UserDirected Enabled Interactions - Enables many of disabled interactions that have never been seen by the player!
TS3UserDirectedEnabledInteractionsThumbnail.png - width=3840 height=2160
This mod enables several interactions that were disabled by EAxis, or some debug interactions that EAxis were developing and were never seen/have been completely deprecated by the player.
Why are many interactions disabled?
During development, the team behind The Sims 3, its EPs and its Store Content had to check that some interactions work correctly. After checking the turnings (so that players wouldn't see how some interactions were), they disabled them by setting "DisallowUserDirected=True" and "DisallowPlayerSim=True", this mod sets the values "True" to "False", so the players can see what interactions are disabled by EAxis developed like you've never seen before.
How many interactions were disabled?
There are a total of 138 interactions disabled in the Base Game, EPs, and Store Content. Here are the interactions that have been disabled in alphabetical order.
Act Agitated - Impending Definition - Sim (EP11)
Act Agitated - Out of Sorts Definition - Sim (EP11)
Add Gift - Gift Pile (EP8)
Ask for Diagnosis - Social (EP2)
Ask for Vaccination - Social (EP2)
Be Given Simoleons - Social (EP11)
Be Near Mother - Foal Horse (EP5)
Be Neglected - Occult Imaginary Friend (EP4)
Be Warped - Stasis Chamber (Store)
Browse - Shopping Pedestal (EP11)
Browse Turnstile Ticket - Ticket Machine (Store)
Capture the Moment - Smartphone (EP9)
Cat Act Whacked Out - Pet (EP5)
Cat Dog Investigate - Pet (EP5)
Cat Pee Indoor - Pet (EP5)
Cat Pee Outdoor - Pet (EP5)
Cauldron Wait for Hug - Magic Cauldron Regency (Store)
Celebrate Improved Protest - Improved Protest Situation - Protest Outcome Victory (EP9)
Celebrate Your Victory - Improved Protest Situation - Protest Outcome Victory (EP9)
Change Into Outerwear - Sim (EP8)
Change Out of Outerwear - Sim (EP8)
Check Out Wrinkles - Mirror (EP4)
Check Out Wrinkles - Vanity Dresser (EP4)
Come and See Component - Game Object (BG) - 66 makes Sims come and see up to 3 objects max before the motive is full.
Complain to Miner - Inventing (EP3)
Daycare Wait for Hug - Daycare Child Manager - Problem Child (EP4)
Desperately Talk To - Social (BG)
Do Laundry on the Spot - Washing Machine (EP2)
Dog Pee Indoor - Pet (EP5)
Dog Pee Outdoor - Pet (EP5)
Doggy Get in Pool - Pet (EP5)
Doggy Swim Around - Pet (EP5)
Enter Pet Bed - Cat Condo (EP5)
Enter Pet Bed - Pet Bed Small (EP5)
Enter Pet House - Pet House (EP5)
Enter on Helm (EP10)
Experiment - Time Portal (EP11)
Fake Excavate - Digsite (EP1)
Follow Celebrity - Role Paparazzi (EP3)
Follow Trendsetter - Buff Trendsetter (EP11)
Formalize - Sim (EP7)
Fridge Prepare - Prepare Definition (BG)
Frugal Turn Off - Fireplace (BG)
Frugal Turn Off - Light Game Object (BG)
Frugal Turn Off - Stereo (BG)
Get In - Treehouse (EP4)
Get Near Owner - Occult Imaginary Friend (EP4)
Get Self Picked Up - Toddler (BG)
Get in Pool - Sim (BG)
Get in Pool - Skinny Dip Definition (EP3)
Ghost Wander - Sim (BG)
Give Tip to Comedian - Game Object (EP11)
Go Inside - Fix Temperature (EP8)
Go Inside - React to Precipitation (EP8)
Go Jogging - Terrain (BG)
Go Shopping - Sim (BG)
Go and Play in Ocean - Terrain (EP10)
Go to Bake Sale Table - Bake Sale Table (EP2)
Go to Lot That Satisfies My Role - Sim (EP1)
Grab Favorite Food - Buffet Table (BG)
Hand Stand - Surf Area (Store)
Hang Around - Styling Station (EP2)
Hang Around - Tattoo Chair (EP2)
Haunt - Occult Ghost (BG)
Have Trait Chips Adjusted - Occult Plumbot (EP11)
Horse Investigate - Pet (EP5)
Idle Tend - Bar Advanced (EP3)
Idle Tend - Bar Advanced - Pool Bar Definition (EP3)
Imaginary Friend Age Up to Owners Age - Occult Imaginary Friend (EP4)
Inspect - Future Skill - IFutureObject Interface (EP11)
Inspect Past Object - Occult Time Traveler (EP11)
Jam - Laser Harp (EP11) - This interaction doesn't exist and shouldn't exist in interaction tuning.
Kick Down - Horse Jump (EP5)
Make Gourmet Food for Pet - Fridge (EP5)
Mourn Broken Object - Repairable Component - IGameObject Interface (EP1)
NPC Ask to Move In - Moving (BG)
NPC Use Hover Train - ZEPHYR Stop - Rabbithole (EP11)
NPC Visit Equestrian Center - Equestrian Center - Rabbithole (EP5)
Perform Gig - Laser Harp (EP11) - This shouldn't be in interaction tuning and this interaction doesn't exist.
Pet Investigate Strange Sim - Pet (EP5)
Pet Play on Carpet - Pet (EP5)
Pet Scratch at Door - Door (EP5)
Pet Scratch at Door for Social - Social (EP5)
Play Air Guitar - Sim (BG) - Tuned to never show up. Sims do it all the time, it's the only self interaction, looks weird. Powned. -mg
Prepare Favorite Meal - Occult Plumbot (EP11)
Push Put Down Pet on Parent - Being Carried Pet Posture (EP5)
Put Mail - Mailbox (BG)
Put Up Umbrella - React to Precipitation (EP8)
Random Pet Startle - Sim (EP5)
Read Something in Inventory - Sim (BG)
Reap Soul - Urnstone (BG)
Reference Time Almanac - Occult Time Traveler (EP11)
Refresh Food - Resort Buffet Table (EP10)
Relax on Bed - Bed (BG) - This is an autonomous-only interaction akin to SitAndWait whose purpose is to allow group talk in a posture.
Research Outgoing - Computer (BG)
Research Outgoing - Holo Computer (EP11)
Research Sleep Techniques - Computer (BG) - Tuning out of the game. It doesn't actually do anything, give you anything, or even show you anything. Therefore, it is gone. -mg
Research Sleep Techniques - Holo Computer (EP11) - Tuning out of the game. It doesn't actually do anything, give you anything, or even show you anything. Therefore, it is gone. -mg
Robo Nanny Homework - Occult Plumbot (EP11)
Robot Scan - Occult Plumbot (EP11)
Route Near Register - Shopping Register (EP1)
Route and Take Kid Away - Social Worker - Child Abuse Situation (BG)
Route to Wild Horse - Wild Horses - Pet Systems (EP5)
Rubble Trapped - Firefighter - Emergency Situation (EP2)
Sell Insect - Science Lab - Rabbithole (BG)
Sell Script - Movie Set - Rabbithole (EP3)
Servo Tend Garden - Occult Plumbot (EP11)
Servobot Run Away from Sim - Occult Plumbot (EP11)
Sit Inside on Picnic Table (BG)
Sit on Bathtub (BG)
Sit on Toilet (BG)
Skate On World Pond - World Pond Helper - Pools (EP8) - Made available in the University world - Ryan Grant
Spray With Fizzy Nectar - Bachelor Party (EP4) - Just pushes the social. Don't output commodities.
Stand Up - Walking Toddler Posture (BG)
Start Panic - Medical - Emergency Situation (EP2)
Start Panic - Medical - Emergency Situation - Panic (EP2)
Stretch on Object - Interactions (EP5)
Swim Around - Sim (BG) - The gameplay tuning for this is an object tuning tool on the pool posture. "kSwimmingInPoolFunAmount", "kSwimmingInPoolFatigueAmount".
Swim Around in Ocean - Sim (BG) - Excluding RobotHidden Trait Sims
Synthesizer Serve - Future Food Synthesizer (EP11)
Take Child Away - Social Worker Child Abuse Situation (BG)
Take Food to Table - Future Food Synthesizer (EP11)
Teleport and Take Kid Away - Social Worker - Child Abuse Situation (BG)
Throw Random Dew - Alchemy Potion (EP7)
Time Traveler Scan Object - Occult Time Traveler (EP11)
Toddler Wander - Sim (BG) - This needs to advertise at a very low level to an insatiable motive, and generally be the lowest scoring interaction available to toddlers.
Toss Object - Time Portal (EP11)
Trait Harass with Cane - Cane (EP4)
Transition to Pounce - Pounce Posture (EP5)
Tremble - Occult Plumbot (EP11)
Unicorn Despawn - Occult Unicorn (EP5)
Visit Lot and Wait for Daycare Greeting - Daycare Transport Situation (EP4)
Wait Tables - Future Food Synthesizer (EP11)
Wait for Caregiver - Daycare Transport Situation (EP4)
Wander in Box Stall - Pet (EP5)
Watch - Bubble Bar (EP3)
Watch - Firewalk Pit (EP10)
Watch Door - Velvet Ropes (EP3)
EPs & SPs Required:
You need all the EPs and all Store Content for the mod to work. SPs are not required because there's not an interaction I could find to make it available. Of course, if you don't have Into the Future, for example, the mod will ignore every EP11 values so the mod will still not cause any problems to the game, it'll just simply ignore.
Additional Credits:
S3PE by Peter L. Jones
No issues were found with the mod! However, if you have any issues with the mod, please reply in the comments section, so I can try to solve your issue.
Uninstalling is perhaps not a problem. Make sure that your Sims is not using the interactions I've provided in "How many interactions were disabled?" section by cancelling their interactions so there wouldn't be any issues. Just delete the mod in Packages folder and you're all set!
This mod modifies 138 ITUN interactions in GameplayData.package, so if some mods are using the same ITUN, it'll conflict.
You can check for conflicts in TS3 Dashboard and delete the ITUN you've installed, or you'll get a conflict between my mod and the other ITUN mod you've installed.
Filename | Type | Size |
DavidManaia_UserDirected_EnabledInteractions - | zip | |
DavidManaia_UserDirected_EnabledInteractions - SwimAround.package | package | 3961 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
DavidManaia_UserDirected_EnabledInteractions.package | package | 199851 |
readme.txt | txt | 8894 |
DavidManaia_UserDirected_EnabledInteractions -
| Only enables two disabled interactions for Swim Around - Sim, and Swim Around in Ocean - Sim.
Uploaded: 9th Aug 2024, 2.5 KB.
| Install this mod in C:\Users\(your username)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 3\Mods\Packages folder.
Uploaded: 9th Aug 2024, 43.4 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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About Me
· I was a creator of TV Mãos Neighborhood in The Sims, now the entire neighborhood work is transferred to Roblox because Roblox Studio is a little like TS3: CAW, they share the same dependencies *I think*.
· I'm a translator of some mods into European Portuguese *I don't usually do this often*.
· I love playing Roblox, Minecraft, The Sims and inZOI. Those are my favorite games. I did hate Minecraft before due to aesthetic blocky-graphics.