The Sim Bouncer - a trampoline for fun and body skill
by NixNivis 21st Apr 2013 at 3:08pm
An animated one-tile trampoline where your Sims will have fun and build body skill at the same time! more...
127 144.4k 507
Baby's First Command: An Animated Starship Mobile
by NixNivis 11th Aug 2011 at 11:08pm
An animated starship mobile for your Starfleet brat nurseries. more...
31 47.5k 91
*UPDATED* Live Long and Prosper: A Vulcan meditation lamp, as seen on "Star Trek"
by NixNivis 20th May 2010 at 8:05pm
A Vulcan meditation lamp, as seen on "Star Trek" more...
21 33.5k 43
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- ...recolour my meshes and include them with your recolours
- ...include my Bodyshop items with your Sims and my objects with your lots
- ...modify and/or use parts of my Bodyshop meshes
- ...clone my objects
- ...convert my items for The Sims 3
- ...use my custom content in screen shots, stories, movies, etc.; credit is always appreciated, but by no means required.

- ...claim my work as your own
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- ...convert my items for The Sims 4
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