Chocolate Birthday Cake (Now with Chocolate Slice!)
birthdaycake_cu.jpg - width=207 height=157
chocolate-birthday-cake.jpg - width=700 height=609
chocolate-birthday-cake-slice.jpg - width=589 height=589
Original Post:
Here's a yummy birthday cake for your chocoholic sims. It's not exactly a recolour, but it's not a new mesh either. This is a new object that will not replace the original London's Famous cake. (has a unique registered GUID and all that jazz.)
There's one little problem though - when your sims grab a slice, the slice will be the original cake colours. I don't know how to fix that... if you know please tell! Other than that it seems to work just fine & dandy. But I've never actually cloned anything before, so there is a possibility for disaster.

Uploaded: 21st Dec 2006, 45.6 KB.
Uploaded: 29th Oct 2005, 91.5 KB.
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Updated: 8th Dec 2007 at 8:42 PM
#fireflies, #cake, #chocolate cake, #birthday cake, #chocolate birthday cake, #cake slice, #yummy, #fanseefood
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