Pleasantview, only a little bigger. (Terrain File)

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*SC4 Terrain Map Only*

After a few rounds of playing Pleasantview, I wanted to change up the map a little bit.
I wanted more room in between some of the roads.
I wanted some roads to be slightly longer.
I wanted more hilly / mountains areas so I don't feel the need to add more trees to fill in gaps.
I also wanted to flatten the map so I wouldn't have to worry about moving lots and not being able to place them down because the terrain isn't completely flat. PET PEEVE.

How I made the map?
Well I preloaded in the Pleasantview terrain you can find in the SC4 Terrains folder into Sim City 4. Then just matched the road layout to match how PV is in The Sims. Once I got that down, I made the adjustments I mentioned above. When I was happy with how the map looked, I saved it, copied into the SC4 Terrains folder. Then I used Mootilda's Hood Replacer, copied my new terrain map over to a new save of Pleasantview. Then that's it.

I did have to pick some lots and move back onto the roads since I edit the length and width of some roads. Then I redecorated Pleasantview to how I wanted it to look.
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