TS4_TS2 Garden Essence Child's Study
01. Garden Essence Child's Study.jpg - width=1000 height=700
02.1 Joliette Chair.jpg - width=800 height=900
02.2 Joliette Chair.jpg - width=800 height=900
02.3 Joliette Chair.jpg - width=800 height=900
02.4 Joliette Chair.jpg - width=800 height=900
02.5 Joliette Chair.jpg - width=800 height=900
02.6 Joliette Chair.jpg - width=800 height=900
03.1 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.2 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.3 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.4 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.5 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.6 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.7 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.8 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.9 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.10 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.11 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.12 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.13 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.14 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.15 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.16 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.17 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.18 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.19 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.20 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
03.21 The Recognizer.jpg - width=900 height=700
04.1 Bright Eyes Bookcase.jpg - width=800 height=940
04.2 Bright Eyes Bookcase.jpg - width=800 height=940
04.3 Bright Eyes Bookcase.jpg - width=800 height=940
04.4 Bright Eyes Bookcase.jpg - width=800 height=940
04.5 Bright Eyes Bookcase.jpg - width=800 height=940
04.6 Bright Eyes Bookcase.jpg - width=800 height=940
09.1 Welcome Mat.jpg - width=1000 height=600
09.2 Welcome Mat.jpg - width=1000 height=600
09.3 Welcome Mat.jpg - width=1000 height=600
09.4 Welcome Mat.jpg - width=1000 height=600
09.5 Welcome Mat.jpg - width=1000 height=600
09.6 Welcome Mat.jpg - width=1000 height=600
09.7 Welcome Mat.jpg - width=1000 height=600
09.8 Welcome Mat.jpg - width=1000 height=600
06.1 You've Got the Light.jpg - width=800 height=1400
06.2 You've Got the Light.jpg - width=800 height=1400
06.3 You've Got the Light.jpg - width=800 height=1400
06.4 You've Got the Light.jpg - width=800 height=1400
06.5 You've Got the Light.jpg - width=800 height=1400
06.6 You've Got the Light.jpg - width=800 height=1400
06.7 You've Got the Light.jpg - width=800 height=1400
06.8 You've Got the Light.jpg - width=800 height=1400
06.9 You've Got the Light.jpg - width=800 height=1400
07.1 FreeRoam Portable Computing Device.jpg - width=800 height=800
07.2 FreeRoam Portable Computing Device.jpg - width=800 height=800
07.3 FreeRoam Portable Computing Device.jpg - width=800 height=800

It also matches very well with any Ikea lack color items.
The FreeRoam Portable Computing Device can do all the regular functions (email, vacation, real estate etc). Please note that although the name implies that it can be moved about (stored in a Sim's inventory), when visiting community lots cannot be accessed other than to give as a gift. It must also be placed on a desk so more of a desktop than a laptop. When playing computer games, a Sim will place an imaginary disk into the right hand side; thereafter game play is normal.
Update 03.06.2021 - Issue re You've Got the Light (sides of shade not displaying) now fixed. This version will now also let you mix and match the shade and stand. I have also now added separate zips files of all the items.
Update 10/07/22
I have updated the Welcome? Mat and it is now much brighter.
I have replaced the group zip.file and individual zip.file plus added new screenshots.
Bright Eyes Bookcase is a bookshelf with 6 colors options to choose from.
FreeRoam Portable Computing Device is a 'dinky' laptop with 3 color options.
Joliete Desk Chair is a dining chair available in 6 color options,
The Recognizer is a slimline desk with 21 amazing color options and perfect for the FreeRoam Portable Computing Device.
You've Got the Light is a floor lamp with 9 color options.
Welcome? Mat is a rug (requires Night Life EP) and is available with 8 color options.
With the exception of the Welcome? Mat (Night Life EP), all other 5 items have been cloned from Sims2 base game objects.
Happy Simming!

Polygon Count:
Bright Eyes Bookcase = Polygon 582
FreeRoam Portable Computing Device = Polygon 417
Joliete Desk Chair = Polygon 500
The Recognizer = Polygon 108
You've Got the Light = Polygon 282
Welcome? Mat = Polygon 4
Additional Credits:
Thanks to TSR Workshop, SimPE, Milkshape 3D, EA Games as without these programs creating objects would not be possible.
Also Numenor for CEP.
Filename | Type | Size |
TS4_TS2 Garden Essence Child's Study.zip | zip | |
LSP8BrightEyesBookcaseMesh.package | package | 2055397 |
LSP8BrightEyesBookcaseTexture2-Blue.package | package | 398545 |
LSP8BrightEyesBookcaseTexture3-Purple.package | package | 398545 |
LSP8BrightEyesBookcaseTexture4_Orange.package | package | 398545 |
LSP8BrightEyesBookcaseTexture5-Yellow.package | package | 398533 |
LSP8BrightEyesBookcaseTexture6-Green.package | package | 398545 |
LSP8FreeRoamPortableComputingDeviceMesh.package | package | 729171 |
LSP8FreeRoamPortableComputingDeviceTexture2.package | package | 46507 |
LSP8FreeRoamPortableComputingDeviceTexture3.package | package | 46507 |
LSP8JolietteDeskChairMesh.package | package | 354038 |
LSP8JolietteDeskChairTexture2-Blue.package | package | 267586 |
LSP8JolietteDeskChairTexture3-Black.package | package | 267598 |
LSP8JolietteDeskChairTexture4-Jade.package | package | 267598 |
LSP8JolietteDeskChairTexture5-Green.package | package | 267598 |
LSP8JolietteDeskChairTexture6-Orange.package | package | 267598 |
LSP8TheRecognizerMesh(Slim not at wall).package | package | 749088 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture10-Navy.package | package | 704057 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture11-Green.package | package | 704057 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture12-Charcoal.package | package | 704069 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture13-Cream.package | package | 704069 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture14-Beige.package | package | 704069 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture15-Light Blue.package | package | 704057 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture16-Blue.package | package | 704057 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture17-Grey.package | package | 704057 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture18-Brown.package | package | 704057 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture19-Red.package | package | 704057 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture2-Black.package | package | 704057 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture20-Yellow.package | package | 704057 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture21-Royal Blue.package | package | 704057 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture3-Orange.package | package | 704069 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture4-Jade.package | package | 704069 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture5-Green.package | package | 704069 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture6-Purple.package | package | 704069 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture7-Torquoise.package | package | 704069 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture8-Purple.package | package | 704069 |
LSP8TheRecognizerTexture9-Red.package | package | 704069 |
LSP8WelcomeMatMesh.package | package | 360670 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture2 - jade & grey.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture3 - dark grey.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture4 - brown & green.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture5 - red & beige.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture6 - black & gold.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture7 - black & red.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture8 - lime & beige.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8You'veGottheLightMesh.package | package | 413511 |
LSP8You'veGottheLightTexture2 - Red.package | package | 182598 |
LSP8You'veGottheLightTexture3 - Turquoise.package | package | 182580 |
LSP8You'veGottheLightTexture4 - Cerise.package | package | 182580 |
LSP8You'veGottheLightTexture5 - Black.package | package | 182580 |
LSP8You'veGottheLightTexture6 - White.package | package | 182580 |
LSP8You'veGottheLightTexture7 - Gold.package | package | 182580 |
LSP8You'veGottheLightTexture8 - Green.package | package | 182580 |
LSP8You'veGottheLightTexture9 - Cream.package | package | 182562 |
Filename | Type | Size |
Welcome Mat (Night Life EP).zip | zip | |
LSP8WelcomeMatMesh.package | package | 360670 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture2 - jade & grey.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture3 - dark grey.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture4 - brown & green.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture5 - red & beige.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture6 - black & gold.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture7 - black & red.package | package | 352177 |
LSP8WelcomeMatTexture8 - lime & beige.package | package | 352177 |
The following custom content is included in the downloadable files:
- Bright Eyes Bookshelf by Ladysimplayer8
- FreeRoam Portable Computing Device by Ladysimplayer8
- Joliette Desk Chair by Ladysimplayer8
- The Recognizer by Ladysimplayer8
- You've Got the Light by Ladysimplayer8
TS4_TS2 Garden Essence Child's Study.zip
Uploaded: 11th Jul 2022, 5.07 MB.
Bright Eyes Bookshelf.zip
Uploaded: 3rd Jun 2021, 1.53 MB.
FreeRoam Portable Computing Device.zip
Uploaded: 3rd Jun 2021, 222.3 KB.
Joliette Desk Chair.zip
Uploaded: 3rd Jun 2021, 472.3 KB.
The Recognizer (Desk).zip
Uploaded: 3rd Jun 2021, 1.69 MB.
You've Got the Light.zip
Uploaded: 3rd Jun 2021, 634.3 KB.
Welcome Mat (Night Life EP).zip
Uploaded: 11th Jul 2022, 560.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Simsâ„¢ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Nightlife |
About Me
My conversions uploads are intended for the exclusive use of members and guests of Mod the Sims.
My conversions are not permitted on any other site; nor for use in any mod.
Sims 4 conversions should not require any recolors as there are many textures supplied with the object and I do all the textures supplied.
Sims 3 conversions have a more limited number of recolors (generally 3), so if you wish for more recolors, please contact me to do the recolors, or for my permission if you wish to do them yourself and upload them to any non payment site.
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