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Chapter 4: A traitor’s desire and the sorrow of a father
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The sound of the sea calmed the nerves of Gerlat, his mind of worry still settled upon his wife and the rest of their family for she was likely never to return. The taxes where high as lord Claudius had a flare for both blood and elegant clothes.

He blinked in surprise as he seared he heard a faint voice call out his name. Shaking his head and he whispered to himself “by Amisius, my nerves make me lose some of my sanity.”

As the sea hit the shore he heard the voice again calling his name again in a slight whisper “Gerlat, Gerlat, Gerlat!” for a moment he sat still as a rock. But when he heard it again he jumped back from the water and screamed “what is this! Is this the demons of the sea or the priests of the silver stars trying to lure me to my demise” Gerlat stood and continued to watch the sea.

The waves spoke to him again growing louder as they lapped against the sandy shore but it still had it’s whisper that made him wish to hear what it had to say. “you speak of demons and priests neither am I but know I mean no harm at all Gerlat” in reaction to this Gerlat frowned “then what do you want? For it is not everyday that the sea speaks to those that work upon her.”

A short laugh came from sea “you speak truth in your words Gerlat but I am hear to bring you a warning. Your wife ... He flame for desire and power has consumed her completely with this she now has a new master thus she is coming for the rest of you.”

Gerlat’s face became inscribed with rage as he yelled at the sea “what do you mean?! I know that she would never ...” he fell silent as he realised that who ever was talking to him may have a point about Malodora for he remembered how glad she was that she had been chosen by the king as she wanted power. He wondered why she was coming after him as he could not clearly why she would do this to him.

When the sea spoke to him again his rage turned into fear as each word passed “Gerlat, your wife's heart is twisted but she is cunning in her twistedness, hiding her true nature from you. Now she is under the power of the king, he has sent her to capture your two daughters as he believes that carry something special in there blood” Gerlat took a few steps back wards. His eyes were filled with worry as he started to form a plan in his head to save himself and his daughters.

Before he left, he asked the sea “how do you know all of this? And what are you?”

Gerlat saw the face of a man with long locks of flowing white hair in the sea, what scared him most that was all he saw of this creature. It laughed slightly to see the fear on his face “would you really like to see me in my entirety, I think not. How I know all this well all I will say only this. My powers do not control the visions and dreams that plague me if they did then I would be much happier. Farewell Gerlat, we shall not meet again.”

The face vanished into the waves as the only sound that was heard was the hurried breathing of Gerlat as he ran back to his house his plan, in action.

No heat lingered inside as if the evil of his wife, Gerlat though was burning with heat as his worry caused his heart to race. He entered the room of Ignatia to see that she sat on her bed her eyes open and filled with wonder as she was not sure why her father was there.

She quietly asked him “father? What are you doing here? Do not speak loudly as Kalian has finally fallen into slumber” Gerlat nodded. Ignatia tended to look after her little sister when her mother was around as her father was either fishing and hunting.

Gerlat took a beep breath before telling her in a voice of forced calmness “Ignatia, my dear I need you to listen to me. Your mother, has left us well who we know her to be is gone as the king has taken her close to him. I need you to come with me as we need to leave before your mother comes or any worse henchmen of king come for us.”

Ignatia sat motionless up her bed and stared at him with confusion before asking “father, I do not understand. Why would mother do this to me?” Gerlat sighed for he knew that she would not believe that he had been told by some sort of ethereal being.

Knowing that it was most unlike him to do this he commanded his daughter “shut up, girl! Now listen to me you go outside and hide until I come for you” Ignatia jumped of the bed and ran past him out of the room, to follow the orders of her father.

He almost ran into his room to see that Kalian lay fast asleep in her crib. Gerlat laughed quietly as he said “even in times of turmoil, you sleep well” Kalian opened her eyes and awoke from her sleep, Gerlat managed to pick up and held her against his chest.

Kalian did not make a sound as he held her, he wondered if she could read his mind for he willed her to be silent.

Gerlat rushed outside with Kalian's clothes into a pocket of his robes. He heard something slowly slink through the trees but he could not see who it was or what it was. Gerlat had found his daughter who had been hiding behind a tree until he came for her. She looked afraid by the noises of the forest at night. Gerlat still holding Kalian whispered to her calmly, “do not be afraid my dear, I will not let any one harm. Come we have not got much time” with that he started to run leading her deep into the forest. It was not advised to travel through the forest at night as local bandits and werewolves lurked around these parts, preying on any the catch at night.

As they left, unseen by them Malodora crept towards the house. She had seen them leave but she knew if she followed them she would be discovered. Deciding that she would wait for them to return whispering “I hope this pleases my master for I shall live forever in the shadow of the night. Patience is needed as they will return” she silently walked into her home to lie in wait for them.

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