Recolours from Castaway Stories
thumbnail.jpg - width=1759 height=991
overview.jpg - width=2335 height=1384
swatch-BG-PlntFicus.jpg - width=1573 height=2259
swatch-BG-PlntFigtree.jpg - width=1586 height=790
swatch-BG-PlntHosta.jpg - width=1870 height=517
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swatch-BG-StairsHolysmoke.jpg - width=1416 height=844
WhatIsTheDifference.jpg - width=1347 height=1983
I went through the Stories to Sims 2 Conversion Database and made a list of things that hadn't been converted yet. And then I picked out the things I was capable of converting myself, namely recolours and walls.
No-Fuss Ficus
Buy Mode \ Decorative \ Plants (§300)
Base Game
Fruitless Fig Tree
Buy Mode \ Decorative \ Plants (§333)
Base Game
Hosta La Vista
Buy Mode \ Decorative \ Plants (§90)
Base Game
Ring-O-Posies Commercial Planter
Buy Mode \ Decorative \ Plants (§175)
Pets is required
Hula Dancer Lamp
Buy Mode \ Lighting \ Table Lamps (§105)
Seasons is required
Live Mode \ Rewards \ Aspiration Rewards (5'000 Aspiration Points)
Base Game
Thinking Cap
Live Mode \ Rewards \ Aspiration Rewards (16'000 Aspiration Points)
Base Game
Live Mode \ Rewards \ Aspiration Rewards (17'500 Aspiration Points)
Base Game
Elixir of Life
Live Mode \ Rewards \ Aspiration Rewards (30'580 Aspiration Points)
Base Game
Dingy White Tile
Build Mode \ Wall Coverings \ Tile (§2)
Base Game
Holy Smoke StairsNotes:
Build Mode \ Staircases \ Connecting Stairs (§80)
REQUIRES recolourable version from HERE
- Richief already recoloured the round plant pots from Pets (reuploaded by shastakiss here). I redid them for 3 reasons:
- Richief's pots are shinier than they are in Castaway Stories.
- Richief's file includes 3 recolours but there are 4 in total in the game files. Although it needs to be said that the dark terracotta version from Castaway Stories looks very similar to the dark terracotta that came with Pets. The one from Castaway Stories just has a rougher finish.
- Somehow with Richief's file in my downloads folder whenever I would select the round plant pot and place it somewhere, the selected pot colour was Richief's light terracotta instead of the default white one that came with Pets. Not that big of a deal, I know, but it always bothered me a bit.
So I thought I would upload my version in case anyone else had these issues as well. In case you already have Richief's version and want to replace it with mine just remove the file named "PlantFlowerPottedCircle.package" from your downloads folder.
- The worn frame part of the holy smoke stairs has already been found and done by devilsrope. I included the frame part in this recolour because otherwise the game would need to load the stair texture twice which doesn't make much sense since it's the exact same picture for both the frame and the glass part. Additionally, I made the metal part more matte so that the railing looks more like it does in Castaway Stories. So if you already have the frame recolour by devilsrope, remove the file named "cs_holysmoke.package" from your downloads folder.
- The 3 tile walls are not part of the build bundle (this is the most updated version I could find, it's by Richief and includes fixes by meetmetotheriver and shastakiss). They are almost the same as the Washroom "Grimy Grout", "Not-so-White", and "Time to Clean" Tile walls from University. The only difference is that the blue line is has lost its colour and looks more pinkish. I included a comparison so you can decide for yourself if you want these 3 walls as well.
CC/Mods used for screenshots:
- The collection of almost all the Castaway Stories conversions put together by meetme2theriver
- Recolourable Holy Smoke stairs by Numenor
- 3D Grass by Voeille
- Demolition set by guatla
- Cinder blocks by chimerical
- Buyable Aspiration Rewards by Sophie-David
- OMSPs by SilentLucidity
- Revisited OMSPs by SilentLucidity
- Object Rotators (TSR link) by AnoeskaB
- MixedUp's Screenshot Background and Skoogy's recolours both of which I found here
- Shiftable Everything by Lamare
- Turn On / Off All Lights by Mootilda
- Wall Top Texture Fix by LazyDuchess
- No Pause Frame by Nopke
Thanks to:
- All the creators mentioned above and everybody who did conversions from the Stories games
- shastakiss and 322cdb for the wonderful Stories to Sims 2 Conversion Database
- The creators of SimPE and CEP
- jfade for The Compressorizer
- Maxis and EA for the games in general and especially for the textures I used
Filename | Type | Size |
ALL.rar | rar | |
BG-StairsHolysmoke-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 57138 |
PETS-PlntRing-Corax-cs-blackred.package | package | 13386 |
PETS-PlntRing-Corax-cs-blackwhite.package | package | 14781 |
PETS-PlntRing-Corax-cs-terradark.package | package | 13907 |
PETS-PlntRing-Corax-cs-terralight.package | package | 11494 |
SSN-LampHula-Base-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 29560 |
SSN-LampHula-Shade-Corax-cs-wornGreen.package | package | 27206 |
SSN-LampHula-Shade-Corax-cs-wornRed.package | package | 26124 |
SSN-LampHula-Shade-Corax-cs-wornSand.package | package | 26110 |
SSN-LampHula-Shade-Corax-cs-wornYellow.package | package | 29863 |
Wall-Corax-cs-TileWhiteDingy1.package | package | 73139 |
Wall-Corax-cs-TileWhiteDingy2.package | package | 73566 |
Wall-Corax-cs-TileWhiteDingy3.package | package | 73540 |
BG-AspRewElixir-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 45427 |
BG-AspRewNoodlesoother-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 55974 |
BG-AspRewSimvac-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 207515 |
BG-AspRewThinkingCap-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 52476 |
BG-PlntFicus-Corax-cs-gold.package | package | 74847 |
BG-PlntFicus-Corax-cs-green.package | package | 75905 |
BG-PlntFicus-Corax-cs-mosaic.package | package | 76586 |
BG-PlntFigtree-Corax-cs.package | package | 43027 |
BG-PlntHosta-Corax-cs.package | package | 22541 |
Filename | Type | Size |
BG_Plants.rar | rar | |
BG-PlntFicus-Corax-cs-mosaic.package | package | 76586 |
BG-PlntFigtree-Corax-cs.package | package | 43027 |
BG-PlntHosta-Corax-cs.package | package | 22541 |
BG-PlntFicus-Corax-cs-gold.package | package | 74847 |
BG-PlntFicus-Corax-cs-green.package | package | 75905 |
Filename | Type | Size |
BG_Aspiration-Rewards.rar | rar | |
BG-AspRewNoodlesoother-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 55974 |
BG-AspRewSimvac-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 207515 |
BG-AspRewThinkingCap-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 52476 |
BG-AspRewElixir-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 45427 |
Filename | Type | Size |
BG_Stairs-HolySmoke.rar | rar | |
BG-StairsHolysmoke-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 57138 |
Filename | Type | Size |
BG_Wall-Tiles.rar | rar | |
Wall-Corax-cs-TileWhiteDingy2.package | package | 73566 |
Wall-Corax-cs-TileWhiteDingy3.package | package | 73540 |
Wall-Corax-cs-TileWhiteDingy1.package | package | 73139 |
Filename | Type | Size |
PETS_Plant_Ring-O-Posies.rar | rar | |
PETS-PlntRing-Corax-cs-blackwhite.package | package | 14781 |
PETS-PlntRing-Corax-cs-terradark.package | package | 13907 |
PETS-PlntRing-Corax-cs-terralight.package | package | 11494 |
PETS-PlntRing-Corax-cs-blackred.package | package | 13386 |
Filename | Type | Size |
SSN_Lamp-Hula.rar | rar | |
SSN-LampHula-Shade-Corax-cs-wornSand.package | package | 26110 |
SSN-LampHula-Shade-Corax-cs-wornYellow.package | package | 29863 |
SSN-LampHula-Base-Corax-cs-worn.package | package | 29560 |
SSN-LampHula-Shade-Corax-cs-wornGreen.package | package | 27206 |
SSN-LampHula-Shade-Corax-cs-wornRed.package | package | 26124 |
This custom content if it is not clothing, may require a seperate download to work properly. This is available at Colour Enable Package (CEP) by Numenor.
The following custom content is required for this download to function properly! Please make sure you download it before downloading the files!
- Recolourable Holy Smoke stairs by Numenor
Uploaded: 12th Nov 2022, 987.1 KB.
Uploaded: 12th Nov 2022, 266.5 KB.
Uploaded: 12th Nov 2022, 319.3 KB.
| REQUIRES recolourable version by Numenor
Uploaded: 12th Nov 2022, 47.1 KB.
Uploaded: 12th Nov 2022, 193.9 KB.
Uploaded: 12th Nov 2022, 45.1 KB.
Uploaded: 12th Nov 2022, 115.5 KB.
For a detailed look at individual files, see the Information tab. |
Install Instructions
1. Download: Click the download link to save the .rar or .zip file(s) to your computer.
2. Extract the zip, rar, or 7z file
3. Place in Downloads Folder: Cut and paste the .package file(s) into your Downloads folder:
- Origin (Ultimate Collection): Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims™ 2 Ultimate Collection\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows Vista/7/8/10: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Non-Origin, Windows XP: Documents and Settings\(Current User Account)\My Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads\
- Mac: Users\(Current User Account)\Documents\EA Games\The Sims 2\Downloads
- Mac x64:
/Library/Containers/com.aspyr.sims2.appstore/Data/Library/Application Support/Aspyr/The Sims 2/Downloads
Need more information?
- For a full, complete guide to downloading complete with pictures and more information, see: Game Help: Downloading for Fracking Idiots.
- Custom content not showing up in the game? See: Game Help: Getting Custom Content to Show Up.
- If you don't have a Downloads folder, just make one. See instructions at: Game Help: No Downloads Folder.
Meshes needed
This download requires one or more meshes to work properly. Please check the Description tab for information about the meshes needed, then download them below:MTS cannot guarantee any off-site links will be available |
*Recolourable* Holy Smoke modular stairs by Numenor |
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Packs Needed
Base Game | |
![]() | Sims 2 |
Expansion Pack | |
![]() | Pets |
![]() | Seasons |