Dissociative Identity Disorder Trait
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Quick disclaimer. I in no way intend to offend anyone with anything in this mod. I wanted to be as accurate as possible while working within the restrictions I had. I had everything greenlit by my partner, who is part of a system themselves. So that being said, I do not believe anything in this mod is (wrong), but if you have an issue with something, please bring it up with me.
I hate to admit that this took me several days to make, but I have had no prior modding or programming experience ever. I wish I could do so much more, but that is not within my skill range. I made this mod because the only DID mod that I could find anywhere was one that was by piebaldfawn, but was taken down at some point. So basically, there were not any anywhere. I was kind of upset by this, and accidentally stumbled across Zerbus Mod Constructor (V4) less than an hour later. I put two and two together and decided that I would just make a DID Mod myself.
What is Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID): Dissociative Identity Disorder (previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder or sometimes referred to as split personalities) is a mental disorder characterized by two or more distinct personality states and is an extreme form of dissociation. DID is caused by severe childhood trauma and those with DID will also experience PTSD. DID always manifests in childhood.
System: A term used to describe the entire group of alters.
Alter: Some people will use the terms personalities or people instead of alters. These are the different personality states sharing the body (body being the physical body of a system or a person with DID).
Fronting: When an alter is controlling the body.
Conscious: When another alter is present but not necessarily controlling the body.
Blending: When one is unsure of which alter they are at the moment.
Inner World: Lots people with DID will have an inner world, but not all. This is a place where alters are when they are not fronting or conscious. It can be anything from a simple room to an entire solar system and alters typically look different from the body while in their inner world. There are no specific requirements or rules related to them and they can behave or react completely differently from another system’s inner world.
What this mod contains:
Everything is done via moodlets and social interactions. This is because I am incredibly new to this and I can only do so much right now. The mod is pretty small, so do not get your hopes up on it being amazing or anything. The trait is under the emotional category is CAS.
Alters are shown through moodlets that are based on a sims current emotion. Depending on what emotion the sim has, a moodlet will pop up saying what alter is currently fronting. Each moodlet will provide a +1 for whatever emotion they show up for (EX. is sim is fine, they will have a +1 fine and if the sim is sad, they will have a +1 sad).
The sim you create - Will front if the body (sim) is fine, happy, confident, focused, or bored.
Hot-Headed Alter (listed as (Mean Alter) if the body is a child) - Shows up when body is angry.
Social Alter ((New Alter) if body is a teenager) - Fronts when body is flirty.
Fictive - Fronts when body is inspired.
Shy Alter - Fronts when body is embarrassed or sad.
Non-Human Alter - Fronts when body is uncomfortable or tense.
Child Alter (listed as (Silly Alter) if the body is a child) - Fronting when body is playful or energized.
Blending - Will be blending if the body is dazed.
Every now and then random moodlets will pop up. I intended for these to be occasional but they show up a lot. There is not much I can do without having the same four just loop.
Random Moodlets that will show up:
Thinking About Inner World - This Sim is thinking about their inner world. (+1 inspired for 3 hours)
Spooked By Inner World - Sometimes your inner world can be a little scary… (+1 stressed for 3 hours)
Addition To Inner World - Something new got added to your inner world! Nice! (+1 happy for 3 hours)
Co-Fronting - Another alter is co-fronting right now. (+1 happy for 3 hours)
Conscious - More than one Alter is conscious right now. (+1 dazed for 3 hours)
Influencing - Another alter is influencing right now. (+1 fine for 3 hours)
Trying To Front - Someone else is trying to front right now, but you want to stay fronting yourself. (+1 dazed for 3 hours)
Friendly Jabs - Someone conscious is teasing you! It's all joking, though. (+1 playful for 3 hours)
Making Jokes - Someone conscious keeps making funny jokes! You have to keep yourself from laughing out loud. (+1 playful for 3 hours)
Chatter - There are enough alters conscious that it's getting a little hard to focus. (+1 dazed for 3 hours)
Dissociating - You're dissociating a little bit. (+1 dazed for 3 hours)
Conflict - There is some inner conflict going on. (+1 stressed for 3 hours)
New Social Interactions:
Friendly interactions:
Tell About Your System
Talk About Your Inner World
Complain About Other Alters
Complain About Your Inner World
Talk About Other Systems
Explain Systems
Answer Questions About DID
Commend Other Alters
Romantic Interactions:
Confess Entire Systems Romantic Interest
Explain DID
Talk About Integration
Body receives moodlets when around other sims. If they have a 50+ friendly or romantic relationship they receive (Positive Trigger) buffs. If they are -50 in friendship or -60 in romance then they receive (Negative Trigger) buffs. Similarly, if they are close by a sim with the evil or mean traits then they will receive a (Feeling Unsafe) buff. The buff will have a slightly different description if the sim is a child.
Feeling Unsafe - One of the sims you are close by reminds you of someone from the past... you'd rather not be around them. (+1 stressed while around mean or evil sim)
Feeling Unsafe (as child) - One of the sims you are close by reminds you of something bad... you'd rather not be around them. (+1 uncomfortable while around mean or evil sim)
Positive trigger - This sim is a positive trigger for you! (+2 happy while around sim with +50 friendship and/or romantic relationship)
Negative trigger - This sim is a negative trigger for you! (+2 stressed while around sim with -50 friendship or -60 romance)
Social decays slower by 0.4 and energy decays faster by 1.
Increased Emotion (DID Trait V.2)
Upon request I have added a version of the trait where the emotional impact on moodlets are higher. Everything else is the same.
Alter Moodlets - All provide a +5 for their corresponding emotion (as opposed to +1).
Edit: After finding out that the playful emotion has been killings sims a lot I changed it, so no child/playful alter only has +3 playful instead of +5.)
Proximity Moodlets - All provide a +7 to their corresponding emotion (as opposed to +2).
Only install one version of the mod.
DID Trait_Increased Emotion_2.zip
Uploaded: 29th Jan 2020, 85.1 KB.
DID Trait.zip
Uploaded: 3rd Jan 2020, 84.7 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 27th Jan 2022 at 1:58 AM
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