1 Alabama Way Cozy 2BR/2Bath Country Retreat

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1 Alabama Way-a Furnished, Cozy, KindaPink, Country Retreat built on concrete supports atop a sloped hillside.

4ESF White Modular Stars are Included you can Download the installation instructions here

Numenor and Chrissy6930 Lighted Carina Stairs are included you can Download the installation instructions here.

Furnished House includes:
2 Bedrooms - 1 with sitting room
2 Bath
Family / Game Room

If you like my creation or effort, please hit the THANKS button. It only takes a few seconds.


Side Shots

ADDITIONAL CONTENT: (Not Needed Unless You Want Your House To Look Exactly Like The Pics)

4ESF Kitchen6 (Lamp and Plant)
Livingroom3 Plant

BabbyebeSims Floor Lamp Objects Page7

Goto Sets Salles de bains and download the Abala Set (pg1)
Goto Sets Salons and download the Cerise Set

wonkey MTS2 Member Pink Porsche 911 Turbo

SimsInParis My b-day gift-a bathroom Mirror
SimsInParis Gift: drink and relax set. painting

Chris Bookcase, Glass Cabinet and TV & Radio Cabinet by Katy76

Lot Size: 3x3
Lot Price: 192,666

Custom Content by Me:
- tbudgett_MS-TBath-Bath_white Recolour
- TBUDGETT_MS-TBath-Cabinets_white Recolour
- TBUDGETT_MS-TBath-Counter_white Recolour
- TBUDGETT_MS-TBath-Mirror_white Recolour
- TBUDGETT_MS-TBath-Sink_white Recolour
- TBUDGETT_MS-TBath-Toilet_white Recolour
- TBUDGETT_MS-TBath-VanityLights_white Recolour
- Square Stone Floor w teal insert
- Wall
- KindaPink Siding Left and Top Mlding
- KindaPink Siding Right Mlding
- KindaPink Siding
- KindaPink Siding Both Sides and Top Mlding 
- KindaPink Siding Top Mlding
- KindaPink Siding Both Sides Mlding
- KindaPink Siding Left Mlding
- KindaPink Siding Right Mlding
- Wall

Custom Content Included:
- Maylin Curtains - 2 tiles- by -Maylin-
- Maylin curtains -1 tile Long- by -Maylin-
- Ailias Modern Round Bra by Ailias
- Neon Beer Mug Sign by Atavera (retired)
- Neon Open Sign 2 by Atavera (retired)
- Vertical Blinds by Now You See Me Inc., by boblishman
- Bed "Claude" by Chrissie
- Armchair "Claude" by Chrissie
- Chandelier "Claude" by Chrissie
- Dresser "Claude" by Chrissie
- table lamp "Claude" by Chrissie
- wall light "Claude" by Chrissie
- Mirror "Claude" by Chrissie
- Picture "Claude" by Chrissie
- Portrait "Claude" by Chrissie
- Sideboard "Claude" by Chrissie
- Some Flowers "Claude" by Chrissie
- Table "Claude" by Chrissie
- Endtable "Claude" by Chrissie
- Vanitytable "Claude" by Chrissie
- Coffee Table "Saratoga" by Chrissie
- Side Table "Saratoga" by Chrissie
- Tuscan Kitchen counter by phoenix_phaerie
- Tuscan Kitchen Island by phoenix_phaerie
- Tuscan Etagere de Pot by phoenix_phaerie
- Tuscan Kitchen Stove by phoenix_phaerie
- Tuscan Stove Hood by phoenix_phaerie
- DreamEasy armoire by Mummysim by Mummysim
- Dreameasy bedframe by Mummysim by Mummysim
- Dreameasy endtable by Mummysim by Mummysim
- The "Grand Trianon" Poster Floor Mirror by The Dream Team
- The "Grand Trianon" Poster Desk with Hutch (No-EP version) by The Dream Team
- Power Desk by The Dream Team
- Babble Chair Mesh by Holy Simoly
- Babble Loveseat Mesh by Holy Simoly
- 'Marlena' Sideboard by holysimoly
- OMSP for Fireplaces by JohnBrehaut1
- Piano de Salão Harmoniosa by JWoods
- PBBottles by Kansascityrose
- PBCabinet by Kansascityrose
- PBCakeplate1withCake by Kansascityrose
- PBCandelier by Kansascityrose
- PBDiningCandle by Kansascityrose
- PBDiningChair by Kansascityrose
- PBGlassesSideboard by Kansascityrose
- PBLacecurtainmatching by Kansascityrose
- PBDiningLoveseat by Kansascityrose
- PBPillowset by Kansascityrose
- PBSideboard by Kansascityrose
- PBSidetable by Kansascityrose
- PBDiningtable3tl by Kansascityrose
- Traditional Bath Bath by MizzesSimmer
- The Lady On Red by MizzesSimmer
- Traditional Bath Counter by MizzesSimmer
- Traditional Bath Mirror by MizzesSimmer
- Traditional Bath Sink by MizzesSimmer
- Traditional Bath Toilet by MizzesSimmer
- Traditional Bath Vanity Lights by MizzesSimmer
- Trottco 27" MultiPlace IV *Portable* Television - by Numenor by Numenor
- bedroom5** -curtain2- by Jasmine
- Ice TV - TFT flatscreen by Solander
- ClaudeBedDouble_Recolor1 by Chrissie
- ClaudeChairLiving_Recolor1 by Chrissie
- ClaudeChandelier_Recolor2 by Chrissie
- ClaudeDresser_Recolor1 by Chrissie
- ClaudeLampTable_Recolor2 by Chrissie
- ClaudeLampWall_Recolor2 by Chrissie
- ClaudeMirror_Recolor2 by Chrissie
- ClaudePaintingDouble_Recolor1 by Chrissie
- ClaudeSideboard_Recolor1 by Chrissie
- ClaudeSomeFlowers_Recolor2 by Chrissie
- ClaudeTableCoffee_Recolor1 by Chrissie
- ClaudeTableEnd_Recolor1 by Chrissie
- ClaudeVanitytable_Recolor1 by Chrissie
- rose blossom bedding by Christine11778
- dees_cmtuscancounter_recol01 by luslipz73
- dees_cmtuscanpotrack_recol1 by luslipz73
- dees_cmtuscanstovehood_recol1 by luslipz73
- dees_cmtuscanstove_rcol1 by luslipz73
- Dreameasy bedding by Mummysim
- Kansascityrose PBDiningCabinet-recol1 by engelchen
- Kansascityrose PBDiningCandelier-recol1 by engelchen
- Kansascityrose PBDiningCandle-recol1 by engelchen
- Kansascityrose PBDiningchair-recol1 by engelchen
- Kansascityrose PBDiningLacecurtainmatching-recol1 by engelchen
- Kansascityrose PBDiningLoveseat-recol1 by engelchen
- Kansascityrose PBDiningPillowset-recol1 by engelchen
- Kansascityrose PBDiningSideboard-recol1 by engelchen
- Kansascityrose PBDiningSidetable-recol1 by engelchen
- Kansascityrose PBDiningtable3tl-recol1 by engelchen
- GrandTrianon_RecolourPack_White by The Dream Team
- BabbleChairMaroon Recolour by Holy Simoly
- BabbleLoveseatMaroon Recolour by Holy Simoly
- Marlene Sideboard WhiteMosGrey Recolour by Holy Simoly
- OMSP-Fireplace-recolour by JohnBrehaut1
- Victorian Quaint Fence in White by Holy Simoly by Holy Simoly
- Victorian Porch Fence in White by Holy Simoly
- Residential roof4 pink2 by mzcynnamon
- floor covering by Christine
- Set "ControCultura" Floor Marmo - Beechspecle by MaryLou-Numenor
- Carina SpotLight Modular Stairs by Numenor
- Georgian Double Doors by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian Entry Door by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian French Door by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian French Double Doors by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian French Double Doors by phoenix_phaerie
- Georgian Interior Door by phoenix_phaerie
- The Victorian Gate by Holy Simoly by Holy Simoly
- 1st Stair Wall Opening by Inge
- 2nd Stair Wall Opening by Inge
- Birch Tree Shrubby Larger by khakidoo
- Birch Tree Shrubby by khakidoo
- Modular Stairs by Numenor
- Scotch Pine by Numenor
- Doppelbreiter Bogen "breeze" by Olemantiker
- The Breeze - Special X-Mas-Edition by Olemantiker
- The Breeze - Special-X-Mas-Edition by Olemantiker
- Tür "breeze" by Von Olemantiker
- Doppelfenster "breeze" by Von Olemantiker
- Fenster "breeze" by Von Olemantiker
- Doppelfenster "breeze" by Olemantiker
- Doppelfenster "breeze" by Von Olemantiker
- Fenster "breeze" by von Olemantiker
- Fenster "breeze" by Olemantiker
- Timber Column by Reyn
- Rustic Timber Column by Reyn
- Fusion Window (1/3 height, center) by Tolli
- Fusion Window (1/3 height,top) by Tolli
- chrissy6930-numenor_carinalightstairs_white Recolour by Numenor
- ijStairwall Recolour by Inge
- rdrglx_invisibledriveway Recolour by roddyaleixo
- TimberColumnWhite Recolour by Reyn
- Fusion Window White Recolour by Tolli
- Fusion Window White Recolour by Tolli
- 4esfcarnation-Lgt Pink Recolour by SimVeggie
- Wall by karinssims
- Wall by Christine
- Wall by Christine
- Wall by karinssims
- Wall by Christine
- Wall by Mummysim
- wall by wallsims

Additional Credits:
Thanks to the content creators.

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