Maxis Match Paintings and Posters
thumbnail.jpg - width=898 height=629
swatch-BG-Civic-Castaway.jpg - width=959 height=1008
swatch-BG-Civic-Easel-Homework-Invisible.jpg - width=913 height=1029
swatch-BV-Travel-Castaway.jpg - width=990 height=1011
swatch-BV-Travel-Easel-Homework-Invisible.jpg - width=912 height=1029
exampleroom.jpg - width=1100 height=743
I learned how to make invisible recolours that don't contain empty textures by following this tutorial by Skell and these tips by vegan-kaktus and deedee-sims.
2 files updated:
- BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-z-invisible
- BV-PtgTravel-Corax-z-invisible
I wanted to get a bit more use out of the pictures Sims draw on the easel. Additionally, I wanted the option to hang them in poster form (messy, with the tape and everything) as well as in framed form. I specifically decided to recolour the Civic Idol poster and the TravelKeeper painting because of this awesome object by shastakiss. It is a clothesline repositoried to those two pictures. I thought it would be really neat if it would look like kids hung up their first drawings or if teenagers that are into art can hang their favourite prints on a clothesline. For ultimate customisation of this clothesline object I included an invisible recolour of each wall hanging.
Included are all 15 Base Game and FreeTime paintings Sims can draw on the easel and all 12 paintings that Sims can draw in Castaway Stories.
Note: StrangeTomato already put the Castaway Stories alien painting on the TravelKeeper painting. At first I pondered not uploading my version but ultimately decided to do it anyway for two reasons: Firstly, for the sake of completeness and having all the Castaway Stories paintings in one place. Secondly, because I cropped the image slightly differently and this way the Civic Idol poster and the TravelKeeper painting match (I realise most people wouldn't be bothered this. But I am, so I figured chances are there are a few other people out there that also care about that sort of thing).
Then I also cleaned up and added the 4 covers of the homework kids bring home from school. There was a Freezer Bunny on there so I couldn't resist.
"Civic Idol" by Adora Wall Arts
Buy Mode \ Decorative \ Wall Hangings (§50)
Base Game
Collectible Poster by TravelKeeperFiles have been compressorized. The recolours in the swatches are lined up in alphabetical order to make it easier to find the ones you want to keep (first row left to right, then second row left to right, and so on).
Buy Mode \ Decorative \ Wall Hangings (§149)
Bon Voyage is required
CC/Mods used for screenshots:
- Clothesline Art repositoried to BG Civic Idol Poster and BV TravelKeeper Painting by shastakiss
- Buyable Game Objects by HugeLunatic
- MOAR Slots by hafiseazale
- Revisited OMSPs by SilentLucidity
- Shiftable Everything by Lamare
- No Pause Frame by Nopke
- All the creators mentioned above
- Skell for the Null (Texture-less) Groups Tutorial and vegan-kaktus for the additional tips
- The creators of SimPE and CEP
- jfade for The Compressorizer
- Maxis and EA for the game in general and especially for the textures I used
Filename | Type | Size |
BG-PtgPosterCivic.rar | rar | |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CSmonkeys.package | package | 40718 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CSnautilus.package | package | 46684 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CStikimask.package | package | 48506 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-EaselBeginner-Cheese.package | package | 43243 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-EaselBeginner-House.package | package | 48132 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-EaselBeginner-Llama.package | package | 39504 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-EaselBeginner-Pink.package | package | 49537 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-EaselBeginner-Tiger.package | package | 46366 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-EaselBeginner-Tulip.package | package | 49850 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Easel-CheeseAbstract.package | package | 38097 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Easel-CheeseRealism.package | package | 50590 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Easel-Clowns.package | package | 53694 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Easel-Creek.package | package | 52061 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Easel-Geometric.package | package | 54543 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Easel-Night.package | package | 39540 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Easel-RedYellow.package | package | 44030 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Easel-SunsetTrees.package | package | 52946 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Easel-WillWright.package | package | 45425 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Homework-Elephant.package | package | 22153 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Homework-FreezerBunny.package | package | 25451 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Homework-Gnome.package | package | 19893 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-Homework-Monkey.package | package | 23922 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-z-invisible.package | package | 1383 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CSalien.package | package | 48047 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CSdancer.package | package | 51656 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CSgod1.package | package | 47678 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CSgod2.package | package | 50227 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CSgorilla.package | package | 48498 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CSjaguar.package | package | 53861 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CSlandscape1.package | package | 44843 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CSlandscape2.package | package | 39614 |
BG-PtgPosterCivic-Corax-CSlandscape3.package | package | 52061 |
Filename | Type | Size |
BV-PtgTravel.rar | rar | |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Easel-CheeseAbstract.package | package | 32628 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Easel-CheeseRealism.package | package | 40679 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Easel-Clowns.package | package | 42358 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Easel-Creek.package | package | 42167 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Easel-Geometric.package | package | 42853 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Easel-Night.package | package | 31873 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Easel-RedYellow.package | package | 35003 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Easel-SunsetTrees.package | package | 41667 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Easel-WillWright.package | package | 36537 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Homework-Elephant.package | package | 19434 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Homework-FreezerBunny.package | package | 21832 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Homework-Gnome.package | package | 17670 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-Homework-Monkey.package | package | 20789 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-z-invisible.package | package | 1271 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CSalien.package | package | 39104 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CSdancer.package | package | 41517 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CSgod1.package | package | 38922 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CSgod2.package | package | 40502 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CSgorilla.package | package | 39467 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CSjaguar.package | package | 43808 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CSlandscape1.package | package | 36874 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CSlandscape2.package | package | 32748 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CSlandscape3.package | package | 42389 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CSmonkeys.package | package | 33878 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CSnautilus.package | package | 38322 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-CStikimask.package | package | 39454 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-EaselBeginner-Cheese.package | package | 34643 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-EaselBeginner-House.package | package | 38739 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-EaselBeginner-Llama.package | package | 31729 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-EaselBeginner-Pink.package | package | 38992 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-EaselBeginner-Tiger.package | package | 37279 |
BV-PtgTravel-Corax-EaselBeginner-Tulip.package | package | 39461 |
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
Uploaded: 18th Mar 2024, 1.19 MB.
Uploaded: 18th Mar 2024, 991.9 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
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Updated: 18th Mar 2024 at 1:15 PM
#Alien, #Art, #Canvas, #Castaway Stories Conversion, #Easel, #Freezer Bunny, #Gnome, #Grilled Cheese, #Llama, #Maxis Match, #Painting, #Recolor, #Recolour, #Spaceship, #UFO, #Wall Hanging, #Will Wright, #Civic Idol by Adora Wall Arts, #Collectible Poster by TravelKeeper
- Clothesline Art repositoried to BG Civic Idol Poster and BV TravelKeeper Painting
- BV TravelKeeper Poster AddOns
by shameless_wedgie 19th Apr 2005 at 6:29pm
1 4.2k 1
by hammarn 22nd Nov 2005 at 5:55pm
2 3.7k
by hammarn 22nd Nov 2005 at 6:01pm
4 4.7k 1
Recolors for Collectible Poster by TravelKeeper
by art_pale_fina 6th Feb 2023 at 7:51am
+1 packs
Bon Voyage
Collectible Poster By Travel Keeper Frame Recolours
by Michelle 16th Sep 2024 at 11:30pm
+1 packs
Bon Voyage
Lost & Found CAS Lamp in the Yeti Palette (+2 Extra Colours)
by Corax 12th Jan 2023 at 11:37pm
4 3.7k 16
VÄNNA Mirror with Maxis Match Pictures
by Corax 10th Nov 2022 at 10:13pm
+1 packs
Ikea Home
Modern Slim Phone in the Yeti Palette (+2 Extra Colours)
by Corax 11th Jan 2023 at 12:18am
Nanashi's modern phone ( in the Yeti palette, plus the colours fairy floss and lemon drop (to match Michelle's Yeti more...
2 4.8k 22
Vintage Rotary Phone in the Yeti Palette (+2 Extra Colours)
by Corax updated 17th Jan 2023 at 12:08am
14 5.5k 25
Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Bon Voyage |