Investment Mod (Update 12/25/24) - Frugal Sim Tuning

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Mod Description

Based off of the investment feature from The Sims 4 business career, this mod gives your sims the ability to research and invest in the stock market.

This is a script mod that can be placed in your Packages folder. It was built and tested on 1.69 but should work fine on 1.67.


This is not the same mod as Buzzler's Lost&Found: Stock Market, nor is it an update of that mod. They are completely separate from each other.

Version 3.0

  • If the MultiTab 6000 is installed, sims can now research and invest in stocks from their tablet!




  • SimNation Stock Market
  • New Interactions
  • New Moodlets

SimNation Stock Market

Sims aged Young Adult and older can now invest in the SimNation Stock Market (SNSM) on their computer, smart phone, or tablet under the new “Investing…” pie menu path. From there, your sim can either “Research Stocks” or jump straight into the market and “Invest In Stocks…”.

Sims can invest four different amounts of money: §1000, §2000, §5000, and §10000. As the amount of money increases, so does the risk of losing money on your initial investment.

Investing §1,000 has a 25% risk, investing §2,000 has a 30% risk, investing §5,000 has a 35% risk, and investing §10,000 has a 40% risk.

Every investment has the opportunity to produce returns from 101% up to 250%, or lose anywhere from 0.01% to 100% of the initial investment amount.

Sims will receive a return on their investment in 2 days. They cannot invest again until they get their return.

Certain traits can either increase or decrease your chance of risk by 5% when investing (note: this value stacks the more traits your sim has):

Increased Chance Traits - Unlucky, Loser, and Absent-Minded

Decreased Chance Traits - Lucky, Genius, and Born Salesperson

Sims with the Frugal trait cannot research or invest in the SimNation Stock Market.

Sims employed in the Business career at Level 5 or greater will gain or lose work performance (tunable) depending on the outcome of their investments.

New Interactions

Research Stocks - Gives the Financially Focused custom moodlet. Not researching stocks before investing increases the chance of risk when investing by 5%.

Invest In Stocks…

Invest In Stocks (§1,000) - Gives the Small Investment custom moodlet, 25% risk of losing money.

Invest In Stocks (§2,000) - Gives the Medium Investment custom moodlet, 30% risk of losing money.

Invest In Stocks (§5,000) - Gives the Large Investment custom moodlet, 35% risk of losing money.

Invest In Stocks (§10,000) - Gives the Very Large Investment custom moodlet, 40% risk of losing money.

New Moodlets

Financially Focused: Given after a sim uses the “Research Stocks” interaction, lasts 1 day, +5 mood

Small Investment: Given after a sim uses the “Invest In Stocks (§1,000)” interaction, lasts 2 days, +10 mood

Medium Investment: Given after a sim uses the “Invest In Stocks (§2,000)” interaction, lasts 2 days, +10 mood

Large Investment: Given after a sim uses the “Invest In Stocks (§5,000)” interaction, lasts 2 days, +10 mood

Very Large Investment: Given after a sim uses the “Invest In Stocks (§10,000)” interaction, lasts 2 days, +10 mood

Line Go Up: Given after a sim gains money from their investment, lasts 12 hours, +10 mood

In The Red: Given after a sim loses money on their investment, lasts 12 hours, -10 mood


All of the following values are tunable in the mod’s XML file (0 is 0% and 1 is 100%, unless otherwise stated):

kMinReturn = 1.01
kMaxReturn = 2.5
kMinLoss = 0.01
kMaxLoss = 1
kChanceForFailedSmallInvestment = 0.25
kChanceForFailedMediumInvestment = 0.30
kChanceForFailedLargeInvestment = 0.35
kChanceForFailedVeryLargeInvestment = 0.40
kUnluckyModifier = 0.05
kAbsentMindedModifier = 0.05
kLoserModifier = 0.05
kLuckyModifier = 0.05
kBornSalesmanModifier = 0.05
kGeniusModifier = 0.05
kResearchModifier = 0.05
kIncreaseOrDecreaseInWorkPerformance = 0.75
kFrugalSimsCanInvest = True (True or False)

Conflicts & Known Issues

This is a new script mod so there shouldn’t be any conflicts.


EA/Maxis for The Sims 3 and The Sims 4, Visual Studio 2019, ILSpy, s3pe, Notepad+++, FreePik, and Script Mod Template Creator.

Thank You

Thank you to gamefreak130, Lyralei, zoe22, MonocoDoll, SimsDeoGloria, and desiree101!
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