Ladies Stereo

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Hey! this is my very first handbag shaped object for the sims and i must admit that im very proud of myself! (sorry for the lack of pics) Its just the lo fi audio compact stereo sqished into a yummy square shape and coloured hot pink PLUS!!! I made some changes to the pie thingys! (ps i used it in the game and it plays fine so dont worry!) feedback please! buh-bye!

its only been 2 minutes and already i have 2 posts!
sorry for lack of photos ill be 2 minutes!
i realised a problem, if you put this in the game it will overwrite the original compact stereo (but never fear) if you take it out it will return to the original stereo! I will try and sort out the problem (might take a while, simpe's acting up again...) STUPID SIMPE!!!?! *heave* *heave* *throw computer*

Sorry for incoveniance!!
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