by makaylalee1 17th Jun 2009 at 12:31am
This is a huge, and I mean HUGE, mediterranean/modern home. more...
30 37.7k 54
by makaylalee1 14th Jun 2009 at 7:36am
I wanted to try and traditional house (with a modern spin, of course), in black and white, and this is more...
28 35.6k 47
by makaylalee1 10th Jun 2009 at 3:59pm
This is exactly what the title implies. A white mountain of a house! more...
32 67.4k 52
by makaylalee1 7th Jun 2009 at 7:35pm
Have you ever come home from your grueling desk job just to realize that you miss the calm grayness and... more...
11 68.9k 47
by makaylalee1 4th Dec 2006 at 6:14am
Here is another stone house, I seem to just like the way they look. more...
+3 packs
Open for Business
by makaylalee1 30th Nov 2006 at 5:18am
My First upload. :) I've worked for a while on this house, and think it turned out pretty well. more...
+2 packs