Bartending Career - For Teens/elders and Adults!
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One day this past June, someone asked on the Sims 2 discord I'm in, "Hey, my Sims 3 Sims can have a bartending career....but my Sims 2 Sim that I really like can't? What gives?"
Well, I told them I'd fix that for them. After a few months of writing, rewriting and playtesting, fixing stupid mistakes and more playtesting, I can now present a Bartending career for The Sims 2 for your own game.
10 career levels for adults, 3 career levels for your teens and elders (why you'd want your children to work at a bar though is not for me to judge /shrug) and all have unique chance cards. Also has a unique GUID so it shouldn't overwrite anything.
There are 2 versions in the download. "With levels" includes the level numbers on each career level. For example: Level 1- Bouncer. "No levels" doesn't have this text. Choose ONE version only as they have the same GUID and will overwrite each other.
All cocktail recipes mentioned in the chance cards are based on real cocktails. The cocktail names are ones I ripped from Sims 3, made up myself, or are based on real cocktails as well.
You shouldn't need any EPs to play this as I cloned it from the Business career track.
Couple other things: There are no career outfits selected so your sims will go to work in whatever they are already wearing. I have also set the chance card chance to a solid 50%, meaning that you should have a true 50/50 chance to get either a good or a bad outcome, making your Fortune sims' aspiration perk way more beneficial.
Without further ado:
Career Information - Adult
Level 1: Bouncer
Description: Checking identification and turning away drunk patrons while standing outside in the rain and snow- how’s your mood today? Time to train up your “polite spine” and get used to telling people yes or no before they smash their fist in your face - or you end up with puke on your shoes.
Wage: §165
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 9pm to 2am
Skills Needed: 0
Friends: 0
Level 2: Cocktail Waiter/Waitress
Description: You’re lucky to be out of the weather and inside the comfort of the bar. You also get to spend your evening hustling full trays of drinks and food for the patrons who snack while they talk. Brush up your Charisma skill and study your mixology manuals during downtimes and you might get the chance to move up.
Wage: §256
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 4pm to 11pm
Skills Needed: 1 Cooking, 1 Charisma, 1 Logic
Friends: 1
Level 3: Bartender
Description: Behind the counter with bottles in your hand at last! Show off your skills with mixing basic drinks, chatting up customers and making it look like fun. Get those tips flowing and the alcohol pouring, because your career literally depends on it.
Wage: §384
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 4pm to 11pm
Skills Needed: 2 Cooking, 2 Charisma, 1 Creativity, 1 Logic
Friends: 3
Level 4: Tiki Bartender
Description: Now that you know how to mix up most drinks and understand basic flavor combinations, you’ve jumped at the chance to work at The Hibiscus Grove, one of Simcity’s oldest tiki themed bars. Say Aloha to your patrons and be generous with the alcohol to keep everyone happy.
Wage: §557
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 4pm to 11pm
Skills Needed: 2 Cooking, 3 Charisma, 2 Creativity, 2 Logic
Friends: 5
Level 5: Bar Manager
Description: You’ve taken the next step up in your career and started managing a bar. Less drink handling but more dealing with people, with all the good things and bad things that come with it. Keep your mood high to keep rising in your career.
Wage: §780
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 4pm to 12am
Skills Needed: 3 Cooking, 4 Charisma, 3 Creativity, 2 Logic
Friends: 6
Level 6: Mixologist
Description: Back to what you like best - mixing up tempting cocktails. Your skill at mixing drinks and finding the right drink to tickle customers’ taste buds is legendary. But there’s always room to grow. Better Cooking skills, and networking with others, will help you advance.
Wage: §1053
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 3pm to 10pm
Skills Needed: 4 Cooking, 6 Charisma, 3 Creativity, 3 Logic
Friends: 7
Level 7: Cellarperson
Description: Your new role is not only to make sure the tap lines are clean and the kegs are full, but to recommend the best nectars to the most discerning customers. Tune up your Charisma skills too, and you can sell the more expensive nectars to people and make a bigger profit.
Wage: §1316
Work Days: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 4pm to 10pm
Skills Needed: 5 Cooking, 6 Charisma, 4 Creativity, 4 Logic
Friends: 8
Level 8: Spirits Purchaser
Description: You had a thought when mixing up drinks one evening - someone has to actually ORDER all the stuff that the bar uses, right? The bar owner agrees that you’re the best person for the job (and is secretly glad to get that task off their hands). Your job is to take deliveries and keep inventory of every bottle that gets used. Hope you like counting things and putting them away, since you'll be doing lots of it.
Wage: §1579
Work Days: Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs
Hours: 10am to 4pm
Skills Needed: 6 Cooking, 7 Charisma, 5 Creativity, 5 Logic
Friends: 9
Level 9: Bar Owner
Description: Good news for you - the bar’s previous owners have retired and sold out to you. Now that you have complete control over your own bar, you can start mixing up the most tempting flavors and show the world your legendary bartending skills. It seems like your career has hit its peak....or has it?
Wage: §1816
Work Days: Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs
Hours: 9am to 3pm
Skills Needed: 7 Cooking, 9 Charisma, 6 Creativity, 6 Logic
Friends: 10
Level 10: Master Mixologist
Description: After running a highly successful bar and becoming famous, you’ve reached the pinnacle of your career. Keep on smiling and pouring those drinks - you’ve earned the right to call yourself a Master. Well done!
Wage: §2088
Work Days: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 5pm to 9pm
Skills Needed: 8 Cooking, 10 Charisma, 7 Creativity, 6 Logic
Friends: 12
All Adult Chance Cards (Male version, with levels, shown)
Level 1: Bouncer
Chance Card: It’s a dark and stormy night outside the Twisted Llama Lounge. $Me is happy to be inside and out of the rain for a moment. He swallows a cup of hot coffee and turns to go back outside. Yet something catches his eye. There’s a young boy and girl couple cozying up at the photo booth. As he watches, the girl pulls the boy inside and they start giggling. $Me sighs. Should he go over there and stop them or let them be?
Stop Them
Pass A: $Me marches over to the photo booth and yanks open the curtain. It’s exactly what he thought. Public Woohoo. Of course there’s a crowd of people around them cheering like lunatics. $Me pulls the embarrassed couple out of the photo booth and bans them from the bar. $Me gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail A: $Me marches over to the photo booth and yanks open the curtain. They’re making silly faces at the camera. That’s why they’re giggling. The couple aren’t happy that $Me interrupted their photo session. $Me loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Let Them Be
Pass B: Psh. $Me isn’t paid enough to care about whatever they do in that photo booth. If it’s Public Woohoo, whatever. So long as no one’s murdered or something. $Me gets a phone call. It’s from the manager at a different bar he applied to a week ago. Turns out they have an opening as a Cocktail Waiter (Level 3) and they need someone ASAP. $Me puts the phone away and walks off to the manager to resign and take the new position. This bar is NOT his problem anymore!
Fail B: Psh. $Me isn’t paid enough to care about whatever goes on in that photo booth. $Me grabs another cup of coffee and tries to ignore the loud moans coming from the booth. Tons of bar patrons race over to the booth to clap and cheer at the couple. As they emerge, looking as pleased as cats with a full bowl of cream, $Me feels a tap on his shoulder. It’s the bar owner, and they do NOT look happy. The end of it is that $Me is fired.
Level 2: Cocktail Waiter
Chance Card: $Me is in the middle of another shift. He’s delivered a bunch of cocktails to a table of five people. One of the party asks $Me to please get her a refill of that drink she liked, it was pink and delicious. Problem is that $Me has been so busy, he’s completely forgotten what the customer had to drink. The bartender at the bar looks pretty busy too. $Me could go ask him to remake the drink, or $Me could wing it and hope for the best.
Get The Bartender
Pass A: $Me doesn’t feel like trying to guess the drink. He picks up the empty glass and brings it over to the bartender. “Hey, table 41’s asking for a refill of her pink drink.”
The bartender checks the tab. “Kyoto My Heart? Be up in a few mins. Do the others want refills too?”
“Wouldn’t hurt,” $Me says as he walks away to care for another table. When he comes back, Table 41’s drinks are ready. $Me brings them over and everyone loves that they have refills of their drinks. $Me picks up the check and collects a §500 tip.
Fail A: $Me doesn’t feel like trying to guess the drink. He picks up the empty glass and brings it to the bartender. Unfortunately a large group of people all crowd the bar, and $Me drops the glass off and serves his other tables. The customer doesn’t get the refill of her drink for 20 minutes, by which time the table is ready to leave. They complain to the manager about the slow wait service and $Me has to comp the entire bill, losing §250.
Make The Drink
Pass B: The bartender’s too busy to give $Me any help, so $Me decides to make the drink himself. He looks at Table 41’s tab and sees that the lady has ordered a Kyoto My Heart. $Me actually remembers the recipe! A jigger of Nectar, some hibiscus flower, a few other ingredients, and voila! $Me brings the drink back to a very happy customer, and gains a Cooking skill point.
Fail B: The bartender’s too busy to give $Me any help, so $Me decides he’ll make the drink himself. Customer had ordered a Kyoto My Heart. He can’t remember the recipe so he wings it. He throws in a jigger of Nectar, a dash of rosewater and a few other ingredients. He looks up. Hmm, why not add some of that bright pink liqueur hiding on the dusty bottom shelf? The drink looks about the correct shade of pink, so he brings it to the customer, who takes a sip. The customer frowns, takes a bigger sip, then finishes the glass.
“I don’t feel well,” she says….then transforms into a Werewolf.
The bar is pandemonium. People are screaming and trampling over each other trying to get out of the way. The werewolf goes on a full rampage of tearing up the bar and flipping tables. Outside the bar, someone has the bright idea of buying Lycanthropic-B potion. Someone else rushes in and leaves it on the bar, dodging the werewolf snapping at his heels. After an hour of destroying the bar, the werewolf drinks the potion and turns back into herself again. During the course of the investigation, it comes out that $Me had used the bottle on the bottom shelf. He gets screamed at by the bar owner that the bottle wasn’t a special liqueur. It was something called “a hacked potion” and all the other bartenders knew well not to touch it until the owner got rid of it. $Me is immediately fired.
Level 3: Bartender
Chance Card: $Me has seen one too many clever morons tonight and he's getting ticked off. The latest social media "thing" is ordering a Nimble Jim, stirred, not shaken. $Me has made too many of the cocktails tonight and doesn't want to make one ever again! Someone surprises him with their next order, though. It’s a Neon Breeze, but they want it shaken, not stirred. $Me doesn’t like the taste of shaken Neon Breezes. But he’s not the one who ordered the drink. What should $Me do?
Shake It
Pass A: $Me tosses together some lime juice, lemon juice and a sweet liqueur colored a lurid green into a shaker with some ice. He shakes it twenty times on the dot, pours it over more ice, mixes with soda water and serves with a cherry on top. The customer loves the way $Me makes their drink. “I’ve never had as good as you can make it!” they say. As it turns out, the customer is actually the bar manager’s cousin, and they talk about $Me for a good 20 minutes. At the end of the night, $Me finds out he has gotten a recommendation to work at The Hibiscus Grove. He accepts his promotion to Tiki Bartender (Level 4) with pleasure.
Fail A: $Me tosses together some lime juice, lemon juice and a sweet liqueur colored a lurid green into a shaker with some ice. $Me has to shake it twenty times on the dot, pour it over more ice, mix with soda water and serve with a cherry on top. During the seventh shake, though, the top explodes off the shaker. The customer, $Me, and the rest of the patrons at the bar are covered in a sticky sweet froth. $Me turns bright red in embarrassment, and loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Stir It
Pass B: It’s up to $Me to save the customer from their poor drink choices. $Me explains that a Neon Breeze is made by layering the fruit juices, liqueur and soda water together so the flavors can blend. The customer nods and says they’ll try the drink the way $Me suggests. The customer loves the result and puts in a quiet word to the manager. At the end of the night, $Me is promoted to Bar Manager (Level 5)!
Fail B: It’s up to $Me to save the customer from their poor drink choices. $Me starts explaining that a Neon Breeze is made by layering fruit juices, liqueur and soda water together so the flavors can blend. His tone starts getting loud and preachy, while the customer starts getting upset. The manager pulls $Me off the bar for the night and tells him to go cool down. $Me is sent to help in the dish pit for the night. He misses out on §500 of tips and loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Level 4: Tiki Bartender
Chance Card: A werewolf, an alien and a plantsim walk into The Hibiscus Grove.
No, literally.
$Me is just as surprised as the rest of the patrons, who start laughing. The trio of supernaturals sit in the middle of the bar. $Me has a hard time not cracking a smile as he asks them, “What’ll you have?”
The plantsim orders a virgin Tropical Berry Punch and the alien wants a Zombie. The werewolf says, “Surprise me!” and $Me sighs. He hates it when people do this. Usually, the patron doesn’t like what $Me picks. Still, he’ll give it his best shot. $Me thinks that the werewolf will like either an Island Queen or a Typhoon Delight. Which one does he make?
Island Queen
Pass A: $Me slaps his blender on the counter. Nectar, guava juice, creme de banana, some bitters, fassionola and a few other things. Blend, serve in iced glass. The werewolf takes a sip….and growls, “That’s amazing!” He orders three over the course of the time that he’s there with his friends. $Me gains 1 Charisma skill point and feels pretty pleased with himself the rest of the evening.
Fail A: $Me slaps his blender on the counter. Nectar, guava juice, creme de banana, some bitters, fassionola and a few other things. Blend, serve in iced glass. The werewolf takes a sip….and growls, “Ugh! I hate it!” $Me shakes up a different drink. This one has nectar, cinnamon syrup, grapefruit juice and some other ingredients. The werewolf likes this one better, but doesn’t order any other drinks. $Me feels less confident as a result and loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Typhoon Delight
Pass B: This drink is tooth-meltingly sweet. It has nectar, melon liqueur, energy drink and orange water. It must be shaken very, very, very well. $Me is a little tired from all the shaking but the cocktail looks amazing. The werewolf tastes it. “Huh! That’s….wow. Not what I was expecting.”
“Are you surprised?” $Me asks with a grin.
“Sure am. In a nice way though.” The werewolf smiles and sips his drink. $Me gains 1 Creativity skill point.
Fail B: $Me has made tons of Typhoon Delights before and most patrons like them. It’s got nectar, melon liqueur, orange water and a shot of energy drink. $Me shakes the drink until his arms are ready to fall off and serves it up with a flourish. It’s only after the werewolf has drunk half the glass that he says, “By the way, was there any caffeine in that?”
The werewolf’s eyes are as large as dinner plates. “Oh. Oh, no.”
$Me forgot that werewolves are sensitive to caffeine. The surge of energy from the caffeine makes the werewolf start howling. His alien and plantsim friends snatch him out of the bar. $Me gets stiffed §500 on the bill and he loses 1 Creativity skill point.
Level 5: Bar Manager
Chance Card: $Me has hired a bartender fresh out of university. The new guy has got great cocktail making skills, loves to chat up customers, and has a fabulous drinks presentation. But he keeps making lots of small mistakes, is rude to his coworkers, and gets angry when people try to correct him. Sooner or later, the new bartender is going to make a really big mistake and $Me will have to take the blame for it.
Tonight the bar’s got a decent mix of people, including a group of young adults. The new bartender picked up their tab and is chatting with them. Should $Me watch to make sure the newbie doesn’t mess up, or back off and let him handle it?
Watch Him
Pass A: $Me stays close by the bartender and his group, watching out of the corner of his eye. $Me notices that the bartender has opened up an expensive nectar and is pouring shots. $Me pretends that he needs some lemon wedges and sneaks a closer look. Everyone has wads of Simoleons in their hands. One of the young adults is also sporting an engagement ring. All is good. $Me gets his lemon wedges and goes back to his customers. He gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail A: $Me stays close by the bartender and his group, watching out of the corner of his eye. $Me notices that the bartender has opened up an expensive nectar and is pouring shots. $Me panics and bustles over.
“Yo! Back off!” the new bartender shouts as $Me grabs at the glasses.
“This is the bar’s most expensive nectar!” $Me hisses.
“Chill out, I know exactly what I’m doing!” the bartender snaps.
“Leave him alone,” says one of the customers. $Me turns and sees that the group are all wearing expensive clothes.
“Oh.” $Me slinks back to his patrons, tail tucked between his legs. For the rest of the night, his vibe is completely off and he makes tons of mistakes. The new bartender is also snappish and angry and $Me is too embarrassed to bother discipling him. $Me is so flustered, he ends up spilling a full tray of drinks onto a CEO. $Me pays the CEO §1000 for dry cleaning costs and loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Back Off
Pass B: $Me is pretty sure the new guy can handle it. $Me needs to wait tables tonight as the normal waitress twisted her ankle yesterday. During a quiet moment, $Me glances over at the new bartender and sees that he’s got the young adults covered. The drinks are flowing and everyone’s having a good time. At the end of the night, the new bartender walks up to $Me with a big smile.
“They gave me §1000.”
“Wow, that’s great!” $Me says.
“And, well, I wanted to thank you for easing off on me a bit. I know I’m kind of a scumbag sometimes,” the new bartender says, blushing to the tips of his ears. He peels a §100 bill off the top and hands it to $Me. “Take it, okay?”
$Me is shocked, but takes the cash. “Well, thanks! You’re all right, you know that?” $Me says, and the bartender turns even more red. $Me also gains 1 Creativity skill point.
Fail B: $Me is pretty sure the new guy can handle it. $Me needs to wait tables tonight as the normal waitress twisted her ankle yesterday. $Me is ducking in and out between the drinking hall and behind the bar, busy with patrons. $Me glances over at the new bartender and sees that he’s got the young adults covered. The drinks are flowing and everyone’s having a good time.
Until the bill comes.
Two of the young adults start screaming, “§100 per shot?”
$Me immediately bustles over. “What’s the issue?”
“This $#%@ charged us §100 for shots of McCabe!”
$Me peers at the tab. “Yeah, and you got eight shots, so §800. McCabe is a 14 year aged-”
“He charged us for %@$# 14 year old NECTAR?!?”
“That’s what you ordered, right?” $Me glances over his left shoulder. The shots are sitting behind the bar, ready to be served.
“NO! We wanted The Babe!”
The Babe is something completely different, and much cheaper. It is two creamy nectars blended together with some coffee. $Me feels a cold sweat breaking down his back as he realizes he is going to have to comp §800 worth of nectar.
He turns to the new bartender and tries to keep the anger out of his voice. “What happened?”
“The guy %$#@ mumbled! I swear!”
“No, you %@$#! We didn’t $%#@ mumble! You can’t #$%@ hear us because you’re @$#% deaf, scumbag!” the young adults scream back.
Then the new bartender throws a punch. In seconds, there’s a braw,l with tables being overturned and glasses smashed. $Me calls the police. The young adults and the new bartender are all arrested. $Me agrees to give up a week’s worth of salary (§3900) to help pay for the cleanup of the bar.
Level 6: Mixologist
Chance Card: $Me is pumped. He now has complete creative control over the bar’s drinks menu. The owner’s asked him to come up with a new cocktail featuring peaches for the summer season. An interesting fruit to work with for sure. $Me can choose to create a spiced peach Simsmopolitan, or a refreshing peach, rosemary and mint cocktail.
Spiced Simsmopolitan
Pass A: Cook the peaches in a little bit of butter and add some cinnamon, vanilla and allspice. Make it into a reduction, add nectar and some tuiles as a garnish, and baby, you’ve got a great sippable drink. The bar owner loves it, and declares it perfect for the end of summer season. $Me gains 1 Cooking skill point.
Fail A: Cook the peaches in a little bit of butter and add some cinnamon, vanilla and allspice. Make it into a reduction, add nectar and some tuiles as a garnish and baby, you’ve got a great sippable drink. The owner doesn’t like it though. “I want something lighter and fruitier. Show off that summer vibe.” $Me creates a citrus and peach frozen drink that’s much better received. $Me suffers a drop in his Cooking skill confidence, losing 1 point.
Refreshing Cocktail
Pass B: Rosemary and mint go great with peaches. $Me is trying to find the right taste but he can’t find the exact type of nectar he wants. Then, he gets a great idea. He saw some boxes hiding under the basement staircase the other day. He decides to brave the spiders and dust and hunt around. $Me actually finds what he needs! He blends it with his ingredients until he gets the perfect summer-y drink. During the taste test with the owner, $me mentions that he had a hard time sourcing the nectar he needs for the drinks. Why was this gem hidden in the basement? The bar owner says the previous mixologist didn’t like that type of spirit but he didn’t know that they had hidden it away. The bar owner offers $Me a promotion to Spirits Purchaser (Level 8). Of course, $Me accepts.
Fail B: Rosemary and mint go great with peaches. $Me is trying to find the right taste but he can’t find the exact type of nectar he wants. Then, he gets a great idea. He saw some boxes hiding under the staircase the other day. $Me hunts in those dusty, spider-infested boxes. He actually finds what he needs! He blends it with his ingredients until she gets the perfect summer-y drink. During the taste test with the owner, $me mentions that he had a hard time sourcing the nectar he needs for the drinks. Why was this gem hidden in the basement? The bar owner frowns. “The previous mixologist put it down there at my request, I thought he got rid of them. Anyway, why couldn’t you substitute with ingredients that are up here in the bar?” The bar owner lectures $Me on taking too much initiative. He "suggests" that $Me would do better as a regular Bartender (Level 3) for a while. $Me is demoted.
Level 7: Cellarperson
Chance Card: $Me knows the stock in the wine cellars very well. He has also developed a good idea of what people may like to drink. Today he’s talking to a couple who are celebrating their anniversary. They are pretty well dressed, so $Me wants to impress them. Should he choose a white nectar or a red one, to go with their meals?
White Nectar
Pass A: $Me learns that the couple have ordered some spicy seafood paella. A nice sparkling white nectar tastes best with that. The one that $Me recommends satisfies the couple’s taste buds. $Me gains 1 Cooking skill point.
Fail A: $Me learns that the couple have ordered some spicy seafood paella. A nice sparkling white nectar tastes best with that. But the couple don’t like any of the three options $Me presents them with. He loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Red Nectar
Pass B: The couple have ordered some tasty-sounding meals. One of them is braised duck breast with roasted new potatoes. The other is butternut squash ravioli in a browned butter and sage sauce. Red nectar goes with both. $Me has them taste several vintages before settling on one they both seem to enjoy. $Me declares it “their” bottle. Now the couple are blushing and giggling and holding hands. $Me calls his nectar pairings a success and gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail B: The couple have ordered some tasty-sounding meals. One of them is braised duck breast with roasted new potatoes. The other is butternut squash ravioli in a browned butter and sage sauce. Red nectar goes with both. But the couple can't agree on which of the vintages they want to try. They argue back and forth and around and around and end up not enjoying their meals. $Me loses 1 Cooking skill point.
Level 8: Spirits Purchaser
Chance Card: $Me now works at a trendy, upscale bar that attracts celebrities. The entire bar is booked out by Dayana Ibarra, a famous actress, and her closest friends and family. They’re throwing a super classy bachelorette party. There's going to be ice sculptures, expensive appetizers and a jazz band. $Me knows that Dayana and her bridesmaids enjoy single malt cocktails and exotic ingredients. But most of Dayana’s family would prefer fruit punch and simpler drinks. The head bartender finalizes her menu. $Me sees that it’s skewed more towards the expensive, fancy ingredients. What should $Me do?
Order the Fancy Stuff
Pass A: The bachelorette party is all about the bride and bridesmaids. So $Me orders the best ingredients he can get. The day of the party arrives and the place is packed with the rich and famous. Everyone loves the drinks menu. The bar owner pulls $Me aside at the end of the evening and gives him a proposal that makes his eyes widen with shock. What an opportunity! After drinking a glass of some (free!) 28 year old nectar and signing some paperwork, $Me is now a Bar Owner (Level 9).
Fail A: The bachelorette party is all about the bride and bridesmaids. And besides, $Me isn’t the one paying for the order. He orders all the expensive nectars and fancy fruit juice mixers that he can get. The day of the party comes. The place is filled with Dayana’s family. They are the sweetest, happiest bunch of people $Me has ever had the pleasure of meeting. But, like he predicted, they don’t have the most sophisticated palates. Most of the order sits in the cellar, unused, and the bar owner begs $Me to come up with ways to sell the stock. $Me demotes himself to Mixologist (Level 6) while he works on trying to get the stock moved.
Add More Fruit Punch
Pass B: Dayana and the bridesmaids love the smoky flavors of 28 year old malted nectar. But that’s not to everyone’s taste. $Me tells the head bartender to change the menu a little and include more fruit punch. The bartender agrees. The day of the party arrives and everyone is pleased with the choices. $Me even has to make a run to the store to buy more ingredients. At the end of the night, $Me and the head bartender are called into the bar owner’s office. Both are handed an envelope of cash that came from a very happy Dayana. $Me is shocked to receive a tip of §10,000.
Fail B: Dayana and the bridesmaids love the smoky flavors of 28 year old malted nectar. But that’s not to everyone’s taste. $Me tells the head bartender to change the menu a little. The day of the party arrives….to an almost empty bar and a bride having a full angry meltdown. Dayana’s family and several of her friends don’t approve of her potential husband. Nor do they like the bride’s bossy behavior. There’s only so much alcohol a small group of three people can drink, though, and a lot of the order goes to waste. $Me feels embarrassed by the whole thing. He wants to be less responsible for public events for a while. He resigns and goes back to Tiki Bartending at The Hibiscus Grove (Level 4).
Level 9: Bar Owner
Chance Card: The bar that $Me owns has been around for quite a while. It’s considered “iconic” in Downtown and has some “quaint” decor that is at least 50 years out of date. The decor certainly needs a refresh, but what’s more important is that sales have slumped lately and $Me is not sure why. $Me wants to revive the bar and thinks of two options to do it. One is doing a remodel. The other is to change the entire menu. $Me picks…
The Remodel
Pass A: $Me hires the Neighborhood’s most skilled architects and interior decorators. They go over the bar from top to bottom, removing the old decor. It now has a fresh spin that’s in keeping with its “iconic” status. It works! The bar is crowded on the grand reopening night and remains so for months afterward. After all the bills are paid for, $Me rakes in a healthy §25,000 profit.
Fail A: That tired old decor has GOT to go. $Me hires the neighborhood’s most skilled architects. The bar is modernized from top to bottom. Grand reopening night comes and $Me is dismayed that the bar is less crowded than before. Sales drop even lower, and before he knows it, $Me is forced to close the bar. To keep the money flowing, $Me needs a job, any job, and ends up working as a Bouncer at the Twisted Llama again (Level 1).
Changing The Menu
Pass B: The “iconic” and “quaint” decor has kind of grown on $Me, but the bar’s menu needs fixing. $Me spends some time talking to the top mixologists in the Neighborhood to modernize the bar’s menu. He also invents new riffs on classic cocktails. The old decor gets cleaned and dusted. Word gets around about the delicious new cocktails. $Me gains a Cooking skill point, and after all the bills are paid, a hefty §25,000 profit.
Fail B: $Me thinks that the “iconic” status of the bar means that the “quaint” decor can’t be changed. $Me believes a fresh new menu is the ticket to more sales. He also spends some time inventing new riffs on classic old cocktails. Grand reopening night comes and the bar is packed. But slowly, sales drop, and $Me has to close the bar. To pay the bills, $Me is forced to go back to being a Cocktail Waiter (Level 2).
Level 10: Master Mixologist
Chance Card: $Me has a fantastic reputation as a Master of all things alcoholic. He is asked to write a cocktail book. There’s so many different flavors and so many different cultures that $Me can choose from. But the publishers are asking for one of two themes dear to his heart. Classic Tiki drinks, and bold Takemizuan inspired flavors. What does $Me write about?
Classic Tiki Drinks
Pass A: $Me pours his heart into the book. From Atomic Painkillers to Zombies, he recreates hundreds of classic cocktails. He suggests ideal food pairings and includes short histories of famous tiki bars. The editor calls $Me up all excited one night with some fantastic news. The public has gone wild for all things Tiki related! It’s selling so fast they have to order a second printing and maybe even a third! $Me is awarded a §100,000 bonus in royalties from the publisher for creating a best seller.
Fail A: $Me pours his heart into the book. From Atomic Painkillers to Zombies, he recreates hundreds of classic cocktails. He suggests ideal food pairings and includes short histories of famous tiki bars. But the book hits a sour note with the public. Tiki culture is seen as passé and the book sells 10 copies. $Me has to pay back his advance of §10,000.
Bold Takemizuan Flavors
Pass B: Takemizuan cuisine is having a moment. $Me focuses his book around continuing the public’s love of new, unknown flavors. $Me chooses to write the book in a breezy, informal style. He makes it clear that everyone can enjoy these drinks. The book is a great hit with the public and sells out. $Me is approached by a distillery in the Neighborhood. They are making Takemizuan inspired spirits and cocktails. They ask if he could consult with them to plan their bar menu. $Me earns §100,000 in both royalties from the book and from the consultation fees.
Fail B: Takemizuan cuisine is having a moment. $Me focuses the book around these new, mostly unknown flavors. But another mixologist puts out her own book on Takemizuan cocktails the week before $Me publishes his. The public snaps up the other mixologist’s book. $Me is discouraged because his book suffers from slower sales. $Me loses 2 Creativity skill points.
Career Information - Teen/Elder
Level 1: Glass Washer
Description: What’s a job that’s necessary in a bar but that no one wants to do? It’s being a Glass Washer! Your entire job is to stay in the dish pit and wash a lot of glasses, and other dishes too. That’s it. Just be careful not to break them!
Wage: §39
Work Days: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 5pm to 9pm
Skills Needed: 0
Friends: 0
Level 2: Busboy/Busgirl
Description: You’re out in the bar now at least. Time to get to work piling up dirty glasses and filthy food plates in tubs and bringing them to the back. Just be sure to wash your hands frequently….and don’t eat the food off of the used plates.
Wage: §78
Work Days: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 5pm to 9pm
Skills Needed: 1 Charisma
Friends: 1
Level 3: Barback
Description: You get to cut up lemons, oranges and limes and sort cherries for drinks. You’re also a general fetching and carrying person for just about everything the bartender needs. Quick thinking and obedience to orders is important to succeed here.
Wage: §115
Work Days: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 5pm to 9pm
Skills Needed: 1 Cooking, 1 Charisma, 1 Creativity
Friends: 2
Teen/Adult Chance Cards (Male version, with levels, shown)
Level 1: Glass Washer
Chance Card: There’s going to be a big, fancy event at the bar. This requires lots of expensive ingredients, actual party planners and impressive decorations. $Me is awarded the tedious task of bringing up boxes of delicate crystal glasses from the basement. He gets to wash off all the dust and dead spiders collected on them from the last big fancy event. But $Me isn’t sure if these glasses need to be hand washed or if they’re safe to put in the dishwasher. When $Me tries to ask the manager, he gets a rude “Just wash them!” snapped at him. What should $Me do?
Hand Wash Them
Pass A: Better to be safe than sorry. $Me loads up the sink with dishwashing liquid and plenty of hot water and gets to work scrubbing and rinsing. Then $Me hand dries them and stacks them in their cleaned out boxes. It takes a few hours because $Me has to do them between loads of regular dishes. Soon, all 500 glasses are clean and shiny. The manager is impressed with $Me and decides to promote him to Barback (Level 2).
Fail A: Better to be safe than sorry. $Me loads up the sink with dishwashing liquid and plenty of hot water and gets to work scrubbing and rinsing. Lost in the zone, $Me finishes washing, drying and putting away all 500 of the delicate glasses. But then he is shocked back to reality by the huge piles of regular old dirty barware surrounding him. Working feverishly, $Me finishes all the barware, though it takes him a couple hours extra. In his haste, he knocks over some of the dishes, shattering them. $Me has to pay for the dishes he broke, equal to one day’s pay. At least he earns a Cleaning skill point.
Use The Dishwasher
Pass B: Whatever. These delicate glasses won’t break in the dishwasher. Maybe. $Me loads as many glasses by themselves as he can into the machine and lets the cycle run. The rest of the bar’s dishes he decides to wash by hand. When the dishwasher beeps, $Me pulls out a perfectly clean glass and smiles in satisfaction. All the crystal glasses and the bar’s dishes are washed in record time. $Me gains a Creativity skill point.
Fail B: Whatever. These glasses won’t break in the dishwasher. Maybe. $Me loads the dishwasher with some of the delicate crystal glasses. The rest of the space he fills with the bar’s regular dishes. While the dishwasher cycle runs, he starts washing the rest of the dishes. About halfway through the rinse cycle, he hears a sudden CRASH TINKLETINKLETINKLE.
Oh no.
There’s nothing to do except wait for the cycle to finish, but as soon as $Me opens the dishwasher, his heart sinks. All the fancy glasses he loaded into the dishwater have shattered. Not only that but some of the regular barware broke too. $Me now has to pick shattered glass out of the dishwasher and rewash all the dishes by hand. The manager stands behind $Me and glares at him while he cleans the dishwasher, then chooses to fire him.
Level 2: Busboy/Busgirl
Chance Card: It’s a slow night at the bar tonight and $Me is leisurely cleaning off a large table. He’s just finished piling up the dirty dishes into a plastic tub and is about to wipe the table when he’s distracted by someone shouting across the room. “You there! Boy!” $Me looks up and sees a woman shaking a glass full of ice cubes at him. “Get me another drink.” She doesn't say "please" or "thank you". As $Me blinks in confusion, the woman shouts again. “Boy! Are you an idiot? I told you to get me another drink! NOW!” $Me decides to....
Ignore Her
Pass A: $Me shrugs, and goes back to wiping up the table. Ignoring the finger snapping and the repeated cries of “Boy! Boy! How dare you ignore me! I’ll have you fired!” he cleans and polishes that table until it gleams. Then he brings the dishes to the back. $Me goes back out onto the floor again with an empty tub. He sees the woman still sitting at the table, with a filled glass. She sees $Me looking at her, and turns her head away, her cheeks flushing red. $Me gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail A: $Me shrugs, and goes back to wiping up the table. He ignores the finger snaping and the repeated cries of “Boy! Boy! How dare you ignore me! I’ll have you fired!” and wipes up the table. $Me turns to bring the dish tub back into the kitchen, when his wrist is seized by the woman.
“Get me my cocktail NOW!” the woman screams, and sinks her nails into the flesh. In panic, $Me pushes her over and runs away. In the kitchen, $Me wraps up his now bleeding wrist. The bar manager barges into the kitchen and says that $Me needs to apologize to the woman. Even showing off his injury doesn’t change the manager’s mind.
“If you won’t apologize, you’re fired!” the manager snaps.
“You can’t fire me! I quit!” $Me snaps back, and stalks out of the bar.
Get Her The Drink
Pass B: $Me wanders over and awkwardly picks up the glass. The woman looks smug, until $Me drops the dirty glass at the bar and tells the bartender Table 32 wants a refill. The bartender looks at the table, nods and then hands $Me the dirty glass before starting on the woman's drink. The woman is embarrassed and avoids looking at $Me when he brings the drink back. $Me gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail B: $Me wanders over, awkwardly picks up the glass and brings it to the bartender. The woman looks smug. She starts treating $Me like her personal slave. She snaps at $Me that she wants more salt and pepper, that her salad was wilted, and her steak too well done. When $Me doesn’t grab the plate of steak off the table fast enough, she throws it on the floor and pours the rest of her drink over the mess. “That’ll teach YOU to ignore me!” she snarls. The customer immediately gets banned from the bar. $Me gets a gentle talking to from the bar manager about how he should ignore crazy customers and let the waiters and waitresses deal with them. $Me loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Level 3: Barback
Chance Card: “Uhm.” $Me stares down at the pile of lemons. There’s at least 30 lemons, all cut in half. A few have been sectioned into wedges. One look at the garnish bins and $Me can tell he made a mistake. “I cut too many.”
The bartender can hardly stifle her laughter. “Oh sweetheart, you certainly did.”
“What can I do?”
“Well, you can’t glue them back together.” The bartender chuckles. “We’re in a bar, darlin’. You can juice them or figure out something to do with them. Be creative.”
Since life has handed him lemons, $me decides to....
Make Lemonade
Pass A: $Me doesn’t want to waste all the lemons he cut. It’s also a slow day at the bar so $Me is bored and has time on his hands. $Me asks the bartender if he can borrow a few ingredients and the juicer. $Me has an old family recipe for lemonade that’s the best. The secret is to mash together some of the lemons and sugar together. Then you let them sit in a bowl with a little bit of water for 30 minutes. Then you mix with more lemon juice, some simple syrup and some sparkling water. The bar owner tastes the lemonade and he’s amazed at how good it is. He decides to pay $Me royalties to use the recipe. $Me earns a cool §1000.
Fail A: $Me doesn’t want to waste all the lemons he cut. He asks to borrow some ingredients and the juicer. $Me knows the old family recipe for lemonade and thinks it’ll be a hit at the bar. But no matter what $Me tries to do, he can’t get it to taste right. He also ends up squirting himself in the eye with a lemon and feels frustrated the rest of the shift. $Me loses 1 Cooking skill point.
Throw Those Lemons!
Pass B: Well, the lemons are going to go to waste. But why not try out his juggling skills first? With a big grin, $Me picks up 3 of the lemon halves and juggles them. He tosses one up behind his back and catches it. He spins around and shakes his hips. $Me captures the attention of a group of people having a late dinner and he gives them their own private juggling show. At the end of the “performance”, $Me receives a nice tip of §500 and gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail B: All right! Nothing like a good old fashioned FOOD FIGHT! $Me grabs one of the glass washers out of the dish pit and they have a grand old time flinging lemons at each other. But as they say, it’s all fun and games until someone gets hit in the face. One of the lemons that $Me tosses bounces off the glass washer’s fingers. SMACK! It lands right in the face of a patron. $Me cannot disappear fast enough. He tries to hide in the basement, but he’s discovered and dragged out. $Me gets fired.
Special Thanks to:
-Shinki, for requesting the career
-Saarlok, for suggesting 2 scenarios for the chance cards
-77Pix, for making me laugh while posting some of the testing fails in the discord
-Icon taken from Flaticon/Freepik
Enjoy, friends!
Well, I told them I'd fix that for them. After a few months of writing, rewriting and playtesting, fixing stupid mistakes and more playtesting, I can now present a Bartending career for The Sims 2 for your own game.
10 career levels for adults, 3 career levels for your teens and elders (why you'd want your children to work at a bar though is not for me to judge /shrug) and all have unique chance cards. Also has a unique GUID so it shouldn't overwrite anything.
There are 2 versions in the download. "With levels" includes the level numbers on each career level. For example: Level 1- Bouncer. "No levels" doesn't have this text. Choose ONE version only as they have the same GUID and will overwrite each other.
All cocktail recipes mentioned in the chance cards are based on real cocktails. The cocktail names are ones I ripped from Sims 3, made up myself, or are based on real cocktails as well.
You shouldn't need any EPs to play this as I cloned it from the Business career track.
Couple other things: There are no career outfits selected so your sims will go to work in whatever they are already wearing. I have also set the chance card chance to a solid 50%, meaning that you should have a true 50/50 chance to get either a good or a bad outcome, making your Fortune sims' aspiration perk way more beneficial.
Without further ado:
Career Information - Adult
Level 1: Bouncer
Description: Checking identification and turning away drunk patrons while standing outside in the rain and snow- how’s your mood today? Time to train up your “polite spine” and get used to telling people yes or no before they smash their fist in your face - or you end up with puke on your shoes.
Wage: §165
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 9pm to 2am
Skills Needed: 0
Friends: 0
Level 2: Cocktail Waiter/Waitress
Description: You’re lucky to be out of the weather and inside the comfort of the bar. You also get to spend your evening hustling full trays of drinks and food for the patrons who snack while they talk. Brush up your Charisma skill and study your mixology manuals during downtimes and you might get the chance to move up.
Wage: §256
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 4pm to 11pm
Skills Needed: 1 Cooking, 1 Charisma, 1 Logic
Friends: 1
Level 3: Bartender
Description: Behind the counter with bottles in your hand at last! Show off your skills with mixing basic drinks, chatting up customers and making it look like fun. Get those tips flowing and the alcohol pouring, because your career literally depends on it.
Wage: §384
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 4pm to 11pm
Skills Needed: 2 Cooking, 2 Charisma, 1 Creativity, 1 Logic
Friends: 3
Level 4: Tiki Bartender
Description: Now that you know how to mix up most drinks and understand basic flavor combinations, you’ve jumped at the chance to work at The Hibiscus Grove, one of Simcity’s oldest tiki themed bars. Say Aloha to your patrons and be generous with the alcohol to keep everyone happy.
Wage: §557
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 4pm to 11pm
Skills Needed: 2 Cooking, 3 Charisma, 2 Creativity, 2 Logic
Friends: 5
Level 5: Bar Manager
Description: You’ve taken the next step up in your career and started managing a bar. Less drink handling but more dealing with people, with all the good things and bad things that come with it. Keep your mood high to keep rising in your career.
Wage: §780
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 4pm to 12am
Skills Needed: 3 Cooking, 4 Charisma, 3 Creativity, 2 Logic
Friends: 6
Level 6: Mixologist
Description: Back to what you like best - mixing up tempting cocktails. Your skill at mixing drinks and finding the right drink to tickle customers’ taste buds is legendary. But there’s always room to grow. Better Cooking skills, and networking with others, will help you advance.
Wage: §1053
Work Days: Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 3pm to 10pm
Skills Needed: 4 Cooking, 6 Charisma, 3 Creativity, 3 Logic
Friends: 7
Level 7: Cellarperson
Description: Your new role is not only to make sure the tap lines are clean and the kegs are full, but to recommend the best nectars to the most discerning customers. Tune up your Charisma skills too, and you can sell the more expensive nectars to people and make a bigger profit.
Wage: §1316
Work Days: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 4pm to 10pm
Skills Needed: 5 Cooking, 6 Charisma, 4 Creativity, 4 Logic
Friends: 8
Level 8: Spirits Purchaser
Description: You had a thought when mixing up drinks one evening - someone has to actually ORDER all the stuff that the bar uses, right? The bar owner agrees that you’re the best person for the job (and is secretly glad to get that task off their hands). Your job is to take deliveries and keep inventory of every bottle that gets used. Hope you like counting things and putting them away, since you'll be doing lots of it.
Wage: §1579
Work Days: Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs
Hours: 10am to 4pm
Skills Needed: 6 Cooking, 7 Charisma, 5 Creativity, 5 Logic
Friends: 9
Level 9: Bar Owner
Description: Good news for you - the bar’s previous owners have retired and sold out to you. Now that you have complete control over your own bar, you can start mixing up the most tempting flavors and show the world your legendary bartending skills. It seems like your career has hit its peak....or has it?
Wage: §1816
Work Days: Mon, Tues, Weds, Thurs
Hours: 9am to 3pm
Skills Needed: 7 Cooking, 9 Charisma, 6 Creativity, 6 Logic
Friends: 10
Level 10: Master Mixologist
Description: After running a highly successful bar and becoming famous, you’ve reached the pinnacle of your career. Keep on smiling and pouring those drinks - you’ve earned the right to call yourself a Master. Well done!
Wage: §2088
Work Days: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 5pm to 9pm
Skills Needed: 8 Cooking, 10 Charisma, 7 Creativity, 6 Logic
Friends: 12
All Adult Chance Cards (Male version, with levels, shown)
Level 1: Bouncer
Chance Card: It’s a dark and stormy night outside the Twisted Llama Lounge. $Me is happy to be inside and out of the rain for a moment. He swallows a cup of hot coffee and turns to go back outside. Yet something catches his eye. There’s a young boy and girl couple cozying up at the photo booth. As he watches, the girl pulls the boy inside and they start giggling. $Me sighs. Should he go over there and stop them or let them be?
Stop Them
Pass A: $Me marches over to the photo booth and yanks open the curtain. It’s exactly what he thought. Public Woohoo. Of course there’s a crowd of people around them cheering like lunatics. $Me pulls the embarrassed couple out of the photo booth and bans them from the bar. $Me gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail A: $Me marches over to the photo booth and yanks open the curtain. They’re making silly faces at the camera. That’s why they’re giggling. The couple aren’t happy that $Me interrupted their photo session. $Me loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Let Them Be
Pass B: Psh. $Me isn’t paid enough to care about whatever they do in that photo booth. If it’s Public Woohoo, whatever. So long as no one’s murdered or something. $Me gets a phone call. It’s from the manager at a different bar he applied to a week ago. Turns out they have an opening as a Cocktail Waiter (Level 3) and they need someone ASAP. $Me puts the phone away and walks off to the manager to resign and take the new position. This bar is NOT his problem anymore!
Fail B: Psh. $Me isn’t paid enough to care about whatever goes on in that photo booth. $Me grabs another cup of coffee and tries to ignore the loud moans coming from the booth. Tons of bar patrons race over to the booth to clap and cheer at the couple. As they emerge, looking as pleased as cats with a full bowl of cream, $Me feels a tap on his shoulder. It’s the bar owner, and they do NOT look happy. The end of it is that $Me is fired.
Level 2: Cocktail Waiter
Chance Card: $Me is in the middle of another shift. He’s delivered a bunch of cocktails to a table of five people. One of the party asks $Me to please get her a refill of that drink she liked, it was pink and delicious. Problem is that $Me has been so busy, he’s completely forgotten what the customer had to drink. The bartender at the bar looks pretty busy too. $Me could go ask him to remake the drink, or $Me could wing it and hope for the best.
Get The Bartender
Pass A: $Me doesn’t feel like trying to guess the drink. He picks up the empty glass and brings it over to the bartender. “Hey, table 41’s asking for a refill of her pink drink.”
The bartender checks the tab. “Kyoto My Heart? Be up in a few mins. Do the others want refills too?”
“Wouldn’t hurt,” $Me says as he walks away to care for another table. When he comes back, Table 41’s drinks are ready. $Me brings them over and everyone loves that they have refills of their drinks. $Me picks up the check and collects a §500 tip.
Fail A: $Me doesn’t feel like trying to guess the drink. He picks up the empty glass and brings it to the bartender. Unfortunately a large group of people all crowd the bar, and $Me drops the glass off and serves his other tables. The customer doesn’t get the refill of her drink for 20 minutes, by which time the table is ready to leave. They complain to the manager about the slow wait service and $Me has to comp the entire bill, losing §250.
Make The Drink
Pass B: The bartender’s too busy to give $Me any help, so $Me decides to make the drink himself. He looks at Table 41’s tab and sees that the lady has ordered a Kyoto My Heart. $Me actually remembers the recipe! A jigger of Nectar, some hibiscus flower, a few other ingredients, and voila! $Me brings the drink back to a very happy customer, and gains a Cooking skill point.
Fail B: The bartender’s too busy to give $Me any help, so $Me decides he’ll make the drink himself. Customer had ordered a Kyoto My Heart. He can’t remember the recipe so he wings it. He throws in a jigger of Nectar, a dash of rosewater and a few other ingredients. He looks up. Hmm, why not add some of that bright pink liqueur hiding on the dusty bottom shelf? The drink looks about the correct shade of pink, so he brings it to the customer, who takes a sip. The customer frowns, takes a bigger sip, then finishes the glass.
“I don’t feel well,” she says….then transforms into a Werewolf.
The bar is pandemonium. People are screaming and trampling over each other trying to get out of the way. The werewolf goes on a full rampage of tearing up the bar and flipping tables. Outside the bar, someone has the bright idea of buying Lycanthropic-B potion. Someone else rushes in and leaves it on the bar, dodging the werewolf snapping at his heels. After an hour of destroying the bar, the werewolf drinks the potion and turns back into herself again. During the course of the investigation, it comes out that $Me had used the bottle on the bottom shelf. He gets screamed at by the bar owner that the bottle wasn’t a special liqueur. It was something called “a hacked potion” and all the other bartenders knew well not to touch it until the owner got rid of it. $Me is immediately fired.
Level 3: Bartender
Chance Card: $Me has seen one too many clever morons tonight and he's getting ticked off. The latest social media "thing" is ordering a Nimble Jim, stirred, not shaken. $Me has made too many of the cocktails tonight and doesn't want to make one ever again! Someone surprises him with their next order, though. It’s a Neon Breeze, but they want it shaken, not stirred. $Me doesn’t like the taste of shaken Neon Breezes. But he’s not the one who ordered the drink. What should $Me do?
Shake It
Pass A: $Me tosses together some lime juice, lemon juice and a sweet liqueur colored a lurid green into a shaker with some ice. He shakes it twenty times on the dot, pours it over more ice, mixes with soda water and serves with a cherry on top. The customer loves the way $Me makes their drink. “I’ve never had as good as you can make it!” they say. As it turns out, the customer is actually the bar manager’s cousin, and they talk about $Me for a good 20 minutes. At the end of the night, $Me finds out he has gotten a recommendation to work at The Hibiscus Grove. He accepts his promotion to Tiki Bartender (Level 4) with pleasure.
Fail A: $Me tosses together some lime juice, lemon juice and a sweet liqueur colored a lurid green into a shaker with some ice. $Me has to shake it twenty times on the dot, pour it over more ice, mix with soda water and serve with a cherry on top. During the seventh shake, though, the top explodes off the shaker. The customer, $Me, and the rest of the patrons at the bar are covered in a sticky sweet froth. $Me turns bright red in embarrassment, and loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Stir It
Pass B: It’s up to $Me to save the customer from their poor drink choices. $Me explains that a Neon Breeze is made by layering the fruit juices, liqueur and soda water together so the flavors can blend. The customer nods and says they’ll try the drink the way $Me suggests. The customer loves the result and puts in a quiet word to the manager. At the end of the night, $Me is promoted to Bar Manager (Level 5)!
Fail B: It’s up to $Me to save the customer from their poor drink choices. $Me starts explaining that a Neon Breeze is made by layering fruit juices, liqueur and soda water together so the flavors can blend. His tone starts getting loud and preachy, while the customer starts getting upset. The manager pulls $Me off the bar for the night and tells him to go cool down. $Me is sent to help in the dish pit for the night. He misses out on §500 of tips and loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Level 4: Tiki Bartender
Chance Card: A werewolf, an alien and a plantsim walk into The Hibiscus Grove.
No, literally.
$Me is just as surprised as the rest of the patrons, who start laughing. The trio of supernaturals sit in the middle of the bar. $Me has a hard time not cracking a smile as he asks them, “What’ll you have?”
The plantsim orders a virgin Tropical Berry Punch and the alien wants a Zombie. The werewolf says, “Surprise me!” and $Me sighs. He hates it when people do this. Usually, the patron doesn’t like what $Me picks. Still, he’ll give it his best shot. $Me thinks that the werewolf will like either an Island Queen or a Typhoon Delight. Which one does he make?
Island Queen
Pass A: $Me slaps his blender on the counter. Nectar, guava juice, creme de banana, some bitters, fassionola and a few other things. Blend, serve in iced glass. The werewolf takes a sip….and growls, “That’s amazing!” He orders three over the course of the time that he’s there with his friends. $Me gains 1 Charisma skill point and feels pretty pleased with himself the rest of the evening.
Fail A: $Me slaps his blender on the counter. Nectar, guava juice, creme de banana, some bitters, fassionola and a few other things. Blend, serve in iced glass. The werewolf takes a sip….and growls, “Ugh! I hate it!” $Me shakes up a different drink. This one has nectar, cinnamon syrup, grapefruit juice and some other ingredients. The werewolf likes this one better, but doesn’t order any other drinks. $Me feels less confident as a result and loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Typhoon Delight
Pass B: This drink is tooth-meltingly sweet. It has nectar, melon liqueur, energy drink and orange water. It must be shaken very, very, very well. $Me is a little tired from all the shaking but the cocktail looks amazing. The werewolf tastes it. “Huh! That’s….wow. Not what I was expecting.”
“Are you surprised?” $Me asks with a grin.
“Sure am. In a nice way though.” The werewolf smiles and sips his drink. $Me gains 1 Creativity skill point.
Fail B: $Me has made tons of Typhoon Delights before and most patrons like them. It’s got nectar, melon liqueur, orange water and a shot of energy drink. $Me shakes the drink until his arms are ready to fall off and serves it up with a flourish. It’s only after the werewolf has drunk half the glass that he says, “By the way, was there any caffeine in that?”
The werewolf’s eyes are as large as dinner plates. “Oh. Oh, no.”
$Me forgot that werewolves are sensitive to caffeine. The surge of energy from the caffeine makes the werewolf start howling. His alien and plantsim friends snatch him out of the bar. $Me gets stiffed §500 on the bill and he loses 1 Creativity skill point.
Level 5: Bar Manager
Chance Card: $Me has hired a bartender fresh out of university. The new guy has got great cocktail making skills, loves to chat up customers, and has a fabulous drinks presentation. But he keeps making lots of small mistakes, is rude to his coworkers, and gets angry when people try to correct him. Sooner or later, the new bartender is going to make a really big mistake and $Me will have to take the blame for it.
Tonight the bar’s got a decent mix of people, including a group of young adults. The new bartender picked up their tab and is chatting with them. Should $Me watch to make sure the newbie doesn’t mess up, or back off and let him handle it?
Watch Him
Pass A: $Me stays close by the bartender and his group, watching out of the corner of his eye. $Me notices that the bartender has opened up an expensive nectar and is pouring shots. $Me pretends that he needs some lemon wedges and sneaks a closer look. Everyone has wads of Simoleons in their hands. One of the young adults is also sporting an engagement ring. All is good. $Me gets his lemon wedges and goes back to his customers. He gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail A: $Me stays close by the bartender and his group, watching out of the corner of his eye. $Me notices that the bartender has opened up an expensive nectar and is pouring shots. $Me panics and bustles over.
“Yo! Back off!” the new bartender shouts as $Me grabs at the glasses.
“This is the bar’s most expensive nectar!” $Me hisses.
“Chill out, I know exactly what I’m doing!” the bartender snaps.
“Leave him alone,” says one of the customers. $Me turns and sees that the group are all wearing expensive clothes.
“Oh.” $Me slinks back to his patrons, tail tucked between his legs. For the rest of the night, his vibe is completely off and he makes tons of mistakes. The new bartender is also snappish and angry and $Me is too embarrassed to bother discipling him. $Me is so flustered, he ends up spilling a full tray of drinks onto a CEO. $Me pays the CEO §1000 for dry cleaning costs and loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Back Off
Pass B: $Me is pretty sure the new guy can handle it. $Me needs to wait tables tonight as the normal waitress twisted her ankle yesterday. During a quiet moment, $Me glances over at the new bartender and sees that he’s got the young adults covered. The drinks are flowing and everyone’s having a good time. At the end of the night, the new bartender walks up to $Me with a big smile.
“They gave me §1000.”
“Wow, that’s great!” $Me says.
“And, well, I wanted to thank you for easing off on me a bit. I know I’m kind of a scumbag sometimes,” the new bartender says, blushing to the tips of his ears. He peels a §100 bill off the top and hands it to $Me. “Take it, okay?”
$Me is shocked, but takes the cash. “Well, thanks! You’re all right, you know that?” $Me says, and the bartender turns even more red. $Me also gains 1 Creativity skill point.
Fail B: $Me is pretty sure the new guy can handle it. $Me needs to wait tables tonight as the normal waitress twisted her ankle yesterday. $Me is ducking in and out between the drinking hall and behind the bar, busy with patrons. $Me glances over at the new bartender and sees that he’s got the young adults covered. The drinks are flowing and everyone’s having a good time.
Until the bill comes.
Two of the young adults start screaming, “§100 per shot?”
$Me immediately bustles over. “What’s the issue?”
“This $#%@ charged us §100 for shots of McCabe!”
$Me peers at the tab. “Yeah, and you got eight shots, so §800. McCabe is a 14 year aged-”
“He charged us for %@$# 14 year old NECTAR?!?”
“That’s what you ordered, right?” $Me glances over his left shoulder. The shots are sitting behind the bar, ready to be served.
“NO! We wanted The Babe!”
The Babe is something completely different, and much cheaper. It is two creamy nectars blended together with some coffee. $Me feels a cold sweat breaking down his back as he realizes he is going to have to comp §800 worth of nectar.
He turns to the new bartender and tries to keep the anger out of his voice. “What happened?”
“The guy %$#@ mumbled! I swear!”
“No, you %@$#! We didn’t $%#@ mumble! You can’t #$%@ hear us because you’re @$#% deaf, scumbag!” the young adults scream back.
Then the new bartender throws a punch. In seconds, there’s a braw,l with tables being overturned and glasses smashed. $Me calls the police. The young adults and the new bartender are all arrested. $Me agrees to give up a week’s worth of salary (§3900) to help pay for the cleanup of the bar.
Level 6: Mixologist
Chance Card: $Me is pumped. He now has complete creative control over the bar’s drinks menu. The owner’s asked him to come up with a new cocktail featuring peaches for the summer season. An interesting fruit to work with for sure. $Me can choose to create a spiced peach Simsmopolitan, or a refreshing peach, rosemary and mint cocktail.
Spiced Simsmopolitan
Pass A: Cook the peaches in a little bit of butter and add some cinnamon, vanilla and allspice. Make it into a reduction, add nectar and some tuiles as a garnish, and baby, you’ve got a great sippable drink. The bar owner loves it, and declares it perfect for the end of summer season. $Me gains 1 Cooking skill point.
Fail A: Cook the peaches in a little bit of butter and add some cinnamon, vanilla and allspice. Make it into a reduction, add nectar and some tuiles as a garnish and baby, you’ve got a great sippable drink. The owner doesn’t like it though. “I want something lighter and fruitier. Show off that summer vibe.” $Me creates a citrus and peach frozen drink that’s much better received. $Me suffers a drop in his Cooking skill confidence, losing 1 point.
Refreshing Cocktail
Pass B: Rosemary and mint go great with peaches. $Me is trying to find the right taste but he can’t find the exact type of nectar he wants. Then, he gets a great idea. He saw some boxes hiding under the basement staircase the other day. He decides to brave the spiders and dust and hunt around. $Me actually finds what he needs! He blends it with his ingredients until he gets the perfect summer-y drink. During the taste test with the owner, $me mentions that he had a hard time sourcing the nectar he needs for the drinks. Why was this gem hidden in the basement? The bar owner says the previous mixologist didn’t like that type of spirit but he didn’t know that they had hidden it away. The bar owner offers $Me a promotion to Spirits Purchaser (Level 8). Of course, $Me accepts.
Fail B: Rosemary and mint go great with peaches. $Me is trying to find the right taste but he can’t find the exact type of nectar he wants. Then, he gets a great idea. He saw some boxes hiding under the staircase the other day. $Me hunts in those dusty, spider-infested boxes. He actually finds what he needs! He blends it with his ingredients until she gets the perfect summer-y drink. During the taste test with the owner, $me mentions that he had a hard time sourcing the nectar he needs for the drinks. Why was this gem hidden in the basement? The bar owner frowns. “The previous mixologist put it down there at my request, I thought he got rid of them. Anyway, why couldn’t you substitute with ingredients that are up here in the bar?” The bar owner lectures $Me on taking too much initiative. He "suggests" that $Me would do better as a regular Bartender (Level 3) for a while. $Me is demoted.
Level 7: Cellarperson
Chance Card: $Me knows the stock in the wine cellars very well. He has also developed a good idea of what people may like to drink. Today he’s talking to a couple who are celebrating their anniversary. They are pretty well dressed, so $Me wants to impress them. Should he choose a white nectar or a red one, to go with their meals?
White Nectar
Pass A: $Me learns that the couple have ordered some spicy seafood paella. A nice sparkling white nectar tastes best with that. The one that $Me recommends satisfies the couple’s taste buds. $Me gains 1 Cooking skill point.
Fail A: $Me learns that the couple have ordered some spicy seafood paella. A nice sparkling white nectar tastes best with that. But the couple don’t like any of the three options $Me presents them with. He loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Red Nectar
Pass B: The couple have ordered some tasty-sounding meals. One of them is braised duck breast with roasted new potatoes. The other is butternut squash ravioli in a browned butter and sage sauce. Red nectar goes with both. $Me has them taste several vintages before settling on one they both seem to enjoy. $Me declares it “their” bottle. Now the couple are blushing and giggling and holding hands. $Me calls his nectar pairings a success and gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail B: The couple have ordered some tasty-sounding meals. One of them is braised duck breast with roasted new potatoes. The other is butternut squash ravioli in a browned butter and sage sauce. Red nectar goes with both. But the couple can't agree on which of the vintages they want to try. They argue back and forth and around and around and end up not enjoying their meals. $Me loses 1 Cooking skill point.
Level 8: Spirits Purchaser
Chance Card: $Me now works at a trendy, upscale bar that attracts celebrities. The entire bar is booked out by Dayana Ibarra, a famous actress, and her closest friends and family. They’re throwing a super classy bachelorette party. There's going to be ice sculptures, expensive appetizers and a jazz band. $Me knows that Dayana and her bridesmaids enjoy single malt cocktails and exotic ingredients. But most of Dayana’s family would prefer fruit punch and simpler drinks. The head bartender finalizes her menu. $Me sees that it’s skewed more towards the expensive, fancy ingredients. What should $Me do?
Order the Fancy Stuff
Pass A: The bachelorette party is all about the bride and bridesmaids. So $Me orders the best ingredients he can get. The day of the party arrives and the place is packed with the rich and famous. Everyone loves the drinks menu. The bar owner pulls $Me aside at the end of the evening and gives him a proposal that makes his eyes widen with shock. What an opportunity! After drinking a glass of some (free!) 28 year old nectar and signing some paperwork, $Me is now a Bar Owner (Level 9).
Fail A: The bachelorette party is all about the bride and bridesmaids. And besides, $Me isn’t the one paying for the order. He orders all the expensive nectars and fancy fruit juice mixers that he can get. The day of the party comes. The place is filled with Dayana’s family. They are the sweetest, happiest bunch of people $Me has ever had the pleasure of meeting. But, like he predicted, they don’t have the most sophisticated palates. Most of the order sits in the cellar, unused, and the bar owner begs $Me to come up with ways to sell the stock. $Me demotes himself to Mixologist (Level 6) while he works on trying to get the stock moved.
Add More Fruit Punch
Pass B: Dayana and the bridesmaids love the smoky flavors of 28 year old malted nectar. But that’s not to everyone’s taste. $Me tells the head bartender to change the menu a little and include more fruit punch. The bartender agrees. The day of the party arrives and everyone is pleased with the choices. $Me even has to make a run to the store to buy more ingredients. At the end of the night, $Me and the head bartender are called into the bar owner’s office. Both are handed an envelope of cash that came from a very happy Dayana. $Me is shocked to receive a tip of §10,000.
Fail B: Dayana and the bridesmaids love the smoky flavors of 28 year old malted nectar. But that’s not to everyone’s taste. $Me tells the head bartender to change the menu a little. The day of the party arrives….to an almost empty bar and a bride having a full angry meltdown. Dayana’s family and several of her friends don’t approve of her potential husband. Nor do they like the bride’s bossy behavior. There’s only so much alcohol a small group of three people can drink, though, and a lot of the order goes to waste. $Me feels embarrassed by the whole thing. He wants to be less responsible for public events for a while. He resigns and goes back to Tiki Bartending at The Hibiscus Grove (Level 4).
Level 9: Bar Owner
Chance Card: The bar that $Me owns has been around for quite a while. It’s considered “iconic” in Downtown and has some “quaint” decor that is at least 50 years out of date. The decor certainly needs a refresh, but what’s more important is that sales have slumped lately and $Me is not sure why. $Me wants to revive the bar and thinks of two options to do it. One is doing a remodel. The other is to change the entire menu. $Me picks…
The Remodel
Pass A: $Me hires the Neighborhood’s most skilled architects and interior decorators. They go over the bar from top to bottom, removing the old decor. It now has a fresh spin that’s in keeping with its “iconic” status. It works! The bar is crowded on the grand reopening night and remains so for months afterward. After all the bills are paid for, $Me rakes in a healthy §25,000 profit.
Fail A: That tired old decor has GOT to go. $Me hires the neighborhood’s most skilled architects. The bar is modernized from top to bottom. Grand reopening night comes and $Me is dismayed that the bar is less crowded than before. Sales drop even lower, and before he knows it, $Me is forced to close the bar. To keep the money flowing, $Me needs a job, any job, and ends up working as a Bouncer at the Twisted Llama again (Level 1).
Changing The Menu
Pass B: The “iconic” and “quaint” decor has kind of grown on $Me, but the bar’s menu needs fixing. $Me spends some time talking to the top mixologists in the Neighborhood to modernize the bar’s menu. He also invents new riffs on classic cocktails. The old decor gets cleaned and dusted. Word gets around about the delicious new cocktails. $Me gains a Cooking skill point, and after all the bills are paid, a hefty §25,000 profit.
Fail B: $Me thinks that the “iconic” status of the bar means that the “quaint” decor can’t be changed. $Me believes a fresh new menu is the ticket to more sales. He also spends some time inventing new riffs on classic old cocktails. Grand reopening night comes and the bar is packed. But slowly, sales drop, and $Me has to close the bar. To pay the bills, $Me is forced to go back to being a Cocktail Waiter (Level 2).
Level 10: Master Mixologist
Chance Card: $Me has a fantastic reputation as a Master of all things alcoholic. He is asked to write a cocktail book. There’s so many different flavors and so many different cultures that $Me can choose from. But the publishers are asking for one of two themes dear to his heart. Classic Tiki drinks, and bold Takemizuan inspired flavors. What does $Me write about?
Classic Tiki Drinks
Pass A: $Me pours his heart into the book. From Atomic Painkillers to Zombies, he recreates hundreds of classic cocktails. He suggests ideal food pairings and includes short histories of famous tiki bars. The editor calls $Me up all excited one night with some fantastic news. The public has gone wild for all things Tiki related! It’s selling so fast they have to order a second printing and maybe even a third! $Me is awarded a §100,000 bonus in royalties from the publisher for creating a best seller.
Fail A: $Me pours his heart into the book. From Atomic Painkillers to Zombies, he recreates hundreds of classic cocktails. He suggests ideal food pairings and includes short histories of famous tiki bars. But the book hits a sour note with the public. Tiki culture is seen as passé and the book sells 10 copies. $Me has to pay back his advance of §10,000.
Bold Takemizuan Flavors
Pass B: Takemizuan cuisine is having a moment. $Me focuses his book around continuing the public’s love of new, unknown flavors. $Me chooses to write the book in a breezy, informal style. He makes it clear that everyone can enjoy these drinks. The book is a great hit with the public and sells out. $Me is approached by a distillery in the Neighborhood. They are making Takemizuan inspired spirits and cocktails. They ask if he could consult with them to plan their bar menu. $Me earns §100,000 in both royalties from the book and from the consultation fees.
Fail B: Takemizuan cuisine is having a moment. $Me focuses the book around these new, mostly unknown flavors. But another mixologist puts out her own book on Takemizuan cocktails the week before $Me publishes his. The public snaps up the other mixologist’s book. $Me is discouraged because his book suffers from slower sales. $Me loses 2 Creativity skill points.
Career Information - Teen/Elder
Level 1: Glass Washer
Description: What’s a job that’s necessary in a bar but that no one wants to do? It’s being a Glass Washer! Your entire job is to stay in the dish pit and wash a lot of glasses, and other dishes too. That’s it. Just be careful not to break them!
Wage: §39
Work Days: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 5pm to 9pm
Skills Needed: 0
Friends: 0
Level 2: Busboy/Busgirl
Description: You’re out in the bar now at least. Time to get to work piling up dirty glasses and filthy food plates in tubs and bringing them to the back. Just be sure to wash your hands frequently….and don’t eat the food off of the used plates.
Wage: §78
Work Days: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 5pm to 9pm
Skills Needed: 1 Charisma
Friends: 1
Level 3: Barback
Description: You get to cut up lemons, oranges and limes and sort cherries for drinks. You’re also a general fetching and carrying person for just about everything the bartender needs. Quick thinking and obedience to orders is important to succeed here.
Wage: §115
Work Days: Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun
Hours: 5pm to 9pm
Skills Needed: 1 Cooking, 1 Charisma, 1 Creativity
Friends: 2
Teen/Adult Chance Cards (Male version, with levels, shown)
Level 1: Glass Washer
Chance Card: There’s going to be a big, fancy event at the bar. This requires lots of expensive ingredients, actual party planners and impressive decorations. $Me is awarded the tedious task of bringing up boxes of delicate crystal glasses from the basement. He gets to wash off all the dust and dead spiders collected on them from the last big fancy event. But $Me isn’t sure if these glasses need to be hand washed or if they’re safe to put in the dishwasher. When $Me tries to ask the manager, he gets a rude “Just wash them!” snapped at him. What should $Me do?
Hand Wash Them
Pass A: Better to be safe than sorry. $Me loads up the sink with dishwashing liquid and plenty of hot water and gets to work scrubbing and rinsing. Then $Me hand dries them and stacks them in their cleaned out boxes. It takes a few hours because $Me has to do them between loads of regular dishes. Soon, all 500 glasses are clean and shiny. The manager is impressed with $Me and decides to promote him to Barback (Level 2).
Fail A: Better to be safe than sorry. $Me loads up the sink with dishwashing liquid and plenty of hot water and gets to work scrubbing and rinsing. Lost in the zone, $Me finishes washing, drying and putting away all 500 of the delicate glasses. But then he is shocked back to reality by the huge piles of regular old dirty barware surrounding him. Working feverishly, $Me finishes all the barware, though it takes him a couple hours extra. In his haste, he knocks over some of the dishes, shattering them. $Me has to pay for the dishes he broke, equal to one day’s pay. At least he earns a Cleaning skill point.
Use The Dishwasher
Pass B: Whatever. These delicate glasses won’t break in the dishwasher. Maybe. $Me loads as many glasses by themselves as he can into the machine and lets the cycle run. The rest of the bar’s dishes he decides to wash by hand. When the dishwasher beeps, $Me pulls out a perfectly clean glass and smiles in satisfaction. All the crystal glasses and the bar’s dishes are washed in record time. $Me gains a Creativity skill point.
Fail B: Whatever. These glasses won’t break in the dishwasher. Maybe. $Me loads the dishwasher with some of the delicate crystal glasses. The rest of the space he fills with the bar’s regular dishes. While the dishwasher cycle runs, he starts washing the rest of the dishes. About halfway through the rinse cycle, he hears a sudden CRASH TINKLETINKLETINKLE.
Oh no.
There’s nothing to do except wait for the cycle to finish, but as soon as $Me opens the dishwasher, his heart sinks. All the fancy glasses he loaded into the dishwater have shattered. Not only that but some of the regular barware broke too. $Me now has to pick shattered glass out of the dishwasher and rewash all the dishes by hand. The manager stands behind $Me and glares at him while he cleans the dishwasher, then chooses to fire him.
Level 2: Busboy/Busgirl
Chance Card: It’s a slow night at the bar tonight and $Me is leisurely cleaning off a large table. He’s just finished piling up the dirty dishes into a plastic tub and is about to wipe the table when he’s distracted by someone shouting across the room. “You there! Boy!” $Me looks up and sees a woman shaking a glass full of ice cubes at him. “Get me another drink.” She doesn't say "please" or "thank you". As $Me blinks in confusion, the woman shouts again. “Boy! Are you an idiot? I told you to get me another drink! NOW!” $Me decides to....
Ignore Her
Pass A: $Me shrugs, and goes back to wiping up the table. Ignoring the finger snapping and the repeated cries of “Boy! Boy! How dare you ignore me! I’ll have you fired!” he cleans and polishes that table until it gleams. Then he brings the dishes to the back. $Me goes back out onto the floor again with an empty tub. He sees the woman still sitting at the table, with a filled glass. She sees $Me looking at her, and turns her head away, her cheeks flushing red. $Me gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail A: $Me shrugs, and goes back to wiping up the table. He ignores the finger snaping and the repeated cries of “Boy! Boy! How dare you ignore me! I’ll have you fired!” and wipes up the table. $Me turns to bring the dish tub back into the kitchen, when his wrist is seized by the woman.
“Get me my cocktail NOW!” the woman screams, and sinks her nails into the flesh. In panic, $Me pushes her over and runs away. In the kitchen, $Me wraps up his now bleeding wrist. The bar manager barges into the kitchen and says that $Me needs to apologize to the woman. Even showing off his injury doesn’t change the manager’s mind.
“If you won’t apologize, you’re fired!” the manager snaps.
“You can’t fire me! I quit!” $Me snaps back, and stalks out of the bar.
Get Her The Drink
Pass B: $Me wanders over and awkwardly picks up the glass. The woman looks smug, until $Me drops the dirty glass at the bar and tells the bartender Table 32 wants a refill. The bartender looks at the table, nods and then hands $Me the dirty glass before starting on the woman's drink. The woman is embarrassed and avoids looking at $Me when he brings the drink back. $Me gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail B: $Me wanders over, awkwardly picks up the glass and brings it to the bartender. The woman looks smug. She starts treating $Me like her personal slave. She snaps at $Me that she wants more salt and pepper, that her salad was wilted, and her steak too well done. When $Me doesn’t grab the plate of steak off the table fast enough, she throws it on the floor and pours the rest of her drink over the mess. “That’ll teach YOU to ignore me!” she snarls. The customer immediately gets banned from the bar. $Me gets a gentle talking to from the bar manager about how he should ignore crazy customers and let the waiters and waitresses deal with them. $Me loses 1 Charisma skill point.
Level 3: Barback
Chance Card: “Uhm.” $Me stares down at the pile of lemons. There’s at least 30 lemons, all cut in half. A few have been sectioned into wedges. One look at the garnish bins and $Me can tell he made a mistake. “I cut too many.”
The bartender can hardly stifle her laughter. “Oh sweetheart, you certainly did.”
“What can I do?”
“Well, you can’t glue them back together.” The bartender chuckles. “We’re in a bar, darlin’. You can juice them or figure out something to do with them. Be creative.”
Since life has handed him lemons, $me decides to....
Make Lemonade
Pass A: $Me doesn’t want to waste all the lemons he cut. It’s also a slow day at the bar so $Me is bored and has time on his hands. $Me asks the bartender if he can borrow a few ingredients and the juicer. $Me has an old family recipe for lemonade that’s the best. The secret is to mash together some of the lemons and sugar together. Then you let them sit in a bowl with a little bit of water for 30 minutes. Then you mix with more lemon juice, some simple syrup and some sparkling water. The bar owner tastes the lemonade and he’s amazed at how good it is. He decides to pay $Me royalties to use the recipe. $Me earns a cool §1000.
Fail A: $Me doesn’t want to waste all the lemons he cut. He asks to borrow some ingredients and the juicer. $Me knows the old family recipe for lemonade and thinks it’ll be a hit at the bar. But no matter what $Me tries to do, he can’t get it to taste right. He also ends up squirting himself in the eye with a lemon and feels frustrated the rest of the shift. $Me loses 1 Cooking skill point.
Throw Those Lemons!
Pass B: Well, the lemons are going to go to waste. But why not try out his juggling skills first? With a big grin, $Me picks up 3 of the lemon halves and juggles them. He tosses one up behind his back and catches it. He spins around and shakes his hips. $Me captures the attention of a group of people having a late dinner and he gives them their own private juggling show. At the end of the “performance”, $Me receives a nice tip of §500 and gains 1 Charisma skill point.
Fail B: All right! Nothing like a good old fashioned FOOD FIGHT! $Me grabs one of the glass washers out of the dish pit and they have a grand old time flinging lemons at each other. But as they say, it’s all fun and games until someone gets hit in the face. One of the lemons that $Me tosses bounces off the glass washer’s fingers. SMACK! It lands right in the face of a patron. $Me cannot disappear fast enough. He tries to hide in the basement, but he’s discovered and dragged out. $Me gets fired.
Special Thanks to:
-Shinki, for requesting the career
-Saarlok, for suggesting 2 scenarios for the chance cards
-77Pix, for making me laugh while posting some of the testing fails in the discord
-Icon taken from Flaticon/Freepik
Enjoy, friends!
Filename | Type | Size |
MTS2 RightlySeabreeze Bartending Career.rar | rar | |
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Bartending With Levels.package | package | 2153960 |
BartendingTE No Levels.package | package | 797442 |
BartendingTE With Levels.package | package | 797516 |
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Download Details
Uploaded: 7th Sep 2023 at 2:59 PM
– Teen
– Adult
– Elder
Career Type:
– Realistic
Chance cards:
– All
: All levels have chance cards
#career, ##bartender, ##bar, ##custom, ##creativity, ##cooking, ##logic, ##charisma
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