sd00SicknessMaidRelaxing_Title.jpg - width=760 height=760
Sickness Maid Relaxing, Title Picture
sd01GravestonesWithGhostlyWorkers.jpg - width=1000 height=980
Gravestones with Ghostly Workers
sd02FireMaid_Chat-Dematerialized-Materialized.jpg - width=1250 height=840
Fire Maid Socializing, Dematerialized & Materialized
sd03HauntingGhost-InvisibleHunger-ScaresSim.jpg - width=920 height=980
Invisible Hunger Ghost Scares a Sim
sd04GravestoneMenu.jpg - width=1320 height=980
Gravestone Main Menus
sd05GravestoneRecolours_Brass-Copper-OnBlackMarble.jpg - width=1160 height=980
Gravestone Insert Recolours: Brass to Copper, on Black Marble
sd06GravestoneRecolours_CopperDark-GoldOld-OnWhiteMarble.jpg - width=1160 height=980
Gravestone Insert Recolours: Copper Dark to Gold Old, on White Marble
sd07GravestoneRecolours_GreyDarkSlate-Silver-OnTurquoise.jpg - width=1000 height=980
Gravestone Insert Recolours: Grey Dark Slate to Silver, on Turquoise
sd08GravestoneRecolours_SilverGloss-SilverRoman-OnRedMarble.jpg - width=1000 height=980
Gravestone Insert Recolours: Silver Gloss to Silver Roman, on Red Marble
sd09AutoServe_NaturalHostMaid_EarnsBusinessMoney.jpg - width=1000 height=980
A Natural Host Maid Earns Money Serving Food for a Business
sd10CoffinScareMaid_CleanupDarkPuddles.jpg - width=820 height=980
A Coffin Scare Maid Cleans Up Dark Puddles Left During Haunting
sd11CowplantMaid_ServersSmartMilkToFloorNearCounter.jpg - width=870 height=980
A Cowplant Maid Serves Smart Milk to the Floor Near a Counter
sd12DrownedServer_MakeBed-MopPuddles.jpg - width=960 height=980
A Drowned Server Makes a Bed and Mops Up Puddles
sd13ElectrocutionServer_CleansSink.jpg - width=980 height=980
An Electrocution Server Cleans a Sink
sd14ElectrocutionServer_CleanToilet.jpg - width=980 height=980
An Electrocution Server Cleans a Toilet
sd15ElectrocutionServer_ClearPlates-TakeOutTrash-Newspaper.jpg - width=1420 height=980
An Electrocution Server Clears Plates, Takes Out Newspaper & Trash
sd16FireServer_PickupAshes.jpg - width=850 height=980
A Fire Maid Picks Up Ashes
sd17FrightMaid_BabyBottleInFrontCounter.jpg - width=1300 height=980
A Fright Maid Serves a Baby Bottle in Front of a Counter
sd18LightningServer_ToddlerMushToHighChair.jpg - width=1050 height=980
A Lightning Server Serves Toddler Mush to a Highchair
sd19NaturalHost_BusinessTalk.jpg - width=920 height=980
A Natural Host Shmoozes on a Business Lot
sd20NaturalMaid_ServesBottleToHighchair.jpg - width=940 height=980
A Natural Maid Serves a Bottle to a Highchair
sd21NaturalMaid_TurnOffUnwatchedTV.jpg - width=820 height=840
A Natural Maid Switches Off an Unwatched TV
sd22NaturalMaid-SmartMilkToHighchair.jpg - width=1270 height=980
A Natural Maid Serves Smart Milk to a Highchair
sd23RallyForthMaid_WateringMoneyTree.jpg - width=820 height=980
A Rally Forth Maid Waters a Money Tree
sd24SunlightMaid_SweepingAshes.jpg - width=950 height=980
A Sunlight Maid Sweeps Up Ashes Caused During Haunting
sd25WishingWellMaid_AutoServeFoodCommunity.jpg - width=820 height=980
A Wishing Well Maid Auto-Serves Food on a Community Lot
sd31FoodGrilled_Hamburger-Hotdog-Ribs-Bass-Catfish-Golden-Rainbow.jpg - width=1160 height=980
Served Grilled Food: Hamburger, Hotdogs, Ribs, Bass, Catfish, Golden Trout & Rainbow Trout
sd32FoodNonPartyCakes_BirthdayWedding.jpg - width=820 height=980
Served Cakes: Birthday & Wedding Cakes
sd33FoodSpecialPlates_Comfort-GrilledCheese-Juice-SantaCookies.jpg - width=1220 height=980
Served Special Foods: Comfort Soup, Grilled Cheese, Juice Tray & Santa Cookies
sd34GhostColour_Natural-Opaque-Dim.jpg - width=1400 height=980
Ghost Colours: Natural, Opaque & Dim
sd35GhostColour_Invisible-Black-Brown.jpg - width=1400 height=980
Ghost Colours: Invisible, Black & Brown
sd45HauntingMaid_CoffinScare-WatchesKick-ButWorkPriority.jpg - width=1240 height=980
Haunting Maid - Coffin Scare: Watches Kick, But Work is the Priority
sd72HauntingMaid_WishingWell_AutoCollectBouquetsCommunity.jpg - width=900 height=980
Haunting Maid - Wishing Well: Auto-Collects Bouquets on Community Lot
Downloaded 3,989 times
112 Thanks
38 Favourited
Yes indeed, good help is hard to find! Morwen Arawn, the notorious necromancer, had considered the possibilities. Mortal maids, gardeners, repairmen and the like were a nuisance of course - never there when you really needed them, and their insistent demands for petty material rewards were intolerable. On the other hand, a residential zombie needed constant attention, to say nothing of its stench, ill manners, slowness and inefficiency. Spectral servants were as step in the right direction, but then there was the recurring annoyance of needing to reinvoke them - and you needed white magic to do so!
At last, through careful research and persistent experimentation she had come upon the answer. If the dead were brought back as spirits rather than shambling corpses, they could be more easily controlled. And if she specifically selected those spirits who had been experts in the jobs that needed doing, they would be efficient as well as quiet, clean and undemanding. Thus through the artful application of Morwen's dark magic there arose a small army of ghostly workers and companions, no longer resting in peace but ready to serve her every need.
A) To release a set of three gravestones to control ghostly versions of the Basegame Maid, the Nightlife Host and the Nightlife Server NPCs (non-player characters). These Ghostly Workers will keep a lot clean and supply it with ample servings of free food.
B) To enable the player to configure these Ghostly Servants in any of 19 ghost types and colours available from among the suite of Sims 2 EPs. I have also provided seven custom recolours - including a completely invisible ghost. These NPCs are compatible with default replacement projects such as Sunni's Medieval NPC Replacements: Commoners.
C) To allow the player to Materialize a Ghostly Servant to take on a normal NPC appearance. Any of the optional ghostly colours can be applied to this corporal form. It is completely optional if a servant ever appears as a ghost at all, so the gravestones can be used as simple non-fantasy controllers for the Maid, Host or Server.
D) Since ghosts can be hard to find - particularly when invisible - to include a "Find" routine that zooms in on the missing Sim, if the NPC is active. In the case of a ghost who is assigned the invisible recolour, the Servant will temporarily appear before fading to invisibility again.
E) To provide the gravestones with a comprehensive set of recolours, including invisible recolours suitable for placement on top of an appropriate prop, such as a tree, rock, fireplace, transport urn or sculpture. By default the gravestones casts shadows, but there is a menu option to turn shadows off, helpful when recolouring the gravestone to be invisible.
F) To include a modified Mourn routine that increases Charisma skill, Film & Literature Enthusiasm (FreeTime & later) and Social motive, at the expense of Fun. Skill gain during mourning is enhanced for serious Sims.
G) To provide a Kick gravestone option for a small increase in Fun.
H) To code the NPCs so that they may haunt the lot they are on, even though they are not actually dead as far as the game is concerned. A Ghostly NPC responds to attention, so haunting will only occur following a session of Kicking or Mourning. If the haunting comes as a result of Kicking a gravestone, the ghost will be annoyed and hunt down the Sim who did the Kicking. "Knowledge Sims" are also singled out, to satisfy the "See a Ghost" want.
These items are base game compatible and are found in the Decorative/Sculpture section of the catalogue.
The Ghostly Maid, Host or Server will not appear unless Nightlife or any later EP is available. These Ghostly Servants will perform their duties on community, residential and business lots. By default the Server is programmed to activate only minimally - in Stealth mode. In contrast the Maid and Host default to Social mode, ready to interact with Sims once the work is done.
The Maid and Server default to a Dematerialized or Ghostly form, but the Host defaults to appearing and behaving as a normal - Materialized - Sim.
Note that when returning to a saved game, these NPCs will typically not be as they were when saved. Instead the NPC will reappear from the gravestone in the same mode - haunting, socializing or working - as before. Ghosts are rather ephemeral in that way.
List of Gravestone "Stone" Recolours
Black Marble, Blue Marble, Green Marble, Grey Dark Slate, Grey Granite, Grey Marble, Invisible, Red Marble, White Marble.
These gravestones may be placed on any terrain or floor, indoors or outdoors. Because it is important that a gravestone not be arbitrarily removed when controlling an NPC, I made these objects immune to fire, theft and repossession. Purchasing a gravestone satisfies the "Buy Fridge" want, since a Ghostly Servant can satisfy all the critical food functions usually provided by a fridge.
If an NPC is active and you wish to delete its gravestone from the lot, please make sure to use the Retire menu option to remove the NPC first. If you do not Retire the NPC you will may have to use Moveobjects On to delete her or him later. There is also the possibility of busied out or "hung" objects if the gravestone is removed without Retiring its NPC first.
Scared Sims
When haunting the lot, the ghostly NPC may try to Scare a Sim. Knowledge Sims and Sims who have kicked the Gravestone will be specifically selected for scaring. If scared, the Sim's Bladder, Comfort, Energy, Hunger and Hygiene motives will be reduced, as it is with normal EA ghosts. In addition, if the ghostly Sim is a "Death by Coffin Scare" type, the scared Sim's Fun motive's will be reduced; and if the ghostly Sim is a "Death By Rally Forth" type then the Social motive will be reduced.
The scared Sim will also gain a "Saw Ghost" memory and the "See Ghost" want will be satisfied.
WARNING: As with the EA ghosts, it is possible for a Sim to die as a result of being scared. Kicking and Mourning are non-autonomous activities, so if you do not want to take this chance - unlikely though it may be - do not ask your Sims to Kick or Mourn at the gravestone. As a failsafe against repeated ghostly harassment, haunting can be canceled prematurely by selecting Recall, Relieve, Replace, Retire or Serve... at the gravestone.
Operational Details
If a gravestone has been placed on a lot and the game is running, an NPC will activate after about ten game minutes. The NPC will then perform chores (if there are any) until the work is complete. By default, the Ghostly Server will then disappear until there is more work or haunting to do. However, selecting the Request Social Mode menu option will allow the Server to remain active like the Maid or Host.
In on-duty mode, the performance of the NPC workers has been improved so that each is just as effective at their tasks. For example, the Maid is now just as good as the Nightlife Server in cleaning up dishes, and any of them will switch off an abandoned TV, like the Nanny does in later EPs. Dematerialized workers a slightly more efficient because they can pass through walls
Gravestone Menus Options
Although the Ghostly Servants will operate perfectly well without user intervention, there are up to 13 menu options available on the gravestone if you wish to override the NPC's automatic behavior or otherwise interact with the object, as listed below.
Note that many of these menu selections will not to take effect immediately, but are stored and executed after a delay, depending on what the NPC is doing at the time. This design helps to minimize the possibility of "hung" objects and unpredictable operation.
If Nightlife or a later EP is not available, only the "Hide Shadows", "Kick Gravestone" and "Mourn" menu options will be displayed.
Where "NPC" is shown in the menu headings, read "Maid", "Host" or "Server" as applicable.
Find NPC - if the NPC is active somewhere on the lot, the game will zoom to near the NPC's location, typically after a delay. If the selecting Sim is doing nothing, this menu option will be displayed as Find NPC Now and the zoom will occur immediately.
Hide/Display Shadows - by default the gravestones will display a ground shadow and outdoor shadow. For the purpose of using invisible recolours, this menu option is will remove both types of shadow. In support of using invisible recolours, when the shadows are hidden the gravestone itself cannot be possessed by ghosts.
Kick Gravestone - the currently selected Sim will walk to the gravestone and kick it for a small increase in fun. In response the associated ghost will haunt the lot in Angry mode, and will try to scare the Sim who kicked the stone. Unlike EA ghost behavior, even Sims who are sitting are not immune to being scared by an angry ghost.
Materialize/Dematerialize NPC - this menu option will recall and then toggle the NPC between corporal and ghostly forms. Note that the "Transparent" and "Dim" recolours allow the NPC to appear ghostly, even when Materialized. In contrast, the Dematerialized "Opaque" recolour makes the NPC appear solid, even while acting as a ghost.
The activity of an an off-duty NPC as a visitor or household member is somewhat unpredictable, but a materialized Maid or Server will naturally eat, use the bathroom and interact with fun objects. When in ghostly form, an off-duty NPC does not need to eat, use the bathroom, or rest to restore comfort. Whether materialized or not, none of these NPCs require sleep, nor are they affected by age, temperature, or overeating.
Mourn NPC - the currently selected Sim will walk to the gravestone and begin to mourn for the Ghostly Servant. While doing so the Sim will gain Charisma skill, Paranormal Interest, Nature Enthusiasm (FreeTime & later) and Social motive, but the Fun motive will decrease. Serious Sims will build Charisma at a faster rate. Mourning will also cause the NPC to haunt the lot when otherwise off-duty. One session of haunting will occur for each session of mourning.
Recall NPC - once the NPC has completed the current activity (if any), and probably after a pause, the NPC will activate on or near the gravestone. If the NPC was actively haunting or working at the time, Recall clears the Haunting and Work mode states. Note that in the case of an NPC who is configured with the invisible recolour, the Recall will temporarily force the NPC to appear in the default natural ghost colour, but the ghost will become invisible again in a few seconds.
Relieve NPC - this option forces the NPC to remain in rest mode, regardless of whether or not there is work or haunting to do. If the NPC is already off-duty when Relieved, then she or he will remain off-duty, without interruption. The NPC will continue in an off-duty state until a menu option recalls the NPC in some way, or the NPC's motives fall to critical levels. This mode is ideal if you wish the NPC to engage in uninterrupted social activities.
Replace NPC - operates identically to Recall, except that the particular NPC is replaced with another from the NPC pool. This menu option may be briefly unavailable immediately after an NPC has been replaced.
Retire NPC - if the NPC is active at the time, she or he will finish the current activity, then stand still and deactivate. The NPC will not reactivate unless recalled by a menu option. While in the retired mode the gravestone acts purely as a decorative object that can only be kicked or mourned over, and this state will continue if the game is saved and reloaded. But in the case of Community lots, saving is normally not possible so the NPC will reactivate each time the lot is visited.
Request Social/Stealth Mode - this selection toggles the off-duty behavior of the NPC. When in Stealth Mode the NPC will only activate when there is work to do or haunting to accomplish. In Social Mode, the NPC will perform work and haunting duties when required, but will otherwise remain active when off-duty. The Ghostly Maid and Host default to Social mode and the Ghostly Server defaults to Stealth.
Select NPC Colour... - allows the NPC to be configured with any of 19 colour tints and shades. The selections are slightly different between Materialized and Dematerialized modes. The colour of a ghost will not affect its work skills or social behaviour. However, when the ghost is haunting its behaviour will differ significantly according to its colour, as detailed here - and as augmented with this project.
Serve Food... - this option commands the Ghostly Servant to serve a free - typically group - meal on a silver tray, fresh from the grave. If there are more than six Sims on the lot, the number of portions will be automatically adjusted. An empty counter must be available on the lot for food service to occur.
The Breakfast, Lunch, Appetizers (FreeTime or later), Dinner, Dessert, Grilled, Snack and Special sub-menu food selections allow the player to select the desired meal type. Within each meal type, the actual meal served is selected at random.
The Special sub-menu is the exception to this, allowing the choice of nine specific meals. For babies and toddlers there is the Baby Bottle, served to either a highchair or the floor in front of a counter. The Birthday and Wedding Cakes cannot function as event cakes, but simply as a source of dessert. Comfort Soup (FreeTime or later) cures sickness. Grilled Cheese is particularly for Sims with the Grilled Cheese aspiration. The Juice Tray is especially useful for PlantSims. Santa Cookies (Holiday Edition or equivalent) encourages visits from Santa. Lastly, Smart Milk and Toddler Mush are for toddlers, served either to a highchair or near a counter.
Set Auto-Serve Off/On - if Auto-Serve is enabled, the Ghostly Servant will serve food automatically, every four game hours. By default, Auto-Serve is enabled on Business and Community lots, and disabled on Residential lots. The following meals are served in each of six time periods, beginning at the following times:
2 AM Snack, pays §20/Sim
6 AM Breakfast, pays §25/Sim
10 AM Lunch, pays §25/Sim
2 PM Grilled, pays §60/Sim
6 PM Dinner, pays §50/Sim
10 PM Dessert, pays §50/Sim
On Business lots, the owner is paid at the rates shown above, mulitiplied by the number of Sims on the lot. The meal rates were calculated from the average cost for each meal when bought at an average priced business restaurant.
List of Ghost Colours & Death Types
The following Ghostly Servant colours are available by menu option:
Natural* (Old Age), Opaque* (Coffin Scare), Transparent* (Coffin Scare), Dim* (Cinematic), Invisible* (Hunger), Black* (Sunlight), Brown* (Lightning), Red (Fire), Pink (Fright), Orange (Satellite), Yellow (Electrocution), Golden (Rally Forth), Green (Cowplant), Lime (Sickness), Blue (Drowned), Light Blue (Hunger), Purple (Flies), Magenta (Hail), Grey (Old Age), Dull Grey* (Wishing Well)
* = a custom colour (non-EA)
The Death Types are indicated in parentheses, for example Red ghosts suffered a "Death by Fire".
Details for Each Ghost Colour & Death Type
EA configured several of its "Death by" ghosts to share colours. For example, a Yellow ghost could represent either a "Death by Electrocution" or "Death by Lightning" ghost. I have added additional colours so that each "Death by" ghost is represented by a unique colour.
In this project, Haunting only can be caused by a playable Sim either Kicking or Mourning at the gravestone. The haunting response is based on EA ghost behaviour, but with additional effects, manifested objects and additional actions. Each colour and death type has the following characteristics:
Natural (Old Age) - no special effects, objects or special actions.
Opaque or Transparent (Coffin Scare) - EP2_VampireSteamFX effect, leaves chocolate puddles - but maybe they are blood? Dressed as a vampire while haunting.
Dim (Cinematic) - dustAndLightBeamsMetaEffect effect, no objects or special actions.
Invisible (Hunger) - no effects, leaves serving platters which are automatically deleted when the haunting is over. Opens the fridge and steals some food units.
Black (Sunlight) - blackDeathSmoke effect, leaves ashes. Dressed as a blackened vampire while haunting, but appears as a completely visible vampire while scaring Sims.
Brown (Lightning) - jacobsLadder effect, and EP5_lightningStrikeLot if Seasons is available. Leaves no objects, but reenacts death.
Red (Fire) - fireAdultLarge effect (its quite dramatic), leaves ashes, no special actions.
Pink (Fright) - boStink effect, no objects or special actions.
Orange (Satellite) - ringArcs1 effect, leaves electronic debris, no special actions.
Yellow (Electrocution) - jacobsLadder & jacobsLadder2 effects. Leaves no objects, but reenacts death.
Golden (Rally Forth) - starsRing effect. Leaves Money Tree bills and carries a megaphone if OFB is available. Interacts with a Money Tree if there is one on the lot. The Money Tree bills created during haunting are worth §20 each. They are automatically collected at the end of the haunting. Typically, there are at least six money bills deposited on the lot, for a gain of §120. Collecting bills satisfies the "Earn §100" & "Earn Money" wants. On business lots, the collected money is credited to the owner and counted as business income.
Green (Cowplant) - fxBeesAndBugs effect, leaves lots of weeds on the property. Interacts with and Teases the Cowplant if there is one on the lot.
Lime (Sickness) - boStinkChild effect, leaves roaches, and reenacts death.
Blue (Drowning) - workout_sweat_head effect, leaves puddles of water and has no special actions.
Light Blue (Hunger) - cooking_steam effect, leaves standard dishes which are automatically deleted when the haunting is over. Opens the fridge and steals some food units.
Purple (Flies) - flies and flieswarm effects, leaves trash piles and has no special actions.
Magenta (Hail) - if Seasons is available, causes a hail storm. Leaves no objects, reenacts death with a hail effect.
Grey (Old Age) - whiteDeathSmokeConstant effect, no objects or special actions.
Dull Grey (Wishing Well) - if the haunting was caused by Mourning, uses loveTubHeartsNFlowers effect, leaves Bouquets worth §55 each, and interacts with EA or custom wishing wells, if available on the lot. On Business and Community lots, the bouquets are automatically collected when the haunting is over. On Business lots, the profit is credited to the owner and counted as business income. On Community lots the money from the sale is given to the Sim who Mourned the Ghostly Servant.
If the haunting was caused by Kicking the Gravestone, uses ghostSmokeConstant effect and leaves Poo Bags on the lot. The Wishing Well ghost will interact with a wishing well, if there is one.
Technical Notes
These gravestone controllers are independent objects that do not override any game resources or change the functions of any other objects.
Each gravestone identifies the NPC it is controlling by storing the Object ID and the Neighbour ID of its NPC in private attributes 0x0000 and 0x0001 respectively. In addition the controller sets the NPC's Attribute 0x0038 to the gravestone's own Object ID. This "Private Reserved" attribute is otherwise unused, but anyone else who wished to link a controller to an NPC in a similar way would be able to do so without conflicting with this project.
In addition, the controller sets the NPC's Attribute 0x0038, Death Type, to correspond to whatever NPC Colour the player has selected. This setting is benign because the NPC is not actually dead, and should the NPC ever die this value would be overwritten.
Like my previous NPC worker uploads, this project does not create new NPCs nor modify their normal operation outside of this project. However, the coding for each of these gravestone controllers is quite complex, involving over 260 BHAVs per object to support proper ghostly routing and haunting behavior, colour diversity and improved job performance. The NPC templates themselves are completely unmodified.
But unlike my Dishwasher NPC projects, these NPCs are never placed in actual "work mode" (NPC Attribute 0x002A = On the Job?). Instead work activities are controlled using the Push Interaction primitive, allowing for full customization without modifying the NPC Template coding. This also reduces the distracting appearing and disappearing sequences that were characteristic of the Dishwasher NPCs.
As part of their cleaning routines, both the Maid and Server will turn off televisions that no one is watching. For some reason EA did not design their televisions with a consistent turnoff interaction index. I use a lookup table to determine which interaction number to use (3 or 4), and unless a creator has done something unusual, this table should also work for custom content televisions. If you encounter an error when an NPC tries to turn off an abandoned television, please let me know.
In an improvement over the EA ghosts, these NPCs do not mistakenly delete their own gravestones, and a dining chair may be haunted whether or not it is pushed up to a table. Both the EA and NPC ghosts can haunt bathtubs, the bowling alley, dining chairs, gravestones, microwaves, table lamps, teddy bears and the xylophone. If you are creating a custom object that you want to enable for haunting and it is not mentioned in this list, add this coding to the Init BHAV: "[prim 0x0002] Expression (Stack Object ID 0x0000 := My 0x000B (object id))" then "[prim 0x0002] Expression (Stack Object's definition 0x001C (Hauntable) := Literal 0x0002)".
Terms of Use
You may include the items from this project in uploaded lots, whether for free or pay. It is nice but not necessary to provide a credit and link to this page.
Notice to Plumb Bob Keep (PBK) Users
Please Note: the Romance Gravestone with Maid and the Simple Gravestone with Hermit were released in preview form at PBK in 2012. This 2020 re-release of the Romance Gravestone uses the same GUID but unlike the original, does not use its own recolours. The Hermit's Gravestone depended on the original Romance Gravestone for recolours as its master object, so installing the 2020 version of the Maid will render the ghostly Hermit unusable. However, the Simple Gravestone with Hermit was suspected of crashing complex lots, so it may be a good idea to abandon it in favour of the 2020 ungraded Maid.
Additional Credits
SimPE, PJSE, and url=]CEP[/url] for Sims 2 object creation
Gadwin's PrintScreen for capturing complete screenshots that include the mouse cursor GIMP 2, IrfranView, Microsoft Paint and Microsoft Photo Editor for graphics editing, file conversion, processing, sizing and titling
Uploaded: 4th Jan 2020 at 5:57 AM
Updated: 4th Jan 2020 at 8:58 PM - Correcting the Description.
– Object Mods
: Object Interaction Mods (things that change how sims interact with objects or their environment, like "Multi-owner door" or "sunbathe anywhere")