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Carousel horse continuous wallpaper
by plicka 21st May 2007 at 8:44am
Something a little different to my usual uploads, i never really make wallpapers so this is special! more...
7 23.1k 7
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*****My Policy*****
Please no more requests! I haven't even made a mesh in over a year, i'm not sure i could even do it these days, i'm more of a downloader of other peoples better work now!!
LATEST EDIT- feel free to upload my meshes with your recolours, credit is nice though!
EDIT- If you find that i've deleted a hairmesh in a fit of stupidity that you've made recolours of feel free to include my mesh (with credit) with your work, i'm really really sorry to those that have had meshes unavailable when they've wanted them, my depression gets the better of me sometimes.
I love when people recolour/retexture my meshes because i'm not so great at that part, put them where ever you want online as long as it isn't a pay site and as long as i get a mention (exchange site is fine, just let people know where to get the mesh),
Please don't alter my meshes.
If you DO recolour or retexture and upload feel free to let me know, i LOVE to download other peoples work over my own!
If there are any questions just IM me, i don't bite, though i don't always answer ALL of my messages sorry!
LATEST EDIT- feel free to upload my meshes with your recolours, credit is nice though!
EDIT- If you find that i've deleted a hairmesh in a fit of stupidity that you've made recolours of feel free to include my mesh (with credit) with your work, i'm really really sorry to those that have had meshes unavailable when they've wanted them, my depression gets the better of me sometimes.
I love when people recolour/retexture my meshes because i'm not so great at that part, put them where ever you want online as long as it isn't a pay site and as long as i get a mention (exchange site is fine, just let people know where to get the mesh),
Please don't alter my meshes.
If you DO recolour or retexture and upload feel free to let me know, i LOVE to download other peoples work over my own!
If there are any questions just IM me, i don't bite, though i don't always answer ALL of my messages sorry!