Standing Throw Up Enable +"UUURRRRPPP!"mood 5H Option!
mts11.png - width=1792 height=1008
mts12.png - width=393 height=322
Sims 4 Screenshot 2023.02.24 - - width=1920 height=1080
Sims 4 Screenshot 2023.02.23 - - width=1920 height=1080
This mod will enable the vomit action by clicking on your Sims themselves when they are in a mood where they can vomit.
As an Option, I prepared a file that "UUURRRRPPP!" mood effects time extends 5 hours in-game . The EA default is 1 hour. This is too short to get that timing, right?
Please note that this will cause the surrounding NPCs to vomit one after another due to lot traits etc.
There are also other files that enhance standing vomiting. Please read the explanation.
- The download section has been reorganized.
As a result, some file names and specifications have changed. (28/07/2024)
- Fixed an issue where puddles might not generate for some players after the February update.This simply fixed the puddle tuning ID which was still the WereWolves pack ID to BaseGame ID. (20/03/2024)
- Added "buff_Object_RanchNectar_PassedOut" to the whitelist of buffs that allow vomiting.
- Moved "ToiletPuke_noNauseaRelieve" to "Toilet Throw Up Without Mood/Buff".
- Added WihoutBuff addon file based on KatelynnExisrs's suggestion.(22/03/2023)
- Added ManyTimes and MakePuddle file based on tater1212's suggestion.(24/02/2023)
Enables the standing vomiting action.
This is the simplest file with no other changes.
If your Sim has one of these moodlets and clicks on Sims themselves, the command to vomit will appear.
- buff_Pregnancy_NotShowing
- Eating for Two!
- Pregnant: 1st Trimester
- Pregnant: 2nd Trimester
- Nauseous
- Food Poisoned
- buff_Festival_Food_Autonomy_Vomit
- buff_Vampire_Weaknesses_WitheredStomach
- What Was in That!?
- Moonpetal Stillness
- Foul Flora
- Wolf's Bane
These files add further enhancements to Standing Vomit.
These cannot be used in combination with PukeSelfActionTrue file.
There are multiple files in the folder, so please use one of them.
- Add moodlet in which vomiting is enabled.
Otherwise, no different than the PukeSelfActionTrue file.
All Plus files have these additional moodlet.
Added moodlet
- Over-Nectared
This mood does not disappear even after vomiting
- Creates a puddle around Sims when they standing vomit.
The generated puddle is from within the game,I have not made any changes to the object.
(22/03/2023) Changed puddle to in-game clone CC.
- The Nausea Buff does not disappear after vomit when standing.
Sims can vomit any number of times within the buff time. If vomit in the toilet, the buff will disappear.
- Sims can vomit any number of times within the buff time and Creates a puddles.
This is a little dangerous. On the other hand, game situations and Sims are so whimsical that the chaos you expect may not occur.
Puddles outside the lot cannot be mopped. It disappears when you move the map. Finally, you can also erase it with the object destruction of the debug command.
There is a possibility that these will not disappear due to unpredictable errors, so please use this knowing the risks. (However, in my tests, in the screenshot situation, these all disappeared when I moved to another map.

Changed puddle to CC. Tuning is using as it is from within the game, so the function is the same.
Therefore, removing the mod should also remove the puddle.
(The CC version puddle has also been tested at the Spice Festival.)
There are Addon file. This need used with one of the PukeSelfActionTrue file and the XML Injector to work.
- Your sims can Standing Vomit without buffs/Moods. Can be used with any of the PukeSelfActionTrue files.
(It may not come out in the FoodPoisoning situation, Perhaps it should work in used with ManyTimes or ManyTimesAndPuddle.)
These are optional. It can be used in combination with either file or alone.
- "UUURRRRPPP!! mood" that required for the vomiting action time of effect extends 1 hour to 5 hours in-game.
- Adds a menu that allows you immediately give sim "UUURRRRPPP!! mood" to when you clicking on the sim. There are no other MODs required.
Click "Cheat Emotion Intensity"→"Uncomfortable"→"Uncomfortable"
This is a simply override for the in-game debug menu.
Therefore, if you use MCCC, you will notice that only Uncomfortable commands have been changed.
I made this to check my own mods, but I decided to share it.
When I saw my Sim vomiting while standing autonomously, I wondered why I couldn't control this. And it turned out to be possible with a very simple value rewrite.
This was previously uploaded as a joke for my inner circle, but I wanted to share more because I seriously needed this myself
Modified XML file
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
bloom_Puke_SelfActionTrue.package | package | 1544 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
bloom_Puke_SelfActionTrue_Plus.package | package | 1571 |
bloom_Puke_SelfActionTrue_Plus_MakePuddle.package | package | 50166 |
bloom_Puke_SelfActionTrue_Plus_ManyTime.package | package | 1556 |
bloom_Puke_SelfActionTrue_Plus_ManyTimeAndPuddle.package | package | 50158 |
USE ONLY ONE OF THESE FILES.txt | txt | 877 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
bloom_BuffSicknessNeedToPuke_5H.package | package | 970 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
bloom_PukeSelfActionTrue_addonWithoutBuffs_Xmlinjector.package | package | 1952 |
Filename | Type | Size |
---|---|---| | zip | |
bloom_BuffSicknessNeedToPuke_Quickly_Available.package | package | 1433 |
Filename | Type | Size |
[OUTDATED] | zip | |
bloom_PukeSelfActionTrue.package | package | 1571 |
bloom_PukeSelfActionTrue_MakePuddle.package | package | 51562 |
bloom_PukeSelfActionTrue_ManyTimes.package | package | 1551 |
bloom_PukeSelfActionTrue_ManyTimesAndPuddl.package | package | 51546 |
USE ONLY ONE OF THESE FILES.txt | txt | 776 |
Uploaded: 28th Jul 2024, 1.7 KB.
Uploaded: 28th Jul 2024, 99.6 KB.
Uploaded: 15th Dec 2023, 1.1 KB.
Uploaded: 5th Sep 2023, 2.1 KB.
Uploaded: 15th Dec 2023, 1.6 KB.
Uploaded: 28th Jul 2024, 100.0 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the File tab to see the download link. Click the link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
Read the upload description for installation instructions. If nothing else is specified, do the following:
2. Extract: Use WinRAR (Windows) to extract the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) from the .rar or .zip file(s).
3. Cut and paste the .package file(s) (if included, ts4script as well) into your Mods folder
- Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
- Windows Vista/7/8/8.1: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\Electronic Arts\The Sims 4\Mods\
Need more information?
- Anyone can use both .rar and .zip files easily! On Windows, use WinRAR.
- If you don't have a Mods folder, just make one.
- Mod still not working? Make sure you have script mods enabled
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Updated: 28th Jul 2024 at 6:43 AM
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About Me
The MODs I create do not have complicated mechanisms, so I don't think they need to be updated with every game patch.
If the mods doesn't work, let me know. I can't reply quickly, but I'll look into it.
Other small miscellaneous mods I've made.