Dune Fremen Eyes
fremeneyes.jpg - width=251 height=359
Also... knowing Dune is a source of much geeker debating (and from the comments I've heard thus far by those I've shown it to that know the books), this is my personal take on how the eyes should look. The miniseries has them considerably lighter... If anyone can offer direct quotes from the books regarding exactly how they should look (my copy of Dune seems to have walked off), I would be happy to make changes accordingly.
Also also... I checked again, and the dress in the screenshot is tooltipped as "Uni Outfit for Adults by faeriegurl S2C" so... Thanks, faeriegurl!
Uploaded: 17th Apr 2005, 14.3 KB.
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Updated: 23rd Nov 2008 at 2:49 PM by Crazyfoolgaf
*requested* Dune Eyes - Movie and Book versions
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