Give Me Some Talent
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Short Description:
This mod adds more than 120 new traits that make sims learn skills faster or slower than usual. A sim will get them based on their previous life-stage skills level. So, toddler skills define how much faster (or slower) a sim will learn child skills. In its turn, child skills are important to determine which speed a sim will learn a skill they can only train after growing up.
In summary, this mod will punish your sims if they don’t have sufficient toddler and child skills before growing up. For example, a toddler with low “Movement Skill” will get traits that make them slowly learn the “Motor Skill” and other child skills linked to movement, such as fishing. Similarly, child sims with low “Motor Skill” tend to slowly learn teen/adult skills linked to motor activities, such as fitness.
This feature only applies to sims marked as “played”. Unplayed ones will randomly receive talent traits independently of their previous life stage skills levels.
All toddlers, and sims created at CAS, also randomly get some traits that make them good or bad at some skills. The same occurs for all sims created before this mod installation. You can also manually remove or add any talent trait you want.
Detailed Description:
There are six talent traits (or modifiers) associated with each skill a sim can learn. They make a sim extremely bad, very bad, bad, good, very good, or extremely good at that skill. The good the trait, the faster the sim learns the skill. The bad the trait, the slower a sim learns it.
As you can see in the picture below, all toddlers (created at CAS or aged from infant) may get some talent traits that make them good or bad at toddlers skills. This process is random, so a toddler may get only good traits, only bad ones, both types or none of them. The chance of a trait being selected depends on its intensity. The higher it is, the lower the probability. Thus, extremely good or bad traits are less likely to be chosen than the “very” ones. Traits with the same intensity have the same probability independently of their type. For example, a toddler has the same chance to get a “very good” or a “very bad” trait.
Besides the talent traits, all played toddlers will receive a monitoring trait. Each of them is linked with a toddler skill (except the potty one). They show whether the toddler will be good or bad at learning the child skills associated with the toddler skill this trait refers to. These monitoring traits have 3 stages that indicate if a toddler’s skill level is at low, moderate, or high levels. As explained in the trait text:A toddler will only have a high level in a skill when reaching level 5 in that skill. A low level means a skill level lower than 3. You’ll get a notification when a skill changes from one level to another. Please, notice that the status update and its consequent monitoring trait change take some time to be finished. So, for example, if you age up just after increasing a skill from 4 to 5, the mod may not consider you have a high level of that skill.
- if a toddler has a low level in the skill “A” when growing up, they will learn the child skills linked to “A” slowly;
- if they have a moderate level, they may learn it slowly, faster, or at the usual speed;
- if they have a high level, they may learn faster or at the usual speed.
Strictly speaking, each toddler skill level counts to define each talent trait a sim will get after growing up. For example, although a toddler with movement skill at level 1 and another at level 2 will have a low level on that skill, the first one has more chance to get an extremely bad modifier on the motor skill than the second.
Since the patch that came before Growing Together, children can learn adult skills without the need to maximize their now-called fundamental skills. So, as you can see in the picture below, toddler skills will also define how good or bad a child will be on those skills.
In the following picture, you can see some examples of traits received when a toddler grew up to a child with low communication skill, moderate movement and imagination skills, and high thinking skill.
You can turn off (or on) the monitoring system associated with each toddler skill. To do that, as you can see below, click in a toddler (holding shift with “testing cheats” enabled), find the FDSims4Mods Menu, choose the Give Me Some Talent Mod button, choose the skill you want, and click the “Don’t monitor this skill”. You can also turn off (or on) all of them together.
Turning off a monitoring trait doesn’t mean that you will not receive talent traits when growing up. It means that you’ll receive them as if you have a moderate level of the skill not monitored. By the way, child sims created at CAS will get talent traits as if they have a moderate level in all toddlers skills. The same occurs when unplayed toddlers grow up.
Like what occurs with toddlers, the level of a fundamental child skill influences how slow or fast a child will learn the skills that will become available after growing up. So, for example:The level a child has in a given fundamental skill defines how good or bad they will be at adult skills linked to it. Each adult skill is associated with a specific fundamental child skill as follows:
- a child with low social skill may take more time to learn adult skills that involve social activities such as comedy;
- a child with moderate motor skill may learn some adult skills linked to motor activities like fitness slower or faster;
- a child with high mental skill is more likely to get a good talent trait on adult skills associated with mental activities like rocket science.
As occurs with toddlers, all children in the household will receive a monitoring trait that tells the current status (low, moderate, or high) of their fundamental skills. You also will receive a notification when this status changes. Having a moderate level in a skill means having it between levels 3 and 8. A sim aging with a child skill in this range may get good and bad talent traits in the adult skills linked to it. If the child skill is under level 3 (low range), they may only get bad traits. If it is higher than 8 (high range), they may only get good talent traits.
As you can see in the figure above, the level of a fundamental skill influences how fast a child will learn non-fundamental skills compared with themselves. For example, a sim with low mental skill will learn all child skills linked to thinking, such as logic and video gaming, slower than when having a moderate level. In the same way, a child with high motor skill will learn skills that involve movement, such as fishing and bowling, faster than when having a moderate level.
Those skills linked to toddler skills (logic, fishing, charisma, piano, etc.) will not be affected by fundamental skills after a child grows up. However, which talent traits of adult skills (skills a child cannot learn) that sim will receive depends on their fundamental skills level. Below, you can see some examples of talent traits obtained when a child grows up having adequate mental and creativity skills, insufficient motor skill, and superior social skill.
Your sim will get a huge number of bad talent traits when they have a low level in all fundamental skills. On the other hand, if all of them are at the high level, your sim will not receive a very huge number of good traits, but they will get zero bad ones.
You can turn off the monitoring of each child skill individually for any played sim you want. To do that, click on the sim holding shift (and with testing cheats enabled) and found this mod sub-menu inside the FDSims4Mods menu. Beware that children will gain talent traits as if they are created at CAS when the monitoring system is off after growing up.
Teen to elders sims created at CAS will gain talent traits as if they have a moderate level in all child skills. Below are some examples of talent traits obtained in this situation.
As already said, you can remove or give any talent trait you want for any played sim of any age using this mod cheats options.
Add-Ons Descriptions
This mod comes with some optional features to better fit the game into the idea of skills being linked with their previous life-stage counterparts. Below, you can see a short general description of the optional features of this mod.
- Children also learn motor skill while bowling.
- Children learn mental skill instead of motor one while playing video games.
- Using the seance table gives the social skill to child sims instead mental.
- It will be much hard to achieve a high level of all toddler or child fundamental skills.
Overrides, Compatibilities, and Dependencies:
As you can see in the .package files’ names, only the optional add-ons override some XMLs. They only override features linked to the activity they modify. For example, the add-on that makes bowling gives motor skill overrides some XMLs associated with the bowling feature. Avoid using these add-ons with other mods that override the same features.
You don’t need any Kits, Expansion, Game, or Stuff Packs to use this mod. However, if you install any package linked to an expansion, you will get talent traits of skills you cannot learn.
IMPORTANT: This mod requires Scumbumbo’s XML Injector Script Mod to work. If you don’t have it, you can download it at his Memorial webpage ( You only need the script mod (the “.package” file isn’t necessary).
So, when using the game in another language, some parts (that use text from the game) may appear in the desired language. Still, some text (those included by this mod) will appear in English.
At this moment, this mod is only available in the following languages:
- English
- Polish (available here by AuroraSky)
Feel free to translate this mod. If you contact me, I can put a link to your translation on this page.
How to install:
You must install the “.package” file with “BASEGAME” in its name and those with the expansions names you have.
After installing a new expansion, install the complementary mod file linked to this expansion. After doing it, you will get talent traits linked to the DLC you installed.
- Sims 4 Studio Team
- Scumbumbo
- Triplis
[2024/03/23] [V1.08][2023/12/10] [V1.07]
- IMPROVEMENT: Included the new skill that came with Crystal Creations Stuff Pack.
[2023/07/27] [V1.06]
- IMPROVEMENT: Overrides updated to the lasts game version.
- BUG FIX: Minor Text Corrections.
[2023/04/16] [V1.05]
- Updated the mod to be compatible with the new skills that came with the Horse Ranch DLC.
- BUG FIX: Minor Bug Corrections.
[2021/11/16] [V1.04]
- IMPROVEMENT: Updated the mod to the new child skill system that came with the patch released before Growing Together.
- BUG FIX: Minor Text Corrections.
[2021/11/03] [V1.03]
- BUG FIX: Now, you can properly disable (or enable) the monitoring system for non-active sims.
- IMPROVEMENT: Added Spanish translation.
[2021/10/25] [V1.02]
- IMPROVEMENT: Added Polish translation.
[2021/09] [V1.01]
- BUG FIX: Talent Traits no more appear like Aspiration Traits.
- BUG FIX: Some other minor issues are solved. Now, this mod’s packages no more appear as incompatible in the Better Exceptions Patch analysis.
- BUG FIX: Fixed a bug where Bad at Mischief appears with the name and description of Bad at Charisma.
- BUG FIX: Monitoring toddler skills traits now disappear after the toddler grows up.
- BUG FIX: You will no longer gain cross-stitch feat traits when you shouldn’t.
- IMPROVEMENT: The feature that makes it harder to maximize the toddlers and child skills is now optional. If you want to disable it, please do not install its Add-on file. (If you have already installed this mod, you need to download and install the “BaseGame” file again. Otherwise, this feature will not be disabled).
- BUG FIX: Fixed the bug I created when solving the last bug.
- BUG FIX: Children no more gain talent traits indefinitely after reaching level 10 in a child skill.
- BUG FIX: Solved a bug that caused an error when adding traits through the UI Cheats mod.
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_AddOn_BaseGame_FishingGivesMotorSkill_Overrides.package | package | 20876 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_AddOn_BaseGame_MaximizingKidsSkillsIsChallenging.package | package | 1944 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_AddOn_BaseGame_PlayingVideoGamesGivesMentalSkill_Overrides.package | package | 316491 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_AddOn_BowlingNightStuff_BowlingGivesMotorSkill_Overrides.package | package | 2767 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_AddOn_CatsandDogs_PetTrainingGivesSocialSkill_Overrides.package | package | 21730 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_AddOn_CottageLiving_CrossStitchGivesCreativitySkill_Overrides.package | package | 3105 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_AddOn_NiftyKnittingStuff_KnittingGivesCreativitySkill_Overrides.package | package | 21955 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_AddOn_Paranormal_MediumActivitiesGivesSocialSkill_Overrides.package | package | 73095 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_AddOn_Vampires_VampireLoreGivesMentalSkill_Overrides.package | package | 18696 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_BaseGame.package | package | 1317765 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_BowlingNight.package | package | 34886 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_CatsandDogs.package | package | 69635 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_CityLiving.package | package | 34274 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_CottageLiving.package | package | 36202 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_CrystalCreations.package | package | 34893 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_DiscoverUniversity.package | package | 69239 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_EcoLifestyle.package | package | 66982 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_GetFamous.package | package | 68657 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_GetTogether.package | package | 67886 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_GetToWork.package | package | 34222 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_HighSchoolYears.package | package | 35201 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_HorseRanch.package | package | 71146 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_JungleAdventure.package | package | 68284 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_NiftyKnitting.package | package | 36772 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_OutdoorRetreat.package | package | 34628 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_Paranormal.package | package | 35919 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_Parenthood.package | package | 34909 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_Seasons.package | package | 34851 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_SnowyEscape.package | package | 104138 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_SpaDay.package | package | 33801 |
FD_GiveSimsSomeTalent_Vampires.package | package | 70412 |
Uploaded: 23rd Mar 2024, 2.37 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 23rd Mar 2024 at 8:34 PM
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