Family Secrets [Update: 2024/11/22]

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Family Secrets

Family Secrets expands your town’s capacity for drama and intrigue by offering player and NPC Sims greater control over the legitimacy of their offspring. Romantic affairs and unwed pregnancies will present players with the choice of revealing or hiding a child’s true parentage, or even attempting the “Cuckoo” action, which can convince a birth parent’s partner that a child born from an affair is actually theirs!

Family Secrets also expands The Sims 3 Adoption system, allowing Sims to choose between joint or sole adoption, as well as the ability to foster children.

This mod requires no expansion packs or supporting mods to operate. While it does not enable any non-default relationship options, it contains built-in support and decision-making considerations for same-sex, intergenerational, and interfamilial pregnancies. This mod also fixes a known base-game issue wherein certain non-standard pregnancies would cause the Family Tree menu to crash the game.

Enjoy this mod, and please comment on any issues you may have with its performance.


  • Added French translations, courtesy of Symbolism.
  • Added Russian translations, courtesy of Raddaable.
  • Fixed conflict with several Nraas suite mods causing gameplay crashes.
  • Added gender summary of newborns to childbirth decision prompt.
  • Removed negative relationship modifier between newborns and birth-parent when admitting to an affair.
  • Improved Settings interaction: will no longer disappear after removing/adding City Hall rabbit hole.
  • Improved memory cleanup of stored mod-specific pregnancy data.
  • Improved legibility of STBL files for translation and fixed missing strings. Added German translations, courtesy of LimeyYoshi.
  • Fixed Cheater reputation being unintentionally applied to Sims in committed relationships when using "Reveal Parent" option.

Conflict and Compatibility:

The Family Secrets mod makes adjustments to Sims’ Genealogy fields in response to the NewBaby, HadBaby, and AdoptedChild EventTypes. Other mods which make adjustments in response to these EventTypes may experience unintentional operational conflicts.

Known Conflicting Mods:

Please report any suspected mod conflicts in the Comments, and I will endeavor to resolve them if possible.

Possible Future Updates:
  • Multilingual STBL translations.
  • Store "true" parental data for use with additional features post-birth.
  • Genealogy Testing interaction.
  • Post-birth "Reveal Parent" interaction.
  • Increased complexity of NPC decision-making.
  • Expanding Adoption to allow players to officially adopt NPC Sims, step-children, and foster children.

Additional Thanks:
Buzzler and PuddingFace, for approachable scripting tutorials.
CmarNYC, for the easy-to-use STBLManager.
LimeyYoshi, for providing German translations.
Raddaable, for providing Russian translations.
Symbolism, for providing French translations.
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