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Chapter 22: The cursed quest
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Three days had pasted over the realm of Elevnia since the ball. Under the command of Lucia, he had searched for Kalian after his own search boar him no sign of either her lover Morzan. How dare Morzan would return to his kingdom after what he had done to his people and to his family. Though his anger had gone he had not found anything but to only lose Ignatia to, he had planned if there was any trouble with Fallean to ransom her. Naruon sighed, feeling soar all over his body, he had not slept in days neither had he stopped being on horse back along with 50 of his men searching. Trying to contact Laraniel to aid him in his search had proven pointless, the only good to have come from it was time with his brother.

He had told him of what he known of his affection to Ignatia and that he was to be considered to be a traitor for his actions. After Rilien asked him if a traitor he was and knowing that banishment from the kingdom was not possible, would he be the one convict him of treason and believer the only punishment that the elves could now use which was to kill the traitor and it was normally either the king or person they wished most to kill them. He had not been able to answer his brother for he knew that until he and Lucia had an heir he was next inline to the throne. A sigh escaped Naruon before he noticed a piece of parchment with it addressed to him, he read the words over the parchment with his emotions rising with each word. It read: brother, I know that you hate me for my feelings towards Ignatia. You have no idea what that human has done for me after years of pain, being on the bring of death each and everyday until I was given my freedom by her. If you wish to stop me then you should hurry for now I am a ship bound to the human kingdoms. I suspect I shall never return. I wish you and Lucia all the happiness in my soul, farewell Rilien.

Naruon yelled in anger “Rilien!! You fool! Going to the humans has sealed your fate” he thought fast for Rilien had no idea where his lady lover had gone. Even if he does not get killed by the humans on sight he would not be able to survive for long with no gold or little weaponry on his person. Though he may not approve of what he had done he was still his only brother, with his mind made up he called “Tariel.”

After a brief moment of silence, Tariel appeared. Under the command of Naruon she had aided him if he summoned the rest of the time to protect either Lucia or Rilien when he was on his search for them both. Standing slowly she bowed as did so “yes my king, what do you want?” now standing with her eyes trying to read what he may say to her.

With a slight gesture of his head towards the parchment which with some haste she moved to read. After reading the words on it she blinked in surprise for she had thought that Rilien would never return to the realms of the humans since his torture that humans bestowed upon him.

Fixing her full attention on her king, “what do you wish to be done my king?” Naruon thought for a moment before saying sadly “I do not know but may ask how is my wife to be?” Lucia thought for a moment for she could see that her king’s mind was working fast to think of the correct action he should do. Deciding to answer him in the best words she can and to tell him the truth “she is well though sadness in her heart for the fact she believes that she will never see her Kalian again and she has not changed her mind, she will not marry you until you find kalian one way or the other.”

Naruon sighed, he could not leave the kingdom to go out looking for her. Morzan could have killed her or taken her to his realm but either way he may not follow. A thought crossed him of those who would follow her and find Kalian. When he spoke his voice was cold “send word to the tower of the eclipse and tell that living corpse, Malacus that I require his presence” Tariel was silent.

After a moment Tariel spoke with a hint of fear in her voice. Naruon was one of the few who knew that some people stilled lived in the tower of eclipse and those who did where those where of the darkest minds or cursed by the gods during the war. At this moment there was no one imprisoned there though few had ventured there. “my king, why must you send me to that accursed place? You know that” Naruon waved a hand to silence her “I told that if I was to see them outside there tower or any reports of them I would slay them all for the crimes of their master. I would not ask of this if it was not dire since I do not want to lose my brother again” Tariel bowed to him and vanished to follow his orders though she may not like who she would speak to.

Soon after Tariel returned and they had both went down to await the arrival of Malacus. The doors closed as a group of three men walked towards Naruon. Each one of them wore either red coloured robes or armour.

Standing before the throne, they bowed to Naruon. He did not say nothing to them for he did not see these henchmen’s master though it had been many year since he had seen Malacus. Finding the words to ask them “where is your master?” standing straight, a smile was on the lips of there apparent commander.

A cold voice came from his lips but under lining was a his “when it comes to magic you have little understanding of the complexity of the dark arts which flow like blood along my veins. I had hoped your brother would take the throne of this realm, he had power over death himself though he would never admit it” he looked straight into the eyes of both Tariel and that of the king. His short blown was caught short by his sudden realisation that he had no idea of what Naruon wanted “tell me this, what have you called me here?”

Naruon briefly looked at his body guard, he realised that she had not told him of what he wanted. Taking a breath before saying “to whom ever you are I will give what I wish of your order if the cursed brotherhood still serve me.”

The cursed brotherhood was once the order of the golden blades were sworn to the service of the gods and who or whoever ruled Elevnia. There order had done this for ages until the war, upon the eve of the gods deciding to join the war on the side of there enemy. Many a night they laboured in debate for there leader Malacus or as he was once more commonly at the time known as golden haired Malacus being that he once had long flowing golden hair which he was very proud of. Malacus had managed until that point to keep his order out of combat though he, himself commandeered others outside his order, for the realm.

Never the less he got his order involved after the mad king murdered his wife and after her death he found a sleeping Malacus, dragging him out of his slumber to watch a ritual to please the god Anaxis by consuming the flesh of his dead wife’s heart before burning her body. When the sun rose, he returned to the tower his body battered and his will in tatters. That day was bloody day when the full might of the gods and his order raged war.

There leader gave him a smile filled wickedness “ we still serve you but you banished us to our tower and we are not as strong due to the fact we have just enough food to live but none of the potion ingredients.” Naruon knew that Malacus had never forgiven him for that and the fact that he had remembered in a session of rage after his order not being able to stop half the population from becoming dark elves and the fact he could not save them from the wrath of the humans after there enemies. Naruon used his bagger and tried to kill Malacus but only succeeded in mortally wounding him and watched leap through a window on the second floor which he used to escape him.

He meet the mans eyes “I may not understand your powers but I know that your physical form is not this though your soul is in that body of your henchmen. I command you Malacus to find my brother, Rilien. Use your powers and search all the realms, bring him to me. In return I will grant you the powers back to you and set your order free from your banishment.”

A flash of pale light filled the room as the voice of Malacus spoke “we will shall to do it but keep your promise to me I will make you suffer” his voice grow fainter as his henchmen vanished from the palace of Naruon to there tower. Tariel looked fearful as she sought her gaze on Naruon. Even if they found Rilien wither or not they will keep him alive to bring him back for they still well not trust Naruon. Seeing the look of worry on Naruon's face “if the rumours of Malacus’s true powers have any truth then” Naruon nodded “then if he comes without him, I will consult Laraniel to see if there is away to kill the once golden haired Malacus but now known as Malacus the accursed.”

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