Servas Need Variety, Too! - 23 recolors of the Serva dress
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Getting back into the swing of things after a long hiatus, appeased mostly by World of Warcraft (but then, isn't that how it always goes with The Sims? Play for a while then drop it for a while before the siren song brings you back?) This time, I decided to take Annelae's Sim, Serva or Servo?!?!!, which unlocks servo outfits for non-testingcheats use, and give our Servo ladies a bit more colour options. Hot pink was already covered, so I left that out, but I used all the rest of my (current!) palette.
I also got 3/4 of the way through taking screenshots before I remembered that taking them outside would make them appear far too bright (and the lighting changed on me a little with winter weather--it's been a while since I've done this), so I included a couple of screenshots inside a CC-free house.

As you can see, the one that looks like it might be the one that's too bright is really no brighter than the EAxis standard whites when put into a household, and that the inside of the skirt is recolored, too.
I've put it both in Formal, following the placement of the default Serva, and Everyday, so if you wanted, you could have a Servo who wears yellow during the day, but gussies up into a slinky black number at black-tie events. (I say "slinky"...they all have the same cloth cut and material, but if I can work something out without having to fool with the mesh, I may come up with something one day maybe but probably not.)
To use on your Serva:
You'll need some kind of way to make your Servos change clothes. I personally like using MaryLou & Numenor's "Shop-at-home" Hacked Coat Hook, which lets me buy clothes for free just standing there. Buy the upgrade, tell her to plan everyday, and boom. Instant color variety!
| Dresses in my full standard color pallette except hot pink
Uploaded: 18th Nov 2017, 9.52 MB.
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About Me
That said, I’m a D&D and World of Warcraft nerd, a Trekkie, a Whovian, a Babylon 5 fan, Marvel comics fan (generally cosmics and mystics), lover of dad jokes, and habitually have too many projects at once. Knowledge and pleasure aspirations, geek trait, fond of reusing things in ways they were never meant to be used.
Any pronouns except it/its are fine.