Animated - Glowing Crystal Rocks - Updated 19-07-2019

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Want to see the Crystal Rocks glow in-game and get more info on how to use this object, please click this Youtube Video Link:
Bakies The Sims 4 Custom Content: Animated - Glowing Crystal Rocks (it's only 4:22 minutes long)

There's also another bigger version of another Crystal Rocks object, which can be perfectly combined with these normal Crystal Rocks.
If you're curious abouth that version, please click this Youtube Video Link:
Bakies The Sims 4 Custom Content: Animated - HUGE Glowing Crystal Rocks (it's only 5:10 minutes long)

This file has been UPDATED on 19-07-2019.
Now these items are also placeable on the Ocean's floor.
Please RE-DOWNLOAD and delete the old files!

Animated - Glowing Crystal Rocks
Where for my former mod I used the water dripping effect that can be seen in Forgotten Grotto, this time I unlocked the Crystal Rocks that can be found in there too and added an on/off switch to activate glow and sound.
By default there's only 1 version to unlock from the game, which is a version that can be placed on the ground. I thought that it would be cool to also have a version that can be placed onto the ceiling and one that can be placed onto walls.
This is especially useful in a custom cave like the one on the thumbnail of this mod.

Besides these 2 extra versions, you can also choose between 3 different recolors: Pink, Purple and Turquoise.
Just be aware that because of the fact that they all use a different tuning, you can't use the recolor tool on them.
So if you want to use another color then the pink one, you will have to go back in buy mode, click the colorstripes on the thumbnail and choose the desired recolor.

Each of them has it's own glow-color + sound too, which can be activated for each of them by simply clicking the object and choosing the "switch on" option.
If you want the glow to dissapear, simply click the object again and choose "Switch off" (or something similar in your own language).
Be aware that after switching them off, the sound will stay. If you want to disable the sound too, you will have to restart the whole game to be sure the sound is totally gone. This is a problem with the effect itself and can't be fixed by the lot with the Crystal Rocks.
In my opinion though, having only the sound isn't that disturbing if other Crystal Rocks still glow.

Want to see how the glow looks in-game, how they sound and want to learn some more about how to use them, please click the video link at the top of this page below the image.

Object information:
These mods are Base Game Compatible
They're standalone objects, so they won't override any other objects in game.
You can find them in Buy mode > Decoration > Misc OR type Crystal into the search bar.
You can also recognize them by my "BakieGaming" icon in the lower right corner of the thumbnail.
The cost are: 11 Simoleons each.

Game Requirements:
Base Game Compatible

Game Version:
Tested with gameversion:

Custom Content used in the Thumbnail:
Raisable Rocks - Jungle Cliff Walls
Raisable Rocks - Jungle Cliff Ceilings
Animated Water Shimmering - Updated 7-7-'18
Amanita Muscaria - Glowing Mushroom

I Hope you like these Animated Glowing Crystal Rocks and will give me some credit if used in screenshots or videos!

>> Want to share my mods? <<
Besides giving me credit and linking back to this page, I would appreciate it if you could add my video instead of (only) the thumbnail.

Additional Credits:
Thanks to the Sims 4 Studio
Thanks Adobe for making Photoshop
Creator Recommendations:
I have also made some other CC like Animated Objects/Walls/Floors/Animals, Invisible Dance Floors, Transparent Floor Windows, Pool Water Recolors, Backdrop & Trolley Replacements, (Dynamic Light) Objects & Clothing, Facemasks, Wallpapers, Floors, Stickers, Paintings, Unlocked Item Packs and other recolored objects. To see and or download them, please take a look at my profile page:
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