Sims Can Get Sick! Diseases Dysentery and Dramatitis (1.50 Compatible)
Patch 1.42-1.50.
Like many Sims 3 players, I was disappointed that the Sims 3 did not have diseases like in the Sims 2 (until Seasons came out). A HUGE thanks to Twallan for making the Vector mod for diseases in the Sims 3 and providing tutorials for making diseases such as the ones I created!
So I present to you Dramatitis and Dysentery.
Dysentery works similar to the real disease. Warning: Heavy symptoms. Sims with Dysentery will be quite miserable and unproductive while they are sick!
Main Symptoms:
- Faster bladder drop
- Faster hunger drop (Simulates dehydration)
- Faster energy drop
- Vomiting
- Weight loss
Sims with Dysentery are moderately contagious so if you want you Sim to feel better, get them to the hospital for treatment. Otherwise, Sims will get better on their own in about a Sim week give or take a few days.
Ages affected: Toddler and up. (The drop in hunger is noticable, but not super significant and will not cause hunger to drop to the point where Sims starve. Toddlers and children will be fine, but will have to be looked after more carefully.)
Dramatitis makes Sims act even more... dramatic than usual. Basically, it makes Sims even more emotional than they already are and act crazy. Warning: Severe symptoms in second stage of disease! Getting Sims to do anything productive will probably be difficult!
Main Symptoms:
- Panic, Anger, and Excitement idles
- Trouble sleeping
- Disease-related moodlets (Scared buff, AfraidOfTheDark buff
- Fainting
- Mourning/crying
Ages Affected: Child and up.
NOTE: The first stage of this disease is fairly mild but the second is *very* severe and can keep Sims from functioning! Fortunately for your Sims, it is hardly contagious. The stages for this are also vary quite a bit in length. For example, Sims may stay in the minor stage of the disease for many days or just a few and likewise with the severe stage. Sims will also go into "remission" after going through the other stages or fighting off the infection.
Sims can be get immune boosters and be diagnosed at the hospital rabbithole. If you get very tired of your Sims being sick/want to cure them or want to infect them with a disease, turn on debugging under NRaas/Vector. You can then click on the Sim, and select NRaas/Vector and "Cure", "Infect", etc.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do I need Seasons for Dramatitis and Dysentery to work?
A: No. You only need the Sims 3 base game.
Q: What module of Twallan's Vector mod should I download?
A: You only need the base module for the diseases to work. Other modules Twallan has such as long-term diseases, minor diseases, etc. are optional. However, my diseases will do NOTHING if you do not have base module of Vector is not installed!
Q: I don't see the mod in-game when I click on a computer or City Hall. What should I do?
A: Make sure you have the MOST recent version Twallan's basic Vector module installed and that your game has the lastest EA patch. Under a computer or City Hall, you should see Dysentery and Dramatitis listed under NRaas/Vector/Diseases. From there, you can Enabled or Disable them.
Q: Are you taking requests?
A: At the moment, I am not not requests. Real life and college restrict my time quite a bit. However, I may create additional diseases in the future IF time permits. Once again, unfortunately, there are no guarentees.
For more information, please see the FAQ for Vector Twallan kindly made:
Twallan: For creating the Vector mod that made this all possible! Also for answering questions for me and writing some great tutorials on making custom diseases.
Made with S3PE by Peter Jones and Packer by Twallan.
Uploaded: 31st Dec 2012, 12.9 KB.
Uploaded: 31st Dec 2012, 9.4 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
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Updated: 4th Mar 2013 at 1:59 AM - Making description easier to read. Added FAQ section
#disease, #ill, #illness, #sick, #vector, #custom diseases, #dramatitis, #dysentery
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