall in love is increased by +5% in spring.
- The threshold is decreased by -140 for the Diva. The chance of the Diva getting a crush/falling in love is decreased by -50%.
- Here is an important new feature: if Sim A's most attractive crush/love (Sim B) happens to be a sim towards whom Sim A has a one-way attraction of -25 or lower, then Sim A will not be able to show loyalty towards Sim B, except if the sims are in a committed relationship, then Sim A will still consider the presence of Sim B and Family/BF/BFF of Sim B, of course as long as Sim A is not furious at or enemies with the sim. You may be wondering how it is possible for Sim A to have negative attraction towards a sim on whom they have a crush/love, because in UPDATE 20, I explained how if Sim A has a crush/love on Sim B, and if Sim A has negative attraction, then the game increases the attraction to 0. There is one single situation in the game in which Sim A may have negative attraction towards their crush/love: if Sim B uses a love potion, the game increases Sim B's attraction by +100 for 3 hours. But, if Sim B uses a love potion while already having a love potion effect active, then there is a chance that the love potion may backfire. If that happens, the game takes away the +100 attraction bonus, and reduces Sim B's attraction by -100 for 3 hours. In such a case, even those sims who have a crush/love get their attraction towards Sim B decreased by -100, and it is possible for Sim A's attraction towards Sim B to go below -24. So, before you use the love potion, make sure that your sim does not already have a love potion effect active.
UPDATE 20: This update fixes quite a few things about the way the game calculates attraction and chemistry:
- When the game calculates how attractive Sim A finds Sim B, the first thing it checks is to see if Sim B has an active beauty wish. If so, it sets Sim A's attraction towards Sim B to 100, and then goes ahead and sets Sim B's attraction towards Sim A to 100. First of all, the fact that it sets attraction to 100 is unacceptable, because a sim can have a higher natural attraction than that, not to mention it does not play well with Romantic Standards. Also, the fact that it sets Sim B's attraction towards Sim A to 100 does not make any sense. Only sims with the beauty wish should be found beautiful, the sim with the beauty wish should not find others beautiful, unless of course other sims also have a beauty wish. This update fixes all of that stuff. Now, if Sim B has a beauty wish, the game increases Sim A's attraction towards Sim B by 100, which is the same amount of attraction increase as a love potion. Don't forget that you can combine the two effects: Beauty wish + love potion means +200 to the sim's attraction. In my opinion, this update makes the beauty wish a very attractive option. If you are playing a Romance sim, you will definitely want to select this wish.
- When the game calculates Sim A's attraction towards Sim B, if Sim A happens to have an attraction of lower than 0 towards Sim B, and if Sim A is in a committed relationship (steady/engaged/married) with Sim B, OR if Sim A has an LTR of higher than 70 towards Sim B, OR if Sim A has a crush or love on Sim B, then the game increases Sim A's attraction towards Sim B to 0. What I dislike here is how the game allows the player to circumvent the attraction/chemistry feature by getting any sim's LTR to higher than 70, or by getting into a committed relationship. In my opinion, the game should only increase Sim A's attraction towards Sim B to 0 if Sim A happens to have a crush on or be in love with Sim B. That makes sense, but the rest doesn't. This update makes it so that Sim A needs to have a crush or love on Sim B for the game to increase Sim A's attraction towards Sim B to 0. This means that you can now have committed couples with negative chemistry, which will lead to more rejected interactions. Woohoo/Try for Baby may be impossible for such sims. So, if you care about the two sims and their relationship, make sure that they don't have negative chemistry.
- There is a little problem with the way the game calculates chemistry. Chemistry is basically this: the game adds together the one-way attraction values of the two sims and divides it by half. There is one more thing it does: if one of the sims has a one-way attraction of lower than -25, and if chemistry is above 0, then the game decreases the final chemistry by -50. The problem is how the game checks for an attraction of lower than -25. It should check for an attraction of equal or lower than -25, because -25 or lower means repulsion. Basically, the game skips -25 itself. This has been fixed.
- I found similar problems with the Check Sim Out and Scope Room interactions. Instead of using equal or higher, the game only checks for higher than 1 attraction values, skipping an attraction of 1, which should not happen, because an attraction of 1 also means that the sim is attracted.
- The severity of Kiss>Kiss Hand has been reduced to 45. This is now the only Kiss interaction that has a severity lower than 60, because this is the only Kiss interaction that does not give a Kiss memory.
- The mod did not have any effect on the Kiss>First Kiss interaction, because of an oversight. Now it affects that interaction, too.
- Date reward jealousy had some problems: if a potentially jealous person performs the View interaction on the pink love letter in an unmodded game, the game gives an "Invalid Constant" error, because whoever created the pink love letter, set the Instance number of the Tuning BCON to 1001, rather than 1000 which is what the other date rewards (flowers etc.) use. This has been fixed.
- Before this update, the mod had almost no effect on those sims who have no crush or love on anyone. The only thing that those sims did was to consider the presence of their committed partner (and family/BF/BFF of their committed partner). That was more or less it. I am changing it in this update. Now, the mod affects everyone, and here is how it works: if the sim has a crush or love on anyone, then the game sets the base attraction threshold to how attractive the sim finds their most attractive crush or love. But, sims with no crush/love obviously do not have a highest attraction. So, I went ahead and made it so that the game sets the base attraction threshold to -25 which is the highest attraction value for mild repulsion (-24 and higher means no repulsion). Then, just like in other cases, the game modifies this threshold based on the sim's aspiration and personality.
Here is an example: Sim A initiates a romantic social on Sim B. Sim B has no crush or love, so the game sets the base threshold to -25. The threshold is then modified thus: +35 if Sim B is a Family sim, -70 if Sim B is a Romance sim. +5/-5 per 100 points of Shy/Outgoing, +5/-5 per 100 points of Serious/Playful (Outgoing and Playful sims find it easier to engage in romance). So, if Sim B is a Romance Sim, has 600 Outgoing and 700 Playful, then Sim A will need to be as attractive as -109 points for Sim B to be allowed to accept the interaction.
Here is another example: Sim A initiates a romantic social on Sim B. Sim B has no crush or love, so the game sets the base threshold to -25. Sim B is a Family Sim, has 300 Outgoing and 500 Playful, then Sim A will need to be as attractive as 21 points for Sim B to be allowed to accept the interaction.
- I realized that teens in a steady relationship were unable to receive the Had an Affair memory. This is because Maxis only checks for engagement/marriage. I'm sure this is an oversight, because to me it looks like the steady relationship was added after engagement/marriage, it is always overlooked. Now committed teens can get the memory.
- I found that Maxis allows sims to autonomously initiate the Love Talk and Hot Smooch interactions as long as the sims are already cuddling on a dining booth. The problem is that the Cuddle interaction is non-autonomous. Worse yet, the game doesn't check for the sims' relationship. The game simply pushes these interactions randomly (after two coin flips) on the sims. It is really stupid. This update gets rid of this half-finished feature.
- UPDATE 14 added a new feature which makes it so that if a sim is in love, then the threshold is increased by 35. I am changing it a bit in this update. Now, sims need to have both a crush and love in order to get this extra +35 threshold increase.
UPDATE 17: I have found a few more interactions that make sims kiss each other if their chemistry is 40 or higher. This update prevents sims from kissing each other in those interactions if they don't have a crush or love towards each other and if they don't pass the checks of this mod.
- In an unmodded game, whenever two sims greet or say goodbye to each other, the game pushes the sims to kiss each other as long as their chemistry is 40 or higher. The game doesn't care if the two sims are in a committed relationship with other sims, and when they kiss, it doesn't cause jealousy, which also looks ridiculous. The sims also get Kiss memories. Now, the two sims will only kiss each other if they have at least a crush or love towards each other and if they pass the loyalty checks of Romantic Standards.
- There is a unique Greet interaction which works just like above, and that is the host/hostess's "Show to Table" interaction on the Dining Podium object. When sims perform the "Be Seated" interaction on a Dining Podium, and if the chemistry between the customer and the host/hostess is 40 or higher, they kiss each other. They get Kiss memories and all that, it makes no sense at all. Now they will only kiss each other if they both have at least a crush or love and if they pass the loyalty checks of Romantic Standards.
- At the end of dates, depending on the date score, the game pushes the sims to kiss each other. From what I can see, this kiss can cause jealousy and it also gives sims Kiss memories. Now, the sims will only kiss each other at the end of dates if they pass the loyalty checks of Romantic Standards.
UPDATE 15: Fixed an oversight which prevented sims from considering the presence of their target's committed partner when initiating romantic interactions.
- The severity of Hot Tub>Cuddle>Massage has been decreased from 65 to 50.
- Sims now care about the feelings of their BF/BFFs when initiating romantic interactions. When Sim A considers initiating a romantic interaction on Sim B, and if Sim A does not have a crush or love on Sim B, the game checks to see if any of Sim A's BF/BFFs already has a crush or love on Sim B. If Sim A is not furious at that BF/BFF, Sim A will be much less likely to initiate a romantic interaction. If Sim A is a Romance sim, then they won't be affected as much as sims of other aspirations.
- The mod now distinguishes between crush and love. The threshold is increased by a further 35 if the sim is in love. This effectively makes romance more difficult than it already was before this update. Sometimes you may come across sims who cannot successfully be romanced even with a love potion.
UPDATE 13: Fixed an important oversight which prevented sims from initiating romantic interactions even when they should've been allowed to.
UPDATE 12: Fixed an error related to Ask On Date - Phone.
UPDATE 11: I found that, for some reason, Maxis sets the relationship between certain sims to be familial, but sets the type of familial relationship to "none". This seems to be the case for almost every single pre-made, playable sim in Maxis neighbourhoods. Before this update, when Sim A initiated a romantic interaction with Sim B, Sim B would also consider the presence of every sim who had a "none" familial relationship with Sim B's committed partner, and then Sim B would reject the interaction. This update makes the game check to see if there are sims around who truly have a familial relationship with Sim B's committed partner.
UPDATE 10: This is a very important update.
- Fixed an important oversight. Before this update, your engaged/steady sims were not able to get a commitment bonus. Everything should be fine now.
- Found out that when a sim in a joined/married couple dies, Maxis actually completely destroys the relationship between the ex-spouses. If Sim A and Sim B are married, and Sim A dies, then Maxis removes all relationship flags (Friend, BF, BFF, Marriage, Enemy, Crush, Love etc.) and then goes ahead and sets STR and LTR to 0, and then sets the "Never Met" relationship on the sims. Engaged couples don't suffer from this incredibly stupid design, so if a sim in an engaged couple dies, ONLY the Engaged flag is removed, the rest of the relationship is preserved. Here is one more thing: if a sim in a steady relationship dies, the game does not bother removing the Steady relationship flag, but everything else is preserved. This update fixes all these problems. Now, when a sim in a committed relationship dies, ONLY the committed relationship flags(steady/engaged/married) will be removed. Everything else will be preserved.
After fixing the relationship issues above, I then went ahead and added two new features to Romantic Standards:
- Family Sims are now able to show loyalty towards their deceased crushes/loves. I am very happy about this addition.
- Before this update, the only part of this mod that had an effect on Romance sims was the feature where the sim considers the presence of their committed partner or Family/BF/BFF of their committed partner when they initiate or accept romantic socials. I deliberately designed it like this, you can read the original description below to see how it was. But, I am changing it in this update. This mod now affects Romance sims just like it affects sims of other aspirations, but there is one difference. You know how sims need to go over a certain attraction threshold in order to successfully romance other sims? If the sim is a Romance sim, then the threshold is decreased by -70. Romance sims find it much easier to engage in romance than others, even if they have a crush/love on others. Here is an example: Sim A initiates a romantic social on Sim B. Sim B has a crush or love on Sim C, and Sim B finds Sim C as attractive as 40 points. That's the base threshold. The threshold is then modified thus: +35 if Sim B is a Family sim, -70 if Sim B is a Romance sim. +35 if Sim C happens to be the committed partner of Sim B. +5/-5 per 100 points of Shy/Outgoing, +5/-5 per 100 points of Serious/Playful (Outgoing and Playful sims tend to be slightly less loyal). So, if Sim B is a Romance Sim, has 600 Outgoing and 700 Playful, and the most attractive crush/love happens to be their committed partner, then Sim A will need to be as attractive as -9 points for Sim B to be allowed to accept the interaction.
- Completely rewrote parts of the mod. I realized that using "Set to Next Neighbor" in a mod like this is not a good idea, because I think if you have 10000 or more sims in your neighbourhood, you will get the "Too Many Iterations" error. This update fixes all of this. In addition, performance should be improved on weaker machines.
- When Sim A initiates a romantic social on Sim B, and when the game checks Sim B's gender preference, if Sim B happens to have more than 0 gender preference for BOTH genders, Sim B will automatically pass this gender preference check. The game will only check "permanent gender preference" (as detailed in the original description) if Sim B happens to have more than 0 gender preference for one gender and 0 or lower for the other.
- Sims now need to have a crush (pink heart) before being allowed to fall in love (red heart).
- I found that Hot Smooch and Love Talk had jealousy already, but their severity values seem to have been mixed up. Hot Smooch has severity 50, while Love Talk has severity 70. It should obviously be the other way around, so now Hot Smooch has severity 70, while Love Talk has severity 50.
- Streamlined some of the scold code.
- Found that Maxis put an interesting "Trigger - Romance - Strong" line to the Goose interaction which makes all sims teen and older react to it. The problem is that this interferes with jealousy reactions, even in an unmodded game. In short, this line does not belong in the game. Keep in mind that this is the only romantic social that I've found to have this line. Even an interaction like Make Out doesn't have it. This update gets rid of that unnecessary line.
UPDATE 6: I found that Bed>Kiss and Hot Tub>Kiss>Tender interactions were coded just like the Make Out/Smooch/Leap Into Arms/Squeeze/Romantic Hug interactions that I mention in the Fixes section, in that they only check for crush/love. This update fixes that, now they check STR/LTR like the rest of the romantic interactions in the game.
UPDATE 5: I caught another small mistake where I forgot to update the Local Var Count (Ask... On Date - Phone). This update fixes that.
UPDATE 4: This is a very small update. Today, I found out that Maxis set the Social Category of "Wolf Whistle" to Category 3, Severity 70, Attenuation 10. When I was making the mod, I didn't even bother looking at the category of this interaction, because I was sure they must have set it to Category 1, but apparently not. This update changes its category to Category 1, Severity 45, Attenuation 6.
UPDATE 3: I made a small mistake in UPDATE 2 (forgot to update the Local Var Count), which was caught by Essa in the comments section. This update fixes that.
UPDATE 2: This update improves the mod by covering two rare situations:
- When the game checks to see which sim Sim A has the highest attraction for, it doesn't consider those sims that Sim A may have an attraction of 0 for. But, the game has a feature in which if Sim A has a negative attraction for Sim B, and if Sim A has 70 LTR or higher, crush or love, or a committed relationship with Sim B, then the game automatically sets Sim A's attraction for Sim B to 0, that is, it increases the attraction. This is because Maxis didn't want sims being repulsed by those sims that they are close to. So, if Sim A had 0 attraction for their spouse (on whom they have a crush or love), for example, and no crush or love on anyone else, the mod treated Sim A as if Sim A had no crush or love for anyone. Now, the mod covers this case. Your sims who have 0 attraction for their crush/love will now act accordingly.
- The second situation is similar to the first one. If Sim A feels equal attraction for Sim B (their committed partner) AND Sim C (random sim), then the game would consider the sim who had a lower neighbour ID to be the "most attractive crush/love". Again, a very rare issue as you can see, but it had to be covered. So, this update now makes the mod check to see if one of those sims that Sim A feels equal attraction towards is their committed partner, thus it chooses the committed partner as the "most attractive crush/love".
UPDATE 1: This is a fairly small update.
- In an unmodded game, chemistry effectively increases the STR and LTR of the two sims in order to make certain interactions available earlier to initiate and accept. However, Maxis set a limit on how high Chemistry can boost STR and LTR, which is 80 STR and 60 LTR. The problem is this prevents chemistry from affecting most Woohoo interactions. The word "most" is the problem. If chemistry was not allowed to affect Woohoo at all, this would make sense. This is why in an unmodded game, chemistry can allow a sim to woohoo in the photo and changing booth, but pretty much nowhere else. Now, the highest level chemistry can influence all romantic interactions.
- The attenuation problem with Woohoo that I talked about in the Fixes section was not in the original release. I have added it back in.
These additions were already in my game, but they were separate package files, hence they weren't in the original release. Now they are.
This is a mod that I have been working on for some time now. It is a massive mod that modifies every single romantic interaction in the game. Romance in Sims games is one of the most underdeveloped gameplay elements. In fact, there is not much difference between friendly and romantic socials. The worst thing is that Sims do not have any kind of romantic standards, and they also do not understand the concept of romantic loyalty. Note that every single Sims game has this flaw, it has not improved one bit. This mod fixes that by giving Sims proper AI in romance situations. In addition, it fixes numerous mistakes and oversights by Maxis. Here is what this mod does:
Below, Sim A is the Initiator of the romantic interaction, and Sim B is the Target. Also, "committed relationship" means steady/engaged/married. In addition, after a Sim passes my checks, they still have to pass Maxis' relationship checks. In other words, this mod adds to the number and type of checks that a sim has to pass in order to engage in romance, because romance is very easy in these games.
Whenever Sim A considers initiating a romantic interaction on Sim B:
- The game checks to see if Sim A is in a committed relationship. If Sim A's committed partner is in the same room and within 12 tiles of Sim B, and Sim A is not furious at or is not enemies with their committed partner, then Sim A will not initiate the interaction.
- Then, the game checks to see if there are any sims in the same room and within 12 tiles of Sim B who have a familial or BF/BFF relationship with Sim A's committed partner. If Sim A has met them, is not furious at and is not enemies with them, then Sim A will not initiate the interaction.
- Then, the game checks to see if Sim B is in a committed relationship. If Sim B's committed partner is in the same room and within 12 tiles of Sim B, and Sim A has met that sim before, is not furious at or is not enemies with that sim, then Sim A will not initiate the interaction.
- Then, the game checks to see if there are any sims in the same room and within 12 tiles of Sim B who have a familial or BF/BFF relationship with Sim B's committed partner. If Sim A has met them, is not furious at and is not enemies with them, then Sim A will not initiate the interaction.
- If Sim A has passed these checks, then the game checks to see if Sim A has a crush or love on Sim B. If so, Sim A can initiate the interaction.
- If not, then the game checks to see if Sim A is a Romance sim, if so Sim A can initiate the interaction. If not, then the game checks to see if Sim A has a crush or love on anyone else in the game. If not, Sim A can initiate the interaction. If Sim A has a crush or love on anyone else, then the game checks how attractive Sim A finds the crush/love that is the most attractive to Sim A. This attraction value is the base attraction threshold that Sim B needs to pass in order for Sim A to be allowed to initiate the interaction. Basically, sims who already have feelings towards others will not initiate autonomous romantic interactions on those sims who are not as attractive.
Example: Sim A has a crush or love on Sim C, and Sim A finds Sim C as attractive as 40 points. That's the base threshold. The threshold is then modified thus: +35 if Sim A is a Family sim, +35 if Sim C happens to be the committed partner of Sim A. +5/-5 per 100 points of Shy/Outgoing, +5/-5 per 100 points of Playful (Outgoing and Playful sims tend to be slightly less loyal). So, if Sim A is a Family Sim, has 600 Outgoing and 700 Playful, and the most attractive crush/love happens to be their committed partner, then Sim B will need to be as attractive as 96 points, which is not easy at all to achieve.
Whenever Sim A initiates a romantic social on Sim B:
- The game checks Sim B's gender preference for their preferred gender. If Sim A happens to be Sim B's non-preferred gender AND if Sim B's gender preference for their preferred gender exceeds Sim B's gender preference for their non-preferred gender by exactly 300 or more, then Sim B will not accept Sim A's romantic interaction, because Sim B is not interested in that gender. This effectively adds "permanent gender preference" into the game. For example, Sim B has a gender preference for females at 250 and a gender preference for males at -125. The difference is 375, meaning that Sim B will not accept romantic socials from males, no matter what. You as the player will need to make Sim B initiate romantic socials with their non-preferred gender in order to get them into non-permanent gender preference range (which is 0 to 299).
- Then, the game checks to see if Sim B is in a committed relationship. If Sim B's committed partner is in the same room and within 12 tiles of Sim B, and Sim B is not furious at or is not enemies with their committed partner, then Sim B will not accept the interaction.
- Then, the game checks to see if there are any sims in the same room and within 12 tiles of Sim B who have a familial or BF/BFF relationship with Sim B's committed partner. If Sim B has met them, is not furious at and is not enemies with them, then Sim B will not accept the interaction.
- If Sim B has passed these checks, then the game checks to see if Sim B has a crush or love on Sim A. If so, Sim B will be allowed to accept the interaction.
- If not, then the game checks to see if Sim B is a Romance sim, if so Sim B will be allowed to accept the interaction. If not, then the game checks to see if Sim B has a crush or love on anyone else in the game. If not, Sim B will be allowed to accept the interaction. If Sim B has a crush or love on anyone else, then the game checks how attractive Sim B finds the crush/love that is the most attractive to Sim B. This attraction value is the base attraction threshold that Sim A needs to pass in order for Sim B to be allowed to accept the interaction. Basically, sims who already have feelings towards others will not accept romantic interactions from those sims who are not as attractive.
Example: Sim B has a crush or love on Sim C, and Sim B finds Sim C as attractive as 40 points. That's the base threshold. The threshold is then modified thus: +35 if Sim B is a Family sim, +35 if Sim C happens to be the committed partner of Sim B. +5/-5 per 100 points of Shy/Outgoing, +5/-5 per 100 points of Playful (Outgoing and Playful sims tend to be slightly less loyal). So, if Sim B is a Family Sim, has 600 Outgoing and 700 Playful, and the most attractive crush/love happens to be their committed partner, then Sim A will need to be as attractive as 96 points for Sim B to be allowed to accept the interaction.
Below, Sim A is the jealous sim, Sim B is the sim that sim A has a crush or love on, or is on date with:
In an unmodded game, Sim A can get jealous of Sim B if Sim A has a crush or love on or is on date with Sim B. Whenever Sim A witnesses Sim B engage in a romantic interaction, Sim A gets a "Caught Sim Cheating" memory and Sim B gets the "Got Caught Cheating" memory. The "Caught Sim Cheating" memory also makes Sim A furious at Sim B and the other sim. In addition, the memory and fury effect is also given if Sim B rejects the romantic interaction, which is one of the most ridiculous things I've seen in this game. As if that's not enough, Sims who are not in a committed relationship also get these memories, despite the fact that crush/love are one-sided in Sims 2, not to mention the memory icons imply the presence of a committed relationship. Also, there is a scolding feature to jealousy, where sims can scold cheaters for cheating if they have a familial relationship with the cheated-on sim. Unfortunately, it does not work very well, because if the to-be-scolded sim rejects the social, then sims do not bother getting angry at the sim who initiated the interaction, which is unrealistic. The entire thing is lazily designed really, and needed attention. Here is how jealousy works now:
Main Jealousy
Sim A still needs to have a crush or love on, or be on date with Sim B in order to be jealous. Then, this happens:
- If Sim C that Sim B is romantically interacting with happens to be a sim that Sim A has a crush or love on, then Sim A will not get jealous at all in that situation.
- If not, then the game checks to see if Sim C is Sim B's committed partner. If so, and if Sim A has already met Sim C and is not furious at or enemies with Sim C, then Sim A will not get jealous.
- If the above checks are passed, then jealousy happens, but it is more detailed. First of all, know that if Sim B accepts the social, they become the target of Sim A's anger, if Sim B rejects the social, Sim C becomes the target. If Sim B initiated the interaction, obviously Sim B becomes the target. This is how it already works, but it lacks detail.
- Now, if Sim A has Nice <= 200, then they outright slap the cheater just like in an unmodded game, but instead of crying like a baby, they show an angry facial expression.
- If Sim A has 800 Nice or higher, they will never slap the jealousy target, but they will still experience the normal relationship decrease. Then, if Sim A has 800 Outgoing or higher, they will yell at the jealousy target. If 200 Outgoing or less, they will watch in distress. If they have Outgoing between 200 and 800, then they will do an angry animation.
- If Sim A has Nice between 200 and 800 then the game checks to see the severity value of the romantic interaction (every romantic interaction has a severity value). If it is 60 or higher, Sim A slaps the jealousy target, their facial expression will be the "horrified" animation that Maxis uses already, so they will cry a bit. If the severity is lower than 60, then Sim A will not slap the jealousy target, but they will still experience the normal relationship decrease. If Sim A has 800 Outgoing or higher, they will yell at the jealousy target. If 200 Outgoing or less, they will watch in distress. If they have Outgoing between 200 and 800, then they will do an angry animation.
- When jealousy occurs, the "Caught Sim Cheating" memories are only given if the severity of the romantic interaction is 60 or higher AND Sim A is in a committed relationship with Sim B. If Sim A is not in a committed relationship with Sim B, Sim A will still get furious at the cheaters. In other words, it all depends on how severe the interaction was (I will talk about severity later).
When Sim A performs a romantic social on Sim B, Sim C who witnesses the interaction can scold. In an unmodded game, the game checks to see if Sim C has a familial relationship to the cheated-on sim who is either married to or in love (red heart) with either Sim A or B. If so, Sim C scolds the cheating sim for cheating on a sim Sim C cares about. The stupidity here is how the game only checks to see if the cheated-on sim is the married partner or someone who just happens to be in love with Sim A or B. This is why your sims do not scold anyone for cheating on their steady or engaged partner, because there is no such check. This whole thing is base-game code which has remained untouched forever. Worse yet, why are they scolding someone for "cheating" on someone who is in love but not in a committed relationship? Love is one-sided in this game, that sim who is to be scolded may not even have any feelings for the sim who is in love with them. Also, how does the scolder really know the cheated-on sim is in love? They should only know if there is a committed relationship. So many problems, here is how it works now:
- Sim C will only scold Sim A or B if that sim is cheating on their committed partner (steady/engaged/married), AND as long as Sim C has a familial relationship or BF/BFF relationship with the cheated-on Sim (yes, BF/BFFs can now scold sims for cheating on their beloved friends). However, for Sim C to scold, Sim C also needs to be NOT furious at or enemies with the cheated-on sim. If Sim C witnesses Sim B cheating on their relative, but Sim C hates that relative, they will not scold.
- The oversight I mentioned at the beginning where scolding code does not function when Sim B rejects the romantic interaction has been fixed. Now, sims will react against Sim A if Sim B rejects the interaction, of course as long as Sim C has the relationship requirements as mentioned above.
Severity and Attenuation
Every romantic social has a severity and attenuation value. Severity increases the more extreme the romantic social is. Attenuation refers to the jealousy emitter radius. However, all romantic standing socials have the exact same attenuation: 10 tiles which makes them all feel the same. Object-based interactions have their own severity values and are fine. Normal socials like Flirt>Charm, or Kiss>Tender, on the other hand, have severity values depending on something called "Social Category". The categories are:
- Category 1: Severity 50, Attenuation 10.
- Category 2: Severity 65, Attenuation 10.
- Category 3: Severity 75, Attenuation 10.
The way Maxis divided the romantic socials into these categories is very wild, and sometimes they do not make much sense. I guess Maxis realized that their simplistic romance code didn't make much difference anyway, so severity and attenuation didn't make much difference and hence were ignored. This mod makes it so that:
- All Flirt interactions are Category 1, Severity 50, Attenuation 6. So, they cannot trigger the Jealousy memories (Caught Cheating etc.)
- Romantic Hug is Category 1, Severity 50, Attenuation 6. Squeeze and Leap Into Arms are Category 2, Severity 65, Attenuation 8.
- Most Kiss interactions are Category 2, Severity 65, Attenuation 8. Exceptions are Dance Kiss, Smooch and Make Out which are Category 3, Severity 75, Attenuation 10. Kiss>Peck did not have jealousy code, despite the fact that it is a romantic kiss on the lips. Now, it is Category 2, Severity 65, Attenuation 8.
- Talk>Smooth Talk is Category 1, Severity 50, Attenuation 6.
- Classic Dance is Category 1, Severity 50, Attenuation 6. Slow Dance is Category 2, Severity 65, Attenuation 8.
Additionally, Sims will only get the "Had an Affair" memory if the romantic social had severity 60 or higher.
- Sims will not get a crush or fall in love right away with others when they perform a romantic social and if their STR or LTR is above 70. It is now chance-based, here is the formula: (Attraction/2) + (Nice-500)/25 + (Playful-500)/25. This is a percentage chance. This allows for some really cool situations where you can toy with people and get them to fall in love with you, while you are not attracted to them at all and thus won't have romantic feelings for them.
- Maxis set the attenuation value of the Bed/Hot Tub Woohoo/Try for Baby to an incredible 25/20. The jealousy code actually checks to see if the attenuation is above 13, if so it affects not just the sims in the room, but pretty much everyone on the lot. This is an extremely obnoxious design decision Maxis made in order for their stupid Pleasant household "Woohoo with the Maid" scenario to function. If you do not know what I am talking about, base-game lots (some of them) have stupid scenarios. One of them is in Pleasantview in the Pleasant household. There, the father wants to woohoo with the maid. There is a special script running in the background in that house. When the wife goes to work, the maid comes and if the player takes the maid to a bed and then clicks Woohoo, the game automatically brings up a Job chance card for the wife and if you choose anything other than Ignore, she gets a demotion and comes home. Because the attenuation of the Bed Woohoo is set to a number higher than 13, it affects the entire lot, and she catches her husband cheating even though she is still in the car and she hasn't even properly appeared on the lot. Maxis never bothered to fix this. Now, it is fixed. Bed/Hot Tub Woohoo/Try for Baby have attenuation values of 12, just like the rest of the Woohoo/Try for Baby interactions. Edit: I have added new checks and rules to this feature in UPDATE 48.
- Food romantic socials, added to the game by Nightlife, do not have jealousy code. Blow Kiss, Feed a Bite and Hold Hands did not have jealousy code. Now, they do.
- When Maxis released Bon Voyage, they introduced Beach Lots. These lots have a sea area, but also a very special sandy beach area. This area is different from the normal ground you see everywhere else. If you click on it, you'll get unique options like "sunbathe" or "comb for seashells". Now, have you ever seen jealousy right on that beach area? I bet not, because jealousy code does not function properly in that area. If Sim A performs a romantic social on Sim B anywhere within that area, Sim C who would normally get jealous, will not even lift a finger. This is because the emitter object which initiates jealousy is not allowed to be placed on that area. In fact, no emitter object is allowed to be placed there. Emitter objects are very important to the gameplay, because without them sims would not react to anything. Maxis forgot to put a placement flag on the emitter semi-global Function-Init. The flag is called "Place on Lava". I have added the necessary flag, so it is fixed now.
- Maxis introduced Attraction/Chemistry with Nightlife, and updated most of the interactions with that new feature. But, they slacked with object-based interactions. The vast majority of object-based interactions are not enabled for attraction in an unmodded game. I have enabled them all.
- Make Out/Smooch/Leap Into Arms/Squeeze/Romantic Hug had acceptance code which was very different from the rest. Basically, Maxis had the idea back in base-game that having a crush/love on someone should make acceptance easier. The problem is that they coded only these interactions in that way, the other interactions are not coded like this which leads to inconsistency. Also, Nightlife introduced Chemistry, which does precisely that, make romantic socials available earlier both to initiate and accept. The game does not check STR or LTR when it checks for these interactions. It only checks crush or love. But, there are situations where this code looks just stupid. For example, Sim B can retain their love on Sim A even if they get furious at Sim A (the fury effect cannot remove relationship flags on its own). In such a situation, if Sim A initiates any of these interactions on Sim B, Sim B will accept, because Sim B still has love on, even though Sim B is completely furious at Sim A. Note that Sim B would refuse all other romantic socials in such a case (except Smooth Talk which is also coded like this, BUT that makes sense, because it is supposed to remove Fury, that is the only social that makes sense in this situation, the others don't). I have fixed this: Make Out/Smooch/Leap Into Arms/Squeeze/Romantic Hug do not require crush/love to accept, now they check STR and LTR when the game decides if Sim B accepts the social or not.
- The "Do You Like What You See?" interaction, which tells you how the target feels about the initiator's attractiveness, is not coded properly. This is why Sim B would swoon at Sim A randomly on the street, but then you go and initiate the "Do You Like What You See?" interaction and they tell you that they are repulsed by you or they shrug at you. I've fixed this.
COMPATIBILITY - THIS MOD IS NOT COMPATIBLE WITH ANY OTHER MOD THAT MODIFIES THE ROMANTIC INTERACTIONS IN THE GAME: I have received many questions from people asking if this mod is compatible with other mods that modify the romance in the game thoroughly. The whole idea behind this mod is that it modifies everything, as if it has always been there. I also think that there are no mods out there, except this one, that improves sims' AI in romance situations this much, which is the most overlooked area by Maxis. The main reason why I made this mod was because I couldn't put up with the simplistic AI in this game. So, if you have any other mod that modifies the romantic interactions in the game, but you want to try this mod, then this is what you do: Pull all those other mods out of your Downloads folder. Put my mod in. Make sure there are no other mods that may conflict with this mod. Then, go into the game and start playing. You may choose to play in a test neighbourhood, it's up to you. After playing for a while, see if you like this more. If so, keep it in, and delete the other mods. If not, do the opposite.
CHEMISTRY VERSION: There are two different versions of Romantic Standards. In the Regular version, the game sets the threshold to the one-way attraction value between the sim and their crush/love, and then modifies that value depending on the one-way attraction value between the sim and the other sim. In the Chemistry version, the game sets the threshold to the chemistry value between the sim and their crush/love, and then modifies that value depending on the chemistry value between the sim and the other sim. The Chemistry version allows sims to care about the feelings of the other sim in the relationship, rather than just caring about their own feelings. Even if the sim has no attraction towards their crush/love, as long as their crush/love is very attracted to them, and they have high chemistry, they will care more about the relationship.
1) RomanticStandards-AddOn-AutoSocials: This add-on comes in a folder with several files, here is what each of them does:
- AutoBedWoohoo: Sims can autonomously woohoo/try for baby in beds.
- AutoClothingBoothWoohoo: Sims can autonomously woohoo/try for baby in clothing booths. Sims can also now perform the Try On interaction autonomously.
- AutoTentWoohoo: Sims can autonomously woohoo/try for baby in tents.
- AutoHottubSocials: Sims can autonomously perform any hot-tub social.
- AutoSofaSocials: Sims can autonomously perform any sofa social.
- AutoSectionalSofaBoothSocials: Sims can autonomously perform any sectional sofa/booth social.
- InviteToBedMod+Controller: Both files are needed for this add-on to work. This add-on adds a hidden interaction that sims can initiate on their own. When Sim A initiates this interaction on Sim B, and if Sim B accepts, the game will send Sim A and B to relax in an available bed. If you have AutoBedWoohoo as well, sims may decide to woohoo or try for baby. Basically, this add-on makes it easier for sims to end up on the same bed on their own. The interaction is a clone of the Flirt>Suggestion interaction.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AttractionCrush-UPDATE1: Sims will only have a chance to get a crush if they have 70 or higher STR.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AttractionCrush-UPDATE2: The new crush/love cap is now part of the AttractionCrush add-on.
RomanticStandards-AddOn-AttractionCrush has been incorporated into the main mod as of UPDATE 190. If you still have this add-on and are using UPDATE 190 or later, you should delete the add-on.
You need the latest version of 7zip or WinRAR to unrar this mod.
Requirements: You need Apartment Life and/or M&G.
Resources: Check the attached image, there are too many to list here.
Uploaded: 27th Jan 2022, 45.7 KB.
Uploaded: 27th Jan 2022, 45.7 KB.
Uploaded: 5th Oct 2021, 19.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 27th Jan 2022 at 6:59 PM - UPDATE 193
#Relationship, #Romance, #Romantic, #Love, #Crush, #Marriage, #Engagement, #Steady, #AI, #Artificial, #Intelligence, #Social, #Interaction, #Redesign, #Fixes
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Apartment Life |
Stuff Pack | |
![]() | Mansion and Garden |
About Me
My Policy: You can modify my mods or make alternative versions of my mods, and release them on non-pay websites.