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Chapter 18: Death’s awakening
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Tariel knelt on the ground from her teleporting her for it seemed to be the place that Kalian seemed to be the last time she was sent to find her. Also she had just seen Kalian enter cave that in daylight her sight had not noticed but she could see it now, plainly. Slowly she walked as silently as a cat towards to entrance of the cave to see what Kalian was hiding inside there that she had check on.

She had wondered if at long last that Kalian had boyfriend. Many times through her childhood she had spent more time with her and Lucia as many of elven children had teased and tormented Kalian. Not many of the boys her age had any interest in her for human blood and old hatred between humans, dark elves and wood elves from the destruction of the black temple and the war.

Tears came from kalian, though she had no skill in healing magic and to as far as she knew had no magic in her at all. Herds and poultices that she had been able craft had managed, a skill learnt from Bellethiel had not made him stir from his slumber. Kalian feared that he may never wake not noticing that Tariel had sneaked into the cave to stand looking at them both.

Kalian whispered to himself “what power holds him in such state that not even healing medicines can break their hold over him?” Tariel's voice was calm and soft as she said to her “he sleeps as the bead do Kalian.”

Kalian turned to look upon Tariel who stood now beside a dagger in her hand “what are you doing here”? Asked Kalian her vice shook with fear and worry. Tariel took a step toward him to stand over him “what are you doing?!” Kalian cried placing her hands over her mouth shield a scream that was to come.

Tariel looked at her slowly kneeling down beside him “he sleeps like dead Kalian, he will die a slow and painful demise from this state. Apart from the strongest magic cannot awaken him so I will put him out of his pain” Kalian lunged down at her trying to pull her away before she slit his throat. Angered by Kalian’s defiance for the last time she swung her arm back to hit squarely hit in stomach knocking her back “by the gods, Kalian!! If not for my friendship with you I would slay for defying me now let me send this man into the arms of death.”

She checked the sharpness of the daggers blade against her finger. Tariel though angry with Kalian for being defiant but it reminded of her how she was when she and Naruon where that age. She took no pleasure in killing but seeing this slow death on her mother made her believe that it was worth killing him quickly so that his pain was ended. As she was about to place the daggers edge on his neck whispering to him “forgive me for this, may Morzan take mercy on your soul” suddenly his eyes opened.

He rose from the ground to stand before, suddenly she was lifted into the air. Powerless to move she looked down upon him seeing his body shake from either nerves or pain “dare you speak to me mortal, for I...” he almost collapsed but she saw blood started to drip from his robes. He continued “if not from my weakness at the present...I...would...claim your soul for your own. But now for be gone!!”

Tariel suddenly found herself lying outside the cave, raising herself to a sitting position. She shook her head slightly for what he had said especially when he said the word mortal as if he was not one and she felt fear in her from his voice.

With Tariel gone, he turned to see the frightened form of Kalian who now had his undivided attention. When she spoke to her voice was mixture between a speech and a scream “who, what...are you? Get away from me!!” she tried run but he grabbed hold of her wrist.

He spun around her to face him, now kalian could see finally his face. His eyes where blood red and he looked upon her face “I mean you no harm for you have aided me without any knowledge of who and what I...am” he placed a hand on his robes. He examined the blood on it, he knew the spell that had held him was broken but it meant that injuries that had been on him when he was captured would start to appear on his body.

Knowing that the information would not harm her he told her “my name is...Morzan, you know what I am now by that...arh” he winced in pain but he saw that kalian was not as afraid of him though knowing that he was god. Kalian spoke to him “Morzan...what happened to you? Despite my fear of you...I will still aid for you seem to be in need of it.”

Tariel reappeared inside the cave. She had used a spell that for a temporary made her invisible and she had been listening to the conversation that Kalian and Morzan had shared between each other. Before Tariel spoke, Morzan winced again as a scream echoed through the cave’s interior, it was filled with rage. With a look of confusion on her face “I under estimated you, Morzan do not expect me to do that again. I would have taken you before my king, Naruon but” Morzan glared at her angrily watching. Wondering if his powers were strong enough yet to kill for he did not expect that Naruon would spare him from death or at least try and kill him.

She continued “but I will not for I fear what you are capable of when the lost time you were on these shores. I sense that you are in hiding from someone or something hence why you have been in this cave with Kalian looking after you. You cannot stay here for much longer for soon, Morzan you will be discovered. I have somewhere were you can hide as long as you do not care of were you live” she started to walk out of the cave. After a moment of hesitation Morzan and Kalian followed her out of the cave.

Upon leaving the cave Morzan smiled. He had not felt the wind on his face for many years and it pleased him, saying to Kalian “it is good that I can feel the elements upon me again. You will never understand how much you would miss something when it’s gone” Kalian blinked “what happened to you to come to this land unconscious and as a cold as the dead?” he did not answer her instead he continued walking to where Tariel was leading them. The night was thick around them as they ventured deeper into the land of the elves.

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