Cozy Castle (from the "bin") Maxis Makeover - now with 2Bd/2.5Ba ~ Minimal CC

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Not every Sim can pull off living in a Castle - which may be why this modest little abode (that EAxis gave us with the Apartment Life EP) is found in the Lots and Houses Bin, and not already placed in a 'hood. The original house is on a rather large and underused lot. And, though the 'sticker' says it has 1.5 baths, it actually only has 1 bath - and that is located upstairs in the Master Suite. There is a small empty room on the first floor that is probably meant to be the .5 bathroom, but it's not plumbed... maybe it's just a closet? Anywho... I believe a Castle should have a dungeon (basement) and at least one hidden room - so I made a few changes. Check out the pictures below to compare, and see what all I did:

The whole house was shifted over 3 tiles to the right from it's original placement to accommodate the sideways placement of the garage. The second story balcony is still there, and you can easily redo the roof so it shows, but I liked the 'cleaner' look better with the roof hiding it.

The garage is oversized by 1 tile all around - so your sims won't get stuck. And because it is set sideways, cars will teleport to the road (you will not get the car-turning-in-the-driveway animation) There are two doors at the back of the garage - one goes directly into the kitchen (for groceries) and the other goes to the back porch/yard.

Upstairs, instead of one combined bedroom/bathroom - which is still there, albeit reworked, there is also a child's bedroom with a separate bathroom. Both bedrooms have doors leading out to the patio (above the garage.) There is empty space on the landing for a study desk, TV area, or whatever you need it for.

Please scroll through all the pictures above to see all this house has to offer. Remember I said there was a basement, a hidden attic room, a walled garden, and more!

This lot has been play-tested; everything is accessible and in good working order. Invisible smoke alarms are under the range hood in the kitchen and at the grill outside, the phone is on the wall in the kitchen, and the burglar alarm is by the front door. I added a bit more furniture than Maxis originally gave us with this house - but, decorations are still at a minimum. Please personalize it to meet your sims whims.

Let's go house-hunting with the Gavigans...

This is a clean copy if the lot - no Sim has set foot in it. The package has been cleaned with both Mootilda's Clean Installer and Chris Hatch's Lot Compressor (read about it HERE ) and then double checked with SimPE - it's as squeaky as they come!

Necessary, and NOT included - GO get them:
Backless Tub/Shower by HL @ MTS2
Invisible Driveway by SophieDavid @ MTS2
Lifestyle Build Bundle - It's the second link in the top post - extracted from Lifestyle Stories by Argon @ MATY. I used wallpapers and floors from this set.

Standard mods I use that are not necessary nor included - but were probably used whilst building/photo-ing/prepping this house for upload...
I use Moi's Roof Shader for brighter roofs
Maranatah's White Wall Top texture replacement
Moo's Turn On/Off Lights
Menaceman's Lunatech Lighting Fix
BeosBoxBoy's no-red-pause-mod
I also use FRAPs to take in-game pictures, and PhotoShop to clean/collage said pictures.
And, I highly recommend using gummilutt's Invisible Medicine Cabinet to add features to any mirror - as per her policy, it's not used or included in this lot.

Lot Size: 3x3
Lot Price (furnished): $99,158

Custom Content Included:
- Indestructible Stairs in Concrete by HugeLunatic @ MTS2
- Indestructible Stairs in Concrete - Open by HugeLunatic @ MTS2 - follow HL's instructions to install these stairs properly.
- InvisibleSmokeAlarm by pfish @ MTS2

Additional Credits:
Thank you EAxis for this wonderful game
And, MTS2 for this terrific website!
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