Three Honest to Dickens Mirrors for Discerning Victorians
Alien_small.JPG - width=400 height=480
Alien Baby Discernment
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Castaway Stories Wild Animal Detection
PorcelainSimMenu_large.jpg - width=1024 height=954
The Quaint Porcelain Discernment Mirror
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Sim Paranormal Detection
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Discerning Primary & Secondary Aspirations
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Discernment Mirrors: Original Menus
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Dickens Mirrors Title Picture
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Castaway Stories Sim Detection
sdChangeAlienStatus.jpg - width=1527 height=1440
Mirrors of Discernment: Change Alien Status
with Custom, Base Game & Castaway Meshes
Added Spirit Discernment - July 1, 2014
The mirrors now differentiate between a true Ghost (a dead Sim) and a Spirit (a live Sim with ghostly characteristics).
Find Sim/Pet Bugfix - June 28, 2014
This release fixes a bug that prevented the Castaway Stories "Find Sim" and "Find Pet" options from working. For The Sims 2, the "Find" options may work slightly faster in this version.
Upgrade #2: Alien & AL Upgrade - June 25, 2014
1) The mirrors are now capable of designating any Sim as a Quarter, Half, Three-Quarter or Full-Alien - or removing alien status - using the new "Change Alien Status" menu option.
2) Mirror discernment now includes the Apartment Life human statues, spectral assistants, spectral cats, warlocks and witches (including alignment), as well as the Holiday Edition Father Time, Santa Klaus, and Toddler New Year.
3) The new "Find Sim..." and "Find Pet..." menu options can be used to locate any character on the lot without waiting for the current interaction to finish.
4) For more positive identification, the Sim selection menus now include the whole name rather only the first name. Similarily, the "Check Sim" or "Check Pet" descriptions also provide the full name.
5) If Apartment Life or Mansion & Garden is available, the mirrors are now height adjustable.
6) Numerous minor optimizations have been made.
To benefit from this upgrade, please be sure to replace the Dickens recolours as well as the three mirror meshes. This applies to Castaway too.
1) All mirrors now report on the FreeTime secondary aspiration, as shown in the picture of Chrissy wearing the blue sweater below.
2) The Dickens mirror has been remeshed and optimized. Not only is the noticeable seam gone where the righthand panel joins the righthand arc, but the mesh now uses 44% less faces and 25% less vertices. The back is now non-recolourable and lower in resolution, but the front and sides are if anything somewhat higher in resolution. When one Dickens mirror is reflected in another the glass of the reflected mirror now becomes transparent, which conforms to the way that all EA/Maxis mirrors are designed.
3) The Strangetown characters Chloe Singles, Lola Singles, and Johnny Smith should logically be half aliens. However I discovered today that they are genetically full aliens and corrected the lookup table accordingly.
4) Please note that my Maxis Match Metallic Mirrors are now available as mirrors of discernment, with optional Castaway support.
Proceedings of the charity auction at the Royal Society of Muddlers, Robert Soakem of Soakem & Sons, Auctioneers, presiding
Lot 30, ladies and gentlemen: a most unusual collection of mirrors. The first item an authentic replica of a mirror found in the home of Mr. Charles Dickens at 48 Doughty Street in this fair city. Any one of you so fortunate as to attend one of Mr. Dickens's famous oratories might well wonder at how he developed such a finely tuned delivery. The answer of course was that he practiced long hours in front of his many mirrors, for which he had a great fondness.
Now in all fairness ladies and gentlemen, I must admit that this mirror has seen better days. The gilt finish is worn in places, although the glass is quite unblemished. But this is by no means an ordinary mirror! Mr. Dickens was known for his perceptive and accurate wit, his honest but at times indelicate observations on those in society, and his conscientious inquiries into the plight of the unfortunate poor.
But not only that, but it must be admitted that Mr. Dickens also dabbled in the occult sciences, and indeed this mirror may be the result of his researches. For here, ladies and gentlemen, is a most interesting device, one that not only displays the outer appearances, but may discern the most intimate of details to the practiced of eye, insights worthy of Mr. Dickens himself. Is Lady Agatha really only thirty as she claims? Are the aspirations of that pressing young suitor entirely honourable?
And too, what of the unspeakable horrors that wander our streets at night? Rumours of vampires, werewolves, and all manner of unearthly creatures. They may appear perfectly normal in outward appearance. But this occult mirror will reveal the truth of the matter, without fail. Worth every penny, at a reserved price of §1110.
May I add that there was a recent tale of a gentleman, a Castaway Story of one stranded in a far ocean, how he completely lost track of his days. And although the savages of that dark land had potions and elixirs that slow the toll of aging, he knew not that he had grown old, for he had not a mirror to tell him the simple truth. Thus he returned from that place old and withered, when there was no need.
Yes, it would prudent to consider this device very seriously! And indeed your whole household may protected in like manner. For this same science has also been applied to a porcelain mirror, suitable for a lesser room, with a reserved price of §205. Lastly there is this simple design in plain wood, such as the servants might use, reserved at §105.
Now then, what am I bid for the lot?
The "Alien" Question, as reported in the Thames Daily Mirror, April the first, in the year eighteen hundred, nine and seventy
The honourable member for East Wessex, Lord Horatio Higgenbottom, rose to address the Commons:
There have been pressing questions in the House of late, in regards to what has been called the "Alien" Question, on the matter of unearthly creatures who are said to have descended upon the City. As we all know, her majesty's government offers assistance to those unfortunates who have been abducted by these foul creatures, in the manner of scholarships. I am pleased to announce today that this scholarship benefit will also be available to those who claim descendance from an unnatural union with these aliens, in the amount of §1500.
All users except Castaway: please install the contents of in a Downloads folder. This archive contains the Dickens mirror and two recolours, the Porcelain Quaint mirror, the Simple Value mirror and the Alien token. Please be sure to include the Alien token no matter which mirrors you use.
Castaway users: please install the contents of in a Downloads folder. As in the regular game or other Stories games, please be sure to include the Alien token.
Terms of Use
You may include any of these mirrors and/or the Alien token in uploaded lots, whether free or for pay. You may also make and distribute your own recolours other than in lots, provided that the original meshes are not included. The BHAV coding for these mirrors may also be reused, in whole or in part, and I would strongly encourage that the Alien token be adopted as a standard basis for alien identification. In any of these three cases, please provide a credit and link back to this page. It would also be nice if you sent me a PM with a link to your creation, but this is not necessary. Please do not upload the original meshes or original recolours otherwise than in lots.
Additional Credits
Corel WEB.PhotoPaint, GIMP 2 Microsoft Photo Editor and Microsoft Paint for graphics texturing, processing, sizing, and labeling
For the presentation, I used clothing and scenery from The Dark Project, particularly in the case of Chrissy
Inge Jones, pljones, and Pescado at this SimPE forum thread for their invaluable help with game version testing
Inge's teleporters from the Simlogical site for species and paranormal testing
Jfade's Compressorizer for minimizing file size
Milkshape 3D and Ultimate Unwrap3D Pro, for 3D modeling
Numenor's AnyGameStarter, for development and testing
Phaenoh's Sci-Fi Starter Families were extremely valuable for playtesting
SimPE, PJSE, and CEP for Sims 2 object creation
1) By selecting either "Check Self" or "Check Sim", these mirrors detect the paranormal status, age group, days to next age transition, gender and aspiration of any Sim currently on the lot, whether the mirror is used at home or on community property.
2) If animals are present, "Check Pet" will display the gender, species, age group, and days to next age transition of any creature on the lot.
3) When using either the "Check" or "Find" menu options, the camera will zoom in on the selected Sim or Pet, which makes the mirrors handy for locating a lost character. For situations in which the player wishes to find a special character, such as a Grand Vampire or the Leader of the Pack, this feature is particularly useful.
4) These mirrors support the base game and all subsequent expansions, as well as the three Stories games. The enhanced Check Self feature, now applicable to all ages from child through elder, is available in all versions. In all but the base game, "Check/Find Sim..." and "Check/Find Pet..." are also available. The particular mirror functions that were added later, such as "Change Appearance of Toddler" and "Change Appearance of Pet", are supported in their appropriate expansions.
5) The Stories editions do not contain the full Ask dialogue options that the regular game supports. The aspiration feature of these mirrors is therefore very convenient when playing these games, to help determine what makes a visiting character tick.
6) Castaway Stories does not indicate character age, even though Sims do age just as they would in the regular game. Again, these mirrors are particularly valuable in this situation. Apart from a modification to give correct catalogue placement, the Castaway mirrors are identical to those for the standard game, and use the same GUIDs. Note that the Porcelain Quaint and Simple Value mirrors are normally hidden objects within Castaway.
7) FreeTime has complicated the aspiration system with the introduction of secondary aspirations. The mirrors correctly report on the secondary aspiration, if present.
8) The following paranormals are decoded, including up to any five types in combination: Quarter-Alien, Half-Alien, Three-Quarter-Alien, Full-Alien, Ancient Patriarch (Father Time), Angel of Death (Grim Reaper), Angel of Rebirth (Toddler New Year), Bigfoot, Friendly Rabbit (Social Bunny), Disembodied Attacker (evil Spectral ASsistant), Ghost (dead Sim), Jolly Old Elf (Santa Klaus), Nameless Servant (good or neutral Spectral Assistant), Petrified Performer (Human Statue), Plantsim, Servo, Spirit (an alive but Ghost-like Sim), Spirit of the Lamp (Genie), Vampire, Grand Vampire, Warlocks and Witches (whether Atrociously Evil, Evil, Mean, Neutral, Nice, Good or Infallibly Good), Werewolf and Zombie (including Hula Zombie).
9) The following animal species are detected, but since combinations appear to be impossible within the game none are supported: Incongruous Bird (Penguin), Orangutan, Wolf Leader, Wolf, Large Dog, Small Dog, Skunk, Cat, Spectral Cat, Hyena, and Jaguar. (Actually one combination only is supported: that of Ghost plus species name, for example, "Mata the Ghost Jaguar")
10) All age groups are supported, including Young Adult. For animals, the mirrors differentiate between the correct form for infant animals: whether Puppy, Kitten, or simply Baby. The unique transition of Plantsim Toddler directly to Adult is also properly identified.
11) The game does not have a convenient system for detecting the alien skintone genotype. These mirrors identify the legacy aliens in Strangetown by using a GUID lookup table. In addition, the children of legacy aliens are detected by an algorithm that checks if either of their parents were aliens. Another algorithm analyses the memories of both parents to determine if the child was born as a result of an alien abduction. The results of these calculations are also used to set the custom Alien Token as well as to adjust the Miscellaneous Skills token's Alien Abduction value. In cases where the detection does not work, such as for CAS aliens, the "Change Alien Status" menu may be used to properly identify alien heritage. Teenage Alien Sims may claim the Alien Abuction scholarship of §1500. For technical details, please refer to this thread.
12) The Quaint Porcelain and Simple Value mirrors use the repository technique to support all the recolours available for the originals. There are many recolours that may be downloaded for the Value mirror, of which you will find five sets under my profile.
13) The Dickens mirror occupies the full width of its tile so that several mirrors may be hung side by side and appear to join up. However, like any other full width wall hanging (the Lady on Red painting is a good example), part of the frame will be cut off if the object is placed in a corner. If you really need to have the mirror in a corner, please use boolProp snapObjectsToGrid false to adjust its lateral position.
Contents List
- Honest to Dickens Mirror of Discernment
- Silver Recolour of the Dickens mirror
- Bronze Recolour of the Dickens mirror
- Porcelain Oval Mirror of Discernment
- Simple Value Mirror of Discernment
- Alien Token for tracking alien status
- Honest to Dickens Mirror of Discernment, for Castaway
- Silver Recolour of the Dickens Mirror, for Castaway
- Bronze Recolour of the Dickens mirror, for Castaway
- Porcelain Oval Mirror of Discernment, for Castaway
- Simple Value Mirror of Discernment, for Castaway
- Alien Token for tracking alien status, for Castaway
Polygon Counts:
Note that the Castaway and Sims 2 meshes are identical
- Honest to Dickens Mirror of Discernment - 697 faces, 791 vertices
- Porcelain Oval Mirror of Discernment - 678 faces, 578 vertices
- Simple Value Mirror of Discernment - 96 faces, 192 vertices
This is a new mesh, and means that it's a brand new self contained object that usually does not require a specific Pack (although this is possible depending on the type). It may have Recolours hosted on MTS - check below for more information.
| Dickens Mirrors, Alien Token and Recolours for Castaway Stories
Uploaded: 22nd Apr 2008, 280.9 KB.
| Dickens Mirrors, Alien Token and Recolours for the Sims 2
Uploaded: 22nd Apr 2008, 281.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file.
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64: /Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 18th Jun 2017 at 7:09 PM - Added thread summary
#Dickens, #mirror, #Victorian, #London, #mirrors, #aspiration detection, #age detection, #animal, #species, #paranormal, #alien, #scholarship, #Porcelain Quaint, #Simple Value, #discernment
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8+ Maxis Match "Value" Mirror Completion Set
Ten Maxis Match "Value" Mirror Recolours
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