"Vella Casa" Mediterranean Estate
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Vella Casa translates to House of Beauty. As you enter through the grand gates and park in the large porte cochere you will fall in love with this newly constructed Mediterranean Estate in the most exclusive community in the beautiful Island Isla Vella. This Grand Estate comes with a large foyer opening to the covered pool area, a formal living room, a hallway and the Grand Suite. In the kitchen you will have easy access to the dining, leisure area and the pool bath. The entire rear of the home is covered in wall to wall glass for an excellent view of the gorgeous pool area along with the pool house and guest suite. The Guest Suite comes with 2 queen size beds a bath and a hottub under a private veranda. In the Grand Suite is a beautiful bathroom with marble floors a large Walk-in-Closet and a round glass shower. This Grand Estate comes fully furnished as well as fully landscaped with gorgeous garden areas and palm trees in abundance.
House Stats in numbers:
1 Bedroom
1 Guest Bedroom with 2 queen size beds.
3 Full bathrooms
3 Living areas
1 Very large covered outdoor living area by the pool.
1 Kitchen
1 Outdoor Kitchen
2 Fireplaces
1 Pool and Hottub
1 Porte Cochere
$238,000 is the price you pay to live in this dream home.
Important Information:
The home was made with only Sims 2 so it works with or without the expansion pack.
This home was inspired by a home my family and I rented in Florida for 2 weeks when we went last year to Disney World. Its not exactly like that home as that home was close to 5000 sq.ft. but it was inspired off of it.

I didn't color the terrain with a green grass as I felt the original terrain looked very well with this home.
In the rar there is a folder with the objects, walls and floors make sure you place that in your downloads folder before you load the house. Please don't place my home on any other website without my written permission. There are some custom walls and floors I made for this house in the rar, you can do whatever you want with those.
Thankyou to all the people who make custom content for the sims 2 as this home would not look the way it does if it wasn't for custom content.
Extra special thanks too "misstexas" for her stunning recolor of the Arizona sofa set.
Questions? Send me a private message or ask here.
Would love to hear your comments on my latest creation (after such a long time).
Enjoy and thankyou for downloading!
Filename | Type | Size |
La Vella Casa.rar | rar | |
La Vella Casa.Sims2Pack | sims2pack | 2329057 |
28efe02243466b08efef85ab13cb1c08_0001.package | package | 125580 |
4esfoutdoor2shrubhemerocallis.package | package | 559060 |
4esfoutdoor2yucca.package | package | 429046 |
58fdd8b3be2816eb8b4182e40e169a28_0001.package | package | 41014 |
Cookerhoodrecolor1.package | package | 46271 |
cooker_hood_by_BobL.package | package | 107163 |
deestanwickerloveseat_03.package | package | 268195 |
floor_4edeef3a.package | package | 24568 |
floor_4f47471b.package | package | 11331 |
floor_6edb4958.package | package | 38322 |
floor_aedb4ad4.package | package | 36489 |
floor_cee5ebd0.package | package | 3309 |
floor_ef6d6dbf.package | package | 42260 |
floor_RW.package | package | 32582 |
HolySimoly_ArizLovestMesh.package | package | 257762 |
HolySimoly_ArizonaSofaMesh.package | package | 244269 |
HoneyB_NumWallWindow_ModPlain-Blk.package | package | 177997 |
IndolentLemon_SmallerPlainleePalm.package | package | 327231 |
JFbigficus.package | package | 280112 |
laresa-arizonaloveseatwhiteandgold.package | package | 90494 |
laresa-arizonasofawhiteandgold.package | package | 90207 |
largefloorfern.package | package | 206486 |
Moon_Ez Worught Iron Gate2 - 2.package | package | 177377 |
Moon_Ez Worught Iron Gate2 - 3.package | package | 177377 |
Numenor_WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_FrostedGlass1.package | package | 177675 |
Numenor_WallWindow_(Standard+Seamless)_FrostedGlass2.package | package | 177675 |
Numenor_WallWindow_Seamless_Door_diagonal.package | package | 55299 |
Numenor_WallWindow_Seamless_Door_main.package | package | 58845 |
Numenor_WallWindow_Seamless_DoubleDoor_main.package | package | 89051 |
Numenor_WallWindow_Seamless_HiddenWindow_main.package | package | 28888 |
Numenor_WallWindow_Seamless_Window_diagonal.package | package | 54206 |
Numenor_WallWindow_Seamless_Window_main.package | package | 73325 |
Numenor_WallWindow_Standard_DoubleDoor_main.package | package | 98235 |
Numenor_Waterfall_(CANH).package | package | 7112 |
para_widemirror11.package | package | 45263 |
rgiles_floor_bluetransparent.package | package | 2727 |
rgiles_floor_greentransparent.package | package | 2783 |
ShowerKit-Wes_H.package | package | 429030 |
spx-msplant-mesh.package | package | 1567272 |
Victorian old gold curtains May25JQ.package | package | 177484 |
wall_4fc8665f.package | package | 73439 |
wall_4fc97e36.package | package | 60679 |
wall_6fc9806d.package | package | 67656 |
wall_6fd42f11.package | package | 68575 |
wall_8fc866e9.package | package | 63592 |
wall_cfc98495.package | package | 69859 |
wall_cfc98528.package | package | 69166 |
wall_cfd010fc.package | package | 67693 |
wall_efc98251.package | package | 63634 |
wall_efc98333.package | package | 68486 |
WDSChezCupboard013105.package | package | 75711 |
yggCurtainsDoubleWideTieback.package | package | 388584 |
Interior.jpg | jpg | 98356 |
Exterior1.jpg | jpg | 92952 |
Exterior2.jpg | jpg | 95141 |
Exterior3.jpg | jpg | 87943 |
Pool Area.jpg | jpg | 98212 |
Vella Casa ReadME IMPORTANT.txt | txt | 2386 |
La Vella Casa.rar
Uploaded: 7th Jul 2005, 3.90 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 27th May 2006 at 11:15 AM
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