The Mini Modern French
Main Gallery Shot.jpg - width=600 height=450
Mini Modern French (3).jpg - width=600 height=450
Mini Modern French (2).jpg - width=600 height=450
Mini Modern French (1).jpg - width=600 height=450
Mini Modern French (4).jpg - width=600 height=450
Very little custom content, by request.
2 bedrooms
2 baths
2 living rooms
Covered Pool Area
3x3 Lot
Comes with Driveway for Nightlife users.
Credits for Custom Content for palm wall
Moonez wrought iron fence recolor of Numenor's wall window
Blue Transaparent tile by rgiles
Custom Content needed are the
window and fences from the Laurana set at
Click on my picture to go to my profile and view the large version of the Modern French.
University Expansion Required
That's all. Hope you like it.
The Mini Modern French.rar
Uploaded: 24th Jan 2006, 1.14 MB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Install: Double-click on the .sims2pack file to install its contents to your game. The files will automatically be installed to the proper location(s).
- You may want to use the Sims2Pack Clean Installer instead of the game's installer, which will let you install sims and pets which may otherwise give errors about needing expansion packs. It also lets you choose what included content to install. Do NOT use Clean Installer to get around this error with lots and houses as that can cause your game to crash when attempting to use that lot. Get S2PCI here: Clean Installer Official Site.
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
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Updated: 27th May 2006 at 10:30 AM
by QwinsepiaSquared 23rd Apr 2006 at 12:00am
+2 packs
by chippie 12th May 2007 at 3:52pm
4 19.8k 4
by richardj52 2nd Jun 2007 at 5:06pm
+4 packs
Open for Business
by The T 22nd Nov 2007 at 7:59am
5 14.8k 13
"Vista Vella" Oceanfront Mediterranean Mansion
by imjetguer 2nd Mar 2005 at 9:28am
Sitting atop a hill in the most prestigious community in all of Isla Vella is a stunning Stucco Mediterranean Mansion. more...
55 47.3k 21
The Original English Tudor Cottage
by imjetguer 15th Jan 2006 at 11:28pm
The Original English Tudor Cottage This peaceful propert is tucked away in the middle of huge Willow trees. more...
20 26.6k 12
Thomas Kinkade Inspired English Cottage
by imjetguer 2nd Jul 2013 at 1:33pm
Charming old Cottage... more...
+3 packs
Late Night
21st Century Habitable Structure
by imjetguer 2nd Apr 2005 at 6:41am
Stunning 2 level modern structure built with the entertaining couple in mind. more...
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"Vella Casa" Mediterranean Estate
by imjetguer 7th Jul 2005 at 3:01pm
"Vella Casa" Mediterranean Estate Vella Casa translates to House of Beauty. more...
21 21.6k 7
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | University |
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